Unit 21 Period Ⅰ 美文阅读课件-优质公开课-北师大版高中选修7精品
北师大版高中英语选修七课件Unit 21 Human Biology 21.1ppt版本

at random
without thinking or deciding in
advance 7. violate 8. hearing 9. doubtful 10. annual
to go against or to disobey the ability to hear not sure;uncertain happening or done once every year
e across 偶然遇见
to 促成;导致
7. in
silence 沉默地;默不作声地
or less 或多或少,大约
9. out of breath 气喘吁吁
10. in use (机械、场所等)在使用中
1.Many contemporary amateur athletes would have broken (bre
world records if they
had taken
(take) part in
first Olympic Games.
2.Ben Johnson would be (be) the 100 metres world reco
在两种性别间还有一个重要的不同。因为白质是解决空间 的关键,因此男性对于事物间的相对位置了解得更好。
这些大脑的不同也说明了这样一个事实:从事需要空间技 作的男性多,而语言技巧的女性多。一项研究表明,这要追溯 们的祖先,女性需要语言技巧来照顾婴儿而男性需要空间技 猎。如果这样的研究结果让你失望,没必要。“大脑一生都在 这取决于我们对它做什么。”一位生物家说。
高中英语北师大版选修7课件 Unit21-Period Ⅰ

BS ·英语 选修7
教 学 目 标 分 析
A quarter of boys and nearly 30 percent of girls were sedentary and didn't get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia. Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys, at 42 percent,while Zambia had the lowest,at 8 percent.Girls
课 前 自 主 导 学
教 学 方 案 设 计
homework-were classified as sedentary(惯于久坐). The researchers found only one quarter of the boys and 15 percent of the girls were getting enough exercise by these definitions.
课 前 自 主 导 学
教 学 方 案 设 计
from India were the most active,with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendations,while girls from Egypt were the least active,with just 4 percent getting adequate exercise.
课 前 自 主 导 学
教 学 方 案 设 计
from India were the most active,with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendations,while girls from Egypt were the least active,with just 4 percent getting adequate exerc学 目 标 分 析
高中(北师大版)英语选修7课件:unit 21

词汇积累 1.court n.球场 2.rank v.把……分等级,属 于 某 等 级 3.countless adj. 无 数 的 , 数 不 尽 的 4.alarmingly adv.令人惊慌地 5.hang around逗留;闲逛 6.sign up for报 名(参加课程) 7.realistic adj.现实的
Unit 21
Human Biology
Trying to get to Wimbledon
14岁的女孩乔迪·巴拉是一颗正在冉冉升起的网球明星, 然而,要想实现自己参加温布尔登网球公开赛的梦想,她还需 要克服许多困难、做出更大牺牲。
Of all the eyes watching Victoria Azarenka and Maria Sharapova on Wimbledon’s courts,one such young girl, 14yearold Jodie Burrage,is keener (热切的) than most.She hopes that one day she can follow them in their footsteps.
Jodie’s parents now have to pay around £25,000 a year in total for her tennis career.Alarmingly,Jodie’s current (目前的) costs are nothing compared to what her parents will have to pay if they send her to a tennis school abroad,the obvious next step for a tennis star.
北师大版高中英语Unit 21 Lesson 1

Find a topic for each paragraph
a. “Gene-therapy” is the real threat. b. The effect of doping. c. The Olympic spirit has been violated. d. Records fall year after year. e. Doping is a kind of cheating. f. Records fall but not because of improvement. (7 ) (3 ) ( 8) (1 ) (4 ) ( 2)
Read the text again and answer the questions.
1) Why would athletes today have broken records if they’d taken part in the first Olympic Games? Athletes are stronger and faster today than they were during the time of the first Olympic Games.
6) What would the effect of gene-therapy be on sport? It would create super athletes who could do the 100m in just 8 seconds for example, and no one would know if they’d had gene-therapy or not. This would spoil the spirit of sport. 7) What is the Olympic spirit? The spirit of competition emphasizes taking part rather than winning.
Unit 21 Human Biology Period Ⅰ 教案(北师大版选修7)

