印度古吉拉特邦警察强奸男同性恋 ppt课件

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basis for retaining the section. 事件引发了印度同性 恋群体的不安全感。印度同性恋的地位一向尴尬 。印度最高法院将同性恋定位非法,使得男同性 恋们往往不敢出柜,也不敢讲自己的性取向公开 。与此同时,在2012年黑公交案过后,印度强奸 案的定罪速度已经有了很大的进步,而同性强奸 却
丹,是印度古吉拉特邦的第一大城市,印度的第七大 城市。) The two policemen, intheir mid-20s, were posted on duty during the Ahmedabad gay pride march held onDecember 1st, in which
home after a party. 在印度古吉拉特邦的艾哈迈达 巴德,一位23岁的男同性恋在周日凌晨惨遭两名 警察的强奸。2014年2月9日,此案发生于科学城 附近的SG路附近,受害人当时刚离开一个聚会, 准备上车回家。(译注:艾哈迈达巴德 (Ahmedabad),又译阿麦达巴,在郑和下西洋时译作 阿拨巴
jarat, is not open about his sexual orientation to his family and is averse to filing a police complaint due to the attendant publicity that it would
Gujarat, in the wee hours of Sunday, 9th Feb, 2014. The incident happened on SG Road near Science City, when the victimwas returning to his car to go
向和家人公布。而他也不愿向警方报案,因为担 心事情宣扬出去后会引发公众关注,自己引人注 目的家族背景可能会在选举年给他带来大麻烦。 他只能在事情发生后向友人倾诉,还有过自杀的 念头,如今正由他的朋友照料着。 The incident highlights the daily insecurities fac
been going back into the closet and are hesitant to speak about their sexual orientation. Whilst rape cases in Indiahave been highlighted with convict
In a chilling reminder of the atrocities perpetrated on helpless gay men in India, a 23 yearold man was brutally raped by two policemen in Ahmedabad,
stigma– that of rape and of having a criminal sexualorientation, being forcibly outed to the society. Most male victims of rapeinternalize their suff
humse bhi marwa le”这样的话(大意为:既然你都 被全世界操过了,那自然也要挨我俩的操)。完 事后,受害者衣衫破碎,浑身带伤地回到了家。 而二位警察当时没有喝醉,神智完全清醒。 The victim belongs to a powerful political family of Gu
the victim had participated. Today as the man wasreturning to his car, the policemen recognized and accosted him, asking if hehad taken part in the m
子的时候,两名警察认出了他,并上前向他搭话 ,问他参没参与那次游行。当受害人表示参与过 之后,警察就要求他出示驾驶执照和文件,并开 始出言辱骂他。受害人反抗并试图逃跑,但两位 警察开始用警棍殴打他,并对其强行肛交,期间 一直用言语辱骂诸如“jab poori duniya se marwai hai, toh
ed by the LGBT community in India who are harassed by the authorities. Post the Supreme Court order criminalizinghomosexuality, a lot of gay men have
少有报道,因为受害者们害怕遭受双重“羞辱 ”——不仅是因为强奸本身,也因为这是一种“ 有罪”的性行为,会让他们被社会排斥。许多强 奸案的男性受害者选择默默忍受,将这些烂在肚 子里,既不会报案也不会将这些告诉他们最亲近 的人。由于印度刑法条款的存在(译注:即同 性恋非法),此类事件少有立案,也少有报道。
involve. He fears that his high-pro background would cause severe trouble to him during an election year ifhe decides to report the inciden
t. He broke down to his friends after the incident and has been in a suicidal mood, but is being attended to by friends. 受害人来自古吉拉特邦一个颇有权势的 政治家族,还未将他的性取
ion supposedly being fast-tracked after the Delhi gangrape of 2012, incidents involving gay rape are rarely reported because the victims fear a double
his case is a grim reminder of how criminalizing a sexual act, which Section 377 does is in itselfa reason for cases not being reported and violent cr
suffering. The Supreme Court, in its verdict on the 377 casedwelt primarily on the poor conviction rate and lack of reported cases of harassment as a
, toh humse bhi marwa le (when you have got fucked by the wholeworld, then get fucked by us too) . The man returned home battered and bruised with mul
arch. On his confirmation, the cops demanded to see his license and papers and started hurling abuses at him. The victim protested and tried to get aw
tiple wounds on his body. The cops were not drunk and were in full control of their senses. 这两名二十 多岁的警察曾在12月1日的艾哈迈达巴德同性恋游 行期间执勤,而受害人当时也参加了这场游行。 于是当受害人走向车
ay, but the cops started beating him up with sticks and forced themselves on him, abusing him all the time and remarking jab poori duniya semarwai hai
ering and live them through their daily lives, not beingable to report the criminals and neither being able to tell their near and dear ones of their