



课题名称人教版必修五第2单元 The United Kingdom科目英语教学对象教师一、教材内容分析本单元的话题是“英国”。




三、教学过程资源准备、教师活动、预计时间学生活动、预计时间设计意图Step 1 Leadin (5’)Ask a student to do a news report about President Xi’s visit to the UK.Step 2 Prereading (2’)Ask the students to look at the map and speak out the names of the four countries.Listen and try toremember some newwords.Speak out thenames and answerthe question.A rouse thestudents’interest.Get familiarwith thereading.Step 3 Reading (25’)Ask the students to1) look at the title and number the paragraphs.2) listen to the tape and find the main idea of the text.3) find the topic sentences in the paragraphs and underline them.4) find the paragraphs each part includes.Para graph 2 1) Read and plete the form.2) Ask the question:Which country’s flag is left out in the un ion Jack flag? Why?Paragraph 4 1)Fill in the blanks2) Ask some questions:What are the features of the South ?What are the features of the Midlands and North of England?Where can you find more about British history and culture?Paragraph 5 1) Ask some questions:Why did capital London bee the cultural center of England?Why are there so many historical treasures in London? What did they leave? Look at the title andnumber theparagraphs.Listen to the wholepassage.Find the topicsentence in eachparagraph andunderline them.Find the paragraphseach part includes.Read Paragraph 2and plete the form.Answer the question.Read Paragraph 4and fill in the blanks.Answer thequestionsRead Paragraph 5andanswer the questions.Fill in the blanksUnderstand thereadingmaterial.。



TheSecondPeriod ReadingTeachinggoals教学目标1.Targetlanguage目标语言重点词汇和短语retire,perform,retirement,background,brand,logo,advantage,guarantee,purchase,designer,gymnas t,slogan,specific,symbol,ontheincreaseb.重点句子P42 Theyincludedsixoutofsevengoldmedalsatthe1982WorldChampionship. LiNingretiredwiththefeelingthathehadfailed. Butitwasthissenseoffailurethatmadehimdeterminedtosucceedinhisnewlife. Thenumberofyoungpeoplewithmoneytospendwasontheincrease. Ifyougointoaschooloruniversityanywhere,thechancesareyouwillseestudentsinLiNingtracksuitswith thefamiliarlogo.2.Abilitygoals能力目标Enablethestudentstohaveagoodunderstandingofsportspersonalitiesandtheirspirit.3.Learningabilitygoals学能目标Helpthestudentstolearnhowtointroducesportspersonalitiesandhowtheysucceed. Teachingimportantpoints教学重点Talkaboutsportspersonalities.Teachingdifficultpoints教学难点Howtoanalyzethetextandgraspthemainideaofthetext.Teachingmethods教学方法Skimming,scanning,listeninganddiscussing.Teachingaids教具准备Ataperecorder,aprojectorandablackboard.Teachingprocedures&ways教学过程与方式StepⅠGreetingsandRevisionT:Goodmorning/afternooneveryone!Ss:Goodmorning/afternoon,Mr.Chen.Duringthelastperiod,IaskedyoutodotheactivitiesinEverydayEnglish.Now,Iwillaskfourofyoutoreadt hesentenceswithyouranswers.Checktheanswers.StepⅡPre-readingWell,pleaseturntopage42.Lookatthepicturecarefullyanddiscusswhatyoucanseeinthepicture.Afterth at,Iwillasksomequestionsaboutthepicture.Amomentlater,askthestudentsthefollowingquestions.Whatcanyouseefromthepicture?S1:Thepictureshowsusacompetition.MaybeitistheOlympicGames.Amanis givinghisgymnasticperformance.T:Canyoudescribetheman?S2:Heisagymnast.Heisdoingtheperformanceskillfullyandbeautifully.Alltheattentionisfocusedonhi matthattime.Yes,youareright.Doyouknowhi sname?S3:I’msorry,I’mnotsureaboutthis.Well,letmetellyou.HeisLiNing,afamousgymnast,whowascalledtheprinceofgymnasts.Nowwearegoingtos tudyapassageaboutLiNingandhislifeinsport.StepⅢReading1.ScanningAskthestudentstoreadthepassagequicklyandgetthemainideaofthetext.Thenaskthemtodoreadingcompre hensionexercises.Inthislesson,wearegoingtolearnaboutthefamousgymnastLiNingandhislifeinsport.Nowpleaselookthro ughthepassagequicklyandchoosethebestanswersaccordingtothetext. Showthefollowingonthescreen.1.LiNingwon______medalsatthe1982WorldChampionshipandatthe1984Olympics.2.WhatisthemainideaofParagraph2?A.LiNingalsosucceededasabusinessman.B.LiNingwasagreatgymnast.C.LiNing’ssportsclothescoversmorethanahalfofthenationalmarket.D.LiNing’sgoalwastoopena schoolforgymnasts.3.WhichofthefollowingisnotreasonforLiNing’ssuccessinbusiness?A.LiNing’sdesignswereattractive.B.LiNing’sclothescameintothemarketatjusttherighttime.C.AlltheChinesepeoplelikeLiNing’ssportsclothes.D.LiNing’ssportsclotheswerecheaperthanit sbetter-knownrivals.IfaLiNingproductcostsyou200yuan,asimilarNikeproductcouldcostupto______yuan.Thewriterinthisarticlemainlywantstotellus______.A.LifeisnoteasyforasportsmanB.HowLiNingsucceededandpersistedinhischoice.C.howLiNingwonsomanymedalsD.howLiNingstartedanewbrandofsportswearKey:CACDB2.Skimming Askthestudentstoreadthetextagainandthenworktogetherwiththeirpartnerstogetsomedetailedinforma tion.Nowwearegoingtoreadthepassageagainandanswerafewdetailedquestions.Pleaselookatthequestionsont hescreen.Showthefollowingquestionsonthescreen.1.WhatdoesLiNing’sadvertisingslogansay?2.WhydidLiNingretire?3.Whatarethetwopinyinlettersthatthebrightredlogoismadeupof?4.HowmanyLiNingproductscanbepurchasedin10minutes?Afewminuteslater,checktheanswerswiththewholeclass.T:Timeisup.Well,who’dliketoanswerthefirstquestion?T:S4:Anythingispossible.T:Good!Thesecondone.S5:Becausehedidn’tperformedwellinthe1988SeoulOlympics.OK!Nextone.S6:LandN.VeryGood!WhoknowshowmanyLiNingproductscanbepurchasedin10minutes?S7:Asmanyas60.Allofyouhavedonequitewell.Thankyou! ListeningandgettingthemainideaofthepassagePlaythetapeforthestudentstolistenandaskth emtotrytogetthemainideaofthetextafterlistening.T:Nowwearegoingtolistentothewholepassage.Afterlistening,trytogetthemainideaofthepas sage.Youcandiscussyourmainideawithyourpartners. Playthetapeforthestudentstolistenandgivethestudentstwominutestoprepareafterlistenin g.Thenaskoneofthemtellthemainidea.T:Well,whowantstotellusthemainideaofthepassage?Volunteer!S8:Inthispassage,thewri termainlytalksaboutLiNing’ssuccessbothasasportsmanandasabus inessman.T:Excellent!Thankyou!StepⅣPost-readingAskthestudentstoreadthetextagainandfinishtheactivitiesonpage43.Thenchecktheanswerst oActivity3.ThenaskthestudentstodiscussthetwoquestionsinActivity4.Thenchecktheanswersinclass. Now,pleasediscussthetwoquestionsinActivity4.Whenyouanswermyquestions,you’dbetteran swermyquestionsinyourownwords.Amomentlater,checktheanswers.Well,whoknowswhyLiNingstartedasportswearcompany?S1:HefailedintheSeoulOlympics.Butitwasthissenseoffailurethatmadehimdeterminedtosucc terhelaunchedanewbrandofsportswear.T:Good!Thesecondone.S2:Letmetry.Hehasbeensuccessfulfortworeasons.Onereasonisthathewonmanygoldmedalsintheworld’s majorcompetitions.Heisafamousgymnast.Theotherreasonisthathestartedawell-knownsportswearafterhisretirement.WhatwecanlearnfromLiNingisthatweshouldnevergiveupevenifwef ailsometimes.ForActivities5and6,askthestudentstogivetheiranswersindividually.I’dliketoknowifyoumasterthenewwordsi nthepassagewell.PleasefinishoffActivities5and6.Amomentl ater,checktheanswersinclass.StepⅤComprehensionShowthefollowingformonthescreen.Askthestudentstodividethetextintoseveralpartsandtrytosummari zethemainideaofeachpart.PartsMainideaAfewminuteslater,askseveralstudentstogivetheiranswers.Sampleanswers:PartsPart1(Para1) Part2(Para2-4) Part3(Para5)MainideaLiNingwasagreatsportsman. LiNingsucceededinhisnewlifeasabusinessman. LiNing’sdreamofopeningaschoolforgymnastscame true.StepⅥSummaryandHomeworkInthislesson,welearnedaboutagreatsportsman,LiNing.Heiswell-knownalsobecausehestartedanewbrandofsportswearafterthisretirement.Fromhisstoryweknowthatthew orkofagreatsportsmandoesnotfinishwhenheretiresfromthesport.Afterclass,pleasefinishofftheacti vitiesonpage92andpreviewtheGrammarpart.Bye-bye.Ss:Bye-bye.人品好的人,自带光辉,无论走到哪里,总会熠熠生辉。

