2020年思科认证考试:210-060 CICD考试要点
思科认证互联网专家无线CCIE笔试要点思科认证互联网专家无线CCIE笔试要点思科CCIE无线认证评估及验证了无线方面的专业知识,店铺下面为大家整理关于考试的要点,欢迎阅读参考:Exam DescriptionThe Cisco CCIE® Wireless Written Exam (#400-351) is a 2-hour test with 90–110 questions that will validate that a wireless engineer has the expertise to plan, design, implement, operate and troubleshoot complex enterprise WLAN networks.The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed. The following topics are general guidelines for the content that is likely to be included on the lab exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the following guidelines may change at any time without notice.Written Exam Topics v3.0 (Recommended for candidates who are scheduled to take the exam BEFORE July 25, 2016) Download Complete List of Topics in PDF format1.0 Planning & Designing WLAN Technologies14%Hide Details1.1 Describe WLAN organizations and regulations1.2 Describe IEEE 802.11 standards and protocols1.3 Plan & design wireless solutions requirements1.3.a Translate customer requirements into services and design recommendations1.3.b Identify ambiguity and/or information gaps1.3.c Evaluate interoperability of proposed technologiesagainst deployed IP network infrastructure & technologies1.3.d Select an appropriate deployment model1.3.e Regulatory domains and country codes1.4 RF planning, designing and validation1.4.a RF Design / Site survey1.4.a [i] Define the tasks/goals for a preliminary site survey1.4.a [ii] Conduct the site survey1.4.a [iii] Determine AP quantity, placement and antenna type1.4.b Architect indoor and outdoor RF deployments1.4.b [i] Coverage1.4.b [ii] Throughput1.4.b [iii] Voice1.4.b [iv] Location1.4.b [v] HD1.4.c Construct an RF operational model that includes:1.4.c [i] Radio resource management (Auto-RF, manual, hybrid, TPC and DCA)1.4.c [ii] Channel use (radar, non-WiFi interference)1.4.c [iii] Power level, overlap1.4.c [iv] RF profiles1.4.d Validate implemented RF deployment2.0 Configure and Troubleshoot the Network Infrastructure10%Hide Details2.1 Configure and troubleshoot wired infrastructure to support WLANs2.1.a VLANs2.1.b VTP2.1.c STP2.1.d Etherchannel2.1.e HSRP2.1.f VSS2.1.g Stacking2.2 Plan network infrastructure capacity2.3 Configure and troubleshoot network connectivity for:2.3.a WLAN clients2.3.b WLCs2.3.c Lightweight APs2.3.d Autonomous APs2.4 Configure and troubleshoot PoE for APs2.5 Configure and troubleshoot QoS on the switching infrastructure2.5.a MQC2.5.b Mls qos2.6 Configure and troubleshoot multicast on the switching infrastructure2.6.a PIM-SM2.6.b Auto-RP2.6.c Static-RP2.6.d IGMP2.6.e IGMP snooping2.6.f MLD2.7 Configure and troubleshoot IPv4 connectivity2.7.a Subnetting2.7.b Static routing2.7.c Basic OSPF2.7.d Basic EIGRP2.8 Configure and troubleshoot basic IPv6 connectivity2.8.a Subnetting2.8.b Static routing2.8.c Basic OSPFv32.8.d Basic EIGRP address families2.9 Configure and troubleshoot wired security2.9.a ACLs (v4/v6)2.9.b dot1X2.9.c Port-security2.9.d SXP, SGT2.10 Configure and troubleshoot network services2.10.a DNS2.10.b DHCPv4 / DHCPv62.10.c NTP, SNTP2.10.d SYSLOG2.10.e SNMP2.10.f CDP, LLDP2.10.g SDG. mDNS3.0 Configure and Troubleshoot an Autonomous Deployment Model10%Hide Details3.1 Configuring and troubleshooting different modes and roles3.1.a Root3.1.b WGB3.1.c Bridge3.2 Configuring and troubleshooting SSID/MBSSID3.3 Configuring and troubleshooting security3.3.a L2 security policies3.3.b Association filters3.3.c PSPF3.3.d Local radius3.3.e dot1x profiles3.3.f Guest3.4 Configuring and troubleshooting radio settings3.5 Configuring and troubleshooting multicast3.6 Configuring and troubleshooting QoS4.0 Configure and Troubleshoot a Unified Deployment Model (Centralized)20%Hide Details4.1 Configuring and controlling management access4.2 Configuring and troubleshooting interfaces4.3 Configuring and troubleshooting lightweight APs4.3.a dot1x4.3.b LSC4.3.c AP modes4.3.d AP authentication / authorization4.3.e Logging4.3.f Local / global configuration4.4 Configuring and troubleshooting high availability and redundancy4.4.a Clients4.4.b APs4.4.c WLCs4.5 Configuring and troubleshooting wireless segmentation4.5.a RF profiles4.5.b AP groups4.5.c Flexconnect4.6 Configuring and troubleshooting wireless security policies4.6.a WLANs4.6.b L2/L3 security4.6.c Rogue policies4.6.d Local EAP4.6.e Local profiling4.6.f ACLs4.6.g Certificates4.7 Configuring and troubleshooting Flexconnect and Office Extend4.8 Configuring and troubleshooting Mesh4.9 Implement RF management4.9.a Static RF management4.9.b Automatic RF management4.9.c CleanAir4.9.d Data rates4.10 Configuring and troubleshooting WLC control plane security4.10.a AAA4.10.b CPU ACLs4.10.c Management via wireless interface4.10.d Management via dynamic interface4.11 Configuring and troubleshooting mobility4.11.a L2/L3 roaming4.11.b Multicast optimization4.11.c Mobility group scaling4.11.d Inter-release controller mobility4.11.e New mobility4.11.f Mobility anchoring4.12 Configuring and troubleshooting multicast5.0 Configure and Troubleshoot a Unified DeploymentModel (Converged)14%Hide Details5.1 Configuring and controlling management access5.2 Configuring and troubleshooting Interfaces5.3 Configuring and troubleshooting lightweight APs5.3.a dot1x5.3.b AP authentication / authorization5.3.c Logging5.3.d