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My Long-Distance Love: When She Cries For Me
It was just another boring Thursday night as I sat alone in my dorm room, studying for my calculus exam the next day. I was struggling to wrap my head around the concepts of derivatives and integrals when my phone buzzed with an incoming video call from my girlfriend Samantha. A smile instantly spread across my face as I accepted the call and her beautiful face appeared on the screen.
"Hey babe," I said warmly. "How's my favorite girl doing tonight?"
But as the video feed focused, I could immediately tell something was wrong. Samantha's eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks glistening with tears. She sniffled softly, trying her best to fight back more sobs.
"Sam? Sweetheart, what's the matter?" I asked, my heart sinking with concern.
She drew in a shaky breath before responding. "I'm sorry Alex, it's just...I miss you so much. This long-distance thing is really hard sometimes."
Just then, a fresh wave of tears spilled down her cheeks as she covered her face with her hands, shoulders shaking as she cried. Seeing her in such pain absolutely shattered me. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's my beautiful Samantha in tears.
We had been dating for two amazing years through high school, the typical hometown sweethearts. But when we both got accepted to our dream colleges in different states last fall, we knew keeping our relationship going would be incredibly difficult. Still, we promised each other we could make the
long-distance work. After all, our love was strong enough to push through any obstacle...right?
"Aw Sammy, please don't cry," I soothed, wishing more than anything I could reach through the screen and hold her. "You know how much I hate seeing you so upset. I miss you like crazy too, baby."
She wiped at her eyes and managed a sad smile. "I know, I'm sorry. I just had kind of a rough day and seeing your face made me realize how much I wish you were actually here with me. These little video calls just aren't enough sometimes, you know?"
I nodded solemnly, knowing exactly what she meant. As great as technology is for keeping us connected, nothing can truly make up for physical presence and touch when you're in a relationship. Sure, we could see and talk to each other anytime, but I still ached to wrap her in my arms, to feel her warmth and smell her sweet floral shampoo.
"Tell me about your bad day," I offered. "Maybe getting it off your chest will help you feel a little better."
Samantha sniffled again, brushing away a few stray tears. "It was just really overwhelming and lonely. I had a couple brutal exams, a ten-page English paper due, and a group project meeting that ran way too late. By the time I got back to my apartment, I was just so emotionally and mentally drained. And then missing you on top of it all..." She trailed off as her voice cracked, fresh tears spilling down her rosy cheeks.
My heart clenched painfully in my chest. All I wanted was to be there with her, to comfort her and chase away the loneliness. I would give anything to scoop her up in my arms, to pepper her beautiful face with soft kisses and gently brush the tears from her eyes with my thumbs. I couldn't stand seeing my strong, vibrant Samantha feeling so overwhelmed and sad.
"Aw Sammy, I'm so sorry," I murmured empathetically. "I wish I could just hold you and make it all
My Long Distance Girlfriend Misses Me
It was just another typical Friday night for me. I was sitting at my desk, books and notes scattered all around as I tried to make some progress on the mountain of homework awaiting me. College life was keeping me as busy as ever.
My phone buzzed with a FaceTime call from my girlfriend Emma. We had been dating for almost two years at that point, ever since my senior year of high school. Our relationship had managed to survive the transition to college, despite me attending university halfway across the country from her.
I picked up the call and Emma's face appeared on the screen, eyes red and puffy. She had clearly been crying. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked with concern.
Emma sniffled and wiped some tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry...I just...I really miss you tonight," she said in a shaky voice. "It's been so long since I've seen you in person and held you. Some nights the distance is just really hard."
My heart sank seeing her in such a state. Long distance was incredibly difficult at times for both of us. We tried our best to visit each other as often as possible, but it was never enough. The times apart always felt excruciating.
"I know, I know," I said soothingly. "Believe me, I hate this just as much as you do. You have no idea how badly I wish I could be there to hug you right now."
"Maybe this long distance thing was a mistake," Emma said doubtfully through her tears. "What if we just can't make it work?"
"Don't say that," I pleaded. "We've worked too hard to make this relationship succeed to give up now. I love you so much Emma. We can get through this."
Emma was quiet for a moment, just sniffling softly. She looked absolutely miserable being apart from me. I felt a lump forming in my own throat just seeing her in such pain. Why did we have to be so far apart?
"I love you too," Emma finally said shakily. "You're right, we'll make it. I'm just having a really bad night missing you. That's all."
"Do you want to tell me what specifically has you feeling this way tonight?" I asked gently. Sometimes just talking through it
helped Emma process her emotions around our long distance situation.
Emma nodded and wiped her nose with a tissue. "Well, I don't know...Sarah and Greg broke up today because they couldn't handle being apart at different colleges. That was really tough to see happen to them. They were such a great couple."
