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Distribution Area Agreement Template.

This Distribution Area Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into this [Date] by and between [Distributor Name] ("Distributor") and [Manufacturer Name] ("Manufacturer").

1. Territory.

Distributor is hereby granted the exclusive right to distribute Manufacturer's products within the following territory (the "Territory"): [Insert Territory Description].

2. Products.

The products subject to this Agreement are those manufactured and sold by Manufacturer under the following brand names: [Insert Brand Names].

3. Purchase Orders and Payment.

Distributor shall purchase products from Manufacturer pursuant to purchase orders issued by Distributor. Payment for products shall be made by Distributor to Manufacturer

in accordance with the terms set forth in the purchase orders.

4. Marketing and Sales.

Distributor shall be responsible for marketing and selling products within the Territory. Distributor shall use its best efforts to promote and sell products in accordance with Manufacturer's marketing guidelines.

5. Customer Service.

Distributor shall provide customer service support to end users of products within the Territory. Distributor shall respond promptly to customer inquiries and complaints and shall take all necessary steps to resolve customer


6. Non-Competition.

Distributor shall not, during the term of this Agreement and for a period of [Insert Number] months thereafter, distribute or sell any products that compete with products within the Territory.

7. Term and Termination.

This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and shall continue for a period of [Insert Number] years, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon [Insert Number] days' written notice.

8. Governing Law.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].



本经销商区域约定协议书(以下简称“协议”)由 [经销商名称] (以下简称“经销商”)与 [制造商名称] (以下简称“制造商”)于 [日期] 签订。

1. 区域。

特此授予经销商独家权利,经销商可以在以下区域(以下简称“区域”)销售制造商的产品, [插入区域描述]。

2. 产品。

本协议的标的物产品是制造商以以下品牌名称制造和销售的产品, [插入品牌名称]。

3. 采购订单和付款。


4. 市场营销和销售。


5. 客户服务。


6. 非竞争。

经销商不得在本协议期限内,且在此后 [插入数字] 个月内,在区域内分销或销售与产品竞争的任何产品。

7. 期限和终止。

本协议自上述书面日期起生效,有效期为 [插入数字] 年,但可根据本协议规定提前终止。任何一方可凭 [插入数字] 日书面通知,以任何理由终止本协议。
