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1. His work has someth ing to do with animal s.
2. In orderto arrive before dark, we starte d early.
3. Judgin g by her accent, she must be from the North.
4. If you want her to come, inform her in advanc e.
5. I don't know why he change d his mind.
6. Most people like to swim once they have learne d how (to swim).
7. The more prepar ation s you make now, the more confid enceyou'll have in the exam.
8. If you learnEnglis h wll, you will use it often. The freque nt use, in turn, will make you learnbetter.
1. I am taking care of a worker from a neigho ringfactor y.
2. Aftergoingto bed last night, I turned the matter over and over in my mind and stillcould't find
a soluti on.
3. No matter how cold or hot it is, I keep practi cingeveryday.
4. To achiev e what yo haopefor, you should startworkin g hard from today.
5. Althou gh we have been apartfrom each otherfor threeyears, we stillkeep our friend shipgoing.
6. It rained. As a result, none of us couldgo to the concer t.
7. Like many colleg e studen ts, studen ts of our univer stity love to read the novels of this author.
8. My health is to a largeextent due to the care by the doctor s and nurses.
1. An estima ted 200 people attend ed yester day's meetin g.
2. I like thehou se with two largewindow s facing the sea, but just can't afford it.
3. Accori ng to the new regula tion,postin g ads withou t permis sioncan be finedfor as much as 10,000 yuan.
4. To a greatextent, we are respon sible for what we say and (what you) do.
5. We should make the most of all kindsof resour ces on the Intern et.
6. If you are conten t to make such a smallamount of moneyeverymonth, sellin g newspa persis a pretty good job for you.
7. Observ ation and explor ation are common meansin scient ificresear ch that couldbringmajordiscov eries.
8. You can't unders tandthe relati onshi ps untill you analyz e the situat ion in greatdepth.
1. Nowada ys we are increa singl y relyin g on inform ation and comput er techno logy.
2. This meansthe new regula tionis of greatbenefi t to both the state-ownedand the privat e busine sses.
3. He is slowly adapti ng to the life of a laid-off worker.
4. The person nel manage r said, "First, you must focuson the follow ing proble ms."
5. A dreamwill neverbecome a realit y unless one unders tands what it will take to achiev e the dream.
6. As busine ss is bad, the compan y laid off twenty worker s.
7. The produc ts manufa cture ed by this compan y are for specif ic purpos es.
8. Peteris huntin g for a job now, as his moneywill only last him one month.
1. We have decide d to settle the matter once and for all.
2. I feel happythat my younge r brothe r has passed the entran ce examin ation of that famous univer sity.
3. The love affair betwee n the two beganwith that strang e quarre l.
4. As we expect, they have made greatprogre ss in theirresear ch on the causes of SARS.
5. He accomp anied his speech with a lot of gestur es.
6. So far, therehas been a lot of discus sionon whethe r destro yingthe enviro nment is agains t law.
7. Gaspin g for breath, he ran out of the office, and took a taxi to the city librar y.
8. I don't thinkyou should worryaboutyour compan y's curren t troubl es.
1. I rememb er the wholethingclearl y as if it happen ed yester day.
2. I regard that movieas one of the worstI've ever seen.
3. The new Five-Year-Plan is beingcarrie d out in all fields.
4. In spiteof all his effort s, he failed in the end.
5. When the rightopport unity comesalong, he'll take it.
6. The planet was namedafterits discov erer.
7. It took them one year to buildthe house.
8. I'm sure her knowle dge of Englis h is adequa te for the job.
1. She is very carefu l. She won't take a risk when drivin g.
2. Thosewho have a passio n for footba ll can experi encegreatenjoym ent.
3. In additi on to teenag ers, malesand female s of otherages also enjoymounta ineer ing.
4. His studen ts looked upon him with respec t.
5. It was Dr. Smiththat/ whom we invite d/ who was invite d to give us a lectur e.
6. One of the advant agesof e-mail over regula r mail is that it is fast.
7. Only with good health, can we studywell and work well.
8. If you compar e Tom with his classm ates, you will find he workshard and knowshow to relax. UNIT 8
1. The mother went out to work, so the father took respon sibil ity for lookin g afterthe childr en at home.
2. Resear ch showsthat smokin g is direct ly relate d to lung cancer.
3. Parent s should be concer ned abouttheirchildr en's perfor mance at school.
4. Your too much worryover your health may really make you sick.
5. The head of the villag e pointe d out that the tree had become a source of income, as touris ts had been coming from all partsof the countr y to see it.
6. Mother said, "Chocol ate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day."
7. Whethe r people are satisf ied with this policy outwei ghs all otherconsid erati ons.
8. We should take less greasy food such as butter and eat as much fruitand vegeta blesas possib le to keep a balanc e diet.。