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( 陈丹燕《圣诞歌声》) Usually at this time of the year, Christmas carols can be heard all over New York. They will waft from any street and lane, even from the dirtiest station of the dirtiest route, Route 7. Many people have to change trains here. When dusk falls, the commuters have to line up to move upstairs.
The train is to climb up and onto the overpass and wobble its way through this dirty and messy block. Peering downwards and into the windows of some extremely dilapidated building, passengers may sometimes see some mysterious-looking Orientals dressed in Japanese-style dark suits practicing karate. Looking further downwards, they may see an elderly black woman wearing a dirty flowery skirt, and holding a big black plastic bag. Breathing with much difficulty, she is tottering along on legs swollen with gout. If one happens to be in a dreamy and imaginative mood, he might think he has blundered into Hollywood and happens to be watching the making of a crime film.
This is America too! At the sight, some “rags to riches” dreamers might burst into tears.
The other day, Christmas fast approaching, I was changing trains here. It was cold and wet. People inched forward, intending to change to Route 7. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of a king- size grayish rat scurrying by. Some newspapers say that the rats in New York have the IQ of a 7-year-old child. This may well be true. Scuttling by, those rats seem to be talking to you all the while with their dark glinting eyes.
Then I heard the voice of a child, who was singing “Silent Night”to the accompaniment of a small accordion.
They were standing at the foot of the stairs, an elderly man and a little boy. Holding a little red tin can in one hand, the boy was ringing an iron bell with the other. His little face that appeared above his black overcoat was flushed in the cold air. Some passengers produced coins and dropped them with a tinkle into the can.
That was part of the effort of the Salvation Army to collect money donations.
In the bone-chilling dusk, the bell kept ringing, and the child singing, loud and clear.




Autumn, where it is, always has something to recommend itself. In North China, however, it is particularly limpid, serene and melancholy. To enjoy its atmosphere to the full in the onetime capital, I have, therefore, made light of traveling a long distance from Hangzhou, to Qingdao, and thence to Peiping.
There is of course autumn in the South too, but over there plants wither slowly, the air is moist, the sky pallid, and it is more often rainy than windy. While muddling along all by myself among the urban dwellers of Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, I feel nothing but a little chill in the air, without ever relishing to my heart‟s content the flavor, color, mood and style of the season. Unlike famous flowers which are most attractive when half opening, or good wine which is most tempting when one is half drunken, autumn, however, is best appreciated in its entirety.







We‟ve must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned. A certain amount of risk-taking is necessary. Who dares to claim that he is 100% sure of success right from the beginning and without taking any risks? There is no such thing as certainty. I have never had such notions as thinking I‟m 100%correct. Every year, leaders should review what they have done so as to hold to what works and discard what does not, or take immediate corrective steps. We should lose no time in tackling them whenever new problems arise. No one can afford the luxury of slow decision-making, whether it involves fighting a battle or making a reform. In many cases, you have to take a chance, and correct your mistakes as you go along. I‟m afraid that it may take another 30 years to establish a set of more mature and more consistent system in all fields of endeavor, under which all policies will be more consistent, too.



Dear Sir,
With reference to the goods under our Sales Confirmation No.55, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but we have not yet received the covering L/C to date. Please do your utmost to expedite same, so that we may execute the order smoothly. In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms in the Confirmation.
We await your favorable replay with keen interest. Yours faithfully
We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding for considerable time.
We shall be obliged if you will quote us your rock -bottom prices for your product at your earliest convenience.
We are in receipt of your letter of last month.
We hope to thank you in advance for your trouble on our behalf.
Enclosed please find two copies of our price list.
We deal in a wide range of light industrial products as per list enclosed.
8 谨告之装船单证正本通过中国银行寄送你方. Please be advised that the originals of shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.
We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to doing business with you.


“Snow Mountain”Cashmere Sweaters are lustrous in color, and supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fine quality, excellent workmanship, novel designs and style, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers at home and abroad.
11 全兴特曲酒为中国名酒,产于中国四川省成都市锦江河畔。




Quanxing Daqu Liquor, one of the famous spirits of China, is made from first-class sorghum and wheat. Produced on the bank of the Jinjiang River in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, the history of it can be traced back to the days of Daoguang, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty (A.D.1824). It is fermented in aged cellars and brewed in a meticulous way with traditional method. Being mildly mellow and crisply refreshing, the liquor boasts its own unique style with a harmonious nature and delicate bouquet. 12 产品能值是加工产品所消耗的总能量,它由加工过程中所用的能源、原材料、劳动力以及能源和原材料的运输提供的能值所组成。

