课堂八分钟小测(八上UNIT 5)


人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5测试卷(含听力及答案解析)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5测试卷(含听力及答案解析)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5测试卷(含听力及答案解析)Unit 5听力限时: 20分钟满分: 20分一、听句子, 选出正确的答语, 每个句子读一遍(每小题1分, 共5分)1. A. She is English. B. She is 28.C. She is easygoing.2. A. Don't say so. B. But I like them very much.C. Not at all.3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am.C. No, I like.4. A. No, I didn't. B. We had a discussion about TV shows.C. I liked cartoons.5. A. Because they're relaxing. B. I love them.C. They're boring.二、听短对话, 选择正确的答案, 每段对话读两遍(每小题1分, 共5分)6. What does Sarah expect to be?A. A TV reporter.B. A teacher.C. A policewoman.7. What is close to Danny's home?A. The clothes store.B. The zoo.C. The movie theater.8. What does the man think of Animal World?A. Boring.B. Interesting.C. Exciting.9. What does the character look like?A. She has long straight hair.B. She has short straight hair.C. She has long curly hair.10. What kind of movies does Tara like?A. Cartoons.B. Action movies.C. Comedies.三、听长对话, 选择正确的答案, 每段对话读两遍(每小题1分, 共5分)听第一段对话, 回答第11和12小题。

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 5 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 5 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版八年级上册Unit 5 随堂小测(802)1.G u ilin is a b e au tif u l c ity a n d it is f a mo u s its mo un ta in s a nd la k e s.()A.fo rB.ofC.asD.with2.—W h y d id n't yo u jo in th e s wimmin g c lub?—Th e o n ly wa s th a t my mo th e r d id n't w a n t me to jo in it.She wa n ted me to jo in the E ng lis h c lu b.()A.c h o ic eB.r ea s onC.wa yD.h o bb y3.M y b a g is o ld.Le t's g o to the s ho p a n e w o ne.()A.to bu yB.bu yC.bu yin gD.b o ug h t4.Wo u ld yo u min d me a c lea n to we l, p le a s e?()A.b r in gB.to b r ingC.br in g ingD.b r in g s5.I p la n th e n ea re s t mu s e u m with my c la s s ma te s n ex t we ek en d.()A.vis itB.vis ite dC.to vis itD.vis itin g6.—W ha t do yo u th ink o f th e s e mo vie s?—.Th e y a r e e xcitin g.()A.I lo ve th e mB.I c a n't s ta n d th e mC.S o un d s te r r ib leD.I d on't min d th e m7.—Do yo u th in k ou r b a s ke tb a ll tea m will win th e ma tc h?—Ye s,we ha ve b e tte r p la ye r s.So I th e m to win()A.h o peB.he lpC.ex pe c tD.ma k e8.M ike,ca n yo u g o a n d ho w ma n y f li g h ts the r e a r e f r o m o ur c ity to Lo n d o n e ve ryd a y()A.wo r k o u tB.loo k o u tC.g ive o u tD.f in d o u t9.Fr e d e r ic k e n te re d th e f in a l co mp e titio n la s t mo n th.H is h obb y h a s b r o ug h t h im.()A.su c ce s s f u l; s u cc e s sB.su c ce s s f u l; su c ce s s fu llyC.su c ce s s f u lly; s u c c e ssD.su c ce s s f u lly; s u c c es s f u l10.—C o u ld yo u p le as e te ll me mo o n ca ke s in C h in a, Li H u a?—D u r ing the M id-A u tu mn Fe s ti va l.()A.wh e n p eo p le a teB.whe n p eo p le e a tC.whe n d o p eo p le e a tD.wh e n d id p eo p le e a t11.T he TV s ta tio n is do in g a su r ve y(调查).T h e y wa n t to k n o w cle a r ly a b o u tth e ir11p ro g ra ms.A n d no w,I'm w r itin g an a r tic le(文章) o n d a ytime te le vis io n p r o g ra ms,a n d I'd lik e to 12 th e m wha t I th in k o f th e ir p r og r a ms.I 13the d a yti me p r o g r a ms ye s te r d a y.I th in k th e p ro g r a ms,lik e T h e J e re my Ky le S how a nd Th e J e r r y Sp r ing e r S how,a r e 14 f o r peo p le in e ve r y wa y.M a yb e if yo u wa tc h the m f o r a sh o r t time on c e a d a y,th e y ma y b e k ind o f15.B u t to wa tc h th o se th in gs e ve r y d a y mu s t b e s c a r y.I do n't th in k it is go o d to ta lk a b ou t to o ma n y 16th in g s in lif e.If yo u h a ve s o me th in g b ad in yo u r o wn17,yo u s ho u ld n o t ta lk mu c h a b ou t it to o th e r p e op le,b u t d ea l with(应对) it yo u r s e lf.No o n e like s to18b a d th ing s.Ba d th ings ma y ma k e th e m u nh app y 19 s tre s s ed out.T h e o the r p r o g ra ms,I th in k,a r e g r ea t—G oo d M o rn in g ,R e la x Wom e n . I th ink the ya r e ve r y u s e f u l an d imp o r ta n t to 20 .I e n jo y wa tc h ing th e m.(1)B.r ad ioC.mu s icD.p la y(2)A.h e lpB.te llC.ca llD.se e(3)A.lis ten e d toB.wa tc h edC.loo ke d a tD.k n e w(4)A.tir ingB.ea s yC.bo r ingD.b o r ed(5)A.su r p r is ingB.sa dC.s tr an geD.in te r e s ting(6)A.b a dB.go odC.fu n n yD.lu c k y(7)A.fa mil yB.wo rkC.lif eD.s tu d y(8)A.h e a rB.ma k eC.doD.sa y(9)A.b u tB.the nC.a lsoD.o r(10)A.s tu d en tsB.tea c he r sC.ch ild r enD.p e op le12.D o yo u h a ve to b e ve ry s ma r t to live a h a p p y lif e?T h e ch a r ac te r o f M cD u ll(麦兜) te lls yo u th a t th is is no t tr ue.H e is f a mo u s f o r h a vin g a b ir th ma r k on h is r ig h t e ye.H e is n o t ve r y c le ve r,b u t he ha s a h ea r t o f g o ld.H e is a ls o h a pp y,with lo ts o f d r e a ms.T he p ig le t wa n ts to vis it the Ma ld ive s(马尔代夫).B u t h is mo th e r do e s n't h a ve e no ug h mo n ey f o r a tr ip the r e.S o sh e lie s to h im a nd ta k e s h im to a p la c e ca lle d Ho n g Ko n g.Th e p lac e h a s a s ign tha t s a ys,“G o to th e M a ld ive s.” It ma k e s M cD u ll ve r y h a p p y.H e th ink s h e is re a lly e x c ite d in th e M a ld ive s!M cD u ll is ju s t a c o mmo n p ig.H e ha s ma n y d r e a ms,b u t the y n e ve r c o me tr u e.Th a t d o e sn't s to p h im tr yin g.M cDu ll live s h is lif e in a s imp le a nd h ap p y wa y.H is a ttitu de(态度)to wa r d s lif e is“Ne ve r g ive u p.”T h e c a r too n p ig ch a ra cte r wa s c re a ted in Ho ng Ko n g b y A lic e M a rk a n d B r ia n Ts e.McD u ll f ir s t s ho we d up a s a cha r a c te r in the M c Mu g co mic s.M cM ug is an oth e r c a r too n p ig.Bu t M cD u ll is mo r e p op u la r with a h ug e n u mb e r o f f an s e ve r ywh e r e!(1)M cDu ll is f a mo u s fo r.()A.h a vin g a b ir th ma r k o n h is le f t e yeB.ha vin g a b ir th ma r k o n h is r ig h t e yeC.h is won d e r fu l ch a r ac te rD.vis itin g th e M a ld ive s(2)M cDu ll is a ve r y p ig.()A.c le ve rB.r ichC.f r ien d ly a n d k in dz y(3)W he n M cDu ll c o mes to H on g Ko ng with h is mo m,he f e e ls.()A.sa dB.un ha p p yC.an g r yD.e x c ited(4)W he r e wa s McD u ll c r e a ted()A.In H on g Ko ng.B.In J ap a n.C.In A me r ic a.D.We d on't k n o w.(5)In th e wr ite r's o p inio n,wh a t k in d o f p er s o n will live a h ap p y lif e?()A.A p e r so n wh o h a s to b e ve r y c le ve r.B.A p e r s on wh o is s imp le with lo ts o f d r ea ms.C.A p e r s on wh o is e a sy to g ive u p.D.B o th A an d C.13.Wa lt D is ne y wa s b o r n in 1901. H e c r ea ted M ick e y M o u s e in 1927.It ma d e h im ve r yf a mo u s.H e d ied in 1966,b u t h is wo r k a n d h is d r ea ms d id n ot d ie.No w p e op le a ll o ve r th e wo r ld e n jo y h is M ick e y M o u s e a nd o th e r c a r to o n s.Wa lt D is ne y wa s a ma n who d id no t gi ve up e a s ily.O n e s u mme r,h e wa n te d a job in a po s t o ff ic e,bu t th ey to ld h im th a t he wa s to o yo u n g.He we n t ho me,d r e w so me lin es o n h is f a ce,a n d p u t o n h is f a the r's s u it an d h a t.T h en h e wen t ba c k to th e sa me o ff ic e a n d to ld th e m h e wa s 18. He go t the job f ina ll y.La te r in h is lif e,M r.D is ne y h a d a d r ea m.H e wan te d to bu ild a ne w k ind o f a mu s e me n t p a r k(游乐场).It wou ld be c le a n a nd be au tif u l.Th e c h ild re n co u ld p la y h a p p ily th e r e a n d th e ad u lts c ou ld live in n ic e ho te ls.It wo u ld b e fu n f o r p eo p le o f a ll a ge s.It wa s c a lle d D isn e yla n d.E ng in e e rs to ld h im it wa s a n imp o s s ib le d r ea m.H is f a mily a n df r ie n d s th ough t h e was ma d.B u t M r.D is n e y d id n o t g ive up his id e a.In1955,D is ne yla n d wa s op e n to th e p u b lic a nd be c ame th e mo s t s u c c e s sf ul a mu s e me n t p a r k in the U S.Wa lt D is ne y's d r e a m c a me tr u e.根据短文内容,回答问题。

Unit 5随堂小测人教版英语八年级上册

Unit 5随堂小测人教版英语八年级上册

人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 5 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。

(40分)1. /njuːz/2. /ˈsɪtkɒm/3. /maɪnd/4. /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/5. /ˈfʌni/6. /ˈsɪəriəs/7. /ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l/8. /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/二、翻译下列词组。

(10分)1. 游戏节目⁠2. 谈话节目⁠三、情景交际。

(50分)1. 你想知道朋友今晚打算看什么节目,可以这样问他:⁠⁠⁠?2. 你要告诉朋友今晚你想看一部情景喜剧,可以这样说:⁠⁠⁠.3. 你想知道朋友对才艺节目的看法,可以这样问他:⁠⁠⁠?4. 你想表达你无法忍受肥皂剧,因为它们很无聊,可以这样说:⁠⁠⁠.5. 你想告诉朋友你喜欢体育节目,因为它们令人感到兴奋,可以这样说:⁠⁠⁠.人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 5 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。

(25分)1. /ˈɑːnsə(r)/2. /ˈkwestʃən/3. /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/4. /dɪˈskʌʃn/5. /ˈfɒləʊ/二、翻译下列词组。

(35分)1. 想要做某事⁠2. 打算做某事⁠3. 希望做某事⁠⁠4. 期待做某事⁠5. 一些很棒的笑话⁠6. 跟随故事情节⁠7. 弄明白世界正在发生什么⁠⁠⁠三、看图写话。

