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模)“HELL is a city much like London,” said Percy Bysshe Sh elley in 1819. Modern academics agree. Last year Dutch rese archers showed that city dwellers (居
民) have a 21% higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorders than do their calmer rural countrymen, and a 39% higher risk of suffering from mood disorders. But exactly how the inner w orkings of the urban and rural minds cause this difference has remained unclear — until now. A study just published in Natu re by Andreas MeyerLindenberg of the University of Heidelber g and his colleagues has used a scanning technique called fu nctional magneticresonance imaging (机能性磁共振成像,简称
fMRI) to examine the brains of city dwellers and countrymen when they are under stress.
In Dr MeyerLindenberg's first experiment, participants lying wi th their heads in a scanner took maths tests that they were bo und to fail (the researchers had designed success rates to be
just 25-
40% ). To make the experience still more embarrassing, the t eam provided negative feedback through headphones, all the while checking participants for indications of stress, such as hi gh blood pressure.
The city people's general mental health did not differ from that of the rural countrymen. However, their brains dealt with the stress caused by the experimenters in different ways. These d ifferences were noticeable in two regions: the amygdalas (杏仁核) and the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (前扣带皮层,简称pACC).
People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activit y in their amygdalas. Those living in towns had higher levels. City dwellers had the highest. In the case of the pACC, howev er, what mattered was not where someone was living now, bu t where he or she was brought up. The more urban a person's childhood, the more active his pACC, regardless of where he was dwelling at the time of the experiment.
The amygdalas thus seem to respond to the hereandnow whil e the pACC is programmed early on, and does not react in th e same, flexible way as the amygdalas. Secondtosecond cha nges in its activity might, though, be expected to be connecte d with changes in the amygdalas, because of its role in regula
ting them. fMRI allows such connections to be measured.
In the cases of those brought up in the countryside, regardles s of where they now live, the connections were as expected. For those brought up in cities, however, these connections br oke down. The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, i n other words, seems to be out of order.
Dr MeyerLindenberg and his team conducted several more ex periments to check their findings. They asked participants to c omplete more maths tests — and also tests in which they had mentally ups and downs — while investigators scolded them about their performance. The results matched those of the firs t test. They also studied another group of volunteers, who wer e given stressfree tasks to complete. These experiments sho wed no activity in either the amygdalas or the pACC, suggesti ng that the earlier results were indeed the result of social stre ss rather than mental effort.
As is usually the case in studies of this sort, the sample size was small and the result showed an association, rather than a definite, causal relationship. That association is, nevertheless , interesting. Living in cities brings many benefits, but Dr Meye rLindenberg's work suggests that Shelley and his fellow Rom antics had at least half a point.
Do urban brains behave differently from rural ones?
1.develop/catch/have/suffer 信息转换题。
2.stress/embarrassment 直接信息题。
根据第二段中的“To make the experience still more embarrassing”和“indications of stress”可知答案。
3.followed 信息概括题。
followed by“紧随其后的是”。
4.flexibly/differently 信息转换题。
根据第五段中的“... and does not react in the same, flexible way as the amygd alas”可知答案。
5.decided/determined 信息概括题。
根据对第四段中的“what mattered was not where someone was living now, but w here he or she was brought up”进行概括可知答案。
6.young 信息转换题。
“The more urban a person's childhood ...”可知答案。
at a young age“小时候”。
7.environment/surroundings 信息概括题。
8.Checks/Checking 信息转换题。
“Dr MeyerLindenberg and his team conducted several more e xperiments to check their findings.”可知答案。
9.similar/consistent 信息概括题。
10.disadvantages/drawbacks/shortcomings 信息概括题。
“Living in cities brings many benefits, but ...”可知生活在城市也有弊端。
Taking babies on their flights can be incredibly discouraging f or parents. They're often faced with the passengers who may get annoyed. Stares, sighs, complaints and shakes of the hea d are just a few things that keep parents from looking their fell ow passengers in the eye. Therefore, some parents try to ma ke it easier for their fellow passengers by handing out goodie bags as a beforehand apology — usually filled with some can dy and a set of ear plugs.
