高考英语课件选修8 unit 1 the written word
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1._d__es_p_e_r_a_t_e_ adj.
2.____v_a_in____ adj.
3.___t_h_e_m_e___ n. 4._e_n_v_e_l_o_p_e__ n. 5.___r_e_sc_u_e___ n.& vt. 6._r_e_p_u_t_a_ti_o_n_ n. 7.___re_f_o_r_m___ vt.& vi.& n.
1.___b_e_b_e_n_t__o_n_(_d_o_in__g_) _s_o_m_e_t_h_in__g___
4.Young people can improve their __r_e_si_s_ta_n_t__ skills by __r_e_s_is_t_in_g__ negative peer pressure and dangerous situations. (resist) 5.Sun Zhiwei,a ____p_o_e_t___ from Shanxi Province in the early Qing Dynasty,creates a great deal of excellent _p_o_e_tr_y_/_p_o_e_m__
8.___d__eb__t ___ n.
铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的; 非常需要,渴望 虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的, 无结果的 主题,主题思想;主题音乐 信封 救援,营救 名誉,名声 (使)改过自新,改造; 改革,改良 债务,欠款
1.___p_o_e_tr_y___ n.诗歌→____p_o_e_t ___ n.诗人 2.__n_o_v_e_l_is_t__ n.小说家→___n_o_v_e_l___ n.小说 3.__cr_i_m__in_a_l__ n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的 →___c_r_i_m_e___ n.罪行,犯罪行为 4 . __t_e_n_s_io_n___ n . 紧 张 气 氛 ; 紧 张 , 烦 躁 ; 矛 盾 , 对 立 →___t_e_n_s_e___ adj.令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的 5 . ___v_io_l_e_n_t__ adj. 暴 力 的 , 粗 暴 的 ; 猛 烈 的 , 强 烈 的 →__v_i_o_le_n_c_e__ n.暴力,暴行→__v_i_o_le_n_t_ly__ adv.强烈地,激烈 地 6.___r_e_s_is_t___ vi.& vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡→_r_e_s_is_t_a_n_t__ adj.有 抵抗力的→_r_e_s_is_t_a_n_c_e_ n.反抗,抵抗,抗拒
1.fiction n. 2.abuse vt. 3.civil adj.
4.bent adj. n.
___小__说__;__虚__构__的__事_____ ___虐__待__;__辱__骂__;__滥__用___ __有__教__养__的__,__有__礼__貌__的__;__国__民__的__,__平__ __民__的__;__公__民__的__;__民__事__的__(_非__刑__事__的__)_ _弯__曲__的__;__驼__背___的__;__不__诚__实__的__ _____天__赋__,__爱__好___e__ vt.& vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合 →___u_n__it_e___ vi.& vt.联合,团结,统一,联手→__u_n__it_e_d___ adj. 联合的,统一的→____u_n_it_y___ n.团结一致,联合(体),统一(体) 8.___i_n_te_n_d___ vt.& vi.打算,计划,想要→_i_n_t_e_n_ti_o_n__ n.意 图,目的,打算 9 . __g_en__er_o_u_s__ adj. 慷 慨 的 , 大 方 的 ; 宽 厚 的 , 仁 慈 的 →_g_e_n_e_r_o_u_s_ly_ adv.慷慨地;大方地→_g_e_n_e_r_o_s_it_y_ n.慷慨,大 方;宽宏大量
5.millionaire n. 6.spit vt.& vi.
n. 7.wrap vt. 8.adore vt. 9.spring vi. 10.characteristic n.
__百__万__富__翁__ _吐__唾__沫__(_表__示__愤__怒__或__鄙__视__);__ _吐__,__唾__(_唾__沫__、__食__物__等__) ____唾__液____ __包__,__裹__;__围__,__缠__绕____ ___热__爱__,__喜__爱__,__爱__慕___ __突__然__出__现__;__跳__,__蹦____ _____特__征__,__特__点_______ __典__型__的__,__独__特__的__,__特__有__的__
[用所给词的适当形式填空] 1.People are __g_en__er_o_u_s__ to others in trouble, and they donate a lot of money to the victims in the fire _g_e_n_e_r_o_u_s_ly_.Their _g_e_n_e_r_o_s_it_y_ moved us greatly.(generous) 2.The two groups fought __v_i_o_le_n_t_ly__ and many of them died, so the media were swift to condemn the __v_io_l_e_n_c_e__.(violent) 3.After years of ___u_n_it_e_d___ efforts, the three countries found themselves ___u_n_it_e_d___ peacefully instead of by war.(reunite)