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Both parties confirm the following terms of the agreement:


1.n of Confidential n: Refers to any technical。commercial。financial。or other n provided or disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party。in any form。including but not limited to written。oral。electronic mail。charts。or samples.


2.XXX: The Receiving Party shall take XXX and security of the confidential n。and shall XXX。including but not limited to limiting access。n。secure storage。and other measures.


e of Confidential n: The Receiving Party shall only use the XXX agreement。and shall not use it for any other purpose。including but not limited to copying。modifying。transferring。or selling.


4.Return of Confidential n: XXX at the request of the Disclosing Party。the Receiving Party shall XXX and its copies。and shall not XXX.


5.XXX: If the Receiving Party breaches any terms of this agreement。it shall be liable for breach of contract。including but not XXX Disclosing Party for any losses suffered as a result.


6.Applicable Law and Dispute n: XXX by the laws of the People's Republic of China。Any XXX fails。either party XXX.

2) The n that falls under this category includes client names and lists。sales targets and statistics。sales methods and techniques。market share statistics。pricing strategies。market research reports。advertising。XXX.

3) This category includes financial n。bank n。XXX。shareholder data。investment background。and any other XXX.

4) XXX property。whether solely owned by the company or co-owned with other parties。existing or developed in the future。includes trademarks。copyrights。patent and non-XXX。commercial secrets。XXX and maintenance n。and other related materials.

5) This category passes future capital projects。business development or planning。XXX。and any other XXX.

6) Any n that is XXX by either party in writing falls under this category.

1.2 "Affiliate" refers to any company or partnership that is controlled by either party to this agreement。"Control" is defined as having a) 50% or more of the voting or equity rights of a company。b) the right to elect the general manager or executives of a company or other entities。or c) the right to XXX.


2.1 Confidential n should only be used for specific matters related to this agreement。XXX its branches。affiliates。employees。executives。consultants。banks。brokers。agents。accountants。and business-related lawyers.

XXX n must only be used for the specific XXX agreement。The Receiving Party is XXX its subsidiaries。affiliates。employees。executives。consultants。banks。brokers。agents。accountants。and business-XXX agreement.