Going with the bag is a note like this:
Hi stranger!
My name is Andaqi. I will be 4 months on January 15th and th is is my first flight.
I'll try to be on my best behavior, but I'd like to apologize in ad vance if I lose my cool, get scared or my ears hurt. I'm also at the beginning stages of teething so I don't always feel good. I know I'm just a baby but I want you to enjoy this flight as well. My mom, Niqelle, packed you this goodie bag with a few treat s.
There are also ear plugs in case my first public serenade isn't as enjoyable to you as it is to my mom.
Have a great flight and thanks for understanding!
Andaqi & Niqelle
This immediately went viral online. Some think it's a nice gest ure and they're just trying to be nice — a good instinct in thes e tense times. However, others think differently as babies sho uld not need to apologize for being babies.
To apologize for their babies' possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of babi es to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic. Such an initiative and behavior, from my perspective, should be encouraged. To begin with, it's polite to make an apology t o those suffering from noise babies make even though someti mes we can't avoid it. In addition, this nice gesture may ease t ensions crying babies create and get understanding from peo ple around. Most importantly, it's an absolute adorable way to remind people to be patient with babies in a very sweet way. After all, in public places, everyone is responsible for the main tenance of a peaceful environment so as to leave people arou nd in a better state of mind.
All in all, such a thoughtful and simple act of kindness can con
vey genuine feeling and I'll give the mother a thumbsup. (Against)
To apologize for their babies' possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of babi es to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic.
I don't think it necessary. In the first place, as young parents, you should not be scared of other people's ill looks because o f your kids making noises, for kids will be kids. What's more, I am grownup enough not to be pacified with a goodie bag. Pro bably the best goodie bag for parents would be a kind word of encouragement. Last but not least, these goodie bags send t he message that you should feel bad for having babies who a ct like babies, which has rubbed many parents the wrong way from the start.
To sum up, you don't need to bend over backwards to please others and you don't owe strangers candy for sitting next to y our babies.
模)“HELL is a city much like London,” said Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1819. Modern academi
cs agree. Last year Dutch researchers showed that city dwellers (居
民) have a 21% higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorders than do their calmer rural coun trymen, and a 39% higher risk of suffering from mood disorders. But exactly how the inner w orkings of the urban and rural minds cause this difference has remained unclear — until now.
A study just published in Nature by Andreas MeyerLindenberg of the University of Heidelber g and his colleagues has used a scanning technique called functional magneticresonance im aging (机能性磁共振成像,简称
fMRI) to examine the brains of city dwellers and countrymen when they are under stress.
In Dr MeyerLindenberg's first experiment, participants lying with their heads in a scanner took maths tests that they were bound to fail (the researchers had designed success rates to be j ust 25-
40% ). To make the experience still more embarrassing, the team provided negative feedbac k through headphones, all the while checking participants for indications of stress, such as hi gh blood pressure.
The city people's general mental health did not differ from that of the rural countrymen. Howe ver, their brains dealt with the stress caused by the experimenters in different ways. These di fferences were noticeable in two regions: the amygdalas (杏仁
核) and the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (前扣带皮层,简称pACC).
People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas. Those livi ng in towns had higher levels. City dwellers had the highest. In the case of the pACC, howev er, what mattered was not where someone was living now, but where he or she was brought up. The more urban a person's childhood, the more active his pACC, regardless of where he was dwelling at the time of the experiment.
The amygdalas thus seem to respond to the hereandnow while the pACC is programmed ear ly on, and does not react in the same, flexible way as the amygdalas. Secondtosecond chan ges in its activity might, though, be expected to be connected with changes in the amygdalas , because of its role in regulating them. fMRI allows such connections to be measured.
In the cases of those brought up in the countryside, regardless of where they now live, the co nnections were as expected. For those brought up in cities, however, these connections brok e down. The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, in other words, seems to be out of order.