(40分)1. why , like ⁠⁠⁠ 2. what , learn ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 3. way , relax⁠⁠⁠4. better ⁠ ⁠ ⁠5. hope , be⁠ ⁠⁠人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 5 Period 3一、 根据音标写出单词及中文意思。

(30分)1. /f ɪlm/2. /ˈkɒm ədi/3. /ˈmiːnɪŋləs/4. /ˈwʌnd ə(r )fl/5. /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/ 二、 翻译下列词组。

(20分) 1. 动作电影 ⁠ 2. 恐怖电影 ⁠ 3. 一些令人放松的东西 ⁠4. 了解不同的人对某个话题是如何看待的 三、看图写话。

八年级英语上册《Unit 5》单元测试卷和答案

八年级英语上册《Unit 5》单元测试卷和答案

人教新版八年级上册《Unit5Do you want to watch a game show》单元测试卷(1)一、听力部分(25分)A.听句子,选择最佳应答语.每个句子读两遍.(每小题1分,共5分)1.(1分)A.I don't like it.B.It's relaxing.C.It's Snow White.2.(1分)A.He watched it again.B.Because It's interesting.C.It was on yesterday.3.(1分)A.This morning.B.In the theater.C.It's for children.4.(1分)A.Me,too.B.Let her see them.C.My father.5.(1分)A.In the bookstore.B.With my sister.C.For a month.B.听对话,选择最佳答案.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分,共5分)6.(1分)How does Ted know the result of the volleyball game?A.From the Internet.B.From TV.C.From newspapers.7.(1分)How often does Alan go to the theater?A.Three times a week.B.Twice a week.C.Once a week.8.(1分)What did Sally watch yesterday evening?A.A comedy.B.A talent show.C.A sports show.9.(1分)What do Larry and Mary want to do together?A.To read a book.B.To watch a cartoon.C.To play computer games.10.(1分)What dies Danny like to watch?A.Soap OperasB.ComediesC.Action moviesC.听长对话,选择最佳答案.每段对话读两遍.(每小题2分,共5分)11.(2分)听第一段对话,回答以下小题.(1)What will Lisa and Tom watch?A.A game.B.A movie.C.A show.(2)When will they meet?A.At2:30.B.At2:45.C.At3:15.12.(3分)听第二段对话,回答以下小题.(1)Who did Sam go to the bookstore with?A.His sister.B.His brother.C.His mother.(2)How much did Sam pay for the book about Hua Mulan?A.Fourteen yuan.B.Fifteen yuan.C.Sixteen yuan.(3)Where are Sam and Grace going now?A.To the theater.B.To the zoo.C.To the library.D.听短文,选择最佳答案.短文读两遍.(每小题10分,共10分)13.(10分)(1)What TV shows does Kate like?A.Cartoons.B.Sitcoms.C.News.(2)Which cartoon does Tony like?A.Snow White.B.Kung Fu Panda.C.Mickey Mouse.(3)What kind of movies does Danny like?A.Scary movies.B.Action movies.C.Comedies.(4)What does Lisa want to be?A.A writer.B.A teacher.C.An actress.(5)Who does Billy want to show his comedies to?A.His parents.B.His friends.C.His teachers.笔试部分(95分)二、单项选择.(共10小题,计10分)14.(1分)﹣How is__film you saw last night?﹣You mean__one,Lost in Thailand(泰囧)?That's wonderful!A.a;the B.the;the C.the;\D.\;the15.(1分)We are watching a.The football players are running fast.()A.action movie B.sports showC.sitcom D.talk show16.(1分)Paul wants an actor because he likes acting.()A.to be B.be C.become D.becoming 17.(1分)﹣Are you sure you can do well in tomorrow's test?﹣I think so.I've got everything.()A.serious B.simple C.ready D.enjoyable 18.(1分)The story of Tom Sawyer______in Missouri,America,in the19th century.()A.had happened B.was happeningC.has happened D.happened19.(1分)﹣﹣﹣﹣What do you think of soap operas?﹣﹣﹣﹣_________.But my mother likes them.()A.I like them B.I enjoy themC.I can't stand them D.I don't agree20.(1分)Everyone have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.()A.should B.may C.has to D.need21.(1分)﹣﹣Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?﹣﹣Yes,I do.And I also know that some of them are scaring.()A.kinds of;kind of B.kinds of;kinds ofC.kind of;kinds of D.kind of;kind of22.(1分)Look!There is in today's newspaper.()A.something important B.important somethingC.anything important D.important anything23.(1分)﹣Why is Tom practicing playing basketball every day?﹣a famous basketball player.()A.Be B.Been C.To be D.To being三、完形填空(共1小题,计10分)24.(10分)Do you like going to the movies?Most of the(1)in high schools like movies very much.Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students(2)their favorite movies.(3)of their answers were really interesting.Here are their likes and (4):Jim,a(5)boy,likes watching thrillers(恐怖片)because they are scary(6)exciting.His classmate,Kate,can't stand documentaries(纪录片).She told me they were (7)parents.But she really likes comedies because they are funny.Jack is a big boy.He said he(8)mind documentaries.But he doesn't like comedies(9)they are boring!And the coolest movies are action movies.Everyone(10)them very much!(1)A.teachers B.students C.parents D.people(2)A.about B.of C.at D.from(3)A.Any B.Some C.Lot D.Much(4)A.dislike B.dislikes C.hobbies D.enjoyments(5)A.13﹣year﹣old B.13﹣years﹣old C.11year﹣old D.11﹣years﹣old (6)A.also B.too C.but D.and(7)A.for B.with C.to D.of(8)A.can't B.didn't C.doesn't D.couldn't(9)A.so B.why C.because D.before(10)A.enjoy B.enjoys C.watch D.watches四、阅读理解(每小题10分,满分30分)第一节,阅读文章,选择最佳选项.(共十五小题,计30分)25.(10分)Topic:Should kids join talent shows?Discussion:The talent shows shouldn't set a limit(设置限制)on the age.If the parents want their kids to take part in(参加)talent shows,they should say"Yes".﹣EllieTalent shows can help children become more confident(自信的).And no matter(无论)how young you are,you can have talents.﹣FaizaI think it's wrong for kids to take part in big talent shows.They have other things,like school,to worry about.And they will be sad if they can't win.﹣GabriellaThe judges(评判员)of the big talent shows are too strict.There should be Kids Have Got Talent.So they don't need to compete(竞争)with adults.﹣Jessica(1)Ellie thinks if want the kids to take part in talent shows,the talent shows should say"Yes".A.the kids'friendsB.the kids'teachersC.the kids'parentsD.the judges(2)Faiza thinks talent shows can help kids become.A.more confidentB.more outgoingC.more talentedD.more hard﹣working(3)Gabriella thinks kids should worry about.A.talent showsB.their studiesC.their familiesD.their friends(4)Jessica thinks.A.there should be talent shows for kids onlyB.kids mustn't join talent showsC.there should be some young judgesD.kids should not watch talent shows(5)What can we learn from the discussion?A.All kids should join talent shows.B.Kids always win in talent shows.C.Kids feel excited in talent shows.D.Faiza thinks kids can be talented,too.26.(10分)The Kennedy Elementary School band(乐队)is special.That's because Tony Boland,a member of it,is a79﹣year﹣old flute(长笛)player.His story tells us that you're never too old to toot the flute.After working at the school for more than ten years,Tony joined the fifth graders in the band.His grandchildren were at the school.He helps children with their reading.He started tooting the flute many years ago,when his wife tried to throw away(扔掉)their daughter's flute."You will play better if you play with others,"he told a reporter.Brian Enabnit thought Tony would make a difference to the band."He's great.He's helping the students around him,"Enabnit said.Tony practises with the students once a week and performs with them.They played at the Dubuque Community School District's Band Festival earlier this month.Fifth﹣grade student Courtney Less thought her older classmate was successful."He's an excellent player,"Courtney said."All of us are afraid when giving a performance,but he isn't."(1)Why is Kennedy Elementary School band special?A.Because there is only a boy in it.B.Because it has a member of79years old.C.Because its members are fifth graders.D.Because it gave a performance earlier this month.(2)The underlined word"toot"means"".A.haveB.makeC.playD.pay(3)How often does Tony practise with the students?A.Once a week.B.Once a day.C.Twice a week.D.Twice a day.(4)We can learn from the passage.A.there are five players in the bandB.Tony also helps the students to readC.Tony doesn't like playing with othersD.Courtney Less is Tony's grandchild(5)What's the best title for the passage?A.A Special SchoolB.How to Help OthersC.How to Be DifferentD.Never Too Old to Learn27.(10分)I'm Emily.Three years ago,I thought I didn't have enough time to do the housework,so I cancelled the cable(取消有线电视).But I still think it's fun to watch TV shows when I get the chance.My favorite show was The Life Laundry.It was so interesting.It came on Saturday mornings after Norm on This Old House and Rick Steve's Europe.It was like Clean Sweep.It chose some common people.In the show,people took everything in the house outside so they could see how many things they had.Then they would go through each thing and decide whether(是否)to keep or sell it.When people sold some things they would never use,a team(团队)would make the home more beautiful with a new coat of paint.At the end of the show,everyone was always happy to see their home cleaned up and look spacious.Antiques Roadshow came after The Life Laundry,which was confusing(令人困惑的)because The Life Laundry made you want to clean out your things,but it made you want to keep everything.(1)Emily stopped using the cable year(s)ago.A.fourB.threeC.twoD.one(2)When was The Life Laundry?A.On Saturday mornings.B.On Saturday afternoons.C.On Sunday mornings.D.On Sunday afternoons.(3)What does the underlined word"spacious"mean in Chinese?A.危险的B.宽敞的C.传统的D.明确的(4)What came after The Life Laundry?A.Norm on This Old House.B.Clean Sweep.C.Rick Steve's Europe.D.Antiques Roadshow.(5)What can we learn from the passage?A.Emily wasn't busy with the housework.B.Emily didn't mind The Life Laundry.C.People gave things to each other in The Life Laundry.D.Antiques Roadshow made people want to keep everything.B、任务型阅读.(每小题10分,共10分)28.(10分)Many students don't like joining school plays.Some think they are too shy on the stage (舞台).Some say they are too busy.Others think that is very boring.When I heard the English club would have an English play Snow White,I decided to join it.The main reason was that I really wanted to be on stage.There were many characters in the play.Of course,the girls wanted to play the Princess (公主).Li Fan played the King.Wang Ping and other six boys in the club played the seven dwarfs(矮人).I thought I might get the role of the Princess.But He Yan got it.Miss Wang asked me to act the role of the Queen.I wasn't very happy about this.But Miss Wang said,"The most important thing is the acting."From then on,I tried to act the Queen.It was difficult for me to do it because I had no experience(经验)in acting.After two months'hard practice,we were ready to perform on stage.It was very successful.People in the hall enjoyed it very much.(1)Why did the writer want to join the play?(2)Who acted the role of the Princess?(3)Did Miss Wang ask the writer to act the role of the Queen?(4)How long did they practice the play?(5)Where did they perform the play?五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词.29.(1分)Bob wasn't very happy because he l his job last week.30.(1分)Mr.White wanted to know the r why Jim was late for class again.31.(1分)When night comes,stars a.32.(1分)Mary is a c English name.There are four girls called Mary in our class.33.(1分)The old man is very funny.He likes telling j to make people laugh.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.34.(1分)He likes making friends with people from different(culture).35.(1分)Which question is(simple),the first one or the second one?36.(1分)My uncle(become)a dentist five years ago.37.(1分)Linda is ready to(try)her best to help her classmates.38.(1分)Is Li Jiacheng the(rich)in Hong Kong?六、语法填空(每小题10分,共10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺.39.(10分)competition,successful,happen,usually,win,from,appear,however,fourth,famous The reality show(真人秀)is a kind of television program.(1),a reality show has many series(系列节目).And it can be shown on TV for many years.The reality show is quite different(2)other kinds of TV shows.Because it shows the life of common people,and there are no actors or actresses play in it.It often shows true stories that(3)in people's daily(日常的)life.So many people enjoy watching reality shows.The first reality show(4)in the1990s in America.At that time,the most(5)and popular reality show was Survivor.It was popular around the world.Reality shows also show different kinds of(6).For example,there is a Chinese reality show called The Voice of China.In this show,there are(7)Chinese singers.Their job is to find their favorite students and help them be the(8).The show is very(9).Lots of people like to watch it.(10),some people don't like to watch reality shows.They think the stories in the shows are made up.七、书面表达(满分15分)40.(15分)假如你是学校英文周刊的特约小记者,刚刚采访了丹尼(Danny)一家对电视节目的喜好.请你根据下面的提示,写一篇调查报告.提示:1.What programs does your father love?2.What programs can't your mother stand?3.What programs don't you mind?…要求:1.语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2.70词左右.开头已给出,不计入总词数.What do Danny's family think of different TV shows?Let's have a look..人教新版八年级上册《Unit5Do you want to watch a game show》单元测试卷(1)参考答案与试题解析一、听力部分(25分)A.听句子,选择最佳应答语.每个句子读两遍.(每小题1分,共5分)1.(1分)A.I don't like it.B.It's relaxing.C.It's Snow White.【考点】情景反应.【分析】略【解答】C2.(1分)A.He watched it again.B.Because It's interesting.C.It was on yesterday.【考点】情景反应.【分析】略【解答】B3.(1分)A.This morning.B.In the theater.C.It's for children.【考点】情景反应.【分析】略【解答】A4.(1分)A.Me,too.B.Let her see them.C.My father.【考点】情景反应.【分析】略【解答】C5.(1分)A.In the bookstore.B.With my sister.C.For a month.【考点】情景反应.【分析】略【解答】AB.听对话,选择最佳答案.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分,共5分)6.(1分)How does Ted know the result of the volleyball game?A.From the Internet.B.From TV.C.From newspapers.【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】B7.(1分)How often does Alan go to the theater?A.Three times a week.B.Twice a week.C.Once a week.【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】B8.(1分)What did Sally watch yesterday evening?A.A comedy.B.A talent show.C.A sports show.【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】A9.(1分)What do Larry and Mary want to do together?A.To read a book.B.To watch a cartoon.C.To play computer games.【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】B10.(1分)What dies Danny like to watch?A.Soap OperasB.ComediesC.Action movies【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】略C.听长对话,选择最佳答案.每段对话读两遍.(每小题2分,共5分)11.(2分)听第一段对话,回答以下小题.(1)What will Lisa and Tom watch?A.A game.B.A movie.C.A show.(2)When will they meet?A.At2:30.B.At2:45.C.At3:15.【考点】长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】CA12.(3分)听第二段对话,回答以下小题.(1)Who did Sam go to the bookstore with?A.His sister.B.His brother.C.His mother.(2)How much did Sam pay for the book about Hua Mulan?A.Fourteen yuan.B.Fifteen yuan.C.Sixteen yuan.(3)Where are Sam and Grace going now?A.To the theater.B.To the zoo.C.To the library.【考点】长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】ABCD.听短文,选择最佳答案.短文读两遍.(每小题10分,共10分)13.(10分)(1)What TV shows does Kate like?A.Cartoons.B.Sitcoms.C.News.(2)Which cartoon does Tony like?A.Snow White.B.Kung Fu Panda.C.Mickey Mouse.(3)What kind of movies does Danny like?A.Scary movies.B.Action movies.C.Comedies.(4)What does Lisa want to be?A.A writer.B.A teacher.C.An actress.(5)Who does Billy want to show his comedies to?A.His parents.B.His friends.C.His teachers.【考点】长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】ACBCB笔试部分(95分)二、单项选择.(共10小题,计10分)14.(1分)﹣How is__film you saw last night?﹣You mean__one,Lost in Thailand(泰囧)?That's wonderful!A.a;the B.the;the C.the;\D.\;the【考点】定冠词(the).【分析】﹣﹣昨晚你看的那部电影怎么样?﹣﹣你是指的这一部,《泰囧》?太好了!【解答】答案:B不定冠词a,an表示泛指;定冠词the表示特指或者再次提到;根据How is__film you saw last night?可知是指昨晚你看的那部,为特指.所以第一空应该用the;根据You mean__one,Lost in Thailand(泰囧)?可知这部影片是指《泰囧》,是特指,所以第二空应该用the;故选:B.15.(1分)We are watching a.The football players are running fast.()A.action movie B.sports showC.sitcom D.talk show【考点】名词短语.【分析】我们正在看一个体育节目.那些足球运动员跑得很快.【解答】action movie动作片,sports show体育节目,sitcom情景喜剧,talk show脱口秀,根据句意"我们正在看一个体育节目.那些足球运动员跑得很快"可知使用sports show.故选:B.16.(1分)Paul wants an actor because he likes acting.()A.to be B.be C.become D.becoming【考点】不定式.【分析】因为他喜欢表演,保罗想成为一名演员.【解答】根据题干可知因为他喜欢表演,保罗想成为一名演员,其中want to do sth.表示想要做某事.故选:A.17.(1分)﹣Are you sure you can do well in tomorrow's test?﹣I think so.I've got everything.()A.serious B.simple C.ready D.enjoyable【考点】形容词词义辨析.【分析】﹣你确信你能在明天的考试中取得好成绩吗?﹣我想是的.我都准备好了.【解答】serious严肃的;simple简单的;ready准备好的;enjoyable快乐的;有乐趣的.问句询问"你确信你能在明天的考试中取得好成绩吗?"根据答语中的"我想是的"可知"我都准备好了".故选:C.18.(1分)The story of Tom Sawyer______in Missouri,America,in the19th century.()A.had happened B.was happeningC.has happened D.happened【考点】一般过去时.【分析】句意:水手汤姆的故事发生在十九世纪,美国的密苏里州.【解答】答案:D根据时间状语in the19th century.可知19世纪是一个已经过去的时间,所以这里用一般过去时态.一般过去时态的构成:主语+谓语动词的过去式.所以答案是:happened,故选:D.19.(1分)﹣﹣﹣﹣What do you think of soap operas?﹣﹣﹣﹣_________.But my mother likes them.()A.I like them B.I enjoy themC.I can't stand them D.I don't agree【考点】常用日常交际用语.【分析】﹣你如何看待肥皂剧的?﹣我受不了它们,但是我的母亲喜欢它们.【解答】答案:C;I like them我喜欢它们;I enjoy them我喜欢它们;I can't stand them 我受不了它们;I don't agree我不同意;根据答语But my mother likes them可知语意发生了转折,推测:我不喜欢(我受不了)它们;故选C.20.(1分)Everyone have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.()A.should B.may C.has to D.need【考点】情态动词.【分析】如果他尽自己最大的努力,每个人都可能有机会成功.【解答】A表示应该,B表示可能,C表示必须、不得不,D表示需要,作情态动词常用于否定句和疑问句中,也可用作实义动词.根据题干可知如果他尽自己最大的努力,那么每个人都可能有机会成功,表示一种可能性,则应用may.故选:B.21.(1分)﹣﹣Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?﹣﹣Yes,I do.And I also know that some of them are scaring.()A.kinds of;kind of B.kinds of;kinds ofC.kind of;kinds of D.kind of;kind of【考点】形容词短语.【分析】﹣你知道动物园里有很多不同种类的动物吗?﹣是的,我知道。