Local / global configuration5.4 Configuring and troubleshooting high availability and redundancy5.4.a Clients5.4.b APs5.4.c WLCs5.5 Configuring and troubleshooting wireless segmentation5.5.a RF profiles5.5.b AP groups5.6 Configuring and Troubleshooting wireless security policies5.6.a WLANs5.6.b L2/L3 security5.6.c Rogue policies5.6.d Local EAP5.6.e ACLs5.6.f Certificates5.7 Implement RF management5.7.a Static RF management5.7.b Automatic RF management5.7.c CleanAir5.7.d Data rates5.8 Configuring and troubleshooting WLC control plane security5.8.a AAA5.8.b Basic control plane policing5.9 Configuring and troubleshooting mobility5.9.a L2/L3 roaming5.9.b Multicast optimization5.9.c Mobility group scaling5.9.d Inter-release controller mobility5.9.e Mobility anchoring5.9.f SPG5.9.g MC/MA5.10 Configuring and troubleshooting multicast6.0 Configure and Troubleshoot Security & Identity Management12%Hide Details6.1 Configure and troubleshoot identity management6.1.a Basic PKI for dot1x and webauth6.1.b External identity sources (AD, LDAP)6.2 Configure and troubleshoot AAA policies6.2.a Client authentication and authorization6.2.b Management authentication and authorization6.2.c Client profiling and provisioning6.2.d RADIUS attributes6.2.e CoA6.3 Configure and troubleshoot guest management6.3.a Local web authentication6.3.b Central web authentication6.3.c Basic sponsor policy7.0 Configure and Troubleshoot Prime Infrastructure and MSE10%Hide Details7.1 Configure and troubleshoot management access7.1.a AAA7.1.b Virtual domain7.2 Perform basic operations7.2.a Create and deploy templates7.2.b Operate maps7.2.c Import infrastructure devices7.2.d High availability7.2.e Audits7.2.f Client troubleshooting7.2.g Notification receivers7.2.h Reports7.3 Perform maintenance operations7.3.a Background tasks7.3.b SW image management7.4 Security management7.4.a Understand rogue management7.4.b Manage alarms and events7.4.c Understand security index7.5 Implement and troubleshoot MSE7.5.a Management access7.5.b Network services7.5.b [i] Location7.5.b [ii] CMX7.5.b [iii] CleanAir7.5.b [iv] WIPS7.5.c NMSP7.6 Integrate ISE7.7 Integrate netflow8.0 Configure and Troubleshoot WLAN media and application services10%Hide Details8.1 Configure and troubleshoot voice over wireless8.1.a QoS profiles8.1.b EDCA8.1.c WMM8.1.d BDRL8.1.e Admission control8.1.f MQC8.2 Configuring and troubleshooting video and media8.2.a Mediastream8.2.b Multicast-direct8.2.c Admission control8.3 Configuring and troubleshooting mDNS8.3.a mDNS proxy8.3.b Service discovery8.3.c Service filtering8.4 Configuring and troubleshooting AVC and netflow。
凡具有DOS、Windows和一定英语水平的在职人员、各大专院校在校学生及要求获得络关键设备技术知识的人 员均可报名参加Cisco培训。通过国际认证考试可获得Cisco国际认证证书。
思科认证的考试内容包括笔试和实验。笔试在全球认证的考试中心进行,时间为两个小时。由于采用了计算 机联的标准化考试,因此考试一结束,学员马上就可以知道自己的成绩。实验考试只限于思科在全世界范围内指 定的6个考点,分别位于美国、澳大利亚、比利时、日本、北京的新世纪饭店以及香港。实验室考试分为2天,第 一天要求学生利用实验室提供的设备建立络。第二天由考官故意破坏学员的络,学员则要想办法查出故障并加以 解决。
Cisco考试的变化都会在其官方站上提前通知。Cisco考试时间和报名时间都是即报即考(CCIE考试除外), 没有固定的时间安排。参加Cisco考试直接到当地城市的VUE考试中心报名参加即可!
基于Cisco的机考认证考试价格范围是从80美元至325美元或等值的其他货币。 ICND1(640-822ICND1)和ICND2(640-816ICND2)考试费用为150美元 CCNA路由与交换(640-802CCNA)考试费用为295美元 CCDA(640-864DESGN)考试费用为200美元 CCNA(单科)考试费用为250美元 CCIE和CCDE的笔试费用为350美元。 CCIE实验考试费用为¥人民币。 以上思科考试费的付款方式是直接向授权的合作伙伴PearsonVUE交付考试费用(CCIE实验考试除外,其付款 方式是通过在线信用卡或电汇交付)。
2020思科认证考试:CCNP路由和交换考试常见问答Q:相关于 CCNP 认证,思科有什么最新宣布?A:思科资深网络工程师认证项目即将更名,由 CCNP 认证更名为CCNP 路由和交换认证。
.因为日益增长的业务需求和技术进步,思科正在更新 CCNP 培训课程并推出全新 ROUTE,SWITCH 和 TSHOOT 考试 v2.0版。
Q:为什么思科要把 CCNP 认证更名为 CCNP 路由与交换认证?A:根据最新修订的考试,思科移除了 wireless, VoIP 及 Video 技术内容并扩展了 IPv6 技术要点。
与此同时,增加了 CiscoStackWise, VSS 和 DMVPN 等技术。
因为新增加的内容更多地集中在路由和交换技术上,所以思科将 CCNP 认证更名为CCNP 路由和交换认证。
Q:考生获得 CCNP 路由和交换认证有什么优势?A:获得 CCNP 路由和交换认证有三大优势:该认证中的路由和交换协议内容将为您提供一个能持久应用于物联网和未来虚拟网络所需的知识基础。
持续新增的互联设备和企业大规模地网络建设需求正推动着 IPv6 的广泛应用。
掌握与 CCNP 认证所相关的 IPv6和 dual stack transition 技术及技能是企业成功的关键。
对于那些希望在网络设计方面发展事业的网络工程师们,ROUTE 和 SWITCH 的考试部分可协助网络工程师们更容易获得 CCDP 认证。
Q:我当前已持有有效 CCNP 认证。
如何才能获得 CCNP 路由和交换认证?A:如果您当前已持有 CCNP 认证,那么在思科认证的数据库中,您的 CCNP 认证将被自动转换成 CCNP 路由和交换认证。
当您完成重新认证考试后,您将会获得 CCNP 路由和交换认证证书。
Q: CCNP 路由和交换认证有什么改变?A:有改变,CCNP 路由和交换考试根据 CCNP 课程的更新做出了相对应改变。
施行思科网络平安210-260 IINS考试时间为90分钟,考生需要完成60-70到考题。
210-260 IINS考试验证考生是否具备网络平安架构,理解网络平安核心概念,管理平安访问,加密,防火墙,平安入侵防御,网页及邮件内容平安及终端设备平安等知识。
通过210-260 IINS考试证明考生拥有在思科平安网络架构中施行操作的才能。
1.1 Common security principles1.1.a Describe confidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA)1.1.b Describe SIEM technology1.1.c Identify mon security terms1.1.d Identify mon work security zones1.2 Common security threats1.2.a Identify mon work attacks1.2.b Describe social engineering1.2.c Identify malware1.2.d Classify the vectors of data loss/exfiltration1.3 Cryptography concepts1.3.a Describe key exchange1.3.b Describe hash algorithm1.3.c Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption1.3.d Describe digital signatures, certificates, and PKI1.4 Describe work topologies1.4.a Campus area work (CAN)1.4.b Cloud, wide area work (WAN)1.4.c Data center1.4.d Small office/home office (SOHO)1.4.e Network security for a virtual environment2.1 Secure management2.1.a Compare in-band and out-of band2.1.b Configure secure work management2.1.c Configure and verify secure aess through SNMP v3 using an ACL2.1.d Configure and verify security for NTP2.1.e Use SCP for file transfer2.2 AAA concepts2.2.a Describe