Period ⅠPreviewing(教师用书独具)●教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课就课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。
⇒老师布置作业,让学生看课本第34页课文并完成课本第34页2、3题,预习学案Period Ⅱ(见学案第57页)。
Ⅰ.篇章结构Super Athletesrandom8.Gene-therapy 9.muscle10.genesⅡ.语篇理解1.Which of the following is NOT the reason for improving performance?A.Better equipment.B.Training.C.Better coaches.2.Why is doping illegal?A.Because doping is not good enough.B.Because doping can cause diseases.C.Because only small number of athletes can use it.3.What can we know about the world records in the 1980s?A.Although Ben Johnson broke the 100 meters world record,he was caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics.B.Although Ben Johnson took drugs in the 1988 Olympics,he didn't break the world record.C.Marion Jones was not caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics.4.What would the effect of gene-therapy be on sport?A.It's a good way to improve the athletic performance.B.If gene-therapy were used now,it would be easy to find out.C.The gene-therapy would contradict the whole spirit of sport.5.What is the Olympic spirit?A.To try one's best to get the gold medal.B.To compete and succeed.C.To emphasize taking part rather than winning.【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.CⅢ.课文缩写seek;violate;unfortunately;be known as;come across;annual;tolerate;abuse;compulsory;supremeYears ago when we talked about “cheating”,an exam would occur to our mind.However,cheating is now used not only in exams but also in sports or games.When referring to “cheating” in the games,we 1. the issue of performance-enhancing drugs.The drugs are originally developed to help people with illnesses,but now they also create 2. athletes making them faster and stron-ger than is normal for human beings.Taking these drugs 3. “doping”,which can cause serious health problems in later life for those who 4. them,but some athletes 5. to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do so.The sports world doesn't 6. doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating.To our surprise,some athletes,including some world-record keepers or breakers 7. the rule,such as Ben Johnson in 100 metres in the 1988 Olympics.Floyd Landis in the8. cycling race in 2006 and American athlete Marion Jones in the Olympics.9.,it is not easy to catch athlete using illegal drugs because it is 10. for winners to be tested,but others only at random.However,doping is not the only thing we need to worry about.“gene-therapy”will be the next big threat.If gene-therapy were used now,it would be almost impossible to find out.【答案】 e across 2.supreme 3.is known as4.abuse 5.seek 6.tolerate7.violated8.annual9.pulsoryⅠ.词义搭配1.swap A.to move in or flow through acircle continuously2.digest B.to convert food intoabsorbable substances3.circulate C.to give sth.to sb.and receive sth.inexchange4.supreme D.to look for5.tolerate E.to be against or express strongdisapproval6.doubtful F.feeling doubt;unsure7.seek G.to endure or bear8.oppose H.most important;greatest【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.H 5.G 6.F7.D8.EⅡ.短语填空come across;catch sb.doing;in vain;at random;at all costs;make it;be known as;find out1.We must avoid war .2.Don't throw waste paper or it will make the classroom dirty.3.After hard work of many years,he finally .4.I a picture of you when I was going through my stuff.5.Kunming “the Spring City”for its pleasant climate.6.He tried to open the door.【答案】1.at all costs 2.at random 3.made it 4.came across 5.is known as 6.in vainⅢ.句型背诵1.These drugs are originally developed to help people with illnesses,but in the wrong hands,they create supreme athletes making them faster and stronger than is normal for human beings.这些药物被开发原本是用来帮助有疾病的人们,但一旦用于歧途,它们会创造出比常人更快更强的超级运动员。

由于它是影响力大的欺骗形式,体育界是不会容忍运动员服 用兴奋剂的。本·约翰逊如果在1988年奥运会上没有被查出服用兴 奋剂的话,今天他还可能是百米世界纪录的保持者。其他一些短 跑纪录至今依然让人感到怀疑。比如,弗洛伦斯·格丽菲斯1988年 的百米纪录。她服兴奋剂了吗?如果美国运动员玛里昂·琼斯没有 服用兴奋剂的话,她能成功地进军奥运会吗?
谈到破纪录,我们就会碰到服用提高成绩的药物问题。研制 这些药物原本是用来帮助人们解除病痛的,但误用到运动员身 上,就会使他们在竞技比赛中超乎寻常地发挥,变得更快、更 强。服用这些药叫做“服兴奋剂”。尽管服兴奋剂有助于提高成 绩,但同时也会给那些滥用兴奋剂的运动员在日后生活中带来严 重的健康问题。
④The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. Ben Johnson would still be the 100 metres world record holder if he had not been caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics. Other records remain doubtful, like Florence Griffith's 100 metres record back in 1988. Did she take drugs? If American athlete Marion Jones hadn't taken drugs, would she have made it to the Olympics at all?
单元 1.unless引导的条件状语从句 句型 2.时间名词引导的时间状语从句 单元 1.混合条件句——虚拟语气 语法 2.情态动词
高中英语unit21 on lesson1名师公开课精品课件(北师大版选修7)