初中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji人教新版八年级上册英语Unit 5测试题(附答案)I、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

(10分)1.I can’t s the music. Please turn off the player.2.Did you hear the n —three boys died in a river this summer?3.Jenny is very funny. He often tells j .4.Chen Jingrun is very f scientist on China.5.He often d up like a girl.6.He is very r but his brother is very poor.7.Shaolin Temple(少林寺) is an a movie.8.We had a d about TV show in class meeting today.9.I never go to watch the game show because it is m .10.The actor did a good j in the movie.II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

(10分)1.I can’t stand (listen) to the noisy music.2.There (be) some exciting news in today’s newspaper.3.Would you mind (open) the window?4.Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday?5.Where do you plan (go) this Sunday?6.Do you want (watch) the news?7.Sally thinks soap operas are (educational) than sitcoms.8.I hope (watch) the action movie one day.9.Yao Ming is a (success) player in NBA.10.I think Xi Yangyang is as (famous) as Mikey Mouse.III.根据汉语,完成英语句子。

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平检测卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平检测卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平检测卷第一部分选择题(共50分)一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

ARed TheaterRed Theater is a good place to watch some old but wonderful movies at a very good price.Weekly Movie Schedule(时间表)October 16, 2023—October 22, 20231. How long is Ice Age?A. 81 mins.B. 103 mins.C. 118 mins.D. 126 mins.2. What kind of movie is The King's Speech?A. Action.B. History.C. Comedy.D. Adventure.3. What do we know about the four movies from the material(材料)?A. They are all in November.B. They are all the newest movies.C. People need to pay a lot to watch them.D. People can watch them every day for a week.4. If Tom wants to watch a movie with his friends in the evening on Tuesday, which ofthe movies can he watch?A. The Karate Kid.B. Ice Age.C. Mary and the Witch's Flower.D. The King's Speech.BIf you can talk with a historical character, who would you like to choose? What would you like to know about the past? And what would you like to share from today?A cultural TV show, China in the Classics, tries to find the answers to these questions. It has 11 episodes (集).It showed Chinese classics in an interesting way. In the show, high technology (科技) was used to make a historical space and a real space. In the historical space, some famous actors would act out historical stories. In the real space, the host Sa Beining could travel through time and space, and talk to the characters of these historical stories. Those creative ways in the show made Chinese classics come to people's lives, and better showed Chinese history and culture.Such a TV show about Chinese classics becomes popular among young people, because they think the TV show is just like a bridge. It can help them get a better understanding about Chinese history and culture. As the art director (导演) of the show, Tian Qinxin said, “The cultural show tells us not to forget our history. And it helps us to know where our cultural confidence (自信) comes from. ”5. In Paragraph 1, the writer uses some ____ to lead into the topic(导入话题).A. numbersB. storiesC. examplesD. questions6. What makes the show so interesting?A. The host.B. High technology.C. Famous actors.D. The historical stories.7. From Paragraph 3, we can know that Tian Qinxin thinks the show is ____.A. educationalB. seriousC. meaninglessD. simple8. In which part of a magazine is the text probably from?A. Travel.B. Sports.C. Culture.D. Science.CClassic (经典的)Chinese cartoons bring joy to most of us. Let's see how old artists put Chinese culture and art into the cartoons to make them classic.The Legend of Sealed Book tells the story of the boyDansheng. He practices great tricks(魔法)from the book tohelp people. The film uses face painting from Peking Opera. Ithelps to show the characters' personalities(人物特征). LovelyDansheng looks like wawasheng, roles for kids in Peking Opera.A bad person in the story looks like a fool, with a large white part in the center of his face.Little Tadpoles Looking for Mummy is China's first ink(墨水)wash cartoon. Artists drew all the animals, plants and rockswith ink and brushes. They learned from the great artist QiBaishi. Though it's only about 15 minutes long, it took lots ofwork. Artists drew everything by hand. One second of thecartoon needed 24 pictures! Fifty-nine years later, the 2020 cartoon series(系列节目) Fog Hills of Five Elements also used this style.Pigsy Eats Watermelon is China's first paper cuttingcartoon. This 15-minute cartoon came out in 1958. Artists cutZhu Bajie out of colored paper. Then they moved its body partsand let it eat the watermelon. Making a paper cutting cartoonwas not easy. The characters' moves were not easy either. Aftera lot of work, they tried again and again and finally made it!9. What may a bad character look like in The Legend of Sealed Book?10. These three cartoons are mixed with some traditional art forms, EXCEPT ____.A. paper cuttingB. the shadow puppet playC. Peking OperaD. ink wash painting11. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The Legend of Sealed Book tells children how to draw face painting.B. Qi Baishi drew Little Tadpoles Looking for Mummy in the form of the inkwash.C. Over 20 thousand pictures were drawn to make Little Tadpoles Looking forMummy.D. Pigsy Eats Watermelon came out later than Little Tadpoles Looking forMummy.12. The writer introduces the three classic Chinese cartoons through ____.A. explaining different kinds of Chinese culture and artB. teaching how to paint classic Chinese cartoonsC. reminding people about the best characters in historyD. showing how difficult people made cartoons in the pastDWelcome to CCTV-9 Du Fu: China's Greatest PoetDu Fu, one of the most well-known poets in China, lived in the 8th century.712: Du Fu was born into China's greatest period(阶段), the Tang Dynasty.735: Du Fu went to the capital, Chang'an, expecting to become a government official(政府官员).742: Du Fu met Li Bai and saw him as a teacher. Li Bai encouraged Du Fu in the art of poetry. Du Fu learned from him how to put details (细节)into storytelling.747: Du Fu was trapped (困住)in the capital city after he failed in the governmental competitive exam. Finally, he worked to look after official weapons(武器).755: A huge rebellion (叛乱) broke out called An Shi Zhi Luan. It was very hard for people to live. Du Fu's poetry became much heavier and more realistic(现实的) from then on.759: Being hungry, Du Fu and his family went to Qinzhou. And in mid winter they turned south,down to Chengdu. He became a poet farmer there, finding beauty in nature every day.770: Du Fu died completely unknown to the public.13. Where can you find China's Greatest Poet?A. A TV documentary(纪录片).B. A radio programme.C. A cultural newspaper.D. A popular app.14. What is an opinion of Du Fu's career?A. He got a job to take care of official weapons.B. His career was not smooth and full of challenges.C. Li Bai encouraged Du Fu in the art of poetry.D. He failed in the governmental competitive examination.15. What mainly makes Du Fu a great poet?A. Staying close to nature in Chengdu.B. Getting Li Bai as his teacher in the art of poetry.C. Being able to face difficulties and writing the true feelings.D. Being born into China's greatest period, the Tang Dynasty.16. What does the reading mainly tell us?A. Du Fu's friends.B. Du Fu's works.C. Du Fu's dream.D. Du Fu's life.第二节阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 测试卷

