Games in system design and verification
• 414 •系 统 仿 真 学 报Vol. 15 No. 3 JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATIONMarch 2003空军战役过程推演系统的想定生成设计与实现李 群,杨 峰,朱一凡,王维平(国防科技大学人文与管理学院系统工程研究所,长沙 410073)摘 要:介绍了一个用于空军战役过程推演仿真系统的想定开发系统。
该系统主要包括战场环境 生成、武器装备信息管理和想定编辑子系统。
该系统以 Sim2000 建立的模型类为基础,根据模型 类信息建立战场目标,生成战场环境,并支持作战任务的规划。
最后本文给出了该系统的设计与 实现。
关键词:战役推演;想定;使命;作战任务规划 文章编号:1004-731X (2003) 03-0414-03中图分类号:E824文献标识码:ADesign and Implementation of Scenario Editor of the War GameSimulation System of Air ForceLI Qun , YANG Feng , ZHU Yi-fan , WANG Wei-ping(National U niver sity of Def ense Technology, Cha ngsha 410073, China)Abstract: This paper introduces a scenario editor which can be applied to war game simulation system of Air Force. The editor is composed of virtual battle space generator, weapon information management, and mission planner. Based on the model class built in Sim2000, the digital battle space object and environment can be established in the battle space generator of the editor. After the virtual battle space is finished, analyst can make mission plan in this virtual battle space. Finally, this paper gives an implementation of the scenario editor. Keywords: war game; scenario; mission; mission plan引 言空军战役过程推演系统主要是研究高技术条件下的局 部战争对空军武器装备规模结构的需求,以及相应的武器装 备体系在局部战争中的作战效能。
学校代码 10126 学号 00713097 分类号密级本科毕业论文学院、系计算机学院计算机科学系专业名称信息管理与信息系统年级 2007级学生姓名何应霞指导教师安春燕2011年6月19日星空之翼游戏的设计与实现摘要本毕业设计开发的《星空之翼》是一款纵版飞行射击类游戏。
关键词游戏引擎,模块化,多线程,XML,嵌入式数据库The Design and Implementation of “Star Wings”Abstract"Star Wings" is a vertical version of flight shooting game. We design the project with component-based architecture. The project consists of four relative dependent modules: main program module, the game engine module, the map editor module and sound engine module. The sound engine here uses an open source sound engine, named irrklang. The technologies involved in our project include: multi-thread programming, embedded database (SQLite) programming and XML.“Star Wings” is developed by C#. The whole project adopts modularizing design method, the modules are relative independent, coupling degree of the modules is relative low, it is feasible for parallel developing in the future. We full considered the code reusability and flexibility and expansibility of functions. Players can use map-editor to create custom levels, custom enemies and custom game background. The game logic separates from the data, by which players can change their favorite materials, like planes, without rewriting the codes. At the same time, game update can be done just by replacing the game engine module.Keywords game engine, modularity, multi-thread, XML, embedded database目录第一章概述 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2背景知识 (2)1.2.1游戏引擎 (2)1.2.2多线程 (3)1.2.3嵌入式数据库SQLITE介绍 (4)1.2.4XML (4)1.2.5单例模式(SINGLETON) (4)1.2.6碰撞检测 (5)1.2.7游戏循环体 (5)1.2.8静态类 (6)1.3毕设意义 (6)第二章游戏的总体分析与设计 (7)2.1设计构想 (7)2.1.1游戏定位 (7)2.1.2游戏需求 (7)2.1.3游戏扩展 (8)2.2模块划分 (8)2.3开发工具 (8)第三章游戏的详细设计 (9)3.1游戏引擎模块 (9)3.2地图编辑器模块 (11)3.3主程序模块 (13)3.4游戏主循环 (16)3.5碰撞检测 (16)3.6地图格式与精灵图片处理 (18)3.7声音引擎 (18)3.8模块间的关系 (19)结论 (20)毕业设计总结 (20)未来的工作 (20)致谢 (21)声明 (22)参考文献 (23)第一章概述在信息技术高速发展的今天,电子游戏已经深入人们的日常生活,成为老少皆宜的娱乐方式。
