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Translation (20 points)
The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum and natural gas as sources of raw materials. It is likely that in excess of 80% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.
The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry. As is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types, it must also evolve to meet changing technological and humanitarian needs.
The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas numerous and include industrial chemicals, household chemicals and paints, as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products, such as synthetic rubber and plastics. The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are, essentially, the building blocks of other chemicals industries, is now very extensive.
The classification of materials such as petrochemicals is used to indicate the source of the chemical compounds, but it should be remembered that many common petrochemicals can be made form other sources, and the terminology is therefore a matter of source identification., Petrochemicals are generally chemical compounds derived from petroleum either by direct manufacture or by indirect manufacture as by-products from the variety of processes that are used during the refining of petroleum. Gasoline, fuel oils, lubricating oils, waxes, asphalts, and the like are excluded from the definition of petrochemicals, since they are not, in the true sense, chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures of hydrocarbons.
The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum and natural gas as sources of raw materials. It is likely that in excess of 80% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.
The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry. As is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types, it must also evolve to meet changing technological and humanitarian needs.
The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas numerous and include industrial chemicals, household chemicals and paints, as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products, such as synthetic rubber and plastics. The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are, essentially, the building blocks of other chemicals industries, is now very extensive.
IV. Translation
(2004版32课Energy in Transition)
Supplying energy in 1970 required the harvesting, processing and combustion of some three billion metric tons of coal, some 17 billion barrels of oil, more than a trillion cubic meters of natural gas and perhaps two billion cubic meters of fuel wood. It entailed the use of dirty coal as well as clean; undersea oil as well as terrestrial; deep gas as well as shallow; mediocre hydroelectric sites as well as good ones; and deforestation as well as sustainable fuel wood harvesting.
Except for the huge pool of oil underlying the Middle East, the cheapest oil and gas are already gone. Some scientists believe there is a lot more to be found. But even if a few more giant oil fields
are discovered, they will make little differe nce, against consumption on today’s scale. Oil and gas will have to come increasingly as imports from countries with very unstable economic conditions.
There are a variety of other energy resources that are more abundant than oil and gas. Coal, solar energy, wind energy, and fission and fusion fuels are the most important ones. But they all require elaborate and expensive transformation into electricity or liquid fuels in order to meet society’s need None has very good prospects for delivering large qu antities of electricity at costs comparable to those of the cheap coal-fired and hydropower plants of the 1960’s. It appears, then, that expensive energy is a permanent condition, even without allowing for its environmental costs. 71~
Except for the huge pool of oil underlying the Middle East,/the cheapest oil and gas arc alrcaci5 gone. Some scientists believe there is a lot more to be found. But even if a few more giant oil fields are discovered, they will make little difference against consumption on today’s scale. Oil and gas will have to come increasingly as imports from countries with very unstable economic conditions.
There are a variety of other energy resources that are more abundant than oil and gas. Coal, solar energy, wind energy, and fission and fusion fuels are the most important ones. But they all require elaborate and expensive transformation into electricity or liquid fuels in order to meet society’s need. They may never be capable of delivering large quantities of electricity at cos ts comparable to those of the cheap coal-fired and hydropower plants of the 1960’s. It appears, then, that expensive energy is a permanent condition, even without allowing for its environmental costs.
A. 级
71. The U.S. and Iran don't agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran's nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon.
The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran's energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off.
One thing is certain: a substantial reduction in Iran's energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices. Iran is the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world. It sells more than 2.5 million barrels a day. Many analysts say a supply cut could drive prices up to $g0 to $100 a barrel.
Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts--or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in kind.
But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly
to terrorist groups. It's also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries might feel compelled to go nuclear.
The U.S. will continue over the next several weeks to try to push sanctions through the Security Council. But the council is increasingly unlikely to impose them. Russia has extensive trade ties with Iran, and it can veto any resolution.
The U.S. and Iran don't agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran's nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon.
The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran's energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off.
Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts---or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in
But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly to terrorist groups. It's also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, in particular) might feel compelled to go nuclear.
IV. Translation(试卷类型01)(不同试卷类型翻译可能有所改动,再发一份01卷的翻译)Directions: There are 1 passages in this part of the test. You are to translate the
passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.
The U.S. and Iran don't agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran's
nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon.
The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran's energy exports might force Tehran to
renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off.
One thing is certain: a substantial reduction in Iran's energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices. Iran is the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world. It sells more than 2.5 million barrels a day. Many analysts say a supply cut could drive prices up to $80 to $100 a barrel.
Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts—or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in
But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly to terrorist groups. It's also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries might feel compelled to go nuclear.
The U.S. will continue over the next several weeks to try to push sanctions through the Security Council. But the council is increasingly unlikely to impose them. Russia has extensive trade ties with Iran, and it can veto any resolution.
The U.S. and Iran don't agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran's nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon.
The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran's energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off.
Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts---or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in kind.
But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly to terrorist groups. It's also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, in particular) might feel compelled to go nuclear.
IV. Translation(52课,中国绘制经济路线图,有删改)
Directions: There are some passages in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.
China is about to adopt its 11th five-year plan, setting the stage for the continuation of probably the most remarkable economic transformation in recent years, while improving the well-being of almost a quarter of the world's population.