RADIUS and TACACS+ technologies2.2.b Configure administrative aess on a Cisco router using TACACS+2.2.c Verify connectivity on a Cisco router to a TACACS+ server2.2.d Explain the integration of Active Directory with AAA2.2.e Describe authentication and authorization using ACS and ISE2.3 802.1X authentication2.3.a Identify the functions 802.1X ponents2.4 BYOD2.4.a Describe the BYOD architecture framework2.4.b Describe the function of mobile device management (MDM)3.1 concepts3.1.a Describe IPsec protocols and delivery modes (IKE, ESP, AH, tunnel mode, transport mode)3.1.b Describe hairpinning, split tunneling, always-on, NAT traversal3.2 Remote aess3.2.a Implement basic clientless SSL using ASDM3.2.b Verify clientless connection3.2.c Implement basic AnyConnect SSL using ASDM3.2.d Verify AnyConnect connection3.2.e Identify endpoint posture assessment3.3 Site-to-site3.3.a Implement an IPsec site-to-site with pre-shared key authentication on Cisco routers and ASA firewalls3.3.b Verify an IPsec site-to-site4.1 Security on Cisco routers4.1.a Configure multiple privilege levels4.1.b Configure Cisco IOS role-based CLI aess4.1.c Implement Cisco IOS resilient configuration4.2 Securing routing protocols4.2.a Implement routing update authentication on OSPF4.3 Securing the control plane4.3.a Explain the function of control plane policing4.4 Common Layer 2 attacks4.4.a Describe STP attacks4.4.b Describe ARP spoofing4.4.c Describe MAC spoofing4.4.d Describe CAM table (MAC address table) overflows4.4.e Describe CDP/LLDP reconnaissance4.4.f Describe VLAN hopping4.4.g Describe DHCP spoofing4.5 Mitigation procedures4.5.a Implement DHCP snooping4.5.b Implement Dynamic ARP Inspection4.5.c Implement port security4.5.d Describe BPDU guard, root guard, loop guard4.5.e Verify mitigation procedures4.6 VLAN security4.6.a Describe the security implications of a PVLAN4.6.b Describe the security implications of a native VLAN5.1 Describe operational strengths and weaknesses of the different firewall technologies5.1.a Proxy firewalls5.1.b Application firewall5.1.c Personal firewall5.2 Compare stateful vs. stateless firewalls5.2.a Operations5.2.b Function of the state table5.3 Implement NAT on Cisco ASA 9.x5.3.a Static5.3.b Dynamic5.3.c PAT5.3.d Policy NAT5.3 e Verify NAT operations5.4 Implement zone-based firewall5.4.a Zone to zone5.4.b Self zone5.5 Firewall features on the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 9.x5.5.a Configure ASA aess management5.5.b Configure security aess policies5.5.c Configure Cisco ASA interface security levels5.5.d Configure default Cisco Modular Policy Framework (MPF)5.5.e Describe modes of deployment (routed firewall, transparent firewall)5.5.f Describe methods of implementing highavailability5.5.g Describe security contexts5.5.h Describe firewall services6.1 Describe IPS deployment considerations6.1.a Network-based IPS vs. host-based IPS6.1.b Modes of deployment (inline, promiscuous - SPAN, tap)6.1.c Placement (positioning of the IPS within the work)6.1.d False positives, false negatives, true positives, true negatives6.2 Describe IPS technologies6.2.a Rules/signatures6.2.b Detection/signature engines6.2.c Trigger actions/responses (drop, reset, block, alert, monitor/log, shun)6.2.d Blacklist (static and dynamic)7.1 Describe mitigation technology for email-based threats7.1.a SPAM filtering, anti-malware filtering, DLP, blacklisting, email encryption7.2 Describe mitigation technology for web-based threats7.2.a Local and cloud-based web proxies7.2.b Blacklisting, URL filtering, malware scanning, URL categorization, web application filtering, TLS/SSL decryption7.3 Describe mitigation technology for endpoint threats7.3.a Anti-virus/anti-malware7.3.b Personal firewall/HIPS7.3.c Hardware/software encryption of local data。
思科网络平安运营考试要点考试说明施行思科网络平安运营(210-255 SECOPS)考试时间为1.5小时,有50-60道与思科CA网络平安运营认证相关的考题。
考生可以通过参加培训课程 Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations v1.0 (SECOPS)来准备考试。
210-255 SECOPS考试检验考生是否具备成功解决在网络平安运营中心(SOC)初级网络工程师平安分析师岗位中处理任务和职责所需的知识和技能。
以下考纲列出了210-255 SECOPS考试中可能出现的考试内容。
1.0 Endpoint Threat Analysis & Computer Forensics15%2.0 Network Intrusion Analysis22%3.0 Incident Response18%4.0 Data and Event Analysis23%5.0 Incident Handling22%考试说明理解思科网络平安根底(210-250 SECFND)考试时间为1.5小时,有50-60道与思科CA网络平安运营认证相关的考题。
考生可以通过参加培训课程 "Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals (SECFND) v1.0” 准备考试。
210-250 SECFND考试检验考生对思科网络平安的根本原那么,根底知识的理解,以及是否掌握更多高级别内容以通过第二门所需考试"Implementing CiscoCybersecurity Operations (SECOPS)"的核心技能。