Synopsys工具简介Synopsys的产品线覆盖了整个 IC设计流程,使客户从设计规范到芯片生产都能用到完备的最高水平设计工具。
Synopsys解决方案包括:· System Creation(系统生成)· System Verification and Analysis(系统验证与分析)· Design Planning(设计规划)· Physical Synthesis(物理综合)· Design for Manufacturing(可制造设计)· Design for Verification(可验证设计)· Test Automation(自动化测试)· Deep Submicron, Signal and Layout Integrity(深亚微米技术、信号与规划完整性技术)· Intellectual Property and Design Reuse Technology(IP 核与设计重用技术)· Standard and Custom Block Design(标准和定制模块设计)· Chip Assembly(芯片集成)· Final Verification(最终验证)· Fabrication and Packaging(制造与封装设计工具)· Technology CAD(TCAD)(工艺计算机辅助设计技术)主要包括以下工具:1.VCS( verilog compiled simulator )VCS是编译型Verilog模拟器,它完全支持OVI标准的Verilog HDL语言、PLI和SDF。
• 综合 Synthesis
– High Level Synthesis
– RTL Synthesis
– Logic Synthesis
• 布图 Layout
– 布局 (Placement)
– 布线 (Routing)
• 版图参数提取和验证
• 测试和诊断
A1 = 1'b0; B1 = 1'b0; C1 = 1'b0; //1位二进制0
#100 A1 = 1'b1; B1 = 1'b1; C1 = 1'b1;
initial #200 $finish; //200ns结束
• 缩位运算符:对单个操作数进行运算,最后返回一位数。
• 拼接运算符:{s1, s2, …, sn}
练习2. 画出下面的电路图
module Circuit_2 (A, B, C, D, F);
input A, B, C, D;
output F;
wire w, x, y, z, a, d;
2016届本科生毕业设计基于Unity3D的体感游戏设计与实现Design and Implementation of Somatic Game Based On Unity3D Game Engine学生姓名学号所在学院班级所在专业申请学位指导教师职称副指导教师职称答辩时间2016年 6 月日目录设计总说明 (I)INTRODUCTION (II)1 绪论 (1)1.1 项目开发背景和意义 (1)1.2 国内外发展状况及意义 (1)2 核心技术与运行平台选用 (2)2.1 游戏引擎的选用 (2)2.2 运行平台选用 (2)3 UNITY3D游戏开发相关概念 (3)3.1 场景(Scene) (3)3.2 组件(Componect) (3)3.3 游戏对象(GameObject) (3)3.4 脚本(Script) (3)3.5 预设(Prefab) (3)3.6 镜头(Camera) (3)3.7 光(Light) (3)3.8 刚体(Rigidbody) (4)3.9 碰撞器(Collider) (4)3.10 天空盒子(Skybox) (4)3.11 UGUI (4)4 游戏需求分析 (4)4.1 游戏类型 (4)4.2 游戏世界观 (4)4.3 游戏运行要求及其针对市场 (4)5 游戏模块的设计 (4)5.1 总设计 (4)5.2 场景设计 (5)5.3 UI系统设计 (5)5.4 游戏设计 (6)6 游戏模块的实现 (6)6.1 场景实现 (6)6.1.1 Start场景 (6)6.1.2 Game场景 (6)6.2 核心脚本 (7)6.2.1 PanelManager脚本 (7)6.2.2 AndroidManager脚本 (8)6.2.3 AsteroidControl脚本 (9)6.2.4 BoundaryDestory脚本 (10)6.2.5 CameControl脚本 (10)6.2.6 PlayerControl脚本 (11)6.2.7 RandomRotator脚本 (12)6.2.8 UIEvent脚本 (12)6.3 与Android结合 (13)6.4 游戏关卡参数 (15)7 测试及其运行效果 (15)7.1 测试 (15)7.2 运行效果 (15)8 项目总结 (18)鸣谢 (19)参考文献 (20)设计总说明近几年来,游戏形式越来越丰富多彩,自从2010年E3展,微软正式发布了Xbox360的体感游戏设备Kinect,体感游戏越来越受到人们的喜爱和关注。
4. Redesign cycles are common as issues are discovered only at integration testing phase
Systems Engineering
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Deliver and Deploy
1. “Multi-discipline engineering “starts only after the Systems Engineering and Requirement Engineering phases
• Unlocking Engineering Knowledge
“ Turn Insight into Outcomes” Access, unlock and understand all engineering information, regardless of source – to enable the right decisions at the right times
# of years to get to ~60% penetration
2 years !