"I'm so sorry to hear that," I said sympathetically. Sarah and Greg were close friends of ours who had indeed been together for years before college. Their breakup surely struck a nerve with Emma given our own challenging circumstances.
"And then tonight I was just studying alone in my room," Emma continued, her voice cracking with fresh tears. "I looked over and saw that old teddy bear you gave me before you left. I just lost it and started bawling. I miss you holding me so damn much, Michael."
I felt my own eyes welling up with empathy. The teddy bear had been my homemade attempt at giving Emma something to cuddle when I couldn't be there myself. It killed me to think of her hugging it and sobbing because I wasn't the one embracing her.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," I said, trying to stay strong for her even as my voice wavered. "I can't even imagine how hard tonight has been for you. I wish so badly that I could teleport there and scoop you up in my arms right now."
Emma gave me a sad little smile through her tears. "I wish you could too. This totally sucks without you here."
We were both silent for a minute, letting our shared heartache over the distance hang heavy in the air. If this was torture for both of us, why did we keep putting ourselves through it? In that moment, I would have given anything to be by Emma's side.
"Hey," I finally said, forcing some optimism into my tone. "Think about how amazing it's going to be when we finally get our reunion visit next month. That'll be here before we know it."
Emma perked up a bit at the reminder of our upcoming plans. We always made sure to have our next reunited date circled on the calendar to get us through the worst of the loneliness.
"You're right," Emma said, a spark returning to her eyes. "Just three more weeks until I get to smother you in kisses again."
"Exactly," I said with a smile, picturing it myself. "Until then, just keep that teddy bear nearby as my stand-in. I'll be holding you again soon enough, gorgeous."
"Ugh, I can't wait," Emma said wistfully. "This is going to be one long few weeks. But you're worth it, Michael. I love you."
"I love you too, babe," I replied warmly. "And I promise, it'll all feel worth it the second I have you back in my arms at last."
With that, Emma finally managed a real smile through her reddened cheeks. She had stopped crying, instead looking excited now about our upcoming reunion. Just thinking about it seemed to melt her blues away.
We spent the next little while talking and laughing about anything and everything as we always did during our nightly FaceTime chats. No matter how many miles separated us, these calls were our lifeline to stay connected. They helped make the distance, while still immensely difficult, feel at least somewhat more bearable.
As our call began to wind down, Emma stifled a yawn and stretched her arms over her head. I could tell she was feeling sleepy after her emotional breakdown earlier.
"Alright sleepyhead," I teased. "I should let you go get some rest."
"Ugh, fine," Emma groaned playfully. She held the teddy bear I gave her up in front of the camera. "Goodnight teddy bear Michael. Try not to miss me too much tonight."
I laughed and blew her a kiss through the screen. "Goodnight gorgeous. Sweet dreams about me."
Emma giggled and returned the blown kiss. "You know I will. Talk to you tomorrow?"
"You bet," I assured her. "I love you, Emma."
"Love you more," she replied automatically with a warm smile. Emma never could resist one-upping me on that.
With one last little wave, she ended the FaceTime call. I sat there staring at my blank computer screen, the image of my amazing girlfriend etched into my mind. She was so strong to keep powering through our seemingly endless stretch apart. I was the luckiest guy in the world to have her.
Long distance was absolute hell, that much was certain. But Emma was more than worth enduring any amount of loneliness and pain. Our love for each other was something incredibly special - strong enough to withstand any hurdle or obstacle
thrown our way. Even if we had to cry it out together some nights, we were committed to making this work no matter what.
With renewed determination, I turned back to my schoolwork, buckling down to be as productive as I could in these stretches apart. The sooner I finished my degree, the sooner we could finally be in the same place again for good. For Emma's sake, I couldn't wait for that glorious day to arrive.
I had a big cheesy grin on my face, imagining our tearful but passionate reunion next month as I tackled my homework. The distance was torture, but the reunited embraces were absolute heaven. And thanks to my tough-as-nails girlfriend, we were going to fight through the low points and make it to all those heavenly moments eventually. I was sure of it.
So cry all you need, my love. I'm missing you just as desperately, and those big crocodile tears of yours are a testament to how much we mean to each other. Soon, I'll be right there to kiss them all away. Our bond is stronger than any amount of miles between us, and when we make it through this, we'll be unstoppable. Our futures belong to each other - distance be damned.
Just keep being my brave, beautiful Emma. I'll be holding you again before you know it.
