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Stepparents 继父继母staple→stigma
Neither of them had come from a perfect family. His
stepmother had been stern, but the stereotyrpe
didn't go beyond that, She had been a better steward
of him in his up bringing than Ius wife's stepfather
who had stifled many aspects of her childhood. While
she had no stigma on her body from her youth,she was
marked on her soul. And it was difricult for him to
show her how a man should really behave. It had been
difficult at times,but worth the trouble.
Now they were happily married and a couple of stature. He was an important statesman responsible for the implementation of a statute for providing staple foods to the poorest people in the nation and she was a designer of custom stationery that cost a pretty sterling. Their clothes were always starched, their kitchen full,and their home stocked with the newest fumiture,stereo equipment and accessories.
But they were startled one day with a feeling of stark dissatisfaction. They had become stationary and didn't know what to do to make life more enjoyable. As they discussed this one evening while eating stew they could not decide what to do, They lived by all statutory regulations, had the best friends and everything money could buy.
“We need cluldren ! " they finally decided. "But we will treat them as my stepmother raised me. " said the husband.¨ Not as your stepfather raised you ! "
They smiled at each other. Yes,they nee- ded children. Then they would be the perfect family. 他们相视而笑。
staple 1.钉书钉,U形钉2.主食3.主要产品
starch n.1.淀粉,淀粉类食物2(浆衣服的)淀粉浆
stark n.1.光秃秃的,荒凉的,无装饰的 2.严酷的,苛刻的,严峻的3.完全的,十足的staffle 使惊吓,使吃惊
statesman n.国务活动家,政治家
statiorurry n.固定的,静止不动的
stationery n.1.文具2.(配套的)信笺信封
stature n.1.高境界,高水平,非凡的气质2.身高,身材
statute 1.成文法,法令,法规2.章程,规则,条例
statutory 法定的,法规的,依照法令的
stepfafther 继父
stepmother[ n.继母
stereo n.立体声的 n.立体声(装置)
stereotype n.陈规,老套,固定的模式(或形彖)
sterling n.英国货币(尤指英镑)1.(金、银)标准纯度的2.品格优秀的
stern 严厉的,严格的,严峻的 n.船尾
stew n.1.炖(煨或焖)的食物 2.不安,担忧,激
steward 1.(飞机、轮船等的)乘务员,服务员
stifle 1.使窒息,闷死,闷住 2.扼杀,抑制,阻止3.掩盖,藏匿
stipna n.1.耻辱,污名2.(花的)柱头
Santa's Bad Day圣诞老人倒霉的一天
The Christmas wreath was also wrenched from his hands
as he wrestled with the young boy over the toy yacht.
Santa Claus had never fought with a child before,but
it was tus mistake. He had pulled out the wrong toy.
This boy was supposed to get a wooden zebra. But he
didn't want it and now his yelling might wake up his
parents. He had to get the yacht back and zoom. out
of there. But the boy won.
Santa sat down and spilled the plate with cookies and milk on the ground. He felt wretched and the wrinkles on Ius face were showing more than ever. He couldn't bear the yoke of being Santa Claus any longer. His zeal was gone. He had gotten sloppy. And now he was beat in a fight with a kid. Oh how he yearned for the old days. He wringed his hands and start,ed to weep.
The boy suddenly came to and saw that Santa Claus was crying.
“ Here,you can have the yacht back. " he said.“I can get you another cookie too. "“好啦,你可以把这只船拿回去。
As Santa looked up he almost started crying again when he saw the wreckage in the room. 圣诞老入抬起头来,看到房间被破坏得一塌糊涂,他几乎又要开始哭了。
“No,l actually prefer to eat egg yolks. They're better for my health. "he said. “不,我实际上更喜欢吃蛋黄,它们对我的身体更有好处。
“What's an egg yolk?"said the child.
“ Never mind. I'Il take my zinc vitamins. Maybe that will make me feel better. " said Santa as he reached into his bag. This is going to make quite a yarn for the elves. " he said sadly.“ But I'd better get going. Thanks for giving me the yacht back. I'Il bring you a better one next year. "He zipped up his bag and with a liffle more zip in his step walked to the fireplace.