“133.7 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (57 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in February 2013, up 8 percent since November”
“The rate of Android and iOS device adoption among international users has outpaced the 1980s PC revolution, the 1990s Internet boom, and the social networking craze “
Smart phone , with the operating system and ability of function expanding, favored by users. The game makers have gathered in this market. Smartphone game is different from console game and feature phone game,it has unique system and operation mode. At present, there aren’t many corresponding mobile game UI design ethics as a guide,although the game industry is develop rapidly. Many designers are standing on the level of artistic expression, graphic design,software development perspectives to design of the game’s UI. Although we can follow the general UI design principles as a roughly guide when we doing the game, it’s hard to base on the general direction of UI to analyze specific issues of smartphone .In addition, many game developers focus only on the commercial value of the game and ignore the status of the game UI, and some even against the most basic principles of human-computer interaction to complete with their own ideas. Although, the momentum of the global smart phone game’ development is rapidly, the entire industry is lack of systematic approach for guidance. Finally, it’s not only harm the interests of game developers and consumers, but also hinder the healthy development of the whole industry.
基于DirectX的飞机大战游戏(C 版)的开发与设计
毕业设计(论文)题目基于DirectX的飞机大战游戏(C++版)的开发与设计英文题目The development and Design ofAircraft war game Based on DirectX 学生姓名张连泉学号09111629指导教师蒋年德职称副教授专业软件工程东华理工大学软件学院二零一三年三月九日Ⅰ摘要飞机游戏是一款风靡全球的电视机游戏和掌上游戏机产品,曾几何时,它创造了一个无法企及的游戏巅峰,也曾影响了一代产业链。
这款游戏的名字叫做<<飞机大战>>,它是运行于Windows操作系统下的一款2D游戏,以C/C++为开发语言,构建于Microsoft Foundation Class Library(MFC)框架体系中,其中调用了部分的Win32API函数接口,在Visual C++6.0环境下使用DirectX(SDK)软件开发包来开发的一款多媒体游戏。
根据2D游戏的特点和游戏的角色,以及给用户呈现的游戏界面的特效,对2D图形技术,Windows 图形界面编程技术GDI,DirectDraw的显卡接口和DirectSound声卡接口以及MVC 设计模式下的MFC框架等技术进行了比较仔细的研究。
专利名称:GAMING SYSTEM WITH IDENTITYVERIFICATION发明人:Lee M. Amaitis,Joseph M. Asher,Robert F.Bahrampour,Darrin M. Mylet,Alan B.Wilkins,Howard W. Lutnick申请号:US13586142申请日:20120815公开号:US20120309507A1公开日:20121206专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A gaming system is provided. The gaming system allows users to accessapplications via gaming communication devices coupled to a communication network. At least a portion of the network may be wireless. The gaming applications include gambling, financial, entertainment service, and other types of transactions. The system may include a user location determination feature to prevent users from conducting transactions from unauthorized areas. The gaming system may incorporate a user profile feature according to which certain information regarding users of the system may be maintained. Such information can include, without limitation, information relating to preferences, finances, activities participated in by the users, and trends and habits of the users.申请人:Lee M. Amaitis,Joseph M. Asher,Robert F. Bahrampour,Darrin M. Mylet,Alan B. Wilkins,Howard W. Lutnick地址:London GB,New York NY US,New York NY US,Tampa FL US,Raleigh NC US,New York NY US国籍:GB,US,US,US,US,US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:GAMING SYSTEM, GAMING DEVICE, AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING A CASCADINGSYMBOLS GAME HAVING MAGNETICSYMBOLS AND TARGET SYMBOLS发明人:Paulina Rodgers,Benjamin C.Hoffman,Christmas C. Parker申请号:US15714563申请日:20170925公开号:US20180012447A1公开日:20180111专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A gaming system displays one of a plurality of symbols in each of a plurality of symbol positions, at least one of the plurality of symbols being a target symbol for establishing a direction of shifting and at least one of the plurality of symbols being a magnetic symbol for shifting toward a target symbol. If any generated magnetic symbol is associated with a generated target symbol, the gaming system shifts that magnetic symbol toward the associated target symbol, resulting in an empty symbol position. The gaming system fills the empty symbol position by shifting a displayed symbol or by generating one of the plurality symbols and repeats until no magnetic symbol is associated with a target symbol. The gaming system provides an award for any displayed winning symbol combination. The gaming system removes symbols from each winning combination, fills the empty symbol positions, and repeats as above.申请人:IGT地址:Las Vegas NV US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