Long Distance Love and Longing
It was just another dreary Tuesday evening as I sluggishly made my way back to my tiny dorm room after a mind-numbing day of lectures and study sessions. As I fumbled with my keys at the door, I could already feel the weight of loneliness seeping in, knowing my roommate Kyle was spending the night at his girlfriend's place again. I let out a deep sigh as I dropped my backpack on the floor and flopped onto my bed, pulling out my phone to hopefully find a distraction from the deafening silence surrounding me.
That's when I saw the notification that made my heart skip a beat - a new message from my girlfriend Sophia with a video attachment. We had been together for almost two years, but she went to university halfway across the country which made our relationship భభభభభభభ difficult at times. Still, she was the light of my life and I cherished any chance I got to feel even a little bit closer to her.
I tapped on the video with an anxious yet excited quiver, and there she was, my beautiful Sophia, with her bright green eyes and warm smile that never failed to make me melt. But as the
video played on, I could see her smile slowly fading, her eyes welling up with tears. My heart immediately sank as I watched my strong, wonderful girlfriend struggle to hold back her sobs.
"Hey babe," she began, her voice shaking. "I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't bother you with this but...I just really miss you so much right now. It's been over a month since we've seen each other in person and some days it feels absolutely unbearable."
She sniffled hard, using her sleeve to dab at the tears now freely streaming down her rosy cheeks. I felt a lump forming in my own throat watching her in such anguish, powerless to reach through the screen and pull her into a comforting embrace.
"I try so hard to stay positive and focus on my studies," she continued. "But then something as simple as seeing a couple holding hands on campus can trigger all these emotions and make me miss your warm hugs, your goofy laugh, the way you always knew just what to say to cheer me up..."
She trailed off, letting out a gut-wrenching sob as she buried her face in her hands. My own eyes burned with tears watching her, my heart aching to take away her pain. Long-distance was brutal, even more so during periods like this when the distance between us felt heavier than the weight of the world.
"I'm sorry, I'm being such a mess," she said after finally composing herself a little. "I don't mean to unload all this on you, I just...I love you so much and I can't wait for the semester to be over so I can come home and be with you again. You make me happier than anything in this world."
She offered a small, watery smile then, one that still managed to light up every corner of my heart. "Well, I should get going, I have an early class tomorrow. Thanks for always letting me be mushy and real with you. I love you to the moon and back, babe. I'll talk to you soon."
The video ended, but I must have watched it five more times, letting her words and vulnerability wash over me. I couldn't even begin to imagine how she was feeling in that moment, but I wanted more than anything to scoop her up and protect her from the world. To remind her that our love was worth fighting for, worth enduring any hurdle.
I thought about calling her right then and there, but I had a feeling I knew what she needed to hear from me. Wiping my own tears, I grabbed my laptop and pulled up a fresh document, letting my thoughts fuel into something more profound than just spoken words over the phone.
My Dearest Sophia,
Every time I watch that video, I'm transported back to the moment I first laid eyes on you - the brilliant sparkle in your emerald eyes, your radiant smile brighter than the luminous moon above us. The night everything changed forever. In that moment, I knew my life would never be complete unless I had you by my side to share it with.
These past few years with you have been nothing short of magical. You are my partner, my best friend, my whole world. The beautiful sunlight peeking through the darkest of storms. Your warm and giving spirit has guided me through the hardest of times, and your strength has inspired me to push beyond limits I didn't think were possible.
I understand how exhausting and emotionally taxing this long-distance can be, my love. Believe me when I say my heart aches just as strongly as yours to have you here, to hold you close, to replace your tears with a radiant smile that outshines the stars themselves. This temporary pain is but a fleeting dusk before the brilliant, everlasting dawn of a lifetime spent by each other's side.
My grandest dream is to one day build a home with you, a sanctuary overflowing with more love, laughter, and joy than the world has ever known. A place where we can weather any storm,
hand in hand, our unbreakable tether carrying us through all of life's trials and tribulations as a united front. I dream of multiple lifetimes with you, my darling - growing old together, holding our children and grandchildren, sharing a love deeper than the vast oceans.
For now, we must muster the courage and resiliency to fight through this hurdle, drawing strength from the immeasurable bond we share. I hope these words bring you solace and settle your aching heart, if only for a fleeting moment. I love you more than the very air I breathe. You are my everything, Sophia. Until we can reunite and I can shower you in the affection you deserve, know that my heart remains eternally and devotedly yours.
Forever and Always,
Your Loving Partner
I poured every ounce of my heart and soul into those words, praying they could begin to soothe the ache I knew Sophia was feeling. Long-distance is undoubtedly one of the greatest tests of love, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that our bond was one for the ages - destined to outlast any obstacle.
I just hoped my impassioned letter would help remind her of that too, and give her the strength to keep pressing on until I
could wrap her up in my arms once more. Our love was far too cosmic to let a little distance keep us apart.。