1.0 Perimeter Security and Intrusion Prevention 21% 23%1.1 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot HA features on Cisco ASA and Cisco FirePOWER Threat Defense (FTD)1.2 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot clustering on Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD1.3 Describe, implement, troubleshoot, and secure routing protocols on Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD1.4 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot different deployment modes such as routed, transparent, single, and multicontext on Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD1.5 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot firewall features such as NAT (v4,v6), PAT, application inspection, traffic zones, policy-based routing, traffic redirection to service modules, and identity firewall on Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD1.6 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot IOS security features such as Zone-Based Firewall (ZBF), application layer inspection, NAT (v4,v6), PAT and TCP intercept on Cisco IOS/IOS-XE1.7 Describe, implement, optimize, and troubleshoot policies and rules for traffic control on Cisco ASA, Cisco FirePOWER and Cisco FTD1.8 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot Cisco FirepowerManagement Center (FMC) features such as alerting, logging, and reporting1.9 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot correlation and remediation rules on Cisco FMC1.10 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot Cisco FirePOWER and Cisco FTD deployment such as in-line, passive, and TAP modes1.11 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) features such as SSL inspection, user identity, geolocation, and AVC (Firepower appliance)1.12 Describe, detect, and mitigate common types of attacks such as DoS/DDoS, evasion techniques, spoofing, man-in-the-middle, and botnet2.0 Advanced Threat Protection and Content Security 17% 19%2.1 Compare and contrast different AMP solutions including public and private cloud deployment models2.2 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot AMP for networks, AMP for endpoints, and AMP for content security (CWS, ESA, and WSA)2.3 Detect, analyze, and mitigate malware incidents2.4 Describe the benefit of threat intelligence provided by AMP Threat GRID2.5 Perform packet capture and analysis using Wireshark, tcpdump, SPAN, and RSPAN2.6 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot web filtering, user identification, and Application Visibility and Control (AVC)2.7 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot mail policies, DLP, email quarantines, and SenderBase on ESA2.8 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot SMTP authentication such as SPF and DKIM on ESA2.9 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot SMTP encryption on ESA2.10 Compare and contrast different LDAP query types on ESA2.11 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot WCCP redirection2.12 Compare and contrast different proxy methods such as SOCKS, Auto proxy/WPAD, and transparent2.13 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot HTTPS decryption and DLP2.14 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot CWS connectors on Cisco IOS routers, Cisco ASA, Cisco AnyConnect, and WSA2.15 Describe the security benefits of leveraging the OpenDNS solution.2.16 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot SMA for centralized content security management2.17 Describe the security benefits of leveraging Lancope3.0 Secure Connectivity and Segmentation 17% 19%3.1 Compare and contrast cryptographic and hash algorithms such as AES, DES, 3DES, ECC, SHA, and MD53.2 Compare and contrast security protocols such as ISAKMP/IKEv1, IKEv2, SSL, TLS/DTLS, ESP, AH, SAP, and MKA3.3 Describe, implementc and troubleshoot remote access VPN using technologies such as FLEXVPN, SSL-VPN between Cisco firewalls, routers, and end hosts3.4 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot the Cisco IOS CA for VPN authentication3.5 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot clientless SSL VPN technologies with DAP and smart tunnels on Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD3.6 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot site-to-site VPNs such as GETVPN, DMVPN and IPsec3.7 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot uplink and downlink MACsec (802.1AE)3.8 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot VPN high availability using Cisco ASA VPN clustering and dual-hub DMVPN deployments3.9 Describe the functions and security implications of cryptographic protocols such as AES, DES, 3DES, ECC, SHA, MD5, ISAKMP/IKEv1, IKEv2, SSL, TLS/DTLS, ESP, AH, SAP, MKA, RSA, SCEP/EST, GDOI, X.509, WPA, WPA2, WEP, and TKIP3.10 Describe the security benefits of network segmentation and isolation3.11 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot VRF-Lite and VRF-Aware VPN3.12 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot microsegmentation with TrustSec using SGT and SXP3.13 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot infrastructure segmentation methods such as VLAN, PVLAN, and GRE3.14 Describe the functionality of Cisco VSG used to secure virtual environments3.15 Describe the security benefits of data center segmentation using ACI, EVPN, VXLAN, and NVGRE4.0 Identity Management, Information Exchange, and Access Control 22% 24%4.1 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot various personas of ISE in a multinode deployment4.2 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot network access device (NAD), ISE, and ACS configuration for AAA4.3 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot AAA foradministrative access to Cisco network devices using ISE and ACS4.4 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot AAA for network access with 802.1X and MAB using ISE.4.5 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot cut-through proxy/auth-proxy using ISE as the AAA server4.6 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot guest life cycle management using ISE and Cisco network infrastructure4.7 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot BYOD on-boarding and network access flows with an internal or external CA4.8 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot ISE and ACS integration with external identity sources such as LDAP, AD, and external RADIUS4.9 Describe ISE and ACS integration with external identity sources such as RADIUS Token, RSA SecurID, and SAML4.10 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot provisioning of AnyConnect with ISE and ASA4.11 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot posture assessment with ISE4.12 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot endpoint profiling using ISE and Cisco network infrastructure including device sensor4.13 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot integration of MDM with ISE4.14 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot certificate based authentication using ISE4.15 Describe, implement, verify, and troubleshoot authentication methods such as EAP Chaining and Machine Access Restriction (MAR)4.16 Describe the functions and security implications of AAAprotocols such as RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP/LDAPS, EAP (EAP-PEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-FAST, EAP-TEAP, EAP- MD5, EAP-GTC), PAP, CHAP, and MS-CHAPv24.17 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot identity mapping on ASA, ISE, WSA and FirePOWER4.18 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot pxGrid between security devices such as WSA, ISE, and Cisco FMC5.0 Infrastructure Security, Virtualization, and Automation 13% 15%5.1 Identify common attacks such as Smurf, VLAN hopping, and SYNful knock, and their mitigation techniques5.2 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot device hardening techniques and control plane protection methods, such as CoPP and IP Source routing.5.3 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot management plane protection techniques such as CPU and memory thresholding and securing device access5.4 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot data plane protection techniques such as iACLs, uRPF, QoS, and RTBH5.5 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot IPv4/v6 routing protocols security5.6 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot Layer 2 security techniques such as DAI, IPDT, STP security, port security, DHCP snooping, and VACL5.7 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot wireless security technologies such as WPA, WPA2, TKIP, and AES5.8 Describe wireless security concepts such as FLEX Connect, wIPS, ANCHOR, Rogue AP, and Management Frame Protection (MFP)5.9 Describe, implement, and troubleshoot monitoringprotocols such as NETFLOW/IPFIX, SNMP, SYSLOG, RMON, NSEL, and eSTREAMER5.10 Describe the functions and security implications of application protocols such as SSH, TELNET, TFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, SCP, SFTP/FTP, PGP, DNS/DNSSEC, NTP, and DHCP5.11 Describe the functions and security implications of network protocols such as VTP, 802.1Q, TCP/UDP, CDP, LACP/PAgP, BGP, EIGRP, OSPF/OSPFv3, RIP/RIPng, IGMP/CGMP, PIM, IPv6, and WCCP5.12 Describe the benefits of virtualizing security functions in the data center using ASAv, WSAv, ESAv, and NGIPSv5.13 Describe the security principles of ACI such as object models, endpoint groups, policy enforcement, application network profiles, and contracts5.14 Describe the northbound and southbound APIs of SDN controllers such as APIC-EM5.15 Identify and implement security features to comply with organizational security policies, procedures, and standards such as BCP 38, ISO 27001, RFC 2827, and PCI-DSS5.16 Describe and identify key threats to different places in the network (campus, data center, core, edge) as described in Cisco SAFE5.17 Validate network security design for adherence to Cisco SAFE recommended practices5.18 Interpret basic scripts that can retrieve and send data using RESTful API calls in scripting languages such as Python5.19 Describe Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) principles and components.6.0 Evolving Technologies 10% N/A6.1 Cloud6.1.a Compare and contrast Cloud deployment models6.1.a [i] Infrastructure, platform, and software services (XaaS)6.1.a [ii] Performance and reliability6.1.a [iii] Security and privacy6.1.a [iv] Scalability and interoperability6.1.b Describe Cloud implementations and operations6.1.b [i] Automation and orchestration6.1.b [ii] Workload mobility6.1.b [iii] Troubleshooting and management6.1.b [iv] OpenStack components6.2 Network Programmability (SDN)6.2.a Describe functional elements of network programmability (SDN) and how they interact6.2.a [i] Controllers6.2.a [ii] APIs6.2.a [iii] Scripting6.2.a [iv] Agents6.2.a [v] Northbound vs. Southbound protocols6.2.b Describe aspects of virtualization and automation in network environments6.2.b [i] DevOps methodologies, tools and workflows6.2.b [ii] Network/application function virtualization (NFV, AFV)6.2.b [iii] Service function chaining6.2.b [iv] Performance, availability, and scaling considerations6.3 Internet of Things (IoT)6.3.a Describe architectural framework and deployment considerations for Internet of Things6.3.a [i] Performance, reliability and scalability6.3.a [ii] Mobility6.3.a [iii] Security and privacy6.3.a [iv] Standards and compliance6.3.a [v] Migration6.3.a [vi] Environmental impacts on the network 【思科认证CCIE安全笔试考试大纲】。
