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Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is concerned with keeping track of the learners’ progress as it happens and identifying ways of helping it along, and its focus is on the process of learning. Formative assessment is evaluation of student learning that aids understanding and development of knowledge, skills and abilities without passing any final judgement (via recorded grade) on the level of learning.
a.作业、作文、书法、笔记、作业改错记录等自 选几篇,汇编成集 b.课外阅读、听力练习、听广播、看电视、读杂 志等的档案纪录
3.学生互相评价 a.文艺表演、新年晚会、圣诞晚会(观众评议) b.专题演讲、故事会、诗歌朗诵、歌曲演唱等
a.问卷调查(学习态度、学习行为) b. interview(就一专题谈话,适合高中) c. task-based project ①学生自己编辑、出版一期英文报刊:设计、 色彩、版式、内容 ②学生分小组整理所学的语法,归类、总结、 学生讲出来 ③任务成果报告:奥运圣火传递的社会调查、 环境、人口、住房、消费、学生吸烟等问 题的研究报告(成果形式可以是文字稿、 电子文本等) 5.家长参与评价 问卷调查、家长评语等(适合小学、初一)
Formative assessment is used in the development or improvement of educational process. It's the assessment for learning. Formative assessment enables teachers to gain detailed information on the difficulty for each student. Educational assessment should be best suited for its purpose for guiding the learning and teaching. Formative assessment can take many forms, such as comparison and assessment of classroom learning activities, self-assessment of learning outcomes, questionnaires, interviews, feedback from parents, everyday quiz and tests, learning portfolios, etc.
Student learns how to take responsib的应用
a.描述性评语(每学期或每学年一次) b.个人发展评价表(听、说、读、写技能) c.值日生报告(有主题、有准备,每学期每人 二至三次) d.课堂讨论(有具体话题、任务) e.课堂回答问题/角色朗读/pair work/group work f.随堂小测验/当堂效果检测 g.课堂提问及口语检查
1.面向全体学生,注重素质教育 2.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 3.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 4.采用活动途径,倡导体验参与 5.注重过程评价,促进学生发展
教学目标 教学手段 评价机制
跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识
课 程 目 标
Assessment and Formative Assessment
Assessment Assessment refers to the set of process through which we make judgments about a learner’s level of skills and knowledge; Assessment refers to the general process of monitoring or keeping track of the learners’ progress; Assessment is usually an ongoing strategy which student learning is not only monitored—a trait shared with testing—but by which students are involved in making decisions about the degree to which their performance matches their ability.
Does not include the teacher’s knowledge of student as a learner
Allows for expression of teacher’s knowledge of student as learner
Does not give student responsibility
Assigns student a grade
Involves student in his own assessment
Does not capture the range of Student’s language ability
Captures many facets of language learning performance
The differences between traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
Measures student’s ability at one time
Measures student’s ability over time
激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神 ; 使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力 ; 培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神 ; 帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础
It should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning . It should focus on how students learn. It should be recognized as central to classroom practice. It should be regarded as a key professional skill for teachers. It should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact. It should take account of the importance of learner motivation. It should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed. Students should receive constructive guidance about how to improve. It should develop learners' capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing. It should recognize the full range of achievements of all learners.
以满足人的发展需求为目标,强调对语言运用能力培养。 外语课程普遍采用按能力分级的方式,制定各个级别的能力标准。 课程设置采用必修和选修相结合的方式。 课程内容强调外语学习与其他学科的相互渗透。 教学方法强调以学生为主体,重视学生参与,发展多方面的能力。 重视外语教育对情感、态度、价值观等基本素养的培养 教学资源的扩展促进教学模式的改进,使个性化学习方式得以实现。 评价改革形成潮流,重视对学生学习过程的评价。
The definition of Portfolio Assessment
Portfolio is a purposeful collection of student’s work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include student’s participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit and evidence of student self-reflection. The overall purpose of the portfolio is to enable the student to demonstrate to others learning and progress. The greatest value of portfolios is that, in building them, students become active participants in the learning process and its assessment.