人教版高英必修五Unit2 Reading教学设计(全英文)

人教版高英必修五Unit2 Reading教学设计(全英文)

Teaching Plan 教学设计The Subject:New Senior English for China students Book 5Unit 2 The United KingdomReading --Puzzles in GeographyI: Teaching Material AnalysisMy lesson is New Senior English for China students Book 5, Unit2 The United Kingdom., the part of reading---“Puzzles in Geography”, which is an introduction to the United Kingdom about its foundation and development based on geography, history, politics and culture etc. It contains most of vocabulary and grammar points that students should learn in this unit. Therefore, this lesson plays an important part in this unit. If the students can master it well, it will help them to learn the rest of this unit.II: Students' analysisthe second termjust adapt to the senior middle school lifemuch enthusiasm on Englisha good English basisseek ways to learn English wellknow a little about the United Kingdom in their history classIII: Teaching Objectives1. Knowledge aims:◆know how the UK formed and more detailed information about the four countries in theUK;◆the geographical division of England;◆the historical sites in London and some relevant history of England.2. Ability aims:◆improve reading ability such as skimming, scanning and intensive reading;◆summary ability.3. Emotional aims:◆maintain their interest and enthusiasm;◆get the sense of achievement of using English;IV: The key and difficult points1. The key points:◆know how the UK formed and more detailed information about the four countries in theUK;◆the geographical division of England;◆the historical sites in London and some relevant history of England.2. The difficult points:◆use the information to write a short summary of this passage.V: Teaching Methods & Learning Methods & Teaching Aids1. Teaching methods:⑴Task-based Teaching Method ⑵Communicative Teaching approach2. Learning methods:⑴Reading strategy application ⑵Summary method3. Teaching aids:Multi-media computer and blackboardVI: Teaching proceduresStep1. Lead-in (3')Show some pictures about England to the students. At the same time, present two questions connected with the pictures, in order to let students think about them.Intention: arouse students' interest; desire to know more about UK.Step2. Pre-reading (5')Introduce the UK according the map by doing a quiz on page 9.⑴How many countries does the UK consist of?(2)How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?(3)Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the Queen(4)What are the provinces called in England?(5)Which is the longest river in England?Students will work in pairs to think of these questions, then give the answers.Intention:to activate students' general knowledge about UK so as to pave the way for the following study, at the same time practice their oral English.Step3. While-reading (30’)1. Skimming (6')Task : To find out the answers as soon as possible.⑴The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why?(Wales. It's usually considered to be part of England.)⑵What three countries does British Airways represents?(England, Scotland and Wales.)⑶Which group of invaders did not influences London?(Vikings)Intention:In this part, I'll invite individuals to give answers so as to improve their ability of grasping key information in a limit time as well as independent learning ability.2. Scanning (8')Part 1(para.1-3) What the UK includes and how the UK formed and more detailinformation about four countries in the UK politics, culture ectpart 2(para.4) The geographical division of England into three zones.part 3(para.5-6) The cultural and political importance of London and Some Englandinvaded history.Intention: to have a clear picture to the frame of this text; improve their ability of scanning as well as the induction ability.3. Intensive reading (16’)Activity 1: Discussion (a group of four)(4')Questions: How do you understand the title of the text "Puzzles in geography"?Why is it called “puzzles”?Get the students to discuss about the questions in groups.Intention: learn to make clear of puzzles by discussing with others; encourage their cooperative awareness; learn to communicate with others in English;Activity 2: Role-play(8’)Make up a dialogue. The visitor is asking the native about the geography of the UK. Work in pairs. Intention: to further understand the UK as well as this text; cultivate ss' ability of intensive reading;Activity 3: Deal with the language points (4’)Let students find out the language points in the text, and write down the useful words and expressions on the notebook.Intention: to learn and understand the usage of some important words and expressions.Step4.Post-reading (6')Task: Use the information to write a short summary of the passage. Ss can work in pairs to do it. Then it's show-time.Intention: to enhance what we have learnt in this class; cultivate ss' summary ability and get a sense of achievement of using English.Step5: Homework (1')Let students write a composition as follow.You want to visit London on holiday in order to know something about the western culture, so you will write an email to your net friend, Tom. Please make you email contains your travel intention, your plan and your need.Intention: improve the independent learning ability; feel learning joys.VII: Blackboard DesignUnit 2 The United KingdomPuzzles in GeographySkimming vocabularyScanning puzzlethree parts clarifybreak away Intensive reading to their creditVIII: Teaching ReflectionOverall, the goals of this class can mostly be reached. Most Ss can be engaged in this class. But in the post-reading part, some students didn't finish the summary in the giventime. Maybe I should distribute a little more time to this part.。