该公司针对其产品的网络规划和网络支持推出了工程师资格认证计划(Cisco Career Certification Program,简称CCCP),并要求其在各国的代理拥有这样的工程师,以提高对用户的服务质量,建立Cisco产品网络工程师的资格认证体系。
二、等级划分CCNA--(Cisco Certified Network Associate)Cisco认证网络支持工程师CCNP--(Cisco Certified Network Perfessional)Cisco认证资深网络支持工程师CCIE--(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)Cisco认证互联网专家培训期限1、CCNA:建议学习时间5天2、CCNP:建议学习时间20天CISCO出版认证书籍详细介绍近来有很多学员来信来电咨询关于CISCO公司出版的书籍事宜,我们特地整理了相关的一些内容供大家在学习中参考。
ccie考试内容CCIE考试内容1. 考试概述•CCIE(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)是思科认证中的最高级别认证。
2. 理论知识考试•考试时长:2小时•题目类型:单选题、多选题、填空题、案例分析题等•考察内容:网络设计原则、IP路由协议、交换技术、网络安全、网络服务质量、网络管理等。
3. 实验考试•考试时长:8小时•考试形式:网络环境模拟,通过实验场景测试考生的技术能力。
4. 考试准备•深入学习和理解网络技术原理,包括路由协议、交换技术、安全性等方面。
5. 考试心得分享•有计划地学习和备考,合理安排时间,坚持每天复习。
以上是关于CCIE考试内容的简要说明,希望能对准备参加CCIE 考试的人士有所帮助。
思科认证CCIE协作笔试考试大纲思科认证CCIE协作笔试考试大纲The Cisco CCIE® Collaboration Written Exam (400-051) version 1.0 has 90-110 questions and is 2 hours in duration. This exam validates that candidates have the skills to plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot enterprise collaboration and communication networks. The exam is closed book, and no outside reference materials are allowed.The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.CCIE Collaboration Written Exam Topics v1.0 (Recommended for candidates who are scheduled to take the exam BEFORE July 25, 2016)1.0 Cisco Collaboration Infrastructure10%Hide Details1.1 Cisco UC Deployment Models1.2 User management1.3 IP routing in Cisco Collaboration Solutions1.4 Virtualization in Cisco Collaboration Solutions1.4.a UCS1.4.b VMware1.4.c Answer files1.5 Wireless in Cisco Collaboration Solutions1.6 Network services1.6.a DNS1.6.b DHCP1.6.c TFTP1.6.d NTP1.6.e CDP/LLDP1.7 PoE1.8 Voice and data VLAN1.9 IP multicast1.10 IPv62.0 Telephony Standards and Protocols 15%Hide Details2.1 SCCP2.1.a Call flows2.1.b Call states2.1.c Endpoint types2.2 MGCP2.2.a Call flows2.2.b Call states2.2.c Endpoint types2.3 SIP2.3.a Call flows2.3.b Call states2.3.c DP2.3.d BFCP2.4 H.323 and RAS2.4.a Call flows2.4.b Call states2.4.c Gatekeeper2.4.d H.2392.5 Voice and video CODECs2.5.a H.2642.5.b ILBC2.5.c ISAC2.5.d LATM2.5.e G.7222.5.f Wide band2.6 RTP, RTCP, and SRTP3.0 Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) 25%Hide Details3.1 Device registration and redundancy3.2 Device settings3.3 Codec selection3.4 Call features3.4.a Call park3.4.b Call pickup3.4.c BLF speed dials3.4.d Native call queuing3.4.e Call hunting3.4.f Meet-Me3.5 Dial plan3.5.a Globalized call routing3.5.b Local route group3.5.c Time-of-day routing3.5.d Application dial rules3.5.e Digit manipulations3.6 Media resources3.6.a TRP3.6.b MOH3.6.c CFB3.6.d Transcoder and MTP3.6.e Annunciator3.6.f MRG and MRGL3.7 CUCM mobility3.7.a EM/EMCC3.7.b Device Mobility3.7.c Mobile Connect3.7.d MVA3.8 CUCM serviceability and OS administration 3.8.a Database replication3.8.b CDR3.8.c Service activation3.8.d CMR3.9 CUCM disaster recovery3.10 ILS/URI dialing3.10.a Directory URI3.10.b ISL topology3.10.c Blended addressing3.11 Call Admission Control3.11.a CAC/ELCAC3.11.b RSVP3.11.c SIP preconditions3.12 SIP and H.323 trunks3.12.a SIP trunks3.12.b H.323 trunks3.12.c Number presentation and manipulation 3.13 SAF and CCD3.14 Call recording and silent monitoring4.0 Cisco IOS UC Applications and Features 20%Hide Details4.1 CUCME4.1.a SCCP phones registration4.1.b SIP phones Registration4.1.c SNR4.2 SRST4.2.a CME-as-SRST4.2.b MGCP fallback4.2.c MMOH in SRST4.3 CUE4.3.a AA4.3.b Scripting4.3.c Voiceview4.3.d Web inbox4.3.e MWI4.3.f VPIM4.4 Cisco IOS-based call queuing4.4.a B-ACD4.4.b Voice hunt groups4.4.c Call blast4.5 Cisco IOS media resources4.5.a Conferencing4.5.b Transcoding4.5.c DSP management4.6 CUBE4.6.a Mid-call signaling4.6.b SIP profiles4.6.c Early and delayed offer4.6.d DTMF interworking4.6.e Box-to-box failover and redundancy4.7 Fax and modem protocols4.8 Analog telephony signalling4.8.a Analog telephony signalling theories (FXS/FXO)4.8.b Caller ID4.8.c Line voltage detection4.8.d THL sweep4.8.e FXO disconnect4.8.f Echo4.9 Digital telephony signalling4.9.a Digital telephony signalling theories (T1/E1, BRI/PRI/CAS)4.9.b Q.921 and Q.9314.9.c QSIG4.9.d Caller ID4.9.e R24.9.f NFAS4.10 Cisco IOS dial plan4.10.a Translation profile4.10.b Dial-peer matching logics4.10.c Test commands4.11 SAF/CCD4.12 IOS CAC4.13 IOS accounting5.0 Quality of Service and Security in Cisco Collaboration Solutions12%Hide Details5.1 QoS: link efficiency5.1.a LFI5.1.b MMLPPP5.1.c FRF.125.1.d cRTP5.1.e VAD5.2 QoS: classification and marking5.2.a Voice versus video classification 5.2.b Soft clients versus hard clients 5.2.c Trust boundaries5.3 QoS: congestion management5.3.a Layer 2 priorities5.3.b Low latency queue5.3.c Traffic policing and shaping5.4 QoS: medianet5.5 QoS: wireless QoS5.6 Security: mixed mode cluster5.7 Security: secured phone connectivity 5.7.a VPN phones5.7.b Phone proxy5.7.c TLS proxy5.7.d IEEE 802.1x5.8 Security: default security features 5.9 Security: firewall traversal5.10 Security: toll fraud6.0 Cisco Unity Connection8%Hide Details6.1 CUCM and CUCME integration6.2 Single inbox6.3 MWI6.4 Call handlers6.5 CUC dial plan6.6 Directory handlers6.7 CUC features6.7.a High availability6.7.b Visual voicemail6.7.c Voicemail for Jabber6.8 Voicemail networking7.0 Cisco Unified Contact Center Express 4%Hide Details7.1 UCCX CTI Integration7.2 ICD functions7.3 UCCX scripting components8.0 Cisco Unified IM and Presence6%Hide Details8.1 Cisco Unified IM Presence Components 8.2 CUCM integration8.3 Cisco Jabber8.4 Federation8.5 Presence Cloud Solutions8.6 Group chat and compliance。