1.新学期开始时,反应学生实际基础的测验或学习记录。 2.学生课内、外学习行为纪录,如课堂问答、朗读、讨论、角色表演等。 3.书面作业样本记录和平时测验记录,由学生自己选择收入。 4.教师、家长的评价以及同学之间的评价。 5.学生对自己学习档案的反思及评价。 6.某一项学习内容的学习过程记录,例如一个学期中若干次写作的初稿、修改稿、定稿过程。
Done by teacher alone; student often unaware of criteria
Done by teacher and student; student aware of criteria
Conducted outside instruction
Embedded in instruction
Formative assessment is concerned with keeping track of the learners’ progress as it happens and identifying ways of helping it along, and its focus is on the process of learning. Formative assessment is evaluation of student learning that aids understanding and development of knowledge, skills and abilities without passing any final judgement (via recorded grade) on the level of learning.
a.作业、作文、书法、笔记、作业改错记录等自 选几篇,汇编成集 b.课外阅读、听力练习、听广播、看电视、读杂 志等的档案纪录
3.学生互相评价 a.文艺表演、新年晚会、圣诞晚会(观众评议) b.专题演讲、故事会、诗歌朗诵、歌曲演唱等
a.问卷调查(学习态度、学习行为) b. interview(就一专题谈话,适合高中) c. task-based project ①学生自己编辑、出版一期英文报刊:设计、 色彩、版式、内容 ②学生分小组整理所学的语法,归类、总结、 学生讲出来 ③任务成果报告:奥运圣火传递的社会调查、 环境、人口、住房、消费、学生吸烟等问 题的研究报告(成果形式可以是文字稿、 电子文本等) 5.家长参与评价 问卷调查、家长评语等(适合小学、初一)
Formative assessment is used in the development or improvement of educational process. It's the assessment for learning. Formative assessment enables teachers to gain detailed information on the difficulty for each student. Educational assessment should be best suited for its purpose for guiding the learning and teaching. Formative assessment can take many forms, such as comparison and assessment of classroom learning activities, self-assessment of learning outcomes, questionnaires, interviews, feedback from parents, everyday quiz and tests, learning portfolios, etc.
Student learns how to take responsib的应用
a.描述性评语(每学期或每学年一次) b.个人发展评价表(听、说、读、写技能) c.值日生报告(有主题、有准备,每学期每人 二至三次) d.课堂讨论(有具体话题、任务) e.课堂回答问题/角色朗读/pair work/group work f.随堂小测验/当堂效果检测 g.课堂提问及口语检查
1.面向全体学生,注重素质教育 2.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 3.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 4.采用活动途径,倡导体验参与 5.注重过程评价,促进学生发展
教学目标 教学手段 评价机制
跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识
课 程 目 标
Assessment and Formative Assessment
Assessment Assessment refers to the set of process through which we make judgments about a learner’s level of skills and knowledge; Assessment refers to the general process of monitoring or keeping track of the learners’ progress; Assessment is usually an ongoing strategy which student learning is not only monitored—a trait shared with testing—but by which students are involved in making decisions about the degree to which their performance matches their ability.
Does not include the teacher’s knowledge of student as a learner
Allows for expression of teacher’s knowledge of student as learner
Does not give student responsibility
Assigns student a grade
Involves student in his own assessment
Does not capture the range of Student’s language ability
Captures many facets of language learning performance
The differences between traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
Measures student’s ability at one time
Measures student’s ability over time
激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神 ; 使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力 ; 培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神 ; 帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础
It should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning . It should focus on how students learn. It should be recognized as central to classroom practice. It should be regarded as a key professional skill for teachers. It should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact. It should take account of the importance of learner motivation. It should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed. Students should receive constructive guidance about how to improve. It should develop learners' capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing. It should recognize the full range of achievements of all learners.
以满足人的发展需求为目标,强调对语言运用能力培养。 外语课程普遍采用按能力分级的方式,制定各个级别的能力标准。 课程设置采用必修和选修相结合的方式。 课程内容强调外语学习与其他学科的相互渗透。 教学方法强调以学生为主体,重视学生参与,发展多方面的能力。 重视外语教育对情感、态度、价值观等基本素养的培养 教学资源的扩展促进教学模式的改进,使个性化学习方式得以实现。 评价改革形成潮流,重视对学生学习过程的评价。
The definition of Portfolio Assessment
Portfolio is a purposeful collection of student’s work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include student’s participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit and evidence of student self-reflection. The overall purpose of the portfolio is to enable the student to demonstrate to others learning and progress. The greatest value of portfolios is that, in building them, students become active participants in the learning process and its assessment.
1.新学期开始时,反应学生实际基础的测验或学习记录。 2.学生课内、外学习行为纪录,如课堂问答、朗读、讨论、角色表演等。 3.书面作业样本记录和平时测验记录,由学生自己选择收入。 4.教师、家长的评价以及同学之间的评价。 5.学生对自己学习档案的反思及评价。 6.某一项学习内容的学习过程记录,例如一个学期中若干次写作的初稿、修改稿、定稿过程。
Done by teacher alone; student often unaware of criteria
Done by teacher and student; student aware of criteria
Conducted outside instruction
Embedded in instruction