Warning Up 通过一个小测试考查学生对英国的了解情况,调动学生的积极思维,激发了学生学习的的热情pre-reading 是reading 的热身活动。

此部分主要通过一些图片让学生欣赏,让学生进一步了解英国,并且让学生预测本文内容,为后面阅读文章做好准备Reading PUZZL.ES IN GEOGRAPHY(“地理之读”),从地理、历史、政治、文化等方面简要介超了英国的形成和发展、风上人情以及人文景观,使学生对英国有了比较详实的认识,拓宽了知识面,有助于学生生领英国的语言及其文化习俗。



第三部分介绍伦敦的历史财富和四类入侵者Comprehending 通过让学生生回答同题、解析地图中的信息、划分课文段落写出大意以及归纳课文内容写出小结等练习,加强学生对课文深层次的理解,培养学生归纳、概括、总结能力当堂达标部分,通过做一些练习,让学生能够回顾全文,甚至复述全文。

总结提升部分,通过一个小组讨论,培养学生以读促说,以读促写的能力Summing Up 让学生对本节课的内容进行总结,总结本单元关于英国的有关知识。

五、教学重点how to improve s’s reading skills with efficiency and understand how the UK was formed geographically and historically教学难点: to analyze some long and difficult sentences and use the learned phrases and sentences to retell the text.教学方法Teaching methodsa.Brainstormingb.Task based language teaching.c.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.d.Discussion.教学过程:【课前预习】Do the quiz on Page9本课时是本单元的阅读课时,通过一些小测试任务,让学生从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度了解英国的形成、发展以及它的风土人情和人文景观,使学生对英国有一个比较详实的认识。



高中英语必修五第二单元教案教学目标1. 理解并掌握第二单元的核心词汇和短语。

2. 通过阅读和分析文本,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

3. 培养学生的听说能力,特别是在模拟对话和小组讨论中。

4. 引导学生学会使用正确的语法结构进行写作。

教学内容- 核心词汇与短语- 阅读理解练习- 听力训练- 口语交流活动- 写作技巧指导教学过程引入新课- 通过提问学生对上一单元内容的回顾,激发学生对新单元的兴趣。

- 利用多媒体展示本单元的主题图片或视频,让学生预测本单元的内容。

词汇与短语学习- 教师呈现本单元的核心词汇和短语,结合例句进行讲解。

- 学生跟读并在小组内进行词汇的应用练习。

阅读理解- 学生独立阅读课文,标记不熟悉的单词和句子。

- 教师带领学生分析课文结构和主旨大意。

- 分组讨论课文中的关键信息,并进行汇报。

听力训练- 播放与课文相关的听力材料,学生完成听力理解题目。

- 讨论听力材料中的关键信息,并与课文内容进行对比。

口语交流- 设计情景模拟对话,让学生运用所学词汇和表达进行角色扮演。

- 开展小组讨论,鼓励学生就相关话题发表自己的见解。

写作技巧指导- 分析范文,指出好的句型和段落结构。

- 学生根据给定主题,运用所学知识撰写短文。

- 教师对学生的作文进行点评,提出改进建议。

课堂小结- 总结本节课所学的重点词汇和语法点。

- 强调阅读理解和听力训练的重要性,鼓励学生在日常学习中多加练习。

- 提醒学生准备下一节课的预习内容。

作业布置- 完成课后的词汇和语法练习题。

- 阅读额外的英文文章,提高阅读量。

- 准备一个小组讨论,主题与本单元内容相关。


Task2: (para.2)
Step 1:
Draw a map or timeline to describe the historical relationship between the 4 countries.
Step 2 :
Brief Summary (Fill in the blanks with the help of Step 1.)
Step 3 :
Figure out the development of the writer’s attitude and emotion.
Tip: infer the writer’s attitude by discovering some words and expressions in Step 2.
(para.6) What is the writer’s attitude towards “invasion”?作者对于侵略的态度
A. negative B. critical
C. positive D. doubtful
Item1Free talk about the UK英国自由谈
Unit2 Reading名师教学设计(一)
Module 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Reading Puzzles in Geography