"Try to be better this year, young man. " he said as he whisked up the chimney.“And have a Merrrryyy Christmas. "
wreath 花圈,花环,花冠
wreckage 1.(失事的船或飞机等的)残骸2.破坏,毁坏
wrench 1.猛拧,猛扭2.挣脱3.使扭伤
wrestle 1.摔跤2.使劲搬动,用力举起
wretched 1.极不愉快的,难受的,可怜的2.令人苦恼的,讨厌的 3.拙劣的
wring 1.尽力索取,强行取得 2.绞(出),拧(出) 3.搓(双手)4.猛扭,扭断
wrinkle 皱纹,(使)起皱纹
yacht 快艇,(竞赛用的)帆船,游艇
yarn n.1.纱,纱线,纺线2.奇闻漫谈,旅行轶事
yearm (for)渴望,切盼,向往
yell n.号叫,叫喊
yoke n.1.牛轭 2.束缚,枷锁观结合,联结
yolk n.蛋黄
zeal n.热心,热忱,热情
zebra n.斑马
zinc n.锌
zip n.1.拉链2.(口)精力,活力,元气
zip 拉上拉链
zoom 1.(飞机、汽车等)急速移动 2.(价格、费用等)急升,猛涨
Robin and Tuck 罗宾与塔克stimulus→stumble
Robin stumbled across Tuck when he was searclung
for strawberries. Stubborn and stout Tuck
wouldn't let Robin have any
strawberries,however,so they had to settle the
strife over a fight using staffs. After strolling
to an open space in the forest they had a strenuous
fight. Robin took Tuck's staff skills in stride
and was only hit by a couple of stray swings. When one hit nearly broke cthe stitches in his pants, however, he knew that he would have to streamline this fight if he wanted to win. So he jumped around the next swing and tried to strangle Tuck. Tuck stumbled around as Robin strived to hold on and then Tuck got the better of Robin and threw him into the nearby river, Robin's winrung streak was over.
When Tuck began to stride into the water to help Robin out,Robin grabbed his arm and pulled him under as well. Robin laughed and said that he hoped the water might take some of the stink of Tuck's clothing away. Tuck laughed back.
Later as they both sat on stools Robin thanked Tuck for the exciting stimulus of the fight and asked Tuck straightforward to join him in his fight against the evil Prince John. Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.
Tuck said yes and it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. No one had ever beat- en Robin in an honest fight and no one ever would again,
stimulus n.I.促进(因素)2.剌激(物)
stink 1.发出恶臭,有异味2.糟透,招人厌恶 n. 恶臭,异味
stitch n.1.(缝、绣、编结等的)一针,线迹 2.缝法,针法,编结法i(肋部的)突然剧痛stool .凳子
stout 1.发胖的,胖而大的2.结实的,牢固的3.勇敢的,大胆的,顽强的
straightforward 1.正直的,坦率的2.易懂的,简单的
strait 1.海峡,地峡2.[常pl.]困境,窘境,危难
strand 1.(线等的)股,缕2.一个组成部分 v.1.使搁浅2.处于困境,束手无策
strangle 1.扼死,勒死2.抑制,压制,限制
strawberry 1.草莓 2.草莓色
stray 1.走失,迷路2.分心,走神,离题
streak n.1.条纹,条痕2.个性特征3.一阵子,一连串
streamline 1.使成流线型2.精简,使效率更高
strenuous 1.费劲的,费力的,艰苦的2.积极的,热心的,干劲十足的
stride 大踏步走 n.1.大步2.步法,步态3.[常p/,]进展,进步
take(onej)stride 轻而易举地应付,轻松地胜任
strife 冲突,争吵,争斗
strive 努力,奋斗,力求
stroll n.静步,闲逛
stubbom 1.顽固的,执拗的,倔强的 2.难对付的,难于克服的
stunble 1.绊脚,绊倒 2.跌跌撞撞地走 3.(说话等时)结结巴巴
A Deeper Rekationship 更深的关系
Suffice it to say the submarine captain was
stumped! His successor,the First Officer, was not
being subordinate. The Captain couldn't report
the incident,so no one would ever know other than
he and the First Officer. And while the Captain
didn't subscribe to disobedience, he decided not
to subdue his First Officer and work to find a
sublime means to stunt the conflict. Or he could
wait until the disagreement subsided. Either way
would reduce the risk of his being sued. Maybe a
brief meeting would suffice.
The next day the two sturdy men sat down in a small cabin in the sub to discuss their disagreement which was,after all,purefy subjective. Neither was stunned that the other wouldn't change their opinion. But in the end both agreed that they would not take the conflict out of the room because it might bring negative press to the Navy and reduce subsidized funding. These subsidies were needed and any conflict would encourage more cuts in military funding which was already a stylish thing to do in these days. In light of the potential damage to the Navy,they both decided that their conflict was subsidiary to the greater good.