System for providing competition game using plural
专利名称:System for providing competition gameusing plurality of game contents, andmethod and program using the system发明人:Ken Nakatani,Yuichiro Mori申请号:US14177176申请日:20140210公开号:US09308459B2公开日:20160412专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system according to an embodiment allows a player to easily enjoy acompetition game using a plurality of game contents while feeling the playability. Thesystem includes: a game progress control unit; an information storage unit; a first formation setting unit for setting formations used by the player and an opponent and arrangement of athlete cards to a plurality of positions constituting the formations; a first competition processing unit for performing a competition process in a first half based on the formations and information on the arranged athlete cards; a second formation setting unit for setting, after the competition process in the first half, formations to be used by the player and the opponent and the arrangement of the athlete cards; and a second competition processing unit for performing a competition process in a second half based on the set formations and the information on the arranged athlete cards.申请人:DeNA Co., Ltd.地址:Tokyo JP国籍:JP代理机构:Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:GAME SYSTEM AND GAME PROGRAM 发明人:FUJIMOTO, Eisaku申请号:JP2009068129申请日:20091021公开号:WO10/067664P1公开日:20100617专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Provided is a game system capable of giving a point so as not to make a big difference due to a skill level of a player. A game system (1) comprises a temporary point addition processing unit (14ba) that adds a temporary point at every time when the time for addition of point elapses after a game starts, an operation condition information acquiring unit (14bb) that acquires operation condition information indicative of an operation condition of a player after the game starts, an operation judgment unit (14bc) that judges at every time when the time for confirmation of operation elapses whether or not the temporary point is to be validated in accordance with the operation condition information acquired within the operation confirmation time, and point validation processing unit (14bd) that adds the temporary point added by the temporary point addition processing unit (14ba) to a player point of the player in the case where the temporary point is judged to be validated.申请人:FUJIMOTO, Eisaku地址:JP,JP国籍:JP,JP代理人:YAMAMOTO, Koji更多信息请下载全文后查看。
怎样制作游戏机作文英语How to Make a Game Console。
With the popularity of video games, many people are interested in making their own game consoles. Here is a guide on how to make your own game console.Step 1: Choose a Platform。
The first step in making a game console is choosing a platform. There are many platforms to choose from,including PC, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to research each one and choose the one that best fits your needs.Step 2: Choose a Processor。
Once you have chosen a platform, you need to choose a processor. The processor is the brain of the console anddetermines its processing power. The processor you choose will depend on the platform you have chosen and the type of games you want to run.Step 3: Choose a Graphics Card。
The graphics card is responsible for rendering the images on the screen. It is important to choose a graphics card that is powerful enough to handle the games you want to play. The graphics card you choose will depend on the platform you have chosen and the type of games you want to run.Step 4: Choose a Sound Card。