5. a) Good. As they say -- an apple a day keeps the doctor away! b) Very good. Doctors recommend several pieces of fruit per day. c) You really should try to eat more fresh fruit. 2019/2/9 全品高考网
Look at the following statements and decide which part of the body is described. Key Words : The Body ankle, brain, eye, heart, kidney, bone, knee, liver, lungs, muscle, ribs, spine, stomach, wrist, fingers
Find six Key Words to label the parts of the body in the diagram.
liver stomach
Exercise 2 (Page 33)
a) One or two
b) more than two c) none
Check your answers to the questionnaire. 1. a) You probably aren’t getting enough sleep. b) 7 or 8 hours per night is sufficient for most people. c) you are a sleepy head , aren’t you! 2. a) Once a day is not enough! b) Once in the morning and once at night is probably OK. c) Very good. Dentists recommend cleaning teeth after every meal.
高中英语 Unit21 Lesson1P1课件 北师大选修7

abuse vt. 滥用
They 滥用 the trust the company had shown in them, the boss is very angry.
usedabusedviolate vt. 违反,违背
Do doping and gene-therapy 违背 the Olympic spirit?
Check your answers to the questionnaire. 1. a) You probably aren’t getting enough sleep.
b) 7 or 8 hours per night is sufficient for most people.
c) you are a sleepy head , aren’t you! 2. a) Once a day is not enough!
heart liver
brain lungs
Exercise 2 (Page 33)
Look at the following statements and decide which part of the body is described.
Key Words : The Body ankle, brain, eye, heart, kidney, bone, knee, liver, lungs, muscle, ribs, spine, stomach, wrist, fingers
4. a) Well done! You probably save lots of money on dentist bills.
b) Well, every now and then is OK. c) You should cut down!
高中英语北师大版选修7课件 Unit21-Period Ⅴ

BS ·英语
People all over the world should get on with each other in peace.全世界人民应该和平相处。
课 堂 互 动 探 究
She is in great trouble,so she needs your advice. 她遇到很大的困难,所以需要你的建议。 He told me his plan of studying in detail. 他详细地把他的学习计划告诉了我。
菜 单
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
同义短语: concentrate on sth.集中(注意力、精力)于某事
课 堂 互 动 探 究
pay attention to 注意 put one's heart into sth.全神贯注于某事
She couldn't concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。 Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
课 堂 互 动 探 究
The discussion focused on three problems. 讨论集中在三个问题上。 I focused the camera on her. 我把照相机的焦点对准她。 All their attention was focused on only one thing,how to solve the problem of water pollution.他们把所有的精力都集 中在一件事上,那就是如何解决水污染问题。
当 堂 双 基 达 标
高中英语北师大版选修7课件 Unit21-Period Ⅱ

课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计
People can swap their rice for wheat in the South. 在南方,人们可以拿大米换小麦。 I usually swap views with my friends online. 我通常和我的朋友在网上交流意见。
1.digest vt.&vi.(P33)消化;吸收;领悟 You should allow a little time after a meal for
课 堂 互 动 探 究
the food to digest.饭后你应该留点时间让食物消化。
教 学 方 案 设 计
paused , waiting
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
教 学 目 标 分 析
课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
教 学 目 标 分 析
课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
教 学 目 标 分 析
菜 单
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
教 学 目 标 分 析
完成句子 ①我领悟了书中大部分要点。 I have in the book.
课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计
②这位老人一直读每月新闻摘要。 The old man has been reading .
①digested most of the important points
高中英语北师大版高二下册《Unit21-Period Ⅰ》课件