人教课标版高中英语必修五 Unit2 reading精品教案-新版

人教课标版高中英语必修五 Unit2 reading精品教案-新版

Unit2 reading教案Teaching Goals:1. Get the students to know the information about the United Kingdom.2. Encourage the students to talk out what they know about the UK and Ireland.3. Help the students learn to get information by listening.Teaching methods:1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.4. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interestTeaching procedures:Period one Warming upStep 1. Lead-in1. What do you think of Dongguan? Which place impresses you most?2. A. There are not many visiting places in Dongguan as it is a newly-developed city. But what about our country? Think what words you’ll need to describe a country and then give a brief description of China.B. There are many famous places in China. Think out one and describe it, letting others guess which place it is.Step 2. Show pictures of some famous places of China. Ask: Where are they taken? Step 3. Show pictures of some places of the British Isles and ask the students where they are taken. Then tell the students to say something they know about these places. Step 4. 1. Ask the following question: Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of? (Scotland/ England/ Wales-----Britain + Northern Ireland-----the UK + the Republic of Ireland---- the British Isles)2. Show the map of the British Isles to help the students to get a clear idea of some important cities in the UK and the names and the locations of different parts and counties and rivers.3. Then ask the students to look at some cities in the UK and to name them.Step 5. Group work:1. What is the UK famous for? Think about sport, art, architecture, literature, film, food and life. (Show some famous examples.)2. Talk about the geography, history, languages, culture, famous people, buildings and other things in the UK and Ireland.Period two ListeningStep 1. The teacher talks more about the languages in the UK and Ireland. Then ask the students to talk more about the education in the UK.Step 2. Ask: How are classes arranged in schools in the UK?Step 3. 1. Listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true.2. Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable below.3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.Step 4. HomeworkFind more information in relation to the UK and Ireland on the Internet.Period Three SpeakingTeaching Goals:Trai n the students’ spoken EnglishImprove the students’ ability of imagination and debatePractice expressing agreement and disagreementIncrease participation and learn from each other.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Talking about hot topics1. The students are asked to listen to the 28th Olympic theme song and talk aboutthe host city of Athens2. Talk about the 28th Olympic Games3. Talk about their favorite athletesStep 2. Group theme debatesOf the talks about the country and Olympics above, lots of things are talked about like the opening ceremony, island, weather, language, geographic position, medals and so on. The following three topics will be talked about. The students are divided into threegroups and each will choose one of the topic boxes.Box 1: Xiangsheng performance by the Chinese and the westerners. Is Chinese easy to learn for the westerners?Box 2: Learning different positions of England by moving different parts. Is it easier to learn geography by going there?Box 3:Enjoying pictures of island or small countries like Iceland and Japan. Do island nations have advantages over other countries?Step 3. Tips on how to express agreement and disagreementStep 4. Homework: Preview the reading passagePeriod four ReadingStep 1. Lead-in1. London becomes the focus of the world.Video News:Jacques Rogge announced: “The games of the 30th Olympiad in 2012 will be held in the city of London.”News: London Hit By Several Terrorist Bomb Blasts2. Ask Ss(1) Why was Great Britain able to beat out four other world class cities?(2) Have you ever been to the UK?(3) What’s the full name of the UK?(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)(4) Can you give us some information about the UK in geography, literature, politics, sports, sightseeing and so on?Possible answers and new words:Geography: Scotland, England, Wales, Northern IrelandLiterature: Shakespeare, Shelly, Charles Dickens…Sports: Manchester Uni ted, Beckham, Owen…Politics: Karl Marx(communism),capitalism…3. The importance of Great Britain especially as an English-speaking country.Work in pairs. Do this quiz and find out how much you know about the UK. (Page 9 Warming Up)1. How many countries does the UK consist of? What are they?2. Who rules the UK: the Prime Minister or the Queen?3. What are the provinces called in England?4. Which is the longest river in the England?5. Does South Ireland belong to Britain?(Answers: 1. Four. They are: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.2. The Prime MinisterFurther information: It may appear to an outsider that the Queen has an important role in ruling the country. However, this is not so. Her position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain, etc. The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called the Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament each from a different part of the country make the important political decisions and the laws.3. Counties (further information: The counties of Britain are much smaller than provinces in China. They have local government powers for their area. Counties have several Members of Parliament,depending on the size of their population. Large towns such as Reading have two MPs and the largest city in England outside London, which is Birmingham, has ten MPs.)4. The River Thames.Step 2. Guessing and common knowledge of Britain1. Gather some brief information from Ss about Warming Up. Then show the following pictures to the whole class to lead in the text.Queen Elizabeth II; Michael Owen; Big Ben; the River Thames;London Tower Bridge; National Flag;multicultural society; British Commonwealth2.National anthem—God Save the Queen(Song from:/britainintro/ukanthem.htm)3. National flower—roseStep 3. Guessing the main idea of the text.1. National flagThe main colors are blue red and white.The design looks like the Chi nese character“ mi”.The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the UK. Which country is left out? Why? Read the text quickly to find out the answer.Show the flags:Union Jack or Union Flag; Cross of St Andrew (Scotland)Cross of St Patrick (Ireland); Cross of St George (England)2.Ask the Ss to read the title “Puzzles in Geography” and look at thepictures, then guess what the passage may be about.Ask one or two Ss to give their point of view.Step 4. Reading1.Fast-readingLet Ss read the text quickly to find out the answer to the following question:What does the National flag stand for? (skimming)(The Union Jack flag unites the three flags of three countries in the United Kingdom.) Then ask Ss to scan the article to find out the answer. Ask Ss to pay attention to the four parts of Great Britain.( scanning)2.Let Ss read the text once again.(1) Task1: Ask Ss to name the four parts of the UK.(2) Task2: Divide GK into three parts. Draw lines in the to show the zones of the South, Midlands and North of England.( North: Leeds, York, Sheffield, Manchester; Midlands: Coventry, Birmingham; South: Reading, London, Brighton, Plymouth)(3) Task3: ScanningAccording to the text, join lines to the right answers.Para. 1 Explains the joining of England and Wales.Para. 2 States topic to be examined in the reading.Para. 3 Explains the importance of London as cultural and political centre in the UK.Para. 4 Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it cameabout.Para. 5 Explains differences in the four countries.Para. 6 Explains how England is divided into three zones.3. Let Ss have an intensive reading and answer the questions:(1) What three countries does British Airways represent?(England, Scotland Northern Ireland)(2) Which group of invaders did not influence London?( The Vikings. They only influenced the vocabulary and the place names of the North.)4. If you want to write to someone in Edinburgh, which lies in Scotland, you should write the address as______.A. Edinburgh, EnglandB. Edinburgh, Great BritainC. Scotland, Edinburgh, EnglandD. Great Britain, Scotland, Edinburgh5. “The British commonwealth” has taken the place of“the British Empire”, from which we can see ______.A. the British Empire is separatingB. the national liberation movements are risingC. both A and BD. neither A nor B(Answers: 4-5 BC)6. Ask Ss to find the four parts and the important cities in the map.Step 5. Discussion活动(一)(四人活动)1.Why did terrorists strike London?2.Do you think it is time British troops were pulled out of Iraq?(according to the present political situation and the role of the UK in international affairs, try to find useful information from the text, for instance, as a cultural capital)活动(二)Ask the students to do Exercise 3 on Page 11 and exchange their information in pairs. Step 6. HomeworkTask 1:Write a short summary of the passage.(The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit. It shows how England is also divided into 3 zones. It explains why London became the cultural capital of England.)Ss can choose one of the following task as their homework.Task 2:Do some research on the geography or history of the United Kingdom, or a European or African country. Make a poster or give a talk to the class. They develop their research and study skills by searching through the internet or from a library.Task 3:Ask Ss to surf the net to look for information about one parts of Britainand make an introduction about it.Task 4:Ask Ss to surf the net to look for information about David Beckham or Wayne Rooney and make an introduction about them.Period five Grammar and Language studyTeaching goals: 1. Learn about the appositive clause.2. Identify noun clauses.3. Enable students to use new words.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Review the vocabulary and complete the sentences.a. Students work in pairs first.b. The teacher check the answers.Step 2. Brainstorminga. Review the text and present the appositive clause by asking questions:1. What impresses you most in the passage?The fact that impresses me most.2. What have you already known before reading the passage?I have known the fact that…3. Did you hear any news about Britain recently?I heard the news that …b. Collect answers as many as possible, reminding students of sentence structure if find errors.Step 3. Grammar Explanationa. Get students to identify the clauses.c. Try to make students tell the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause by comparing the sentences.1. The news that the plane would take off on time made everybody happy.2. The news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.3. The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering.4. The suggestion that they are considering is that students should learn something practical.c. The teacher offers explanation if necessary.Step 4. Tell the function of the following sentences.1. The idea that Great Britain is made up of three countries’ Corner ,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.2. The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.3. The result of so much French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.4. Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.5. That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.6. They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.Step 5. ConsolidationConsolidate what have been learned by doing further exercises.Period six Integrative SkillsTeaching Goals:1. Learn to describe the countryside, the cities, the people and their life by reading the passage.2. Learn things about the city Salisbury.3. Know more about Britain.4. Cultivate the students’ abilities of concluding and reasoning.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead inTeacher plays the video clip from Robinson Crusoe and asks the students. Have you ever seen this film?Who wrote the story?Do you know something about Daniel Defoe?Step 2. Extension1. More to know about life in Britain: When talking about life in England, we just can’t miss one thing---pub. Pubs play an important part in people’s lives. It is a good place to meet friends and talk and drink beers. English villages are small and cozy. Lots of pubs can be found with names like: the Red Lion, the Black Horse, the Rose and Crown, the King and Queen, and the George and Dragon. Lots of gorgeous food like pies, steaks, chips, big sandwiches, sausages and mash (potatoes!) and lots of different types of beer: bitter, lager (a light-colored beer), ale (a type of beer made from malt), etc(A video clip is presented about a pub.)About football: Football is Britain’s national game. It was invented in Britain as far back as the 12th century, became an organized spectator sport in 19th century, and is now played in vast stadiums watched by tens of thousands of fervent supporters. Football is one of the few things that obsessed the British. And David Beckham is one of the most famous football stars. In the video we can see many college students playing football very early in the morning.2. Let the students say something about the British Isles as far as they know.Step 3. Homework:Now you know how to describe a city’s landscape, the people and their lives after reading this passage. And today’s home work:1. Choose any place you know or you like and write a short passage about it.2. With the help of the Internet, try to collect as much information as possible and make a PowerPoint presentation in the next period.。