And so they continued to work together. No one ever knew why there had been a conflict or what it had been about. Somehow,however,everyone saw a subtle change from that day on that the two men worked together better than ever. Whatever conflict had occurred had resulted in a deeper and more trusting relationship.
stump 1.树桩2.残根,残余部分优.1.把…难住,使为难2.在…作巡回演说机,脚少沉重地走stun 1.使震惊,使目瞪口呆2.把…打昏,使昏迷
stunt n.1.惊险动作,特技,特技表演2.噱头,引人注意的举动
sturdy 1.强壮的,结实的,坚固的 2.坚定的,坚强的
stylish 时髦的,入时的,漂亮的
sub 1.潜艇2.替补队员3.地铁
subdue 1.制服,使顺从,征服2.抑制,克服
subjective n.主观(上的),个人的
sublime 1.壮丽的,宏伟的出众的2.高尚的,崇高的,令人崇敬的
submarine .潜水艇,水底的,海底的
subordinate 1.下级的,级别低的2.隶属的,顺从的3.(to)次要的,第二位的
subscribe 1.订阅,订购(书籍等) 2.同意,赞成,
subside 1.平静,平息2.下沉,塌陷,沉降
subsidiary 辅助的,次要的,附设的,子公司,附属机构
subsidise 见subsidize
subsidize 津贴,资助
subsidy n.津贴,补助金
subtle 1.微妙的,难于捉摸的2.诡秘的,狡诈的 3.隐约的
successor 接替的人或事物,继任者
sue 1.控告,起诉2.(for)要求,请求统控告,起诉
suthce 足够
Time for the Devil 魔鬼到来的时候
Their surnames were the same,but that was the only
similarity perceptible between the brothers. The
oldest was the superintendent of a broken down high
school soon to be designated as superfluous. He was
a sullen man who had to summon all of his energy to
go to work each day, susceptible to suspension
whenever he touched a glass of alcohol and known to
always have a bag of sunflower seeds in his pocket.
The younger brother was a famous surgeon who lived a life in expensive hotel suites as he flew around the world on supersonic jets from one surgery to another. He had surpassed all expectations and lived in a job filled with suspense each day.
But on the day their parents died they both smelled sulfur in the air and knew something had happened. As they gathered for the funeral all of their supplementary experiences faded as they both remembered the superstititions of their youtll. And together they knew that they coulcl not suppress the fears they now felt so close. Their parents had said that when they died the devil would surge from the underworld and claim superiority over their children. The boys had been supervised to prepare for this day,for there would be no day afterwards.
As the evil devil rose from the ground be- low both the brothers knew their parents had been right. Both now belonged to the ruler of hell. And both were terrified of what that meant.
suite 1.(旅馆的)套房2.一套家具3.(同类物的)套,组,系列
srrlfut 硫
sullen 1.愠怒的,郁郁寡欢的 2.(天气)阴沉的
sulphur 见sulfur
sunflower 向日葵
superfluous 过多的,过剩的,多余的
superintendent n.1.主管人,监管人,负责人2.警长
superiority 优越(性),优等
supersmuc 超声的,超音速的
superstition 迷信,迷信行为,迷信想法
supervise 监督,管理,指导
supplementary 增补的,补充的
suppress 1.压制,镇压2.禁止发表,查禁 3.抑制(感情等),忍住 4.阻止…的生长(或发展)surge i.1.(人群等)蜂拥而出 2.(感情等)洋溢,奔放3.(波涛等)汹涌,奔腾
surgeon n.外科医生
surname n.姓
surpass 限,非…所能办到(或理解)
susceptible 1.(to)易受影响的 2.(to)过敏的 3.(of)能经受的,容许的
suspense n.悬念,悬而未决,不确定
suspension 1.暂停,中止2.暂令停止参加,暂时剥夺3.(汽车等防止振动、颠簸的)悬架,悬置机构4.悬浮液5.悬,挂,吊
Victims of a Musical Syndicate音乐联合会的牺牲品 suspicious→tangle
His life in the symphony was the only tangible
thing he could remember. When he was struck with
a suspicious brain syndrome he had been thrown out
without tact. He had tried to tangle with them to
cover his doctor expenses,but the syndicate they
were with was too strong for him. All of his legal
tactics failed, Now he had lost every- thing and
the illness was taking his memory as well.
He had been wandering for months. Now he was in a swamp running through a tangle of underbrush to get away from a swarm of bees he had disturbed. He swerved to avoid running into a tree and fell into the water instead where he almost drowned. As his body was lifi.ed from the water he couldn't even mutter a syllable of thanks to whoever had rescued him. Then he fainted from exhaustion.
“Take this tablet," the stranger said as he opened his eyes a while later. The stranger was tall and tan from obviously living outside.“I had to swap your wet clothes for the ones you're wearing. But yours are hanging from the tack over there. " He looked and saw that the stranger was right.
“I recognize you." he said when the symmetry of the stranger's face became clear to his eyes.“We were in a musical symposium together. "
“Yes and I know you. Your name was once synonymous with trouble in the symphony. When I had my own legal troubles,however,l made the right synthesis of all the rumors and I discovered you had been wronged as well. "
"But you were the best violin player ev- er! " the man said.