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 测试卷

Unit 5 测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第一部分听力Ⅰ.短对话理解(5分)你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。



( C )1.What will Sam do tonight?A. B.C.( A )2.Where does Frank want to go this afternoon?A.B.C.( B )3.What did Paul watch last night?A.A cartoon. B.News.C.A comedy.( B )4.Who is the boy’s favorite Chinese woman in history?A.Wu Zetian. B.Li Qingzhao.C.Wang Zhaojun.( A )5.Which cartoons are children interested in?A.Chinese cartoons. ` B.Japanese cartoons.C.American cartoons.Ⅱ.长对话理解(5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。




( C )6.What does John want to watch on TV tonight?A.A talk show. B.A game show.C.Both A and B.( A )7.Why does the girl want to watch a talk show?A.Because it’s educational.B.Because it’s exciting.C.Because it’s enjoyable.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。

( A )8.How long is the talk show on Beijing TV station?A.For one hour.B.For one and a half hours.C.For two hours.( C )9.Who doesn’t like to watch talk shows?A.Mike. B.The girl.C.Mike’s mother.( C )10.Where are the two speakers talking?A.At a cinema. B.In a park.C.At home.Ⅲ.短文理解(5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT5 达标测试卷附答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT5   达标测试卷附答案




6. A. Y es, I am. B. Y es, she is.C. No, he isn't.7. A. Bill is. B. Kate does. C. Eric did.8. A. I often watch them. B. They're interesting.C. I don't think so.9. A. I don't mind them.B. I plan to watch it tomorrow morning.C. Because I hope to find out what's going around the world.10. A. Sitcoms, of course. B. I like to watch TV.C. I can't stand talk shows.第三节。


11. What does Sue like?A. Talk shows.B. Talent shows.C. Game shows.12. What does Jenny think of soap operas?A. She can't stand them.B. She doesn't like them.C. She doesn't mind them.13. What are they talking about?A. TV shows.B. Movies.C. Books.14. Who loves scary movies?A. The girl.B. Lucy.C. Jack.15. What does Mr. Zhang do?A. He's an actor.B. He's a doctor.C. He's a teacher.第四节。



U1-U14(8分钟小测答案)Unit 1Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:conversationaloudpronunciationsentencepatient词组:ask sb. for helphave conversations with sb.a lota littleat firsttry to do sth.二、单项选择1.D2.D3.B4.D5.B三、完成句子1.asked me for help;2.had conversations with his;3.a lot;4. a little;5. At first6.tried to carrySection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:discoversecretrepeatnotephysicschemistry词组:the secret to…so…that…be afraid to do sth.because offall in love withbegin to do sth.help sb.(to)do sth.want to do sth.look upso thattake notes二、单项选择1.B2.A3.D4.A5.C三、完成句子1.the secrets to;2.sothat;help (to)do;3.look up;4.take notesSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:increasebornabilitycreatebrainactiveattentionknowledge词组:make mistakesdepend onbe interested in…pay attention toconnect…withget boredthink aboutbe good ateven ifbe afraid oflook for二、单项选择1.B2. B3.C4.B5.D三、完成句子1.make mistakes2.be born with3.depends on4.are interested in5.Connects with;Section B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习词组:remember to do sth.on one’s owninstead of二、单项选择1.C2.C3. B4. A5.B三、完成句子1.Remember to call2.on his own3.instead ofUnit 2Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:strangerpound词组:go to…for a/one’s vacationput onsound like二、单项选择1. A2.B3. D4.D5.D三、完成句子1.go to for your vacation2.put on3.sounds likeSection A (3a-4c)单词:steallaygardentie词组:give sb. sth.plan torefused to do sth.fly upcall out one’s namelay outas a resulthave to二、单项选择1. B2. B3.A4.B5.A三、完成句子1.givesome flowers2.plans to3.refused toy out5.As a resultSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:Christmasliedeadbusinesspunishpresentspread词组:think ofask fordress upthe importance ofwarn sb.(not) to do sth.remind sb. of sb./sth.find outdecide to do sth.promise to do sth.in need二、单项选择1.A2.B3. C4. B5.A三、完成句子1.end up2.take back to3.remind of4.woke up5.find outSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习词组:so muchbetween…and…the beginning ofnot only…but (also)…give out二、单项选择1.C2.A3.D4.D5.C三、完成句子1.so much2.between and3.the beginning of4.Not only but also5.Give outUnit3Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:stampbesidepostcardbathroomrush词组:a pair ofgo alongon one’s right/leftturn left/rightgo past二、单项选择1.B2.A3.B4.B5.B三、完成句子1.a pair of2.Go along3.on your righ t4.Turn left5.went passSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:suggestgrapemaileast词组:on one’s way to…pass bystart doing sth.pardon me二、单项选择1.C2.A3.B4.B5.B三、完成句子1.on my way2.passed by3.started workin g4.Pardon meSection B(1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:cornerdirectioncorrectpolitedirectspeakerwhomaddressunderground词组:such asspend time doing sth.二、单项选择1. B2.B3.A4.A5.B三、完成句子1.such as2.spent readingSection B(3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:course词组:thank sb. for (doing) sth.would like to do sth.look forward to(doing)on time二、单项选择1.D2.B3.A4.D5.C三、完成句子1.Thank you for2.would like to3.looking forward to4.on timeUnit4Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:humoroussilenthelpfulscore词组:used toenough to do sth.from time to timesee sb. doing sth.二、单项选择1.A2.B3.D4.A5.D三、完成句子ed to2.old enough3.From time to time4.saw playingSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:backgroundinterviewAsiandealprivateEuropeanspeak词组:take up (doing) sth.deal withdare to do sth.in front oftoo muchworry abouthang outbe prepared to do sth.give upat leastgive a speechin public二、单项选择1.A2.C3.B4.A5.A三、完成句子1.took up2.deal with3.worries about4.prepared to5.give upSection B (1a-2f)一、词汇练习单词:antseldominfluenceabsentfailexaminationproud词组:all the timetake care ofmake a/the decision to do sth.advise sb.to do sth.in personeven thoughbe always doing sth.take pride inbe proud of二、单项选择1.D2.A3.D4.C5.C三、完成句子1. all the time.2.take good care of3.made a decision4.advised to5. even thoughSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:generalintroduction词组:in the last few years二、单项选择1. C2. C3. B4. D5.C三、完成句子1.in the last few years.2.took pride in3.in person4.fail toUnit 5Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:chopstickcoinsilvercottonsteelleafproduce词组:be made ofbe made inbe made frombe famous forfor examplebe known foras far as I knowall over the worldbe good forboth…and…二、单项选择1.C2.B3.C4. D5. A三、完成句子1.are made of2.is famous for3.for example4.is known fo r5.As far as I knowSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:avoidhandbageverydaybosssurfacetrafficpostmancapglove词组:no matterwant to do sth.in all parts of the worldbe allowed to do sth.二、单项选择1.A2.B3.C4.B5.D三、完成句子1. No matter2.want to3.are allowed to4.all parts ofSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:internationalitsformballoonlivelyheatcomplete词组:many different kinds oflearn to do sth.turn intoturn intoaccording tobe used bysend outin troublebe covered withrise intosymbols of…/a symbol of…be around for…put…on…二、单项选择1.A2.C3.B4.B5.B三、完成句子1.turns into2.according to3.are used by4.send out5.in troubleSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:fairypilish词组:be used for…二、单项选择1.B2.B3.C4.A5. C三、完成句子1.is used for2.is made3.known forUnit6Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:pleasuredailywebsitepioneerlistmention词组:the style ofhave a point二、单项选择1.A2.D3.C4.A5.A三、完成句子The style ofhave a point.Section A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:nearlyrulerremainsmelltradedoubtsomebodysudden词组:by accidentfall intosome timenot…until…less thantake placewithout doubttranslate…into…二、单项选择1.D2.C3.D4.D5.B三、完成句子1.by accident2.fell into3.some time4.can’t until5.less tha nSection B (1a-2e) 一、词汇练习单词:sourdividebasket词组:by mistakein the enddivide…intoteach sb.to do sth.at the same timestop…from doing…dream about/ofnot only…but also…look up toencourage sb.to do sth.二、单项选择1.B2.C3.B4.B5.D三、完成句子1.by mistake.2.in the end.3.divide into4.t aughtto5.at the same timeSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:professionalhero词组:all of a sudden二、单项选择1.C2.A3.C4.D5.A三、完成句子1.All of a sudden2.It difficult3.came up withUnit7Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:licensesafetysmoke词组:be allowed to do sth.be worried aboutstop doing sth.be excited about sth./doing sth.take photos二、单项选择1.A2.C3.C4.C5.A三、完成句子1.are not allowed to2.are worried about3.stopped doing4.was excited about5.take photosSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:tinycryfieldliftregretpoemchancemanagesociety词组:make suregive sb.a hugregret doing sth.talk backlisten to sb.agree withlearn…from…keep…away from(have) a chance to do…make one's own decision二、单项选择1.D2.C3. C4.C5.D三、完成句子1.Make sure2.hurt youself3.gave a hug4.regret tellin g5.talk backSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:enterchoice词组:be strict with sb.get in the way ofas much aslove doing sth.have nothing against sth./doing sth.be serious about…care about二、单项选择1. A2. A3. A4. B5.B三、完成句子1.is strict with2.get in the way of3.as much as4.loves swimming.5.have nothing againstSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:achievedream词组:keep offallow to do sthpart-time job二、单项选择1. D2. D3. D4. A5.D三、完成句子1.keep off2.allow to do3.part-time job4.encourage toUnit8Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:whosetruckpicnicrabbitpinkanybody词组:belong to…must have donepick upcall sb.二、单项选择1.D2.A3.A4.A5.A三、完成句子1.belongs to2.pick up3.must have mistaken4.call yo uSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:noisepolicemanwolflaboratorycoatsleepy词组:nothing muchbe interviewed bygo awayhave fun二、单项选择1.B2.A3.B4.C5.C三、完成句子1.nothing much.2.was interviewed by3.Go away4.have funSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:landexpresscirclereceiveleadermedicalpurposepreventenergypositionenemyperiod词组:run aftercommunicate with sb.point outa kind ofat the same time二、单项选择1.D2.B3.A4.A5.A三、完成句子1.runned aftermunicate with3.pointed out4.a kind of5.at the same time.Section B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习词组:no morewait foron the phone二、单项选择1.A2.D3.A4.A5.D三、完成句子1.no more2.wait for3.on the phone.Unit9Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:australiansupposesmoothdirectorwar词组:along withdance todifferent kinds ofwatch a moviein that casethink about二、单项选择1.A2.D3.B4.B5.B三、完成句子1. along with2.danced to3.different kinds of4.watching a movie5.In that caseSection A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:stickdowndialogplenty词组:stick tocheer upmay bemake sb.do sth.plenty oftoo…to…shut offenjoy doing sth.in timeonce in a whilelike to do sth.二、单项选择1.A2.A3.A4.B5.C三、完成句子1.sticks to2.cheer up3.may be4.try my best5.make her workSection B (1a-2e)一、词汇练习单词:sensepitytotalmasterpraisewound词组:take…to…begin to do sth.be written by…be bornteach sb.to do sth.continue to do sth.in this wayduring one’s lifetimein total二、单项选择1.B2.B3.B4.A5.D三、完成句子1.took to2.beginning to3.were written by4.be born5.teach to makeSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:purposespareelectronic二、单项选择1.C2.C3.B4.D5.A三、完成句子1.plenty of2.a time for3.instead of4.listen toUnit 10Section A (1a-2d)一、词汇练习单词:Kiss词组:be supposed toshake handsbe expected to do sth.the wrong way二、单项选择1.A2.C3.C4.C5.B三、完成句子1.are supposed to2.shake hands3.a re expected to4.the wrong way.Section A (3a-4c)一、词汇练习单词:valuecapitalmadeffortpassportchalkblackboardnortherncoastseasonknockworth词组:drop byafter allget madmake an efforttake off二、单项选择1.B2.A3.C4.C5.B三、完成句子1. dropped by2.take off3.make an effort4.get mad5.take offSection B (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:emptybasicgranddaughterexcept词组:point atstart doing sthat the tablehave a good timego out of one’s way二、单项选择1.B2.A3.C4.A5.C三、完成句子1.pointing at2.started crying3.have a good time4.went out their way5.sat at the tableSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:worthsoonsafe词组:house ruleslook forward to doing sth二、单项选择1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C-三、完成句子1.house rules2.look forward to doing sth3.show up4.knocking at5.talk withUnit 11Section A (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:ratherdrivefriendship词组:would ratherdrive sb. crazy/madthe more…the more…be friends with sb.leave out二、单项选择1.B2.B3.A4.A5.C三、完成句子1.would rather2.drives mad3.The more the more4.be friends wit5.left outSection A (3a-4 )一、词汇练习单词:kingpalequeenexaminenorpalacewealth词组:neither…nor…to start with二、单项选择1.B2.A3.C4.A5.A三、完成句子1.to start with2.call ed in3.neither norSection B (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:weightshouldergoalcoachkickbesidescouragepullnodagreement词组:let…downkick sb. offbe hard on sb.rather thanpull together二、单项选择1.C2.B3.C4.B5.C三、完成句子1.let down.2.kick off3.be hard on4.pull together5.rather thanSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:compettionhappen词组:in front ofget good grades二、单项选择1.A2.A3.A4.D5.C三、完成句子1.get good grades2.in front of me3.makes relaxed4.It is5.lose myselfUnit 12Section A (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:ring词组:by the time…give…a lift二、单项选择1.C2.B3.B4.C5.D三、完成句子1.By the time2.gave a lift3.end upSection A (3a-4 )一、词汇练习单词:workeraboveburnaliveairporttillwestpiemarket词组:wait in lineshow upby the end of二、单项选择1.A2.C3.C4. D5. A三、完成句子1.by the end of2.show up3.wait in lineSection B (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:discoveryladycancelofficer词组:costume partysell out二、单项选择1.A2.B3.A4.A5. C三、完成句子1.soldout2.costume party3.all kinds ofSection B (3a-self check)一、词汇练习单词:unluckyaccidentunexpected词组:runaway二、单项选择1.A2.c3.A4.C5.C三、完成句子1.runaway2.believe in3.hand in4.unexpected discovery5.take a showerUnit 13Section A (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:litterbottomfishermancoaluglyadvantagecostplastic词组:used to beplay a part inturn…into…be able tocut down二、单项选择1.B2.C3.B4.C5.C三、完成句子ed to be2.play a part in3.turn…into…4.be able to5.cut downSection A (3a-4 )一、词汇练习单词:cruelindustrylawafford词组:be harmful toat the top ofthe food chaintake part inturn offpay fortake action二.单项选择1.D2.A3.D4.C5.D三.完成句子1.is harmful to2.take part in3.take action4.at the top of5. turn offSection B (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:gatebottlepresidentironworkmetal词组:throw awayput sth. to good usepull…downbring back二.单项选择1.B2.A3.D4.D5.C三.完成句子1.throw awa y2.put to good use3.pull…down4.bring backSection B (3a-Self Check)一、词汇练习单词:creativityWideAidWWF(Word Wide Fund for Natureupside词组:need to do sthworse and worse二、单项选择1.A2.C3.A4.B5.C三、完成句子1.need to2.taller and taller3.even thoughUnit 14Section A (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:standardrowkeyboardmethodinstructiondoubleshall词组:in a row二.单项选择1.C2.B3.B4.B5.D三.完成句子1.am patient with2.guide to3.encourage to do4.learn toSection A (3a-4 )一、词汇练习单词:ourstextlevel词组:look back atmake a messkeep one's coolsenior high (school)go by二.单项选择1.A2.A3.A4.C5. B三.完成句子1.makes a mess2.have fun3.It’s time to4.senior high (school)5.get fromSection B (1a-2 )一、词汇练习单词:degreemanagergentlemanthirstytaskseparate词组:believe infirst of allbe thirsty forbe thankful to sb.ahead ofalong withbe responsible forset out二.单项选择1.D2.D3.C4.C5.A三.完成句子1.believe in2.First of all3.are thirsty for4.ahead of5.was thankful forSection B (3a-Self Check) 一、词汇练习单词:wing词组:separate from 二.单项选择1.B2.C3.C4.D5.D 三.完成句子1.separate from2.was proud of3.None of4.since thened to。



Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共50分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答语。

(5分)1. A. Of course. I don’t. B. Sorry.C. Yes, I do.2. A. I love them very much. B. He likes them.C. They don’t mind them.3. A. I don’t like them, either.B. I’m OK.C. Thank you.4. A. I agree with you. B. Don’t say so.C. Yes, it is.5. A. She likes it very much.B. Yes, I do.C. I like it very much.1. Do you want to watch a game show?2. What do you think of sports shows?3. I don’t like sitcoms. How about you?4. The talk show is very interesting.5. Do you like action movies?答案: 1~5. CAAAB(Ⅱ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。

(5分)听第一段对话, 回答第6、7小题。

6. Who can’t stand soap operas?A. Bob’s sister.B. Bob.C. Mary.7. What kind of TV shows does Mary like?A. Sitcoms.B. Sports shows.C. News.W: Bob, do you like soap operas?M: I can’t stand them. I like sports shows best. What about you, Mary?W: Oh! I like sitcoms very much.答案: 6、7. BA听第二段对话, 回答第8~10小题。

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 5 水平测试卷第一卷听力部分(共20分)一、情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。




()6. A. Boring. B. Meaningless. C. Exciting. ()7. A. 7: 00 p. m. B. 7: 05 p. m. C. 6: 55 p. m. ()8. A. Because he likes watching funny TV shows.B. Because he can learn a lot of jokes.C. Because he thinks it's the most educational.()9. A. The sports show. B. The talent show.C. The talk show.()10. A. She can't stand the movie.B. She never watched the movie before.C. She plans to watch the movie with the man.三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。


()11. What did Jane love to do on her phone?A. She loved to have classes.B. She loved to play games.C. She loved to watch talk shows.()12. When did Jane usually go to sleep?A. At about 9: 30 p. m.B. Before 10: 30 p. m.C. After 11: 30 p. m.()13. What happened to Jane this morning?A. She was late for work.B. She broke her phone.C. She couldn't see clearly.()14. Where did Jane go later?A. To the hospital.B. To the bookstore.C. To the library.()15. What did Jane plan to do?A. She planned to do some reading.B. She planned to do exercise.C. She planned to watch the shows on TV.四、听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。

