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-- It's between you and me. 此事只介于你我之间。 -- I'll keep it to myself. 我会保守秘密的。
in secret 私下里(= secretly, in private, privately) --
I was told about it in secret.
sacrifice one‘s advantage/privilege 牺牲掉某人的好处 enjoy privileges 享有特权
privilege sb. from sth. 特免某人…
privilege n.特权, 特别待遇;免责特权(= special right)
-give/grant sb. the privilege of doing sth 特许某人做某事
Employment status就业状况;marital status 婚姻状况
A high status businessman 有地位的商人
Text 课文 Why did Alf want a white-collar job? The double life of Alfred Bloggs
corporation n.公司,社团,团体
作有限公司解时,美国人多用corporation, 英语人多用company
fir来自百度文库 公司 (较广泛,统称)group 集团公司 listed company 股票上市公司 government-owned enterprise 国有企业
overalls n.工作服
sacrifice sth. for. sth. / sacrifice sth. To do sth.
at/by the sacrifice of 以……为代价
sacrifice n.牺牲(品),献身,供品
privilege n.好处;
v. 给予…特权;特免
(= advantage n.优势, 有利条件, 利益)
sacrifice vt.牺牲,献出 (to give up for good purpose)
-- sacrifice one's life for the country
-- sacrifice time
eg. A fireman sacrificed his life to save the kid from the fire.
Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs
Summary writing of L3
Archaeologists found a clay fragments in an ancient temple. These represented the fifteen statues of goddess which had once been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century B.C.. While its head was found among remains from the fifth century B.C. . When the fragments were reconstructed, they turned out to be
New words:
manual adj. 体力的,手工的(=physical 身体的);
n. 手册,指南
manual work; mental(精神的,思想的) work ; manual labour 体力劳动
manual worker; manual labourer; manual craft(技术,手艺) 手工艺; manual training 手工课; training manual 训练手册
working clothes; sports wear 运动服;nighty 睡衣 boiler(锅炉,热水器)suit 连体工作服
shower n.淋浴;阵雨;(一)阵,(一)批)
a shower of 一阵, 大量 a shower of criticism / arrows
be showered with 被大量给予…
privileged a.荣幸的
-- We are privileged to be together with professor Smith this evening.
dustman n.清洁工
garbage man; garbage collector; trash man; 清洁工;cleaner 保洁员 trashcan (AmE.) 垃圾筒;dustbin (BrE.)垃圾筒
in the secret 知道内情 --
He was in the secret from the beginning
make no secret of 不隐瞒
status n.地位(= social position)
statue n.雕像, 塑像 the Statue of Liberty
A high / low status in society 高/低的社会地位
collar n. 衣领;环状物;v. 揪衣领
white/blue-collar白领的;蓝领的 golden-collar 金领的;pink-collar 粉领的(常指职业女性) get hot under the collar 怒气冲天
Eg. He got hot under the collar when he knew that they laughed at him.
Eg. She will always be showered with love, affection and adoration. 她一5 定 会沐浴在爱、亲情和赞美之中。
secret n.秘密 adj.秘密的, 隐秘的
confidential adj.机密的
keep a / one’s secret 保密