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head of a spear 冷酷;锋利nothings comes easy
Wealth of nation 国富论-- 亚当斯密though situation
Economic downtown/ uptown 上升;下滑depression/recession Constant adjustment according the real situation
Two pot heads
Wine红酒liqueur烈酒brew (brew wine)v 酿造grain (n)粮食this is erguotou –it’s a famous liqueur
this is xihuoufen- it’s a dessert (寻找逻辑关系)
拔火罐cupping therapy
相生相克mutual generation and mutual restriction
阴阳五行the theory of yin&yang an five elements
内伤七情the seven internal causes
外感六淫the six external causes
大学-治国;平天下the great learning (the four books and five classic)
中庸the doctrine of mean
论语the analects of Confucius
孟子the Mencius
易经the book of change
尚书collection of ancient text
诗经the book of songs
礼记the rites
春秋the spring and autumn annals
黄帝内经yellow emperor’s classic of internal medicine
Internal medicine ; ear nose and throat
神农本草经ShenNong’s herbal classic
四库全书complete library in the four branches of literatures
烹饪文化culinary culture
气功controlled breathing exercise
四声four tones
二十四节气24 solar terms 小节月
什锦mixed /assorted
脸谱face masks (colorful patterns painted on the faces of the performance) 芙蓉with egg white
汆quick boil
舞狮lion dance (boat dance )
椒盐pepper and salt
炸deep fired
椒盐排条deep fired pork rid with pepper and salt low back/waist
勾芡dressing with starchy sauce
Bake 用暗火把面包团烤熟barbeque smoke grill 用明火烤熟
Salad dressing 色拉酱
海派文化shanghai culture
开铺formation since the formation of shanghai
海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold
恢弘的气态great tolerance
All are past and gone, we look to this age for truly great men and women
Peking opera treasure /essence
Music melody
山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers landscape
名山大川famous mountains and great rivers
名胜古迹scenic spots an historical sites
避暑胜地summer resort holiday get-away /great escape
古建筑群ancient architectural /building complex
湖光山色landscape of laks an hills
世界文化遗产world cultural heritage sites
故宫the forbidden city / the imperial palace
周口店背景猿人遗址peking man site at zhoukoudian
承德避暑山庄mountain escort in chengde city
苏州古典园林the classical garden of Suzhou
都江堰dujiangyan irrigation system
湖堤lake causeway
曲径winding path
出土文物unearthed cultural relies
究竟;出土on earth
青铜器bronze ware
文房四宝four treasures in a study / the 4 stationary treasures
Wiring brushes ink bar(soap bar) paper ink stone
秦始皇兵马俑the terracotta warriors of qin
平遥古城the ancient city of pingyao
天坛a temple of heaven a temple of the earth
皇家陵寝imperial tombs ( graved yard ; graved yard shift)
城隍庙city god temple
街景图street view
鸟瞰图bird view
石舫stone boat
水榭、湖心亭waterside /mid-lake pavilion
四大金刚the four cuardians
甲骨文inscription on oracle bones
剪纸paper cuts
华夏祖先Chinese forefather/ancestors ancestor to American is the American founding fathers 大学的显著特色是university is distinctive in
拥有藏书超过–万册的图书馆offers an extensive library of more than __million books
社会科学social science
生命科学life science
行业维持萎缩---- industry has shrunk /declined steadily
古典、通俗文化classic culture / popular culture
莎士比亚时代Shakespearian time
维多利亚时代Victorian time
皇冠上的明珠crown jewel
黄山国家森林公园the grand canyon of the yellow stone
朝代沉浮the rise and fall of dynasties
滑雪胜地ski resorts
无拘无束的气氛atmosphere of freedom and informality
潜游SCUBA diving
上有天堂,下有苏杭Suzhou and Hangzhou are heaven on the earth
The vibrant note
A music chapter melody
From south to north is 1000 meters from east to west is 750 metres
Red tiles and golden roofs 红柱黄瓦
Inner, outer palace 内宫外宫
Residential quarter (起到家作用的宿舍)moat 护城河
A variety of treasured cultural relics
Antique proclaim and bronze artifacts
按照---的方针follow --- policy
取得---的成就achieve --- success
进一步深化continue to deepen
进一步提高continue to improve
快速增长fast growth
稳步推进steady strive
进一步巩固continue to solidify
明显改善visible improvements
采取---的措施take--- measures
全面发展overall development
加速---的步伐speed up --- steps
达到预期目标reach desire goal (target)
经济体制改革economic restricting
国家财政收入national revenue
社区服务community service
希望工程project hope
社会保障体系social security system
养老金体系pension system
福利社会welfare society
社会保险social insurance
医疗、失业保险medical / unemployment insurance
弱势群体disadvantaged groups
脱贫lift off poverty
安居工程housing project for lower income family / subsistence allowances for urban residents 最低生活保障minimum living standard security system
教育工程the reform of education
211工程211 project
素质,应试教育quality-oriental /exam-oriental education