计算机游戏英⽂⽂献,游戏程序设计外⽂⽂献.pdf Teaching Serious Game App DesignThrough Client-based ProjectsChristopher TottenGeorge Mason University4400 University DriveArt and Design Building, MSN: 1C3 Rm 2023Fairfax, VA 22030202-270-5660ctotten@ABSTRACTThis paper explores mobile game development courses conducted during the 2012/2013academic year at George Mason University. In the courses, students had to design mobilegames for clients. Each design group of five students was responsible for developing agame that would address the clients’ goals. Throughout each course students developedmobile game prototypes and, eventually, an alpha build of the proposed mobile game ona phone or tablet.This paper explores the effectiveness of studio courses in embodying the game designprocess over individual tool-based courses. It examines the effectiveness of an immersiveclient-based design project at demonstrating development issues to students. Lastly, itexplores how such courses can fit into a Game Design curriculum while still addressingspecific Serious Game issues. Through the exploration proposed, educators can considerwhether the challenges, surprises, and management issues inherent in client-basedprojects are worth wider adoption.KeywordsSerious Games, game design pedagogy, mobile games, mobile apps, client-basedprojects, curriculum developmentINTRODUCTIONAs a field of design in which a student may earn an undergraduate or graduate degree,Game Design is showing itself to be one of the more complex to study. The InternationalGame Developers Association’s 2008 Curriculum Framework for Game Design pr。
游戏化教育理念的发展已经有一段历史,尤其是在互 联网发展起来后,游戏和教育的结合越来越紧密。从当下国 家教育部针对一年级教学主要采取游戏化方式的指导文件可 知,游戏化教育正在对教学产生重要的影响E。目前,游戏 化在教育技术领域的运用主要体现在游戏化的课程教学设 计、游戏化的大型在线开放课程设计以及游戏化的教育APP ±[2],本文阐述的是游戏化的教育软件。
信扈与电胴 China Computer & Communication
1.2游戏主要功能 该游戏的主要功能包括剧情对话、视频观看、三维交互
美工设计对于游戏而言非常重要,人们对于游戏的第一 感受来自画面视觉效果,优秀的美工设计能够激发玩家对游 戏的兴趣。
参考文献 [1] 陈瑞玲.STEM理念下基于Unity3D的游戏化学习环境
设计与开发:以小学科学课为例[D].长春:东北师范大 学,201&& [2] 张靖,傅钢善,郑新,等.教育技术领域中的游戏化:超越 游戏的学习催化剂[J].电化教育研究,2019,40(3):20-26. [3] 金匡弘.《宿舍侦探》推理类AVG游戏设计[D],杭州:浙
首先在Unity引擎中创建Canvas,在Canvas下创建 AVPro Video UGUI并将导入的初始化视频拖入其中。创建两 个Button并将其转化为Sprite Swap,分另!I命名为开始和声明, 设置正常、按下以及松开的3个状态图片。在开始按钮上添 加Load场景跳转脚本,在声明按钮上添加Message脚本, 设置声明图片内容的为激活显示状态。实现效果如图2所示。
Unity3d_7_Using the Inspector中文翻译
Unity Manual > User Guide > Building Scenes > Using the InspectorUsing the Inspector(使用检视视图)The Inspector is used to view and edit Properties of many different types.Games in Unity are made up of multiple GameObjects that contain meshes, scripts, sounds, or other graphical elements like Lights. When you select a GameObject in the Hierarchy or Scene View, the Inspector will show and let you modify the Properties of that GameObject and all the Components and Materials on it. The same will happen if you select a Prefab in the Project View. This way you modify the functionality of GameObjects in your game. You can read more about the GameObject-Component relationship, as it is very important to understand.检视视图用于查看和编辑不同类型的属性。
uni ty3d开题报告游戏程序设计课程报告课程:U ni ty3D课程设计题目:班级:学号:姓名:日期:一、摘要UN IT Y游戏是一种新型的I T引擎。
我们研究主要内容是U NI TY游戏设计方法。
本报告主要讲述了这个小游戏的设计思路及初步使用Un it y3D软件的感受和总结。
基于U NI TY基础,构建了一个益智游戏风格的游戏,并有主角与关卡、游戏逻辑、游戏环境界面等设计,使得玩家可以在场景中进行寻找神龛的冒险游戏。
本游戏的控制很简单,及用键盘的WA SD及S PA CE五个控制人物的上下左右跳跃五个方向,用户根据自己的战略方式选择寻找油桶点亮煤油灯然后寻找神龛。
二、概述《U NI TY游戏程序设计》这一课程以大作业形式进行考核,能更好地锻炼学生综合运用本课程所授知识的能力。
自选游戏主题,并根据所选定的主题内容设计一个典型的游戏场景及玩家逻辑,其中包含主角与关卡,游戏逻辑,游戏环境界面与交互过程等的设计;开发完成与设计相符的游戏D em o。
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Games in System Design and VerificationThomas A.HenzingerEPFL,Switzerland,and University of California,Berkeley,USAShort abstract.We review some classical and recent results about graph games,and their applications in the design and verification of component-based reactive systems.Extended abstract.We consider graph games,where a token is moved along the edges of a directed graph in an infinite sequence of moves.The result of playing a graph game,or play, is an infinite path through the graph.Graph games can serve as models for discrete reactive systems:the vertices represent system states;the players represent system components;the moves represent system transitions;the plays represent system behaviors;and the objectives represent system specifications.Graph games come in differentflavors depending,for example,on the number of players,the information that each player has available for choosing a move,the mechanism by which the successor vertex is determined from a given choice of moves,and the type of objective for each player. The variety of possible graph games permits the modeling of different interaction paradigms for component-based systems.Asynchronous interaction is naturally modeled using turn-based games: at each vertex,one of