人教版八年级英语上册Unit5 测试卷附答案 (1)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit5 测试卷附答案 (1)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5测试卷(120分, 100分钟)听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项(5分)()1. What does Sue like?A. Talk shows.B. Talent shows.C. Game shows. ()2. What does Jenny think of soap operas?A. She likes them.B. She doesn't like them.C. She doesn't mind them.()3. What are they talking about?A. TV shows.B. Movies.C. Books.()4. Who loves scary movies?A. Tom.B. Lucy.C. Jack.()5. What does Mr. Zhang do?A. He's an actor.B. He's a doctor.C. He's a teacher.第二节: 听长对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项(10分)听第一段对话, 回答第6~7小题()6. When will Billy and Emma go to the bookstore?A. This Saturday afternoon.B. This Sunday morning.C. This Sunday afternoon.()7. Why do Billy and Emma choose Book World?A. Because it's the biggest.B. Because it's the nearest.C. Because it has the cheapest books.听第二段对话, 回答第8~10小题()8. What shows do both Bob and Ann like?A. Sports shows.B. Talent shows.C. Sitcoms.()9. What does Bob's father do?A. He's a worker.B. He's a doctor.C. He's a reporter. ()10. When does Bob's mother watch sitcoms?A. On weekends.B. On Fridays.C. On Tuesdays.第三节: 听独白, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项(10分)()11. What TV shows does Kate like?A. Cartoons.B. Sitcoms.C. The news.()12. Which cartoon does Tony like?A. Snow White.B. Kung Fu Panda.C. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.()13. What kind of movies does Danny like?A. Scary movies.B. Action movies.C. Comedies.()14. What does Lisa want to be?A. A writer.B. A teacher.C. An actress.()15. Who does Billy want to show his comedies to?A. His parents.B. His friends.C. His teachers.笔试部分(95分)二、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)先通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项Gran dma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me? I'm ready to make cakes, and there isn't enough yeast(酵母). Take a quarter from my little change ________16.” I found Grandma's wallet and put the quarter in my pocket(口袋).I was soon in the little general store that ________17 our farming community. “Mr. Jenkins,” I said. “Grandma needs some yeast.” Mr. Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter. His eyes shone, and he________18 at me. “And what else doyou need?” I knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick some candy when I came to the store with Grandma. “How much ________19 do I have from a quarter?”I asked. “Seven cents,” Mr. Jenkins replied. I thought ________20 that quickly. I would have a nickel and two cents back. I was sure Grandma wouldn't ________21 if I spent one penny, and if she were here, she might even say I could have them both. The ________22 I looked at the candy display(陈列), the more certain I became that I should get two cents as a reward for coming to the store alone. And I did so.“Thank you,” Grandma said when I ________23 the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my wallet?” “Yes, Grandma.” I replied, hurrying out to the yard. “I hadn't really lied to Grandma,” I argued with myself. “I did ________24 all the change I had.”But I had ________25 two cents without Grandma's permission(允许). The second piece of candy in my pocket didn't sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied to Grandma, and I was ________26 about it. Grandma loved me so much that I couldn't bear to keep anything from her.________27 Grandma took the hot cakes out of the oven(烤炉), I told her about the candy. She ________28when I finished my story. “I know just________29you feel,” she said. “We all feel like that when we've done ________30deceitful(骗人的). I'm glad you told me about the pennies, and of course I'll forgive you.” Grandma hugged me tight, and suddenly I felt as though a big stone was gone from my stomach.()16. A. handbag B. coat C. wallet D. pocket ()17. A. gave B. served C. offered D. bought ()18. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled D. pointed ()19. A. dollars B. pound C. cents D. change ()20. A. as B. to C. out D. about ()21. A. care B. use C. think D. like()22. A. bigger B. longer C. less D. shorter ()23. A. lied B. laid C. lay D. lain()24. A. put back B. put in C. put out D. put up()25. A. found B. cost C. spent D. paid()26. A. glad B. unhappy C. relaxed D. surprised ()27. A. Since B. When C. If D. Though ()28. A. shook B. refused C. agreed D. nodded ()29. A. where B. why C. how D. when ()30. A. something B. nothing C. anybody D. everybody 三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)AChildren's Day is coming up on June 1. Here we have selected three films from around the world that are suitable for children.Director: Jafar PanahiCountry: IranRazieh wants a fat goldfish for the New Year's Day. But her family isDirector: Kitano TakeshiCountry: JapanBrash wants to travel long distances to meet his mother whom he hasDirector: Peng Jiahuang, Peng ChenCountry: ChinaWa Wa, a seven-year-old boy from Yunnan, is very()31. Wa Wa's mother doesn't let him go to school because ________.A. their family is very poorB. he is too oldC. it is very dangerousD. there aren't any teachers()32. The underlined word “envious” means“________” in Chinese.A. 羡慕的B. 讨厌的C. 有助的D. 特色的()33. Who does Brash want to meet?A. His father.B. His mother.C. His brother.D. His uncle.BDear Susan,How are you? I'm going to visit Hong Kong with Mum and Dad next month. We will arrive on the second of August. It's so exciting! We can meet each other soon!I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August. I know that you've visited Ocean Park many times before. Can you give me some advice on what to see in Ocean Park?I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August. Are you free on that day? I've bought a present for you. I think you'll love it.By the way, would you like to go to Disneyland with me? I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland. You know, I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much. I know you love them too.When can you go to Disneyland with me? Please let me know. I'll stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that day.See you soon.Love,Lily ()34. When will Lily arrive in Hong Kong?A. On the second of August.B. On the third of August.C. On the fourth of August.D. On the ninth of August.()35. What will Lily do on the fourth of August?A. Buy a present.B. Visit Ocean Park.C. Go back to England.D. Visit Susan at her home.()36. What will Lily do in Disneyland?A. Take photos.B. Watch a cartoon.C. See a film of Mickey Mouse.D. Read the story of Snow White.()37. Lily wants to know________.A. if Susan has received her presentB. when she will go back to EnglandC. if Susan can meet her at the airportD. when Susan can go to Disneyland with herCEvery night in Jinan University in Guangzhou, a group of students play with diabolo (空竹) as a crowd watches them in amazement.Chen Zhelun, 25, a Malaysian-Chinese started the diabolo club, which helps to increase the popularity(普及) of this traditional Chinese game. He is one of the students expressing(表达) their interest in the country's cultural heritage (遗产) by starting clubs.The diabolo, which came from China, is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia.“We played with diabolo from primary school onwards. I t hought I could find someone to play with in China, but only a few students knew about it. So I started a club to develop it,” says Chen.To Chen's surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd—more than 1, 000 students have joined the club.“It keep s your body strong and it's fun,” says Chen.But some prefer quieter activities. Every weekend, one classroom in Shenzhen University is always crowded, but it's unusually silent. The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characters with traditional brushes.Fan Dongling, 21, a student in Shenzhen University, says it's a shame(羞愧) that young people no longer enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters.Although her club is quiet, Fan says it keeps members healthy, mentally and physically.“S ome students think traditional things are outdated. They like celebrating Western festivals like Christmas or Valentine's Day, but they seldom pay attention to traditional ones,” says Kong Yanquan, 21, a student in Guangxi University.As head of the traditional Chinese local opera club, Kong plans to put modern elements (元素) into traditional culture to get students to join his club.“I think it's everyone's duty to save and develop China's traditional culture amongyoung people,” he says.()38. The passage is organized by giving three________.A. examplesB. tasksC. lessonsD. speeches()39. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 6 refers to (指代)________.A. watching diabolo showsB. playing with diaboloC. talking about old gamesD. going to primary school()40. It can be learned from the passage that Fan Dongling ________.A. comes from MalaysiaB. is good at local operasC. loves quiet activitiesD. is interested in sports()41. Kong Yanquan advises young people to ________.A. practice writing Chinese charactersB. celebrate Western festivalsC. pay attention to traditional cultureD. make friends with the eldersDMovies bring us more than just fun. For many people, watching English movies is a way to learn English. Of course, there must be some difficulties at first, but it will become better and better. Here is my advice for you to learn English by watching English movies.Choose a movie that you enjoy.If you like action movies, watch an action movie like the Indiana Jones series. If you like comedies better, watch a comedy. Any movie with Hugh Grant always makes you laugh. If you choose a movie you also enjoy watching in your native language, you may also enjoy it in English.Choose something that is simple for you.It is best to start with simple movies. Because you can understand the stories in English better. Disney movies, such as The Lion King and Tangled, are great examples.Ask friends for advice.Maybe your friends know some good English movies. If so, they may recommend good movies to you.If necessary, use subtitles(字幕).For beginners, subtitles are very useful. Using English subtitles is the easiest way to understand the movie. So why not use English subtitles? In this way, you can learn more words and improve your English quickly.()42. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to (指代)?A. Watching English movies.B. Making friends.C. Using English subtitles.D. Telling jokes.()43. What is Hugh Grant probably(可能) like?A. Serious.B. Funny.C. Quiet.D. Smart.()44. Using English subtitles when watching English movies can help you in the following ways EXCEPT ________.A. understanding the movieB. learning more English wordsC. getting friends' adviceD. improving your English()45. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Movies can bring people much fun.B. Different people like different kinds of movies.C. Watching English movies is a good way to learn English.D. Good movies can make you relax.四、词汇运用(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 每词限用一次, 每空限填一词46. Can you tell me the ________ for your being late?47. Teenagers shouldn't just watch ________ soap operas.48. Mr. Smith is ill today. I will take his________.49. We happened to find we had a lot of things in ________.50. People who are ________ to help others are the true heroes.B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 在空白处写出单词的正确形式, 每空限填一词There are 3 people in my family, my mother, my father and I. My mother likes watching movies, because she thinks they are ________51(令人愉快的). But my father can't ________52(忍受) them, because he thinks they are meaningless. He likes watching the ________53(新闻), because he thinks it is ________54(有教育意义的) and he can know what ________55(发生) in the world every day. I like ________56(卡通片). One of the most famous ________57(角色) is Mickey Mouse.I think he stands for(代表) American ________58(文化). Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse. Why is Mickey Mouse so popular? Because he tries his best to ________59(面对) any danger. Sometimes he is ________60(不幸的) and has many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend. I love Mickey so much.五、语法填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)阅读短文, 用所给词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的词, 使短文通顺The reality show is a kind of television program. ________61(usual), a reality show has many series. And it can be shown on TV for many years.The reality show is quite different________62other kinds of TV shows. Because it shows the life of common people, and there are no actors or actresses playing in it. It often shows true stories that________63(happen)in people's daily life. So many people enjoy watching reality shows.The first reality show________64(appear)in the 1990s in America. At that time, the ________65(famous) reality show was Survivor. It was popular around the world.Reality shows also show different kinds of________66(competition). For example, there is a Chinese reality show called The Voice of China. In this show, there are four Chinese________67(sing). Their job is to find their favorite students and help them to be the________68(win). The show is very________69(success). Lots of people like to watch it.________70, some people don't like to watch reality shows. They think thestories in the shows are made up.六、任务型阅读(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)根据材料内容, 将方框内A—E 5个句子分别填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整、正确Who is the greatest English writer? ________71His popular expressions, like “to be or not to be, that is a question”, and his stories such as Romeo and Juliet are almost famous in every corner of the world.William Shakespeare was born in a small town in England in 1564. ________72By 1594, he had become an important playwright in London.Whether comedies or tragedies(悲剧), Shakespeare's plays always catch people's hearts. ________73In A Midsummer Night's Dream, fairies(仙女)play magical tricks on people lost in the woods. His tragedies, however, can be very dark. Macbeth tells the story about a man who becomes the king by killing a lot of people.Shakespeare's works also have a big influence on the English language. ________74Of course, Shakespeare wrote his plays over 400 years ago and his English was very different from that of today. ________75His plays have been translated into other languages and are performed more often. There are over 400 films and TV plays adapted from his works. Shakespeare is not of an age, but for all time.七、书面表达(共1小题, 满分15分)请根据下面的表格, 谈谈你家家庭成员喜欢与不喜欢的电视节目, 并说明理由。




(15分)1.-----Mary ,________ you speak Chinese? ----- Yes,only a little.A.mustB.needC. mayD.can2.-----What’s _____date today?------It’s June 26thA. /B. aC.theD.that3. ----Can you come to my birthday party?-----What time?A. I’m sorryB. Sure,I’d love to.C. Yes,I can.D.No,I can’t.4. It’s June 24th and _____is June 26th.A. tomorrowB.todayC.the day before yesterdayD.the day after tomorrow5.My brother is busy ______ the room.A.clean.B. to cleanC. cleaningD. cleans6. We have a history _____Friday afternoon..A. atB. inC. ofD. on7. -----Can we sit at the table by the window? ------OK! ________.A. That’s rightB. You are rightC. This way, please.D. I am sorry.8.---The cake is delicious,can you pass me ______one? ----Sure,here you are .A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others9. -----What______you ____the day after tomorrow? -----I have an English test.A. do, doB. does, doC. are, doingD. did, do10. Thank you for your _____to youe birthday party.A. inviteB. invitationC. invitingD. invites11. I have to study _____a math test next Monday .A. forB. toC. atD. with12. Can you come to the movies ______next Sunday?A. with weB. for weC. with usD. for us13. He’s having basketball training _____his school team.A. toB. withC. for D on14.Look! There’s _____football under the teacher’s desk, let’s play _____football OK?A./ ,/B.a, /C. a, theD. a; a15. Bob’s grandpa often goes fishing ______after he is retired.A. whole the dayB. all whole dayC. the all dayD. the whole day二.完形填空。



英语八年级上人教版Unit5基础测试(含答案)一、单项选择1.What ________ he ________ of sports shows?A.do,think B.do,thinks C.does,think D.does,thinks2.Her brother says he can't ________ the noise.A.think B.like C.stand D.stands3.—What does he think of English Today?—________.A.He loves it B.He can see it C.He doesn't see it4.William doesn't________the handbag and Jack can't________the watch. A.minds,stands B.minds,stand C.mind,stand5.Some people might ask_______.A.how did this cartoon animal become so popularB. how this cartoon animal became so popularC. what did this cartoon animal become so popularD. what this cartoon animal became so popular6.Li Hui thinks she can learn _______from sitcoms.A.a lot ofB.a lotC.manyD.lots of7.Mary felt very sad because she _____her new bicycle.A.foundB.losedC.lostD.made8.I have two brothers. One is a teacher,______is a doctor.A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the other9. —Do you know the accident that happened on Yangze River on the night of June 1, 2015?—Yes, I do. The ship Eastern Star(东方之星) sank.________, fourteen people were saved.A. UnhappilyB. UnluckilyC. SuddenlyD. Luckily10. I like Beijing Opera very much. From it I can learn much about Chinese________.A. roleB. filmC. cultureD. menu11. In the 1930s, Walt Disney made 87 cartoons________; he became________.A. successful; successfulB. successfully; successfullyC. successful; successfullyD. successfully; successful答案:1-5CCACB 6-11 BCDBC D二、用所给词的正确形式填空。