人教版高中英语必修5 Unit2 Reading 优秀教学设计(二)

人教版高中英语必修5 Unit2 Reading 优秀教学设计(二)

Unit2 Reading 优教教学设计(二)设计意图This unit is an introduction to the UK and at first the reading introduces the different vocabulary used to describe its four parts. It explains how the UK was formed geographically and historically. It also introduces the four invaders.Warming Up employs a quiz to show what students know about the UK.Pre-reading introduces students the geography of the UK and its terminology which can be very confusing. It is an opportunity to ask students who have visited the UK to give their impressions to the class. Other students may have pen friends in the UK and know something about the towns or cities where their friends live. Let them share their knowledge with the rest of the class.教学目标1. Help students understand the main idea of the passage.2. Try to improve students’ reading ability.3. Arouse students’ great interest to the foreign cultures.教学重点1. How to improve students’ reading skills with efficiency.2. Help students understand how the UK was formed geographically and historically.教学难点1. Analyze some long and difficult sentences.2. Use the learned phrases and sentences to retell the text.教学过程Step 1: Lead-inIntroduce the UK to students by a video “Let’s stick together (David Cameron)”.T: Class, let’s enjoy a popular program which moved thousands of British people.I hope you could experience what the UK is from it....What do you think makes the UK different?Step 2: Prediction(设计意图:通过读前预测,可以让学生从总体上浏览文章。

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(warming up and Reading)教学设计

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(warming up and Reading)教学设计

Unit2 The United KingdomPeriod 1 Warming up and reading Teaching aims1. To let students learn about the countries of the United Kingdom and the Union Jack.2. To get students to read the passage and know about how the UK was formed and the four groups of invaders.3. To have students learn different reading skills of fast reading and careful reading.Teaching difficult points1. Develop students’ reading ability.2. Enable students to talk about the United Kingdom, England and London.3. Let students learn how the UK was formed geographically.Teaching methods1.Task-based teaching and learningTeaching procedureStep 1 Lead-inAsk students to enjoy some pictures about the United Kingdom.Step 2 Warming Up1.Ask students do the quiz and find out how much they know about the UK.2. Stimulate their interests about the lesson by enjoying some pictures.Step 3 fast-readingLet students read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each part.Part 1 : (P1-P3)How the UK came into being.Part 2:(P4) England is divided into 3 zones.Part 3:(P5-P6)The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.Step 4 Careful Reading²Part1 About the UK (Para 1-3)1. Analyze how the UK came into being and fill in the form.2. Ask the students to answer the question.The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which count ry is left out? Why?Suggested answer:Wales. Because it is usually considered to be part of England.²Part2 About the England(Para 4)1. Ask the students to read the Para 4 and tell the three zones.the South of England the Midlands the North of England2. Using the information of part 2 to fill in the blanks.Most population settled in ___________________.Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________________.Nationwide, many cities have ________________________.Suggested answer:the South of Englandthe North and the Midlandsworld-famous football teams²Part3 About the London(Para 5-6)1.Ask the students to read the Para 5 and tell the four sets of invaders.They are the Romans the Anglo-Saxons the Vikings the Normans3.The last part tells us about the invaders’ influence on England and London.Read it and try to fill in the table beStep4 SummaryF ill in the blanks.The full name of England is the ______ ________ of Great Britain and Northern Irel and. It consists of four parts, they are __________, __________, _______ and __________ ______, people always think ______ is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called t he ______ _____.The four countries have different ___________ and ____ _______ as we ll as different _______ ______._______ is the largest of the four countries and it is _______ ___ three parts. Most of the people settled in the ______, but most of the large industrial cities in the _________ and the ______. The capital of the UK is ________, it has many great places of interest.Answers: United Kingdom, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Union Jack, Educational, legal, football teams, England divided, into, South, Midlands, North, LondonStep 5 Homework1. To read the text again.2. To remember the important new words and expression.。