the players chooses a move,which determines the successor vertex[18]. Synchronous interaction,on the other hand,requires concurrent games:at each vertex,all players choose moves simultaneously and independently,and the combination of choices determines the successor vertex[7].In deterministic games,a move or combination of moves determines a unique successor vertex;in stochastic games,a move or combination of moves determines a probability distribution over successor vertices[12].Note that deterministic games can model nondeterministic choice through a choice of available moves;stochastic games model both nondeterministic and probabilistic choice.The objectives of the players in a graph game can be qualitative or quantitative.A qualitative objective is a set of winning plays.For modeling reactive systems,the interesting class of qualitative objectives are theω-regular sets,which can express common safety and liveness properties[15].A quantitative objective requires a labeled graph,where each vertex(or edge)is labeled with a rational payofffor each player.Then,the goal of a player is to maximize a reward,which is a function that maps each play to a real number,for instance,the supremum,limit sum,or limit average of all payoffs along the play.Payoffs can be used to represent costs,delays,or other resource values of reactive systems[4].The solution problem for a graph game asks for the value of each player at each vertex.For turn-based deterministic games with qualitative objectives,the value of a player i at a vertex q is binary:the value V i(q)is1if player i has a strategy to ensure that,when the game starts from vertex q,the outcome of the game is a play that is winning for player i;and else V i(q)=0. For other games,values are real numbers.For turn-based deterministic games with quantitativeobjectives,the real value V i(q)indicates the maximal reward achievable by player i when the game starts from vertex q.For stochastic games or concurrent games with qualitative objectives,the real value V i(q)represents1the maximal probability for player i of winning from vertex q.While probabilities obviously arise in stochastic games,it is worth noting that they enter into the analysis of concurrent games even in the deterministic case.Consider,for example,a two-player concurrent game that proceeds in an infinite number of rounds:in each round,player1chooses a bit b1and player2chooses a bit b2,and the successor state is(b1,b2).Suppose that the objective of player1 is to visit one of the two states(0,0)and(1,1).An optimal strategy for player1is to choose,in each round,b1=0with probability1/2,and b1=1with probability1/2.This strategy ensures that the set{(0,0),(1,1)}is visited with probability1.However,no pure(i.e.,nonrandomized) strategy can achieve the value1for player1is this game.Besides the need for randomization,another important property of strategies concerns the amount of memory needed by a strategy:a strategy for player i is a recipe for choosing the moves of player i during a play,and this recipe may,in general,depend on the unbounded history of the play.In some cases of interest,however,memoryless optimal strategies exist.Such strategies can be implemented by reactive systems without state.In other cases,the required memory is,at least,finite[13].A setting with two players,one representing a reactive system and the other representing the environment,gives rise to zero-sum graph games,where the objectives of the two players are complementary.For example,one may ask if the system has a strategy to satisfy its specification no matter what the environment does;this is called the strategy or controller synthesis question for reactive systems,which dates back to a problem formulated by Church[3,22].The central result for zero-sum graph games are the determinacy theorems of Martin,which state that V1(q)+V2(q)=1 for all vertices q and all qualitative2Borel objectives(i.e.,the winning sets are Borel sets in the Cantor topology on infinite sequences of vertices)[16,17].Special cases of zero-sum games can be solved in NP via proving the existence of memoryless optimal strategies,and in NP∩coNP if memoryless strategies suffice for both an objective and its complement.This is the case,for example,for turn-based deterministic games withω-regular objectives in parity form[20,11].The question if these