Energy value of a product, being the total amount of energy consumed in the production of the product, consists of the energy values contributed by materials, labors and energies consumed during the processing, as well as the energy values provided by the transportation of energy resources and matters.
13 气垫船能直接从地面升空,这意味着它起飞和着陆都无需港口和机场.
The fact that the hovercraft can rise up directly from the ground means that neither harbor nor airport is required for its take-off or landing.
14 应力是一种平衡外力或荷载的内部阻力。


A stress is an internal resistance which balances an exterior force or load. For example, when a weight of 500 pounds is suspended by a rope, a stress of 500 pounds exists in every cross-section of the rope; or, if this rope is cut anywhere and the ends are connected by a spring balance, this will register 500 pounds.
15 这一简单事实表明,摩擦力减少得越多,球会滚得越远。


This simple fact shows that the more of the force of friction is got rid of, the farther will the ball travel, and we are led to infer that, if all the impeding forces of gravitation and resistance could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop.
16 受控条件包括规定生产和安装方法的书面工作规程,使用适当的生产和安装设备,合适的工作环境. Controlled conditions shall include documented work instructions defining the manner of production&installation, use of suitable production and installation equipment, suitable working environment
17 外商投资企业生产的出口产品,除国家另有规定的产品之外,免征关税.
Exports manufactured by foreign-invested enter- prises in the New Area are duty-free, unless other regulated by the State.
18 外籍职工的工资、薪金所得,减半征收所得税.
A foreign employee‟s salary-income is taxable 50% less.
19 出让合同中规定必须撤除的技术设备,受让人应按时撤除.
The grantee shall demolish and remove in time such technological equipment as so required by the grant contract.
20 本细则以《中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法》的公布施行日期为施行日期.
These Rules take force on the promulgation and enforcement date of the Income Tax Law of the People‟s Republic of China for Foreign Enterprises 21 甲方兹保证供应之货物系中华人民共和国国内制造Party A hereby certifies that the goods to be supplied are produced in the People‟s Republic of China.
22“特许产品”系指本协议所述所有装臵和产品以及全部改进和改造的产品或与之有关的研制产品. “Licensed Products”means all the devices and products described in the Agreement annexed hereto, together with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respect thereto.
23 双方特此制定协议,乙方除支付受训人员赴德国旅费及其薪金以外,不负担此类培训费用.
It is hereby agreed that Party B shall have no obligation to pay for the costs of such training, other than to pay for trainees‟traveling expenses to and from Germany and their salaries.
24 改进和改良的技术,所有权属改进、改良一方,对方不得去申请专利或转让给第三方.
The ownership for and modification and improvement of the Contract Product shall belong to the Party having developed the aforesaid modification and improvement. The other Party shall not apply, for its own profit, for patent right or transfer the information of modification and improvements to third parties.
25 技术文献指的是乙方具有的技术文件、图纸、照片、磁带等。


Technical Documentation means the technical literatures, drawings, pictures, tapes, etc, that Party B possesses and have been applied or developed for its own production as well as in its then current manufacture during the validity term of the contract for designing, calculating, manufacturing, quality control, assembling installations, maintaining and testing of the Contract Products.
26 买方于接到卖方根据合同第十一条规定发出的发货通知后,应在发货前三十天由北京中国银行开立以卖方为受益人的、金额为货物总价的不可撤消的信用证。

The Buyers, upon receipt from the Sellers of the delivery advice specified in clause 11 hereof, shall, 30days prior to the date of delivery, open an irrevocable letter of credit with the Bank of China, Beijing, in favor of the Sellers, for that total value of shipment.
27 合同可因下列事项解除或终止:协议;适当的履行或清偿;履行请求权的放弃;以新合同替代旧合同;使履行成为不可能或不合法的情况的发生;导致合同落空的事件的发生,即该事件的发生即使不至于使合同完全无法履行,也会使履行大大偏离原来的要求;以及在发生重大违约时,无过错一方将此种违约视为推翻合同。