Dr MeyerLindenberg and his team conducted several more experiments to check their findin gs. They asked participants to complete more maths tests — and also tests in which they ha d mentally ups and downs — while investigators scolded them about their performance. The
results matched those of the first test. They also studied another group of volunteers, who we re given stressfree tasks to complete. These experiments showed no activity in either the am ygdalas or the pACC, suggesting that the earlier results were indeed the result of social stres s rather than mental effort.
As is usually the case in studies of this sort, the sample size was small and the result showe d an association, rather than a definite, causal relationship. That association is, nevertheless, interesting. Living in cities brings many benefits, but Dr MeyerLindenberg's work suggests th at Shelley and his fellow Romantics had at least half a point.
Do urban brains behave differently from rural ones?
1.develop/catch/have/suffer 信息转换题。
2.stress/embarrassment 直接信息题。
“To make the experience still more embarrassing”和“indications of stress”可知答案。
3.followed 信息概括题。
followed by“紧随其后的是”。
4.flexibly/differently 信息转换题。
“... and does not react in the same, flexible way as the amygdalas”可知答案。
5.decided/determined 信息概括题。
“what mattered was not where someone was living now, but where he or she was brought up ”进行概括可知答案。
6.young 信息转换题。
根据第四段中的“The more urban a person's childhood ...”可知答案。
at a young age“小时候”。
7.environment/surroundings 信息概括题。
8.Checks/Checking 信息转换题。
“Dr MeyerLindenberg and his team conducted several more experiments to check their findin gs.”可知答案。
9.similar/consistent 信息概括题。
10.disadvantages/drawbacks/shortcomings 信息概括题。
中的“Living in cities brings many benefits, but ...”可知生活在城市也有弊端。
Taking babies on their flights can be incredibly discouraging for parents. They're often faced with the passengers who may get annoyed. Stares, sighs, complaints and shakes of the hea d are just a few things that keep parents from looking their fellow passengers in the eye. Ther efore, some parents try to make it easier for their fellow passengers by handing out goodie b ags as a beforehand apology — usually filled with some candy and a set of ear plugs.
Going with the bag is a note like this:
Hi stranger!
My name is Andaqi. I will be 4 months on January 15th and this is my first flight.
I'll try to be on my best behavior, but I'd like to apologize in advance if I lose my cool, get scar ed or my ears hurt. I'm also at the beginning stages of teething so I don't always feel good. I know I'm just a baby but I want you to enjoy this flight as well.
My mom, Niqelle, packed you this goodie bag with a few treats.
There are also ear plugs in case my first public serenade isn't as enjoyable to you as it is to my mom.
Have a great flight and thanks for understanding!
Andaqi & Niqelle
This immediately went viral online. Some think it's a nice gesture and they're just trying to be nice — a good instinct in these tense times. However, others think differently as babies shoul d not need to apologize for being babies.
To apologize for their babies' possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of babies to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic. Such an initiative and behavior, from my perspective, should be encouraged. To begin with, it 's polite to make an apology to those suffering from noise babies make even though sometim es we can't avoid it. In addition, this nice gesture may ease tensions crying babies create and get understanding from people around. Most importantly, it's an absolute adorable way to re mind people to be patient with babies in a very sweet way. After all, in public places, everyon e is responsible for the maintenance of a peaceful environment so as to leave people around in a better state of mind.
All in all, such a thoughtful and simple act of kindness can convey genuine feeling and I'll giv e the mother a thumbsup.
To apologize for their babies' possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of babies to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic.
I don't think it necessary. In the first place, as young parents, you should not be scared of oth er people's ill looks because of your kids making noises, for kids will be kids. What's more, I am grownup enough not to be pacified with a goodie bag. Probably the best goodie bag for p arents would be a kind word of encouragement. Last but not least, these goodie bags send t he message that you should feel bad for having babies who act like babies, which has rubbe d many parents the wrong way from the start.
To sum up, you don't need to bend over backwards to please others and you don't owe stran gers candy for sitting next to your babies.。