IntrodUCtion to CyberSeCUrity
IntrOdUCtiOn to CyberSeCUrity
IntrOdUCtiOn to CyberSeCUrity
IntrOdUCtiOn to CyberSeCUrity
思科认证知识点总结思科认证的级别可以分为以下几种:1. 入门级认证:CCENT(思科认证入门证书)2. 中级认证:CCNA(思科认证网络管理员证书)、CCNP(思科认证专业网络工程师证书)3. 专家级认证:CCIE(思科认证互联网专业人员证书)每个级别的考试都覆盖了不同的知识点,下面将针对每个级别的相关知识点进行详细介绍。
CCENT认证考试涵盖了以下知识点:1. 网络基础知识:包括网络拓扑、协议、OSI模型、TCP/IP协议等基础知识。
2. 网络设备:包括路由器、交换机、集线器等网络设备的功能和配置。
3. IP地址和子网划分:包括IP地址的分类、私有IP地址、子网划分等内容。
4. 路由器配置:包括路由器的基本配置、静态路由、动态路由等内容。
5. 交换机配置:包括VLAN、三层交换机、端口安全等内容。
CCNA认证考试涵盖了以下知识点:1. 网络基础知识:包括以太网、路由、交换、TCP/IP协议等基础知识。
2. 路由器和交换机配置:包括路由器和交换机的基本配置、静态路由、动态路由、VLAN、端口安全等内容。
3. 网络安全:包括防火墙、VPN、网络攻击等内容。
4. 网络故障排除:包括网络故障排除的基本原则、工具和方法。
下面是CN人才网小编整理的思科认证笔试经验,欢迎阅读参考!第一种思科认证考试首先要为大家介绍的第一种思科认证考试那就是:BuildingCiscoMultilayerSwitchedNetworks(BCMSN)v2.0 考试号为:643-811BCMSN适用于的认证为:CCNP主要变化程度为:70%考点难点的问题:这一个思科认证考试的考点难点问题主要有七个,具体如下:(1)首先这会增加了园区网Qos实现以及的设计的问题;(2)增加了CISCO(即思科)私有的多层交换技术,即CEF(CiscoExpressForwarding,Cisco特快交换)。
参加CCIE考试前并不需要获得Cisco的其他证书,但必须通过笔试后(也就是常说的CCIE writer)才能参加Cisco试验室操作考试(CCIE lab),如果你十分不幸地通过了试验室操作考试,那么恭喜你,你将拥有你想拥有的大部分东西了。
获得Associate 级别证书是获得Prefessional级别证书的基础,也就是说你要想获得CCNP(或CCDP)证书需要先获得CCNA(或CCDA)证书。
Cisco的认证分为网络支持和网络设计两大类,并进一步划分为路由和交换、ISP拨号、SNA/IP集成、广域网W AN三部分。
思科认证实施CiscoIP路由考试概述思科认证实施Cisco IP路由考试概述实施Cisco IP 路由(ROUTE 300-101)是获得思科CCNP和CCDP 认证需要通过的一项考试。
ROUTE 300-101考试证明通过的考生具备网络路由的知识和相关技能。
以下是实施Cisco IP 路由(ROUTE 300-101)考试的主要内容和考点。
10% 1.0 Network Principles1.1 Identify Cisco Express Forwarding concepts1.1.a FIB1.1.b Adjacency table1.2 Explain general network challenges1.2.a Unicast1.2.b Out-of-order packets1.2.c Asymmetric routing1.3 Describe IP operations1.3.a ICMP Unreachable and Redirects1.3.b IPv4 and IPv6 fragmentation1.3.c TTL1.4 Explain TCP operations1.4.a IPv4 and IPv6 (P)MTU1.4.b MSS1.4.c Latency1.4.d Windowing1.4.e Bandwidth-delay product1.4.f Global synchronization1.5 Describe UDP operations1.5.a Starvation1.5.b Latency1.6 Recognize proposed changes to the network1.6.a Changes to routing protocol parameters1.6.b Migrate parts of the network to IPv61.6.c Routing protocol migration10% 2.0 Layer 2 Technologies2.1 Configure and verify PPP2.1.a Authentication (PAP, CHAP)2.1.b PPPoE (client side only)2.2 Explain Frame Relay2.2.a Operations2.2.b Point-to-point2.2.c Multipoint40% 3.0 Layer 3 Technologies3.1 Identify, configure, and verify IPv4 addressing and subnetting3.1.a Address types (Unicast, broadcast, multicast, and VLSM)3.1.b ARP3.1.c DHCP relay and server3.1.d DHCP protocol operations3.2 Identify IPv6 addressing and subnetting3.2.a Unicast3.2.b EUI-643.2.c ND, RS/RA3.2.d Autoconfig (SLAAC)3.2.e DHCP relay and server3.2.f DHCP protocol operations3.3 Configure and verify static routing3.4 Configure and verify default routing3.5 Evaluate routing protocol types3.5.a Distance vector3.5.b Link state3.5.c Path vector3.6 Describe administrative distance3.7 Troubleshoot passive interfaces3.8 Configure and verify VRF lite3.9 Configure and verify filtering with any protocol3.10 Configure and verify redistribution between any routing protocols or routing sources3.11 Configure and verify manual and autosummarization with any routing protocol3.12 Configure and verify policy-based routing3.13 Identify suboptimal routing3.14 Explain ROUTE maps3.15 Configure and verify loop prevention mechanisms3.15.a Route tagging and filtering3.15.b Split-horizon3.15.c Route poisoning3.16 Configure and verify RIPv23.17 Describe RIPng3.18 Describe EIGRP packet types3.19 Configure and verify EIGRP neighbor relationship and authentication3.20 Configure and verify EIGRP stubs3.21 Configure and verify EIGRP load balancing3.21.a Equal cost3.21.b Unequal cost3.22 Describe and optimize EIGRP metrics3.23 Configure and verify EIGRP for IPv63.24 Describe OSPF packet types3.25 Configure and verify OSPF neighbor relationship and authentication3.26 Configure and verify network types, area types, and router types3.26.a Point-to-point, multipoint, broadcast, nonbroadcast3.26.b LSA types, area type: backbone, normal, transit, stub, NSSA, totally stub3.26.c Internal router, backbone router, ABR, ASBR3.26.d Virtual link3.27 Configure and verify OSPF path preference3.28 Configure and verify OSPF operations3.29 Configure and verify OSPF for IPv63.30 Describe, configure, and verify BGP peer relationships and authentication3.30.a Peer group3.30.b Active, passive3.30.c States and timers3.31 Configure and verify eBGP (IPv4 and IPv6 address families)3.31.a eBGP3.31.b 4-byte AS number3.31.c Private AS3.32 Explain BGP attributes and best-path selection10% 4.0 VPN Technologies4.1 Configure and verify GRE4.2 Describe DMVPN (single hub)4.3 Describe Easy Virtual Networking (EVN)10% 5.0 Infrastructure Security5.1 Describe IOS AAA using local database5.2 Describe device security using IOS AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS5.2.a AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS5.2.b Local privilege authorization fallback5.3 Configure and verify device access control5.3.a Lines (VTY, AUX, console)5.3.b Management plane protection5.3.c Password encryption5.4 Configure and verify router security features5.4.a IPv4 access control lists (standard, extended, time-based)5.4.b IPv6 traffic filter5.4.c Unicast reverse path forwarding10% 6.0 Infrastructure Services6.1 Configure and verify device management6.1.a Console and VTY6.1.b Telnet, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, SCP6.1.c (T)FTP6.2 Configure and verify SNMP6.2.a v26.2.b v36.3 Configure and verify logging6.3.a Local logging, syslog, debugs, conditional debugs6.3.b Timestamps6.4 Configure and verify Network Time Protocol (NTP)6.4.a NTP master, client, version 3, version 46.4.b NTP authentication6.5 Configure and verify IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP6.5.a DHCP client, IOS DHCP server, DHCP relay6.5.b DHCP options (describe)6.6 Configure and verify IPv4 Network Address Translation (NAT)6.6.a Static NAT, dynamic NAT, PAT6.7 Describe IPv6 NAT6.7.a NAT646.7.b NPTv66.8 Describe SLA architecture6.9 Configure and verify IP SLA6.9.a ICMP6.10 Configure and verify tracking objects6.10.a Tracking objects6.10.b Tracking different entities (for example, interfaces, IPSLA results)6.11 Configure and verify Cisco NetFlow6.11.a NetFlow v5, v96.11.b Local retrieval6.11.c Export (configuration only)【思科认证实施Cisco IP路由考试概述】。
思科认证SIMOS考试要点思科认证SIMOS考试要点 实施思科安全移动解决⽅案(SIMOS) 主要检验考⽣作为⽹络安全⼯程师对各种在思科ASA防⽕墙及思科IOS软件平台上可⽤的虚拟专⽤⽹络(VPN)解决⽅案。
该考试主要考察考⽣是否具备通过VPN技术实施安全远程通信的知识,包括远程接⼊SSL VPN及点到点VPN(DMVPN,FlexVPN)。
Exam Description: The first paragraph is the exam description that is followed by a second paragraph with standard copy that appears on all exam topics. The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice. 1.0 Secure Communications 1.1 Implement Site to Site VPNs on Routers and Firewalls 1.1.a Describe GETVPN 1.1.b Implement IPsec (with IKEv1 and IKEv2) 1.1.c Implement DMVPN (Hub-Spoke and spoke-spoke) 1.2 Implement remote access VPNs on Routers and Firewalls 1.2.a Implement AnyConnect IKEv2 VPNs 1.2.b Implement SSLVPN: client and clientless 1.3 Implement Site to Site VPNs on Routers and Firewall 1.3.a Implement FlexVPN 1.4 Implement remote access VPNs on Routers and Firewalls 1.4.a Implement SSLVPN: client and clientless 1.4.b Implement FLEX VPN 2.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring and Reporting Tools 2.1 Analyze syslog and VPN debug logs via ASDM 3.0 Secure Communications Architectures 3.1 Design Site-to-site VPN solution 3.2 Design Remote access VPN solution 3.3 Describe Encryption, hashing, incl NGE 【思科认证SIMOS考试要点】相关⽂章:10-1811-0110-2210-2211-1511-0311-1511-1507-18。
在局域网环境中,每一台工作站的主要“身份”信息就是它的主机名称,也叫NetBIOS 名称信息;在与局域网的其他工作站进行通信时,系统将会利用网络广播等多种方式来将工作站的主机名称信息解析为IP地址,从而实现网络传输、网络访问目的。
现在,许多单位的局域网同时包含了不同操作系统的工作站,例如既有Windows XP系统的工作站,又有Windows 2000系统的工作站,甚至还有的工作站已经使用了Windows Vista系统,有的系统在默认状态下已经安装了NetBIOS协议,不过也有的系统在默认状态下没有安装NetBIOS 协议;当我们尝试使用主机名称来访问那些没有安装NetBIOS协议的工作站系统时,自然就会出现失败的网络故障了。
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2020年思科认证考试:210-060 CICD考试要点
210-060 CICD实施思科协作设备考试,考试时间为75分钟,有
下列要点是可能会出现在210-060 CICD考试中的大纲。
1.0 Describe the Characteristics of a Cisco Unified Communications Solution(15%)
1.1 Describe the Cisco Unified Communications components and their functions
1.2 Describe call signaling and media flows
1.3 Describe quality implications of a VoIP network
2.0 Provision End Users and Associated Devices(24%)
2.1 Describe user creation options for Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
2.2 Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
2.3 Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express using the GUI
2.4 Create or modify endpoints for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
2.5 Create or modify endpoints for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express using the GUI
2.6 Describe how calling privileges function and how calling privileges impact system features
2.7 Create or modify directory numbers
2.8 Enable user features and related calling privileges for extension mobility, call coverage, intercom, native presence, and unified mobility remote destination configuration
2.9 Enable end users for Cisco Unified IM and Presence
2.10 Verify user features are operational
3.0 Configure Voice Messaging and Presence(27%)
3.1 Describe user creation options for voice messaging
3.2 Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unity Connection
3.3 Describe Cisco Unified IM and Presence
3.4 Configure Cisco Unified IM and Presence
4.0 Maintain Cisco Unified Communications System(10%)
4.1 Generate CDR and CMR reports
4.2 Generate capacity reports
4.3 Generate usage reports
4.4 Generate RTMT reports to monitor system activities
4.5 Monitor voicemail usage
4.6 Remove unassigned directory numbers
4.7 Perform manual system backup
5.0 Provide End User Support(24%)
5.1 Verify PSTN connectivity
5.2 Define fault domains using information gathered from end user
5.3 Troubleshoot endpoint issues
5.4 Identify voicemail issues and resolve issues related to user mailboxes
5.5 Describe causes and symptoms of call quality issues
5.6 Reset single devices
5.7 Describe how to use phone applications。