A contract is discharged and terminated by agree- ment, by due performance or payment, by waiver of performance, by replacement by a new contract, by supervening impossibility or illegality of performance, by frustration through the happening of some event which renders performance, if not impossible, at least fundamentally different from what was contemplated and by breach in a fundamental respect, if the innocent party treats the breach as a repudiation of the contract.
28 走产学研结合的道路,解决科技和教育体制上存在的条块分割、力量分散问题.
We should take the road of combining production, teaching and research by entering into association or cooperation with enterprises in various ways so as to solve the problems of segmentation and dispersal of strength in the realm of science, technology and education.
29 随着经济的发展,必须逐步提高“两个比重”,同时要努力节约开支,把“开源”和“节流”结合起来.
With the growth of economy, it is imperative to gradually raise the share of financial revenue in the gross national product (GNP) and the share of central revenue in nation financial revenue. At the same time, it is necessary to try hard to economize on spending by “increasing revenue and saving expenditures”.
30要形成一种制度确保领导班子年轻化知识化专业化We should institute a system to ensure that a younger, better educated and more professional leadership is maintained.
31 要在全国范围内继续纠正行业不正之风,狠刹公路乱设卡、乱收费、乱罚款、中小学乱收费、向农民乱收费、乱摊派等不正之风。

We shall continue to correct shameful practices in government departments, trades, and professions throughout the country and vigorously put an end to the dishonest practices of imposing fees and fines by putting up check points on highways and the arbitrary collection of fees by primary and middle schools and imposition of production quotas and fees on peasants
32 在以经济建设为中心的前提下,努力使物质文明建设和精神文明建设相互促进,协调发展,防止一手硬、一手软。

We should complement and coordinate the develop -ment of material progress and ethical and cultural progress and avoid emphasizing the former while neglecting the latter under the premise of centering on economic development.
33 建设文明乡镇要以集镇为重点,以镇带村,制定规划,逐步推进.
To build up civilized villages and townships with a high ethical and cultural standard, we will take townships as a focus, and with proper plans, allow the progress to spread to villages to seek grades progress.
34 大力发扬艰苦奋斗、励精图治、知难而进、自强不息的精神.
We should vigorously promote the spirit of hard working, making rigorous efforts, facing up to any challenge, and constantly striving to become stronger.
35 中国将一如既往地重视和加强同世界各国、各地区发展平等互利的经贸关系;在多边贸易体制中发挥积极和建设性的作用,与其他WTO成员一道,为世界经济贸易的发展做出积极贡献。

China will, as always, value and strengthen equal and mutually beneficial economic and trade relations with countries and regions in the world, and play an active and constructive role in the multilateral trading system and make its positive contribution to the progress of world economy and trade together with other WTO members.

The Ninth Five-year Plan period is an important one as far as our foreign trade and economic development is concerned. Foreign trade and economic cooperation of our country withstood the
severe test of the Asian Financial Crisis and maintained a sound momentum of constant growth 37 充实和完善“金关工程”,建立健全外经贸管理网络应用系统,初步实现外经贸管理、经营、信息的网络化,在电子商务、电子信息、电子政务上取得重要发展。

By substantiating and improving the Project of Golden Customs and establishing a sound on-line administrative system regarding foreign trade and economic cooperation, we can realize network- based administration, operation and information flow of foreign trade and economic cooperation so that important progress can be made in ecommerce, e-information and e-administration.
38 依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,坚决扫除黄赌毒等社会丑恶现象.
We must crack down on all kinds of crime according to the law and eradicate social evils such as pornography, gambling, and drug abuse and trafficking
39 总结八十年的奋斗历程和基本经验,展望新世纪的艰巨任务和光明前途,我们党要继续站在时代前列,带领人民胜利前进,归结起来,就是必须始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。

Reviewing the course of struggle and the basic experience over the past 80years and looking into the arduous tasks and bright future in the new century, our Party should continue to stand in the forefront of the times and lead the people in marching from victory to victory. In a word, we must always represent the development trend of China‟s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China‟s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of eh overwhelming majority of the people in China.
40 事实上,一个人的缺点正像猴子的尾巴,猴子蹲在地面的时候,尾巴是看不见的,直到他向树上爬,就把后部供大家瞻仰,可是这红臀长尾巴本来就有,并非地位爬高的新标示。

He didn‟t realize that a person‟s shortcomings are just like a monkey‟s tail. When it‟s squatting on the ground, its tail is hidden from view, but as soon as it climbs a tree, it exposes its back side to everyone. Nevertheless, the long tail and red bottom are there all time. They aren‟t just a mark of having climbed to a higher position.
41 晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业;缘溪行,忘路之远近。


During the reign period Taiyuan of the Chin Dynasty, a man of Wuling who plied the fisher‟s trade, losing all count of distance as he made his way along a certain brook, suddenly came on a grove of peach-trees in blossom which fringed the shore some hundred paces, no other trees interspersed, where on scented fresh grasses and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion, at sight of which the fisherman was much amazed.
42 石油和天然气的勘探资料,以及对石油与天然气化学成分的预测,使人们迅速了解到形成石油与天然气的地质条件。