games can indeed be solved in P remains,due to its equivalence withµ-calculus model checking,one of the major open questions in verification theory.A setting with two or more players that represent the components of a reactive system,and whose objectives represent component specifications,gives rise to nonzero-sum graph games.In this case, it is interesting to study notions of rational behavior for the individual players as captured by Nash equilibria,an area that remains largely uninvestigated[5,6].In this talk we survey some of the known results and open problems about graph games.We present a convenient notation for conversing about graph games based on ATL(Alternating-time Temporal Logic)[2].Then,in addition to controller synthesis[23,21],we discuss some classical and some recent applications of graph games in system design and verification,including simulation relations between reactive systems[19,14],the realizability of reactive specifications[10,1],early counterexample detection in model checking[9],and the composition of interface protocols[8]. Acknowledgment.We thank Krishnendu Chatterjee for many stimulating discussions and fasci-nating insights about graph games.1The value may not be achievable by a single strategy,called an optimal strategy,but may only be approximable by a family of strategies.2An analogous result holds for quantitative Borel objectives as well.References[1]M.Abadi,mport,and P.Wolper.Realizable and unrealizable concurrent program spec-ifications.In International Colloquium on Automata,Languages,and Programming,pages 1–17.Lecture Notes in Computer Science372,Springer,1989.[2]R.Alur,T.A.Henzinger,and O.Kupferman.Alternating-time temporal logic.Journal of theACM,49:672–713,2002.[3]J.R.B¨u chi and ndweber.Solving sequential conditions byfinite-state strategies.Trans-actions of the AMS,138:295–311,1969.[4]A.Chakrabarti, Alfaro,T.A.Henzinger,and M.Stoelinga.Resource interfaces.InEmbedded Software,pages117–133.Lecture Notes in Computer Science2855,Springer,2003.[5]K.Chatterjee,T.A.Henzinger,and M.Jurdzi´n ski.Games with secure equilibria.In Logic inComputer Science,pages160–169.IEEE Computer Society,2004.[6]K.Chatterjee,M.Jurdzi´n ski,and R.Majumdar.On Nash equilibria in stochastic games.In Computer Science Logic,pages26–40.Lecture Notes in Computer Science3210,Springer, 2004.[7] Alfaro and T.A.Henzinger.Concurrentω-regular games.In Logic in Computer Science,pages141–154.IEEE Computer Society,2000.[8] Alfaro and T.A.Henzinger.Interface automata.In Foundations of Software Engineering,pages109–120.ACM,2001.[9] Alfaro,T.A.Henzinger,and F.Y.C.Mang.Detecting errors before reaching them.In Computer-Aided Verification,pages186–201.Lecture Notes in Computer Science1855, Springer,2000.[10]D.L.Dill.Trace Theory for the Automatic Hierarchical Verification of Speed-IndependentCircuits.MIT Press,1989.[11]E.A.Emerson and C.Jutla.Tree automata,µ-calculus,and determinacy.In Foundations ofComputer Science,pages368–377.IEEE Computer Society,1991.[12]J.Filar and petitive Markov Decision Processes.Springer,1997.[13]Y.Gurevich and L.Harrington.Trees,automata,and games.In Symposium on Theory ofComputing,pages60–65.ACM,1982.[14]T.A.Henzinger,O.Kupferman,and S.K.Rajamani.Fair rmation and Com-putation,173:64–81,2002.[15]Z.Manna and A.Pnueli.The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems:Specifica-tion.Springer,1992.[16]D.A.Martin.Borel determinacy.Annals of Mathematics,102:363–371,1975.[17]D.A.Martin.The determinacy of Blackwell games.Journal of Symbolic Logic,63:1565–1581,1998.[18]R.McNaughton.Infinite games played onfinite graphs.Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,65:149–184,1993.[19]ner.An algebraic definition of simulation between programs.In International JointConference on Artificial Intelligence,pages481–489.Kaufmann,1971.[20]A.W.Mostowski.Regular expressions for infinite trees and a standard form of automata.InComputation Theory,pages157–168.Lecture Notes in Computer Science208,Springer,1984.[21]A.Pnueli and R.Rosner.On the synthesis of a reactive module.In Principles of ProgrammingLanguages,pages179–190.ACM,1989.[22]M.O.Rabin.Automata on Infinite Objects and Church’s Problem.AMS,1972.[23]P.J.Ramadge and W.M.Wonham.Supervisory control of a class of discrete-event processes.SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization,25:206–230,1987.。