While much of the rest of the developing world has been directed at a common quest for higher GDP, China has once again made clear that it seeks sustainable increases in the people's happiness.
China realizes that it has entered a phase of economic growth that is imposing enormous demands on the environment. Unless there is a change in course, living standards will eventually be compromised. That is why the new five-year plan places great emphasis on the environment.
China recognizes, too, that what separates less developed from more developed countries is not only a gap in resources, but also a gap in science and technology. So it has laid out new plans not only to reduce that gap, but to create a basis for independent innovation.
China's role in the world and the world's economy has changed, and the plan reflects this, too. Its future economical model will have to be based more on domestic demand than on exports, which will require increases in consumption. Strengthening social security and public education will simultaneously increase citizens' sense of well-being, and promote current consumption.
With such a clear vision of the future, the challenge will be implementation. Market economies are not self-regulating. They cannot simply be left on autopilot, especially if one wants to ensure that their benefits are shared widely. But managing a market economy is a difficult task. It is a balancing act that must constantly respond to economic changes. China's 11th five-year plan provides a roadmap for that response.
China is about to adopt its 11th five-year plan, setting the stage for the continuation of probably the most remarkable economic transformation in recent years, while improving the well-being of almost a quarter of the world's population.
While much of the rest of the developing world has been directed at a common quest for higher GDP, China has once again made clear that it seeks sustainable increases in the people's happiness.
China recognizes that what separates less developed from more developed countries is not only a gap in resources, but also a gap in science and technology. So it has laid out new plans not only to reduce that gap, but to create a basis for independent innovation.
China's role in the world and the world's economy has changed, and the plan reflects this, too. Its future economical model will have to be based more on domestic demand than on exports, which will require increases in consumption. Strengthening social security and public education will simultaneously increase citizens' sense of well-being, and promote current consumption.
IV. Translation
Directions: There are some passages in this part of the test. You are to translate the
passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.
71.(第34 课:地震时刻)
Earthquakes are the most terrible of all natural disasters. Asia has a history of
huge earthquakes within its borders.
What causes these earthquakes? To answer this question we must first
understand some things about the earth itself. The earth's crust is composed of many
different layers of rocks. These layers of rocks are not laid evenly, as a bricklayer
would build a wall. On the contrary, areas of the earth's crust are irregular and weak.
As a result of the great stress that is put on these parts of the crust, the rock beds fold
down towards the earth's core, which results in unstable spots along the earth's crust.
This instability results in breaks along the crust. When a break occurs, or when two
different sides of the crust rub against each other, the result is an earthquake.
Geologists would like to be able to predict earthquakes accurately by using
laser beams, gravity-measuring devices and some other devices. Should predictions
of a quake in the future be accurate, many people may be able to save both their
lives and their property.
IV. Translation
Directions: There are some passages in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.
【出处】32.Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences 石油地质学与其它科学
71. (1)Geologists, in contrast to some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum and, furthermore, often think that petroleum geology and petroleum exploration are synonyms, which they are not.
Guesses that petroleum is formed by the transformation of highly compressed organic material is already well known among the scientific community.
If the petroleum geologists' view of oil generation and migration are not accepted, then present exploration methods would need extensive modification.
Some petroleum explorationists still do not admit to a need for geologists to aid them in their search. In 1982 a successful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted to not using geologists because when his competitors对手hired them, all it did was to increase their costs per barrel of oil found. 一些石油勘探家仍然不承认在找油过程中需要地质学家的帮助。
The Russian State Oil Company is under a statutory obligation imposed by its government to put to the test every claim to an oil-finding method, be it a dowsing or some sophisticated scientific technique. 俄罗斯国家石油公司在政府法律强行规定下,对每种发现石油的方法(寻找矿藏和水源机械方法或复杂的科学方法)必须进行测验。
There are many examples of the previous case, and some scientists argue that drilling according to a set of scientific data has the same outcome as drilling randomly.
(2)Petroleum geology is only one aspect of petroleum exploration and production. Leaving aside atypical enterprises, petroleum exploration now involves integrated teams of people possessing a wide
range of professional skills. These skills include deep knowledge of local social situations, which is involved in the purchase of potential oil fields especially in developing countries. Geophysical surveying is involved in collecting data that helps people decide where drilling is most appropriate. Petroleum engineering is concerned with activities related to the most effective way of producing crude oil and natural gas.
71. (1)The Chief Executive of a large hotel became aware that his company was experiencing annual employee turnover of about 40 percent, at an annual cost estimated between $8 to $10 million. This large amount of money was calculated based on two factors: the money spent hiring replacements and the cost to the business in lower productivity due to employees becoming familiar with the requirements of their new job.
(2)Employee turnover is a perennial problem in the hotel industry. But there are some talent management practices and tactics you can adopt to increase employee retention. Here are a couple of suggestions.
(3)Recognize and Reward Solid Performance: We all like to feel appreciated! Your hotel and managers need formal and informal ways to recognize and reward high performance. Not all rewards need to be financial. Even a simple "thank you" or public recognition of their efforts can be effective ways to reward employees. And employees who feel valued tend to stick around.
(4)Provide Opportunities for Development: Giving your staff opportunities to develop and expand their knowledge skills and experience can be a powerful contributor to employee retention .
(5)These talent management practices will not only drive up employee retention, but also increase employee performance and engagement.。