贫富日益悬殊widening gap between the rich and poor
基本国策basic state policy
计划生育family planning
男女平等gender equality / equality between men and women
闭关自守isolated an protective
竞争优势competitive advantage
万事开头难first days are always tough
舆论先驱intellectual forerunner
公民平等待遇equal treatment for fellow citizens
either you will submit to it and prosper or you resist it and become extinct
个人品格individual character
公民意识awareness of citizenship
科教兴国develop the country by relying on science and education
退耕还田returning ,cultivated land to forests
节约能源economizing energy
开拓创新pioneering and innovation in the spirit of pioneering and innovation
对外开放,引进投资open up to the outside world an introduce foreign investment
中国特色的社会主义市场经济socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics
现代化建设事业modernization drive
社会主义精神文明建设socialist moral an cultural progress
民主法制建设democracy and the legal system construction
宏观管理体制Macro-control system
政府职能government function
西部大开发the large scale development of China’s western region
加入世贸组织accession /entry into the WTO
西气东输,西电东送transmit the power and natural gas from west to west
温饱问题the food and clothing issue subsistent living standard
adhere to the principle of doing two jobs at once and attach equal importance to each.
坚定不移firmly and unswervingly
与时俱进keep pace with the times
减负relieve ___ of unreasonable burdens
试点pilot program pilot for reform opening-up
入市义务WTO commitment
津贴allowance 、
上海市委书记the Party Secretary
工会labor union
汽车马力horse power
Strengthen 表面上的力量power 输出的力量
随着改革开放的进一步深入和社会经济的持续发展,我国社会稳定,经济繁荣, 综合国力大大增强。
With the deepening of reform and opening-up and sustained social and economic development ,China enjoy social stability ,economic prosperity and a considerable increase in its over-all national strength.
In the process of economic restricting ,China attached great importance to the proper handling of the relations between reform ,development , and stability.
In light of China’s WTO membership commitment ,China’s service sector will completely open to overseas capital five years after the accession into WTO
Sectors within arts
We shall encourage foreign businessmen to invest in modern agriculture ,new high tech industries ,construction of infrastructure facilities and the large scale development of China’s western region ,playing an active role in reconstructing and reorganization
We have the determination and confidence that through the deepening of reform and widen opening up to the outside world turn pressure into motivation to take the challenges arise from our accession to the WTO
China has experienced a large scale government reform with the focus on the state council. This decision was made at the 10th national people’s congress held in March 2003
Secretary 部长minister英国部门department 美国部门
Some economist call for the establishment of a united social security system. They think this can reduce the pressure of state-owned enterprises speed up their reform and enhance social stability 加入世贸组织是改革开放的需要,符合中国根本利益,我们要全方位开拓国际市场,加快对外开放的步伐。
China’s entry into the WTO is the requirement of the reform and opening-up . it is in the fundamental interest of China. We shall develop the international market in an all-round way an speed up the opening up to the outside world
Planned economy 计划经济market-oriented economy
Modern information technology is developing with each passing day has brought fresh vitality to the development of the interactional postal services.
To adopt to the new situations of economic development an tv play a bigger role, postal services go through reconstructing.
+challenge --- 不足委婉的说法
Financial challenge people disadvantage group
Economically disadvantage group in the remote areas
African- American black people education reform
今天我们更应该教育年轻人成为自由社会力学识渊博,富有同情心和参与精神的公民Today, it’s more important than ever that we educate our young p eople to be knowledged ,compassionate and involved citizens of a free society
Compassionate 同情
By teaching these values to our children and living by then in our own lives ,we can build a future of hope compassion and opportunity for all.
Looking ahead at the progress of the next 50 years ,we filled with confidence
Firmly and unswervingly follow the path of reform and opening up ,keep peace with the times in
the spirits of pioneering and innovation to build a well-off society on an all round way.