八年级英语上册UNIT5测试题:一、单词拼写1. I h_____________ you can win the running competition.2. He lives a simple (简朴的) life though he is very r__________.3. When night comes, stars a________.4. It will b_________ easier to live in the city if you find a good job.5. — Did you l______ your film ticket, Tom?— No, mine is in my bag.6. My brother told me a very funny _______ (笑话).7. We ___________ (期待) you to write more better works.8. Jack is very interested in Chinese ________ (文化).9. Do you think “13” is an ___________ (不吉利的) number?10. Why did you want to join the ___________ (陆军)?二、单项填空11. Your hands are very dirty. Please go and have a wash with _______ .A. a soapB. soapsC. soap12. —______ do you think of the movie? —It’s very interesting. I like it.A. WhyB. WhichC. HowD. What13. It’s too hot in the classroom. We can’t _________ it. We all _______ ___ up and go out of the classroom.A. mind; standB. stand; standC. sit; stand14. How about _________ out for a walk?A. to goB. goingC. goD. goes15. —Who is our teacher talking _________ ? —Mr. Zhang.A. /B. ofC. atD. to16. There is a _________ building next to the supermarket.A. 15 meter tallB. 15 meters highC. 15-meter-highD. 15-meters-high17. ________ on the farm is better than __________ classes at school.A. To work; havingB. Working; havingC. Work; haveD. Work; to have18. Thanks for _________ me to your party.A. askB. to askC. askingD. asks19. We want to play soccer. Please __________ us soon.A. join inB. joinC. take part in20. She agrees ________ her husband almost(几乎)__________ everything.A. with; toB. with; inC. to; withD. to; in三、完形填空A new library 21 in the school. It is a very big library. Some robots(机器人) 22 there as library assistants(图书管理员). The robots can help you find the books and do 23 things. But you must(必须)say “Please” when you ask fo r something and “Thank you” when you 24 something.Li Lei wants to borrow(借) a book 25 the new library. He comes to the library with Jim. They see a robot standing there.Li Lei: Hey, give me the book Little Tom, Why, the robot doesn’t work. There must be something wrong 26 it.Jim: No, nothing wrong. When you borrow a book, you must 27 “ Please”.Li Lei: Would you please give me the book Little Tom, Mr.Robot?Jim: Look! The robot is bringing(拿来)you the book. 28 it, Li Lei.Li Lei: What’s wrong with the robot? It won’t let me 29 the book.Jim: You must say “Thank you”.Li Lei: Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Robot.The robot smiles and 30 t he book to Li Lei.21. A. is opening B. open C. opens D. opening22. A. work B. are working C. at work D. works23. A. the other B. other C. another D. others24. A. get B. gets C. are getting D. are get25. A. at B. in C. from D. with26. A. with B. for C. on D. of27. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell28. A. Bring B. Takes C. Take D. Brings29. A. to have B. have C. having D. has30. A. gives B. goes C. gets D. borrow四、阅读理解AIt was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was warm but not hot. Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella(伞)in his hand.Mr. Bla ck said to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain today?”“No,” said the old man, “I don’t think so.”“Then are you carrying(拿)the umbrella because the sun is too hot?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs(腿)are not very strong, I must have a walking-stick(拐棍)but people will say ‘Look! That man is so old,’ and I don’t like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, ‘Look at that stupid(傻的)man. ’ ”31.This story happened(发生)________.A. on a spring morningB. on a cold dayC. on a summer eveningD. in the afternoon32. —What was the weather like that day? —________.A. It was rainingB. The sun was too hotC. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hotD. It w as cloudy33. Mr. Black saw the old man________.A. in the parkB. at the bus stopC. on the hillD. in the street34. The old man had ________in his hand.A. an old walking-stickB. a brushC. a big boxD. an umbrella35. Which is right?A. The old man carried an umbrella instead of(代替)his walking-stick.B. The old man borrowed an umbrella from Mr. Black.C. Mr. Black and the old man were good friends.D. The old man thought(想)it was going to rain.BA young man went to a car shop. He was wearing rubber boots(橡胶靴子) and a dirty jacket (脏夹克衫). He needed a haircut(理发)very much. The young man looked at an expensive car carefully(仔细地)and then asked the shop owner(店主),“Howmuch is this car?” “Nine thousand two hundred and eighteen,” the owner answered. “I want sixteen of them,” the young man said. The shop owner smiled coldly. He showed the door to the young man.In another shop on the other side of the street the business was done(生意做成了). The young man took money out of his pocket and paid for the cars. He said the cars were for himself and his friends. Each of them wanted to get one. He said that he and his friends working on a fishing-boat. “We have got much money this season,” the young man said, “and we want to buy cars.”36. The shop owner showed the young man the door means________A. to ask him to go awayB. to ask him to look at the door of the carC. to tell him where the door of the shop wasD. to let him enjoy the beautiful door of the car37. How many cars did the young man want to buy for his friends?A. 18.B. 17.C. 16.D. 15.38. How much did the young man pay for the cars?A. 9218.B. 92180.C. 147488.D. 138270.39. —What was the young man? —He was a________.A. bank clerkB. school teacherC. shop ownerD. fisherman40. The story tries to tell us________.A. we can’t tell whether(是否)a man is rich(有钱、富有)by his clothes(根据他的衣服)B. cars are expensiveC. people wearing rubber boots are richD. we can’t show the door to others五、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空41.They put their ______(watch) on.?42.This morning I ______(show) my friend a new wallet.?43.They think that old people have no right to be ______(beauty).?44.I enjoy ______(watch) TV on Saturday evenings.?45.How about ______(listen) to the radio tonight??六、书面表达假如你是学校英文周刊的特约小记者,刚刚采访了丹尼(Danny)一家对电视节目的喜好。



初中英语学习资料madeofjingetieji八上 Unit 5 测试题一、依据句意及首字母提示达成单词1. — Do you m_____ opening the door? — Of course not.2. Liu Xiang is f_______ for hurdling( 跨栏 ).3. The movie Spiderman is very exciting and we all e ___ it very much.4. We had a d____ about TV shows.5. What do you e____ to learn from the movie?6. Mickey Mouse is a f cartoon character.7. If you try you best, you will be . (成功的 )8. Jet Li is a great a movie star.9. You don ’ ooktl well. What (发生 ) to you?10. My teacher is funny. She often tells to us.11.My sister likes ______( 肥皂剧 ) operas.12.What do you think of ______ ( 卡通片 )?13.Who do you want to ______ ( 学习 )from the lessons?14. Li Lei likes telling ______ (笑话); we all like him.15.He b_______ a great actor at the age of 20.16.My uncle is a businessman; he is very _______ ( 富饶 ).17.Can you tell me the _______ ( 原因 )why you are late for school?18. Jack was u_______; he didn ’ t pass the exam.19We can learn a lot ___________the TV .20. This game is very easy and _______ ( 无心义 ). You shouldn ’ t play it again.21. Thank you ___________helping me with my English..22. Linda didn't take part in the d (议论 ) yesterday.22. Jackie Chan is a great a movie star.23. Many people l their lives in the fire.24. If you want to be s , you have to work hard.25. Bargaining( 讨价 ) in China isn't special, instead, it is very c .26. I h that I can be good at all the subjects.27. Most of the parents e much of their children.28. We must try our best to make the Food Festival s .29. How many _______ ( 角色 )can you remember in this movie?30. He is a disabled person, so he can just do some s work.31. Some (有教育意义的 ) movies are popular with students.32. My brother joined the _______ ( 军队,队伍 )when he was eighteen years old.33. I waited for Jim for a long time, but he didn't (出现 ).34. At present, transportation (变得 ) better and better.35. Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese (文化 ).36.They did a good j_______ in the movie.37.The thief d_______ up as a policeman and went into the house.二. 用所给的词的适合形式填空1. Do you mind me ____(open) the window?2.Do you want ____ (know)about my school day.3.I helped my parents ____ (do)some housework yesterday.4. The students are having a (discuss) about TV shows.5. I can ’ t stand (watch) the soap opera.6. My brother with my father (be) going to Shanghai tomorrow.7. He planned (go) to Beijing next holiday.8.Yang Lin__________ (not like) Healthy living.9.I don ’ t mind __________(she) smoking here.10.Jim expects_________ (get) a letter from his parents.11.No news ________ (be) good news.12.We are ready ________ (help) others.13.I was ________ (luck) that day. I missed the bus.14.You should ask him this question. He might ________ (know) the answer.15. I ________ (lose) the key on my way home yesterday and I didn find it. ’ t16. The action is ________ (mean); we must stop it.三、单项选择1.My mother told me ____ more water.A. drinking C.to drink D. drink2. Each of the students __ a new dictionary, and they each __ a new pen, too.A. has; hasB. has; haveC. have; hasD. have; have3. -I ’m sorry to trouble you, Miss Hu. -______A. Fine, thank you.B. All right.C. It ’s very kind of you.D. It doesn ’t matter.4. She____ her photos ____ us yesterday.A. showed; forB. shows; toC. shows; withD. showed; to5. There are some trees on ____ the road.A. each side ofB. every side ofC. both side ofD. each side on6. I like soap operas, she likes ____ , too.B. theyC. themD. the ones7. Do you mind ____ the windows?A.to open8.-____ going shopping this weekend? - That sounds great.A. Why don ’tyouB. PleaseC. Let ’sD. What about9. - Have you ever read the book Harry Potter ? -Yes, and I think it ’s very__ . I want to read it again.A. boringB. excitingC. boredD. excited10.To make your own study plan is a good way to become a student. After your plan ____ , you should correct it from time to time, and then it will be more helpful.es outB.watches outC.finds outD.writes down11. Tell him ____ the window.A.to close notB.not to closeC.to not closeD.not close12. You’d better ________the story in Japanese.13. -I usually go there by train. - Why not ____ by boat for a change?A.to try goingB.trying to goC.to try and goD.try going14. She is very ill. Let ’s ____ a doctor at once.A.to wake upB.send forC.to pay forD.pay for15. I want ____ a teacher when I grow up.A.to be16. --- do you this new club? --- It's nice and big.A. What; think ofB. How; think ofC. What; likeD. How; think17. We should drink some hot tea ____ honey____it. It ’s good for us.A.in, inB.with, inC.in, withD.with, with18. What is the ____ popular sport in China?A. moreB. mostC. bestD. better19. Please eat more fruit,____ apples and bananas.A. but C. like D. for20. Mr. Smith gave us ____ good ____ yesterday.A. some, adviceB. a, adviceC. some, advicesD. many, advice21. I often hear him ____in the room. Listen! He ____in the room.A. singing, is singingB. sing, singingC. sing, is singingD. singing, sings22.- Who did you go to the movie ____ ? - Nobody. I went alone.A. withB. aboutC. forD. from23. - You are relaxing yourself here. - Yes . I feels____to walk slowly along the river.A. fantasticB. boringC. strangeD. terrible24.- Do you have any plans__ this weekend? - I’m not sure. I may go climbing Mount Y untai.25. My mother wants me ________.A. help herB. not help herC. not to watch TVD. to not watch TV26.Mickey is one of _________ in the world.A. famousest cartoon characterB. the most famous cartoon charactersC. famousest cartoon charactersD. the most famous cartoon character27.I don ’ t mind _____ the window. .It ’ s too cold.A. closeB. closingC. to closeD. closes28. .He looks rich. ______, he is very poor.A. ButB. HoweverC. While29. She expect ______ the film Tiny Times directed by Guo Jingming.A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. to seeing30. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is _____. Children love it.A. serousB. meaninglessC. enjoyableD. simple31.I don’ t mind what _________.A .do you think of meB .do you think of me C. you think of me D. you like of me32. I expected your friend, but my car broke down on the way.A. meetB. meetingC. to meetingD. to meet33. Many old men prefer in a countryside.A. to liveB. livingC. liveD. lived34. He promised his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. to see35. --- Some children can't afford dictionaries. --- Let's donate our pocket money to them.A. buyB. buyingC. to buyD. be bought36. Mr. Wang didn't come, so Mrs. Wang .A. took him placeB. took his placeC. took of himD. became him37. At times, parents find it difficult with their children.A. talkB. talkedC. talkingD. to talk38. Jenny hopes a book about her trip.A. writeB. writesC. writingD. to write39. --- do you think of the football match?--- It is perfect. It is more exciting than match that I have ever watched.A. How; any otherB. How; any othersC. What; any otherD. What; any others40. --- Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet?--- I'm sorry, my computer doesn't work.A. get outB. look outC. take outD. find out41. All the students are getting ready their homework.A. doB. to doC. doingD. does42. --- Where did you decide your summer holiday? --- In Sanya.A. spendB. to spendC. spendingD. to spending43. I don ’ t mind ____. How about you?A. sport showB. sports showC. sports shows44. — How do you ____ your summer vacation? — It ’ s great. I love it.A. likeB. knowC. think of45. — What do you think of Mary? — ____A. I think so.B. She’ s at home.C. She is kind and popular.D. I don ’ t think so.46. — Do you like ____? — I like it very much, and I like the famous actor Mr. Bean.A. talent showsB. game showsC. comediesD. sitcoms47. He dressed up ____ a clown(小丑 ) at the party.A. forB. asC. inD. to。