英语:Unit 2 《The United Kingdom》教案(新人教必修5)

英语:Unit 2 《The United Kingdom》教案(新人教必修5)

Unit 2 The United Kingdom——readingI. Leading in and warming upA map of BritainThe United Kingdom = the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(China = the People’s Republic of China)II. Warming up:Questions: What do you know about the UK? (I think you surely know sth. about this country, any volunteers? Just think When we talk about a country what items do we usually mention? ) Capital: London ( Do you know the capital of the countries of the UK? )Area: over (more than) 240,000 sq.km. (about two hundred and forty thousand )Language: EnglishPopulation: (about) 59,000,000 (fifty nine million)Flag: Union JackNatural resources: iron and coalTime difference: Eight hours later than Beijing hourThe UK is an island country surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. It is situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark.Now let’s do a quiz and find out how much more you know about the UK.1. Who rules the country?A. The QueenB. The Prime MinisterC. Both( by the way who is the present Queen and Minister of the UN? //// Elizabeth & Blair )(it may appear to an outsider that the Queen has an important role in ruling the country. However, this is not so. Her position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads form other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain, etc. The Minister together with his most important ministers (called the Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make the important political decisions and the laws. ))2. What are the provinces called in England?A. countiesB. provincesC. states(County = a large area that includes several towns and their surrounding countryside and forms aunit of local government(英国的)郡;They have local government powers for their area.The counties of Britain are much smaller than provinces in China.But in America county = is the largest unit below the level of a state (美国的)县(州一下最大的行政区)3. Which is the most important river in England? Which is the longest river in England?A. The River AvonB. The River ThamesC. The River SevernThames (338km) London lies on the River Thames.Severn 354 km The longest river4. How many countries does the UK consist of ?A. twoB. threeC. fourThe United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.You have done good jobs. And Now let’s learn more about this in the first reading passage. (p9) ReadingI. Fast reading1. Read the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph (Maybe there is a topic sentence in each paragraph)Para 1 Why people use different words to describe the four countries (history reason)states the topic to be examined in reading. (引起下文) leads in the textPara2 How is Wales linked to England. (How Wales and England united) (What England includes) explains the joining of England and Wales.Para 3 How Great Britain and the United Kingdom came into being. (Why only Northern Ireland joined to the United Kingdom.)explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it came about.Para 4 The relationship among the four countries (similarities and differences )explains differences in the four countriesPara 5 Something about the largest and most important country ---- England.explains how England is divided into three zones.Para 6 Something about the greatest historical city ----Londonexplains the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UK.2. Lets try to divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.Part 1(Para1-4): It explains why and how the four countries (….) united/developed as a big one. They have similarities and differences as well.Part 2 (5): It shows how England is divided into three zones. And the characteristic of each part. Part 3 (6): It explains why London became the treasure of all and how it is influenced by some invaders. (How great it is / why London is ca ll “the greatest historical treasure of all” / the cultural importance of London)3. Get through the passage within 2 minutes Find out the main idea of the whole text together with your partner.This passage introduces how four counties united as the UK. Differences exist in different parts of the United Kingdom. They each have their own international football or rugby team as well as their own educational and legal systems. But even so they are part of one big country---- the United Kingdom. And then the passage tells us something about one of the most important country ---- England and also the greatest historical city ----LondonPay attention to the title of the passage. Think it over why does the author use such a title? Is that suitable? If not, ca n you give us a better one? Let’s have a discussion in groups of four:A. The United KingdomB. A Brief Introduction of UKC. Puzzles in GeographyD. How Did the UK Come into BeingThere is no right or wrong answers to the question.(Different titles serve different purposes: Some can sum up the main idea of the test; others just arouse the interest of the readers; ….This title is just used to lead in the passage and draw the readers attention of interests.)----- Are you from England ?---- No, I come from Scotland.In my own opinion, this title isn’t a bad one. But maybe your answers are better than the title of the passageOk, so much for the discussion and the title, let’s come to the details of the passage.II. Careful reading1. Read the passage and judge the following statements true or false.1. Wales was linked to England in 15th century AD. (F/ 13th)2. When King James of England became King of Scotland and Wales as well, the three countries united peacefully. (F/ When King James o f Scotland became King of England…)3. The four countries work together in all areas. (F/ some areas; )4. Most of the population settled in the South, but most of the large industrial cities in the Midlands and North of England (T)5. If you want to find out more about British history and culture, you have to go to the big cities.(F / go to the older and smaller towns first built by the Romans. )6. London is a great cultural and historical city. (T)III. Further understanding of the text1. Read the passage again and let’s do some further understanding of the passage.1. The Union Jack flag unites the three flags of the three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? And why? (p2)(Wales. Because Wales is usually considered to be part of England. )2. When two teams, for example one is the Chinese football team and the other Scottish football team, compete in the World Cup, which team do you think the funs from England will support? (Strange enough, they will support our Chinese team!)3. Which group of invaders did not leave any evidence in London?The Vinkings. (They influenced the vocabulary and place names of the North. But the other three invaders left sth. in London. )4. What is the relationship between the Republic of Ireland and the UK?Two independent countries.5. Can you work out why London is the capital of England, Great Britain and the UK?Because of its importance in transportation, cultural, economic, politic and history.6. Look at the language, the writing style of this passage. Is it formal or informal? Is it a personal opinion or presented factually? Are there any point of view or personal opinions?Formal. In fact this reading is written to explain facts. It is composed in the third person and in a plain, prose style. So it expresses no point of view or personal opinions.说明文expository writing2. Read Paragraph 5 and divide England into three parts in the map (P11)North: Leeds (立兹), York(约克), Sheffield(设菲尔德), Manchester(曼彻斯特)Midlands: Coventry考文垂Birmingham 伯明翰South: Reading, London, Brighton, Plymouth 朴里茅斯III. Retelling of the textRead the text again and try to retell the text according to the key words and phrases on the blackboard.different words describe, be linked to, came into being, similarities and differences, be divided into, historical treasure, invadersIV. Long and difficult sentences:1. There is no need to debate any more about why different words are use to describe the four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 对于用来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家的词语,现在已经没有争辩的必要了。