'Yes, But that never mattered to the syndicate. They only wanted to protect their money. “是的,但这个联合会才不会管这些,他们只想保护他们的钱。
They both stared off as they thought a- bout this. But at least they each had found a friend. Maybe life wouldn't be so miserable as outcasts after all, 弛在交响乐团的生活是他
suspicious 1.猜疑的,疑心的2.可疑的3.(of)表示怀疑的
swamp n.沼泽.1.淹没,浸没2.难倒,压倒
swap 取交换
swanri n.1.蜂群,一大群2.[常](of)大量,许多 v.1.密集,云集,挤满2.成群地飞行3.被挤满,充满
swerve vi.突然转向一边 n.改变方向
syllable n.音节
symmetry 1.对称(性)2.匀称,整齐
symphony 1.交响乐,交响曲2.(美)交响乐团,交响乐队 3.(色彩等的)和谐,协调symposium 1.讨论会,专题报告会2.专题论文集
syndicate n.1.辛迪加,企业联合组织,财团 2.(促进一种特定事业的)私人联合会
syndrome 综合病症,综合症状2.(某种条件下有共同特征的>~系列表现(事件、举动等)synonym n.同义词
synthesis n.1.综合 2.合成
tablet 1.药片2.碑,牌,(木、竹)筒
tack n.1.平头钉,大头钉2.行动方向,方针
tact n.圆滑,机敏,老练
tactic n.1.手段,策略2.战术,兵法
tan 1.使晒成棕褐色2.硝制(皮革)
tangible n.1.明确的,确凿的,实际的 2.可触摸的,可触知的,有形的
tangle 趴(使)缠结,(使)乱作一团
tangle with 与…争吵(或打架),与…有纠葛
The Life of an Oil Tanker Captain油船船长的生活
As he looked out from the terrace of the tavern Hal
thanked God for his calm temperament. Without it he
would never have earned his tenure as a captain of an
oil tanker. He was a terrific sailor,but that had
nothing to do with the tempo of life required of a
tanker captain in these modern days. He had to know
about telecommunications,be able to televise video
reports of his tanker's location, understand
underwater terrain mapping and weather patterns in
temperate as well as tropical regions, and know enough about chemistry to be able to treat tar burns and chenucal spills among other things. 从小旅馆平台往外看的时候,哈尔感谢上帝赐给了他冷静的性格。
But he was happy with his job and knew he would never terminate his position. His wife teased him that he loved his tanker more than her. This sometimes left a tart taste but then she would tempt him into bed and all would be forgotten.
His temperament was also important because he had to deal with so many different people. He had to deal with the bureaucrats in charge of tariffs,various short-term tenants aboard the tanker for a unique experience,the owners of the oil company,and frequent activists who were often teeming around in small boats. There was no room for tentative decision-making,he often had to act fast and act wisely.
He smiled as he finished his glass of beer. It was time to set off on another trip across the ocean. It was just another day in the life of an oil tanker captain,and he loved it. 喝完杯子里的啤酒他笑了。
tanker n.油轮
tar n.柏油,焦油
tariff n.1.关税,税率2.(旅馆、饭店等)价目表,收费表
tart n.果馅饼
tavern n.1.小旅馆,客栈2.小酒店
tease 1.戏弄,取笑2.挑逗,撩拨
teem (with)充满,多产
telecommunications n.通信,电信(学)
televise 用电视播放,用电视放映
temperament n.气质,性格
temperate 1.(气候)温和的,温带的2.温和的,自我克制的,不过分的
tempo 1.(音乐的)速度2.节奏,行进速度
tempt 1.吸引,引起…的兴趣 2.引诱,诱惑
tenant 1.房客,佃户
tentative 试探(性)的,试验(性)的
tenure n.1.(大学老师等被授予的)终身职位2.任期 3.(土地)保有权,保有期
terminate .停止,(使)终止
terrace n.1.(通常外表结构一样的)排屋 2.(屋旁)地坪,草坪,平台 3.(足球场四周的)露天阶梯看台4.梯田
terrain 地形,地势
terrific a.1.极妙的2.极大的
“Love Found among the Masses从人群中找到的爱情”
The professor thrashed out at the throng of people
who had swarmed around him. His head was throbbing
and he didn't want to talk about the theft of his
most recent thesis anymore. They could get his
testimony from the court records after he
testified. He himself was on the threshold of a
nervous breakdown and he needed to get away. He
would talk about his findings that recent thermal
patterns were not thawing the ice caps on another
When one journalist bumped into his thigh,however,he fell to the ground. Suddenly terrified he thrashed his right arm around the nearest person and stood up with his arms around a beautiful woman. She was thrilled. So was he. But then something was poking him in the side like a thorn and he looked down to see her microphone. She only wanted to interview him like all of the others.
“What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"She asked as he was stunned by her nonprofessional question. “If you could come down from your high and mighty throne I would love to have you over for dinner. "
“感恩节您准备做什么?” 她问,她这个非专业性的问题让他很吃惊。