Ⅱ.语篇理解 1 . Which of the following is NOT the reason for improving performance? A.Better equipment. B.Training. C.Better coaches.
2.Why is doping illegal? A.Because doping is not good enough. B.Because doping can cause diseases. C.Because only small number of athletes can use it.
2.Urbanization could be a factor as well as access to cars and TVs.
Period Ⅰ Previewing
●教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了 解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知 识,对下一堂课就课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。
Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys,at 42 percent,while Zambia had the lowest,at 8 percent.Girls from India were the most active,with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendations,while girls from Egypt were the least active,with just 4 percent getting adequate exercise.
【课堂设计】高二英语北师大版选修7课件Unit 21 Human Biology Part 1 Reading

2.The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. 由于它是一种根本的欺骗形式,体育界是不会容忍运动员服用兴奋剂的。 剖析本句是一个复合句。as 在句中引导原因状语从句。 考点 tolerate vt. 容忍 There is a limit to what one person can tolerate. 一个人的容忍是有限度的。
三、快速阅读 100 metres in 8 seconds?回答下列问题
1.Some sports’ predictions were always A.right B.wrong C.simple D.mature 2.What’s the drug’s legal effect? A.To make the athletes run faster. B.To make the audience cheer more excitedly. C.To cure the patients. D.To make money for the chemists. .
abuse n.滥用
The government has set up a working group to look into the problem of drug 政府已成立工作组调查滥用药品问题。 归纳:abuse 还可用作名词,表示“ 滥用”。
2019-2020新课堂英语选修七北师大版讲义:Unit 21 Period 1 Word版含答案

Period One Warm-up & Lesson 1Super AthletesⅠ.单词自测1.digest v t.消化;n.摘要;概要;文摘;汇编2.swap v i.交换3.supreme adj.(程度)最大的,极度的4.abuse v t.滥用5.tolerate v t.容忍6.fundamental adj.根本的;基础的7.doubtful adj.怀疑的,不肯定的doubt v t.&n.怀疑8.seek v t.寻找9.annual adj.每年的,年度的10.lame adj.站不住脚的,不易令人相信的11.compulsory adj.强制性的,义务的12.controversial adj.有争议的13.oppose v t.反对opposed adj.反对的14.contradict v t.与(其他事物)相矛盾contradiction n.矛盾15.violate v t.违反,违背Ⅱ.短语自测1.in_silence沉默地;无声地2.out_of_breath上气不接下气3.year_after_year年复一年4.slow_down减速5.come_across偶然碰到6.in_vain徒然,白费力气7.at_random随便地,随意地8.at_all_costs不惜一切代价,无论如何1.These drugs are originally developed to help people with illnesses,but in the wrong hands,they create supreme athletes making_them_faster_and_stronger than is normal for human beings.这些药物被开发原本是用来帮助有疾病的人们,但一旦用于歧途,它们会创造出比常人更快、更强的超级运动员。
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“Growing up in a poor country does not necessarily mean that kids get more physical activity.” They study looked at 72,845 schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 from North and South America , Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.The children were surveyed between 2003 and 2007.
From Argentina to Zambia , Regina Guthold of the World Health Organization in Geneva and her colleagues found most children aren't getting enough exercise and it made no difference if they lived in a rich or a poor country. “With regards to physical activity levels,we did not find much of a difference between poor and rich countries,”Guthold said.
【诱思导学】 1.What is the meaning of couch potatoes?
2.What leads to the children's lack of physical activity?
1.Couch potatoes mean some people who
spend most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch, watching TV,and it means that they are lazy. 2.Urbanization could be a factor as well as access to cars and TVs.
A quarter of boys and nearly 30 percent of girls were sedentary and didn't get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia. Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys, at 42 percent,while Zambia had the lowest,at 8 percent.Girls from India were the most active,with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendations,while girls from Egypt were the least active,with just 4 percent getting adequate exercs and nearly 30 percent of girls were sedentary and didn't get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia. Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys, at 42 percent,while Zambia had the lowest,at 8 percent.Girls from India were the most active,with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendations,while girls from Egypt were the least active,with just 4 percent getting adequate exercise.
The researchers defined adequate physical activity as at least an hour of exercise outside of gym class at least five days a week.Children who spent three or more hours a day watching TV,playing computer games , or chatting with friends - aside from time in school or time spent doing homework-were classified as sedentary(惯于久坐). The researchers found only one quarter of the boys and 15 percent of the girls were getting enough exercise by these definitions.
【美文阅读】 Nearly third of children globally are couch potatoes American children aren't the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending three hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to a study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.