are the Romans, _A_n_g_lo_-_S_a_x_o_n_s__, V_i_k_in_g_s__ and Normans.
A. about 6 hours
B. about 10 C. about 16
London Heathrow Airport
London Heathrow Airport
7. Who rules the UK? A. the Queen B. the Prime Minister C. both
What did they leave?
They left…
Towns and roads
Anglo-Saxons: Language and government
the Vikings:
Influence the vocabulary and place-names of the North
_W__a_le_s_ was linked to __E_n_g_la_n_d_.
_E_n_g_l_a_n_d_ and Wales were joined to _S_c_o_t_la_n_d_.
_S_o_u_t_h_e_rn__ Ireland broke away and
In the early _N_o_r_th_e_r_n__ Ireland joined with 20th century _E_n_g_l_a_n_d_ ,Wales and _S_c_o_tl_a_n_d_. Thus
Cambridge University
David Beckham

人教版高中英语必修5 Unit2__reading精品教案

人教版高中英语必修5 Unit2__reading精品教案

Unit2 reading精品教案Teaching Goals:1. Get the students to know the information about the United Kingdom.2. Encourage the students to talk out what they know about the UK and Ireland.3. Help the students learn to get information by listening.Teaching methods:1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.4. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interestTeaching procedures:Period one Warming upStep 1. Lead-in1. What do you think of Dongguan? Which place impresses you most?2. A. There are not many visiting places in Dongguan as it is a newly-developed city. But what about our country? Think what words you’ll need to describe a country and then give a brief description of China.B. There are many famous places in China. Think out one and describe it, letting others guess which place it is.Step 2. Show pictures of some famous places of China. Ask: Where are they taken? Step 3. Show pictures of some places of the British Isles and ask the students where they are taken. Then tell the students to say something they know about these places. Step 4. 1. Ask the following question: Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of? (Scotland/ England/ Wales-----Britain + Northern Ireland-----the UK + the Republic of Ireland---- the British Isles)2. Show the map of the British Isles to help the students to get a clear idea of some important cities in the UK and the names and the locations of different parts and counties and rivers.3. Then ask the students to look at some cities in the UK and to name them.Step 5. Group work:1. What is the UK famous for? Think about sport, art, architecture, literature, film, food and life. (Show some famous examples.)2. Talk about the geography, history, languages, culture, famous people, buildings and other things in the UK and Ireland.Period two ListeningStep 1. The teacher talks more about the languages in the UK and Ireland. Then ask the students to talk more about the education in the UK.Step 2. Ask: How are classes arranged in schools in the UK?Step 3. 1. Listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true.2. Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable below.3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.Step 4. HomeworkFind more information in relation to the UK and Ireland on the Internet.Period Three SpeakingTeaching Goals:Tr ain the students’ spoken EnglishImprove the students’ ability of imagination and debatePractice expressing agreement and disagreementIncrease participation and learn from each other.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Talking about hot topics1. The students are asked to listen to the 28th Olympic theme song and talk aboutthe host city of Athens2. Talk about the 28th Olympic Games3. Talk about their favorite athletesStep 2. Group theme debatesOf the talks about the country and Olympics above, lots of things are talked about like the opening ceremony, island, weather, language, geographic position, medals and so on. The following three topics will be talked about. The students are divided into three。



高中英语必修5 unit 2 The United Kingdom 教案warming up & Reading教案背景:根据新课程标准对教学的要求,要体现出三维目标,又鉴于学生对英国的国情与文化背景知识有一定的了解,但了解得不透彻,因此需要设置一些符合学生实际的话题以提起他们的学习积极性。


教学课题:在互联网条件下多媒体教学的长处教材分析:本教学内容选自《普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语》〔人教课标版〕高二上册必修5中Unit2 的Warming up & Reading部分。



教学目标:1.Knowledge aims:①.Get students to know more about the UK.②.Have students understand the text.2.Ability aims:①.Develop students' reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.②.Enable students to learn more about the UK.3.Emotional aims:①.Stimulate students' great interest in information about the UK.②.Inspire students' sense of cooperative learning.教学重点:1.Let students read the passage Puzzles in Geography and learn something about the UK.2.Develop students' reading ability.教学难点:1.Enable students to use different reading skills.2.Develop students' reading ability.教学方法:1.Task-based Language Teaching2.Cooperative learning教学工具:Multimedia、blackboard and chalk教学过程:Step 1 Lead inShow some pictures of the UK. (pitures)Step 2 Learning Aims:1.Know more about the UK( the four parts, t he three zones,the four invaders)2. Try to understand the text.3.Develop reading ability and learn different reading skills.Step 3 Warming upDo this quiz and find out how much you know about the UK.1. How many countries does the UK consist of ?A. twoB. threeC. four2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?A. about six hoursB. about ten hoursC. about sixteen hours3. Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the queen?A. The QueenB. The Prime MinisterC. both4. What are the provinces called in England?A. countiesB. departmentsC. states5. Which is the longest river in England?A. The River AvonB. The River ThamesC. The River SevernAt the same time, give some explanations and show some related pictures (pitures)Step 3 Reading (I):Read the passage for the first time and answer the following questions.1.What are the four countries of UK?2.When was Wales linked to England ?3.When did the name “Great Britain〞appear?4.What are the differences among the flags of the UK?5.What area do the four countries work together?6.What are the four countries’ differences?7.What are the features of the South , the Midlands and North ofEngland?8.How many invaders invaded England?9.How did the four invaders influence England?Step 4 Reading (II):Match the main idea of each paragraphPara 1 Explains what the term “Great Britain〞means and how it came aboutPara 2 Explains how England is divided into three zonesPara 3 Explains differences in the four countriesPara 4 States the topic to be examined in the readingPara 5 Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political center in the UKPara 6 Explains the joining of England and Wales Step 5 Reading (III)Divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.Part 1(Para.1): States the topic to be examined in the reading Part 2(Para.2—5): Explains how the UK came about, the differences between the four countries and between three zonesof England.Part 3(Para.6): Explains the important role London plays as a cultural and political center of the UK.Step 6 ExerciseFill in the blanks according to the passage.1) The UK __________four countries: England, Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the largestof the four countries, and it is __________ threezones: the South of England, the Midlands and theNorth. Northern Ireland _______________ Britainmainland by the sea.2) First there was England. Wales ___________ it in thethirteenth century. Next England and Wales_____________Scotland in the seventeenth century.Finally Northern Ireland ___________England,Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom. Step 7 SummaryThis class we have briefly learned the history of the UK, including its four parts ,three zones, and the four invaders in itshistory and how they influenced England.Step 8 Homework1. Read the whole passage and write a short summary of it .2. Find the useful words and phrases and remember the keysentences3. Go to the net to get more information about UK.教学反思本节课以新课改的理念与我校——《秦岭中学课改指导意见》为基本指导整堂课的教学,通过展示图片、播放幻灯片等各种方式,设计各种活动引发学生思考,充分调动学生的主动性,很好地体现了新课改的要求――学生主体、教师指导。