国家主权national sovereignty
领土完整territorial integrity
睦邻友好合作关系good neighborly and friendly cooperation relations
冷战思维cold-war mentality
联合声明joint statement
一致的信息concerted message
一致的努力concerted efforts
六方会谈six party talks
趋于缓和moving towards relaxation
和平统一的伟大事业the great cause of peaceful coexistence
一国两制one country ,two system
和平崛起peaceful rise
中华民族的伟大复兴the renaissance of the Chinese nation
中美联合公报Sino-us joint nation
民族尊严national dignity
核扩散nuclear proliferation
邪恶轴心axis of evil
南北对话south-north dialogue
优势互补mutually complementary
大规模杀伤性武器WMD weapon of massive destruction
南南合作south-south cooperation
伊拉克重建Iraqi reconstruction
联合国安理会常任理事国a permanent member of the united nation security council
超越隔绝,走向交往come out of mutual estrangement together
减少分歧,增加合作enhance cooperation while reducing differences
寻求中美和解pursuit of reconciliation between china and the USA
政治胆略,远见卓识political courage an vision
远离stay away unfair道德上的不公平injustice 法律上的不公平Harmonious co-existence an mutual accommodation
不确定因素uncertain/ unstable factors
恐怖主义活动猖獗terrorist activities have gone rampant
the principle of treating neighbors with good will and co-existing with neighbors at partners 睦邻,安邻,富邻的政策the policy of bring harmony ,security an prosperity to neighbors
领土争端territorial disputes
地区冲突regional conflicts
推卸责任shirk responsibilities and obligations
建设性态度taken a constructive attitude
积极反应positive response
政治意图political will
藐视国际社会defy the international community
核能大国nuclear power
大卫卡梅隆David Cameron
小布什George W Bush
布朗Gordon Brown
普金Vladimir Putin
默克Angela Merkel
安倍晋三Abe Shinzon
萨科奇Nicolas Sarkozy
鸠山由纪夫Yukio Hatoyama
潘基文Ban Ki-Moon
福田康夫Fukuda Yasuo
The Taiwan issue is china’s international affair and china will tolerate (bear) o interference by outside forces and any circumstances
Bear –表示中国占弱势地位
Allow 两者国际关系势均力敌
The other china policy is the foundation and prerequisite for peaceful reunification Prerequisite course 专业性课程
Facing the complex and volatile /ever-changing international situation ,China has persistently followed its independent foreign policy for peace
We have been persistently opposed to the arms race and in favor of real disarmament and arms control
Armed force 武装力量
Marine/ the feel the pride the marine
Currently ,the international situation is generally toward greater relaxation and the world is speeding up toward multipolarity 、
There has been an increasingly louder call for peace .stabilities and developments from the peoples of the world
Stand in a line /queue
China stands for a primary role by the united nation and security council in the international efforts against terrorism
in a wide range of areas 在广阔的领域
Be filled with treachery an schemes
The Taiwan election campaign
With dramatic changes
The hidden intension is clear
The Taiwan independment force the election
造型美观beautiful appearance
款式新颖fashionable style
质量上乘fine quality
设计新颖stylish design
色调雅致elegant color
香味浓郁fragrant flavor
收费合理reasonable price
服务周到gracious service
2,形容词+and +形容词
价廉物美cheap and fine
典雅大方elegant an graceful
美观耐用attractive and durable
安全可靠safe and reliable
轻柔松软soft an light
瑰丽多姿pretty an colorful
色泽鲜艳beautiful in color
制作精巧perfect in craftsmanship
设计华丽luxuriant in design
品质优良excellence in quality
携带方便convenient to carry
穿着舒适comfortable to wear
誉满中外enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad 历史悠久have a long historical standing
信誉可靠have a reliable reputation
兢兢业业dedicated / devoted
多才多艺talented / versatile
急剧变化rapid / drastic changes
不断扩大gradually expanding (false) expanding 4,总结词化简
吹毛求疵fault finding
落后状态back wardness
老弱病残the infirm or people in need
胸有成竹have a complete picture in mind
广袤无垠On the vast of Chinese land
灿烂文化splendid culture
雄伟壮丽grand and magnificent
湖光山色landscape of mountains and river
妖娆秀丽attractive an beautiful
争奇斗艳unique an colorful
枫叶maple leaves
漫山遍野covered hills
墨客骚人the writers and poets / the letters
经典佳作classic works
礼仪讲话ceremonial speech ceneral terms
阁下陛下殿下your excellency / owner majesty royal highness
欢迎开幕闭幕词welcome /opening /closing speech
高层领导人senior leaders
设宴款待to host a banquet /reception for
国宾馆national guest house
借此机会take /use / avail myself of the opportunity
承蒙---的邀请at the gracious invitation of sb
提议祝酒propose a toast
热情洋溢的欢迎词gracious speech of welcome
致以热烈的欢迎、祝贺诚挚的谢意express /send /e xtend one’s warm /heated / welcome/congratulation / sincere gratitude
预祝大会圆满成功wish the conference a complete success
代向---人问好remember me to sb 下对上send my best regards to sb 上对下
餐前酒会cocktail reception
庆功宴celebration banquet
浦江夜游Huangpu river night cruise