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 检测卷附答案

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 检测卷附答案

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 检测卷限时:100分钟满分:120分一、听力理解(20小题, 每小题1分, 共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。


()1. How many people will go to see the movie?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.()2. Who needs a scarf?A. The man.B. The woman.C. The woman's son.()3. When did the first cartoon with sound and music appear(出现)?A. On November 18th, 1928.B. On December 18th, 1928.C. On December 28th, 1928.()4. Why doesn't the man like the TV show?A. Because he thinks it's boring.B. Because he thinks it's very noisy.C. Because he doesn't like the actors.()5. What is Dad doing now?A. He is watching news.B. He is playing basketball.C. He is watching basketball games.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。


听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第8三个小题。

()6. What are the two speakers mainly(主要地) talking about?A. Holiday activities.B. Weekend plans.C. Favorite movies.()7. How does the woman like Ice Age 4?A. It's great.B. It's funny.C. It's boring. ()8. When will they meet?A. At 4: 00.B. At 6: 00.C. At 8: 00. 听下面一段对话, 回答第9至第10两个小题。



八年级上册英语Unit5测试试题及答案在八年级这一阶段里对于历史这科要怎样有针对性的做练习呢?别着急,接下来不妨和店铺一起来做份八年级上册英语Unit5测试试题,希望对各位有帮助!八年级上册英语Unit5测试试题一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( )31. — Greg is watching __________ action movie.— Yes, _______ movie is very exciting.A. a; theB. an; theC. an; aD. the; an( )32. Lucy thinks she can learn a lot _______ talk shows.A. atB. fromC. toD. for( )33. — The computer is cheap but it works well.—Yes, that’s the ____________ wh y I bought it.A. reasonB. mindC. endD. idea( )34. I dislike watching comedies _________ most of them are meaningless.A. soB. butC. becauseD. yet( )35. You will be ________ in your studies if you keep working hard.A. successfulB. commonC. unluckyD. rich( )36. — Mickey is one of the _____________ famous cartoon characters.— Yes, and no one has a pair of ears ___________ famous than his.A. most; mostB. more; moreC. more; mostD. most; more( )37. I can’t ________ the soap opera. It’s so boring.A. reachB. standC. knowD. wonder( )38. — ________ is your favorite music?— Country music.A. WhoB. WhereC. HowD. What( )39. — When did the story ________?— In the 1880s.A. dieB. giveC. happenD. expect( )40. If you want to _________ what’s going on around the world, you can watch the news.A. pick upB. bring outC. make upD. find out( )41. — Where is Susan?—She _______ go to the bank, but I’m not quite sure.A. mightB. mustC. needD. can( )42. Mike _________ Beijing last month and had a good time there.A. visitsB. visitedC. is visitingD. will visit( )43. — I plan _____________ fishing on the weekend.— Sounds great.A. goB. goingC. to goingD. to go( )44. — Does your brother want to join the club?— ________. He thinks it’s cool.A. Yes, he isB. No, he isn’tC. Yes, he doesD. No, he doesn’t( )45. — _____________?— Expensive.A. Where did you buy the Apple WatchB. What do you think of the Apple WatchC. How did you get the Apple WatchD. How much did you pay for the Apple Watch三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)Roman Holiday is an old American movie. The 46 actress in the movie is Hepburn. She is a princess named Ann. In Rome, she feels very sad because of her 47 life. Her doctor gives her somemedicine (药) to help her sleep. 48 , she tries to leave her room to feel the real Rome. After leaving her room, she is very 49 . She can do anything she likes. But quickly she goes to 50 on a bench (长椅) because of the medicine she takes.On Joe’s way back home, he finds her. He wants to send her home, 51 she says nothing about where she lives. Then Joe takes her to 52 home. Next day,Joe 53 that the girl is the princess from a piece of newspaper. He plans to 54 some money from her. But after spending a day with her, he changes his mind.The mov ie mainly 55 Ann’s life in Rome with Joe. It is very interesting.( )46. A. similar B. bad C. poor D. main( )47. A. boring B. exciting C. relaxing D. beautiful( )48. A. Especially B. Finally C. However D. Really( )49. A. surprised B. tired C. excited D. shy( )50. A. walk B. paint C. write D. sleep( )51. A. and B. but C. because D. so( )52. A. her B. his C. my D. their( )53. A. hears B. says C. expects D. finds( )54. A. buy B. get C. give D. leave( )55. A. describes B. makes C. hears D. watches四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)A( )56. T om is a ten-year-old child and likes singing. What program may he want to watch?A. Running Man.B. Dad Came Back Season II.C. Master Class.D. Raid the Cage.( )57. What time can you watch Running Man?A. At 8:20 p.m.B. At 9:08 p.m.C. At 9:10 p.m.D. At 11:20 p.m.( )58. Who can you see in Dad Came Back Season II?A. Tianxin.B. Cao Ge.C. Peng Yu.D. Han Lei.( )59. What can you learn from the information above?A. The children in Master Class are between 6 and 10.B. People can watch Raid the Cage on weekends.C. Lin Zhixuan is good at singing.D. You can watch Raid the Cage at 8:20 p.m.( )60. What is the table (表格) above about?A. Famous people.B. Programs.C. Games.D. Books.BAugust Wilson was a famous American writer. He left school in the ninth grade. In the late 1960s, Wilson built a theater and began to think of ways to make people know more about African-American life. He had the idea of a series of (系列) plays. Each of the plays showed how African-Americans lived.The first play of this series was Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom about black musicians in Chicago in the 1920s. Other plays in the series like Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, were about the blacks in the 1910s; Fences, which was about a father and his son in the 1950s and The Piano Lesson, was about how a family sold their treasure (珠宝) in the 1930s. For the last two of these plays Wilson got Pulitzer Prizes.King Hedley the Second, the eighth and the last play of the series, set in the 1980s. Both the blacks and the whites like his plays now and his plays attract anyone who is interested in African-American life.( )61. When did Wilson leave school?A. At the age of nine.B. When he was in the ninth grade.C. In the 1960s.D. When he was twenty.( )62. What did Wilson win Pulitzer Prizes for?A. The Piano Lesson & Fences.B. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom& Fences.C. The Piano Lesson & King Hedley the Second.D. King Hedley the Second & Joe Turner’s Come and Gone.( )63. What does the underlined word “attract” mean i n Chinese?A. 授予B. 伤害C. 吸引D. 表扬( )64. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Only the blacks liked Wilson’s plays.B. Fences was about black musicians’ life in America.C. There are eighty plays in Wilson’s series.D. A series of Wilson’s plays are about A frican-American life.( )65. What’s the passage mainly about?A. The life of Wilson’s.B. The family of Wilson’s.C. Wilson’s plays.D. Wilson’s theater.CGuo Jingjing was born (出生) in Baoding, Hebei Province on October 15th, 1981. At the age of seven, she joined the diving (跳水) team. In 1992, she joined the national (国家的) diving team. She exercised many hours a day so that she became one of the best divers in China. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she won a gold medal in the women’s diving from 3-meter springboard (跳板) with Wu Minxia. On August 26th, 2004, she won her first individual (个人的) Olympic gold medal in the 3-meter women’s springboard event.Four years later, Guo Jingjing won another two gold medals in 2008 Olympic Games. Now she has the same number of gold medals as Fu Mingxia. They are the girls who won the most gold medals in the Olympic Games. If she didn’t retire in 2012, I think she might win the most gold medals in China. She is really a great woman.( )66. When did Guo Jingjing join the diving team?A. In 1981.B. In 1992.C. In 1988.D. In 2004.( )67. How many gold medals did Guo Jingjing win in the 2004 Olympic Games?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.( )68. What does the underlined word “retire” mean?A. Begin to work.B. Keep on exercising.C. Join another team.D. Stop diving.( )69. What can you learn from the passage?A. Guo Jingjing won as many gold medals as Fu Mingxia.B. Guo Jingjing won the most gold medals.C. Guo Jingjing was 25 years old in 2004.D. Guo Jingjing likes swimming best.( )70. What’s the best title of the passage?A. Guo Jingjing —A Beautiful GirlB. Guo Jingjing —A Wonderful DiverC. Guo Jingjing and Fu MingxiaD. Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)71. The job seems s____________ but difficult to do.72. I h_____________ my dog can grow up happily and healthily.73. He said he would come but didn’t a_______ at last.74. My granny told me an interesting j_____________ just now.75. The f_______ is about a cute cat and a lovely dog.76. The old city is a center of art and ________ (文化).77. The boy doesn’t want to _______________ (失去) any of his friends.78. I’m ______ (准备好的) to answer your questions.79. My brother plans to join the _______ (陆军) next year.80. After the ________ (讨论), they decided to have a talentcompetition in July.六、选词填空,每词只限用一次(每小题1分,共5分)become, cartoon, reason, unlucky, withMost Americans know Walt Disney and his Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in the 81. ________ Steamboat Willie. When the movie came out, it was the first cartoon 82. ________ music and sound. Walt Disney 83. ________ rich and successful. Why is Mickey Mouse so popular? One of the 84. ________ is that although he was like a common man, he always tried to face any danger. Sometimes he was so 85. ________ that he lost his house and girlfriend, but it didn’t make him stop trying his best. People liked to go to the cinema to watch him win.七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分)Mark Twain, an American writer, was born in 1835 in a poor village. He was the sixth child in his family. When he was 11 years old, his father died. In the next year, he left school and began to make a living by himself (自己谋生). He had many jobs and he also wrote something.He wrote many novels (小说) all his life, but The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was the most famous. This novel is mainly about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. At first, this novel wasn’t very successful. But after he died, i t began to become popular. Until now, this novel is still one of the most popular books.Mark Twain became famous because of his wonderful books. He died in 1910. But his novels will always stay with us and make us happy.86. Where was Mark Twain born?________________________________________________________________ ______________87. What happened when Mark Twain was 11?________________________________________________________________ ______________88. What is The Adventures of T om Sawyer about?________________________________________________________________ ______________89. Was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer very successful at first?________________________________________________________________ ______________90. When did Mark Twain die?________________________________________________________________ ______________八、书面表达 (共10分)今天口语课上讨论的话题是“My Favorite Movie”,请你根据下面提示,写一篇短文,向大家介绍一下你最喜欢的一部电影。

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