Understanding of the geological conditions under which oil and gas are formed came quickly from the data of oil exploration and inferences from the chemical composition of petroleum and natural gas. 43 如果适当地调整碳和其他合金元素的比例,并使用不同的热处理方法,我们就能制造具有各种不同物理性能的钢。

A wide range of physical properties in steel is accessible is the amount of carbon and other alloying elements are appropriately controlled with the help of various heat treatments.
44 每收获一季庄稼,土壤中各种必需的养分都会随之被带走一部分,而氮磷钾三种元素常常大量消耗.
As each crop is removed it carries away with it from the soil small quantities of all the essential elements and very often large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
45 在经济全球化的进程中,只有建立起与国际通行规则相适应同时又符合本国实际情况的经济贸易管理体制,才能趋利避害,并在对外开放的同时有效地维护本国的经济安全。

During the course of economic globalization, only by establishing an economic and trade regime in line with international practices and the specific situation of the country, can they avoid their disadvantages and fully play out advantages, and therefore effectively safeguard their respective economic security while opening to the outside world.
46 敬启者: 你方11月12日来函收悉,得知贵公司意与我方在纺织品方面建立业务联系,甚喜。




Dear Sirs,
We are in receipt of your letter of Nov.12, from which we are pleased to learn you wish to enter into relations with us in the line of garments.
In compliance with your request, we are sending you by air a catalogue along with a range of pamphlets for your reference.
If any of the items listed in the catalogue meets your interest, please let us have your specific inquiry, and our quotation will be forwarded without delay. In the meantime, please send us the name of your bank prior to the conclusion of the first transaction between us.
Yours faithfully
47 现在我们国内条件具备,国际环境有利,再加上发挥社会主义制度能够集中力量办大事的优势,在今后的现代化建设的长过程中,出现若干个发展速度比较快、效益比较好的阶段,是必要的,也是能够办到的。

Since we have the necessary domestic conditions and a favorable international environment, and since under the socialist system we have the advantage of being able to concentrate our forces on a major task, it is now both possible and necessary for us to bring about, in the prolonged process of modernization, several periods of rapid growth with good economic returns.
48Winston Churchill, today an idealized hero of history, was in his time variously considered a bombastic blunderer, an unstable politician, an intermittently inspired orator, a reckless self- dramatizer, a voluminous able writer in an old fashionable vein, and a warmongering drunkard.
49Eisenhower later recalled, when MacArthur felt slighted he was capable of expressing himself in “explosive denunciation of politics, bad manners, bad judgment, broken promise, arrogance,
unconstitutionality, insensitivity, and the way the world had gone to hell.”

50Wartime Marseilles was such a bubbling stew of political double-dealing, financial corruption, racial and nationalist crisscrossings, refugee agonies and tragedies, and Mediterranean finagling dating back to Phoenician times, that compared to Gaither‟s daily grind, melodramas and spy yarns paled.

Four months before Election Day, five men gathered in a small conference room at the Reagan -Bush headquarters and reviewed an oversize calendar that marked the remaining days of the 1984 presidential campaign. It was the last Saturday in June and at ten o‟clock in the morning the rest of the office was practically deserted. Even so, the men kept the door shut and the drapes carefully drawn. The three principals and their two deputies had come from around the country for a critical meeting. Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan‟s resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.
It should have been easy. These were battle- tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ones to the Republican Party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation‟s economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and tele- vision commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F.Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America—a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government.






In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions offer good opportunities for making friends. When strangers meet on such occasions, Asians will invariably, respectfully and with both hands, present their name cards to the strangers before any conversation gets under way. That seems to be indispensable manners. In contrast, the French generally will not observe such a formality. Instead, they will greet each other, have a rambling chat for a while and then walk away. Only when they find their chat agreeable and hope to go on with the contact will they present their name cards. It will seem quite unnatural if a person presents his name card before any conversation really starts.
Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society‟s power of choice. We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defense, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theater. These masterpieces are the touchstones for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another.






My supervisor is Asian in origin, who loves smoking and drinking, and has a lot temper. Nevertheless, he appreciates Asian students for their diligence and solid foundation of knowledge. Furthermore, he knows them very well. As a result, of all the students enrolled in his laboratory, five are from Asia, only one is from Germany. He even puts a striking notice on the door of his laboratory which reads, “The research assistants of this laboratory are required to work 7 days per week, from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., and to concentrate fully on their work during working hours.” He is well- known in the school for being strict and merciless. During the three and a half years I stayed there, altogether 14 students were admitted to his lab, but only 5 got their Ph.D. degree. 1998
I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They over-phrase their own literature, or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over-phrase of their literature to an。