人教课标版高中英语必修5 Unit2_Reading名师教学设计

人教课标版高中英语必修5 Unit2_Reading名师教学设计
Step 1
Greeting and Leading in (3mins )
1. T:Check the answers of the pre-view exercises.Lead the students to read the words together.
2.T:Chat with the students andtalk about the things about the United Kingdom from the aspects of football stars, universities, famous sites, royal family, movie stars, singers, scientists, cities, history and so on.
(2)T:Ask the students toread para.4 carefully and divideEngland into 3 parts in the picture.
S:Draw lines to divide England into three parts.
(3)T: Ask the students to read the last 2 paragraphs and finishdo a match job to know the order of the invasion and the things each invader left.


高中英语新人教版精品教案《英语 必修5 第二单元 reading》

高中英语新人教版精品教案《英语 必修5 第二单元 reading》
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Unit 2 The United Kingdom(reading) 本单元以The United Kingdom为中心话题。

本节课的阅读材料——PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY(“地理之谜”),从地理、历史、政治、文化、体育等方面简要介绍了联合王国的形成和发展、风土人情和人文景观。

●Knowledge aims(知识目标)1. To learn the usage of the important words and phrases. 掌握重点词汇与短语2.To learn some information about the United Kingdom. 学习有关英国的知识。

●Ability aims(技能目标)1.Enable the Ss to read effectively under the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom. 在老师的引导下,让学生能够准确了解有关英国的地理历史知识。

2.To develop the stude nts’ autonomous learning ability, cooperative and investigative learning abilities.提高学生的自主学习,合作学习,研究学习的能力。

●Emotional aims(情感目标)1.Widen the Ss' international vision. 扩展学生的眼界2. Form the Ss' consciousness of cross–culture communication. 形成学生间的跨文化(背景)的交流意识●T eaching importance and difficulties (教学重难点)Important points (教学重点)1. Have a total and detail comprehension of the UK from history, geography,politics, and culture etc。


2. 通过速读,培养学生快速阅读,把握文章结构及大意;通过精读,培养学生善于索细节的能力,通过练习提高根据上下文猜词义的能力。

3. 通过口头讨论,培养学生的语言组织能力,口头表达能力和良好的团队合作精神。

Difficult points(教学难点)a. Some sentences are hard to understand. 重点词汇,短语的学习,重点句子的理解。

b. How to improve the Ss’ fast reading ability.提高学生的概括归纳能力和速读能力。

●Teaching Methods(教学方法)1. 速读法:根据高中英语教材侧重阅读理解这一特点,让学生快速阅读,以尽快了解文章的大意。

2. 问答法:帮助学生理解文章的细节。

●Teaching procedures (教学步骤)Step 1. Warming up课前播放关于英国的短片,动态的展示英国的特色,引起学生学习和探索的兴趣,再通过多媒体展示本课的题目:The United Kingdom 。



Step 2. Reading1.PredictionMake a prediction: What’s the text about?2. skimmingThe students are required to skim the passage, and finish the tasks.Divide the text into three parts according to the main ideas given.Part 1 (Para _____ )How the UK came into being?Part 2 (Para ____ ) England is divided into 3 zones. Part 3 (Para _____ ) The cultural importance of London.通过速读,培养学生快速阅读的能力,能够让学生整体把握文章结构及大意。

3. Careful readingⅠPart1Read Part 1, complete the form.In the 13th Century______ was linked to England. England and Wales were joined to __________.In the early 20th Century _________ Ireland broke away and_________ Ireland joined with _________,Wales and _________ to become____________________.Ⅱ Part21. England can be divided into____ _ parts.They are:______________________________________________Retell the formation of the UK according to the map.2.What are the feature of each part?Ⅲ Part 31. Para 5 mainly tells us ______.A. museumsB. invadersC. governmentD. the Vikings2. In the history of England, there has been four sets of invaders. They are:3. What did the four invaders leave for England?4. Comprehending(1). Which city is the centre of national government and its administration?A. LondonB. DublinC. BirminghamD. Belfast(2). From Para. 4, we know thatA. England, Wales and Scotland form Great Britain.B. most of the population settle in the north.C. the cities are as large as those in China.D. British people love football very much.(3). What is the main idea of the text?A. How many countries make up the United Kingdom.B. Explain how England is divided into three zones.C. The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.D. A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture, etc.Step 3. Pair workMake up a dialogueA: How are you? I am a visitor from China. I want to ask you some questions about the geography of the UK. Can you help me?B: My pleasure.A:How many countries is the UK made up of? What are they?B:A: What is the flag of the UK called?B:A: How many zones of England? What are they?B:A: What is the capital of the UK?B:A: What are the historical treasure of London?B:A: How about the invaders?B:A: Thanks a lot.Step 4. SummaryFinish the summary of the passage.The full name of the UK is ____ _________ ___________.It consists of four parts,which are __________, ___________, _____________ and ____________________. People always think ____________ is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called ____ _______ ________. _______________ is the largest of the four countries. It is divided into three zones. They are ___ ________, ____ ___________and___ _________. Most population settled in ____ ___________. Most of the industrial cities are in ____ ____________and_____ __________ . London is _____ __________ of national government and its administration. It is the greatest ___________ ___________ of the UK. In the history of England, there have been four sets of invaders. They are: _________,_________, _________,_________,Step 5. homeworkWrite a short introduction of The UK.Blackboard design 板书设计The UK。
