汉英翻译讲义第1部分 汉英翻译的过程
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1. The meaning of a sign is determined by the meanings of other signs.
2. Each word when used in a new context is a new word.
3. Words have no meanings, and people have meanings for them.
1.1正确理解(Correct Comprehension) 理解原文要对原文进行语言分析、语境分析和逻辑分析等
2. 他的衣服穿烂了。
3. 走一步看一步。
4. 我银行里为你挂个名,你白天去走走,晚上教教我儿子,一面找机会,好不好?《围城》
5. 海上花园海上仙山
6. 国际旅游年
7. 汉语茶话会
8. 世界风云9. 半边天
10. 中国留学服务中心11. 经济半小时
12. 此复印件与原件相符。
1.2 充分表达(Adequate Representation)
13. 虽败犹荣14. 特快专递
15. 真好玩儿!16. 招贴即撕
17. 减肥法18.中央电视台对外广播节目
19. 他的节目不理想。
译文1:Her performance is not ideal.
译文2:Her performance is ____________________________________.
译文3:Her performance is ____________________.
20. 他的英文水平比我高。
译文1:His English level is higher than mine.
译文2:He ____________________________ than I (do).
译文3:He ____________________________in English than I (am).
21. 这山望见那山高。
译文1:It is always the other mountain that looks higher.
译文2:People always hold __________________________________.
Hepatitis is a global health problem and Asia ______________________________.
1. 3 校核(Checking)
23. 常规科学24. 入学25. 新闻照片26. 慢车27. 特许权使用费28. 继承人29. 租船给游客30. 街道妇女
1. 大厅的灯亮得我睁不开眼睛。
译文1:The lights in the hall were so bright that I can‟t open my eyes.
译文2:The lights in the hall were so bright ______________________.
译文3:The bright lights in the hall ________________.
2. 三四个筛酒的酒保, 都手忙脚乱, 搬东搬西。施耐安《水浒传》
译文1:These serving men were so busy, their hands and feet were all in confusion, and they were moving things hither and thither, east and west.
译文2:Several waiters were ________________________________________________.
3. 母亲拧着纺车把他拉扯大,真是要星星不给月亮。
His mother had brought him up _____________________________________________________.
4. 浅花叫了一声奔着井沿跑去,她心里一冷,差一点没有栽到地下死过去。她想,竟来不及拉他一把,自己也跳到井里去吧。(孙犁:《藏》)
5. 这件事给邻居们知道,岂不笑歪了嘴?
6. 龙头以主色不同,分为赤龙、青龙、黄龙。
7. 杨先生的第一篇小说习作受到朱先生的好评,送《大公报》文艺副刊发表
8. 上课了?译文1:Class is over? 译文2:Has the bell gone? / Am I late? 译文3:How‟s your first class?
9. 他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。
译文1: He found there were many unreliable points in the geography record which be searched by the people before.
译文2: He found there were many unreliable points __________________________________________________.
10. (一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在了家里,)很多热心人都前来帮忙,但都无济于事。人们找到了他,但被他拒绝了。
译文1: Many warm-hearted people came to help, but without any results. People wanted him to help, however, he refused them.
译文2: Many warm-hearted neighbors came, but they ______________________________________________________.
11. 金桂湖位于武汉的南部后花园——咸宁市咸安区南川水库。
译文1: Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden--- the Nanchuan reservoir.
译文2: Jingui Lake is located in the southern back garden of Wuhan--- the reservoir of Xian‟an district of Xianning.
12. 本书收集了有关他们(钱钟书、杨绛)生平与创作的资料,有关的评论文章,同时选编了研究资料的目录索引,是研究钱钟书、杨绛的必备书。
译文1: It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings, and compiles contents and index of the research materials.
13. 岛之西南海边,有一块巨大的岩石,中空,人可穿行其间。
译文1: At the southwest end of the islet, there is a huge rock which is hollow and people can walk through it.
14. 全岛6300户人家,共有200多架钢琴。