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【摘要】Parallel computing is the main technology to implement high performance computing. This paper reviews the history of parallel computing over the past 60 years, and reaffirms the fact that the measurement equations for parallel scalability have played an important role in the development of parallel computing. Based on our analysis of challenges in exascale computing in the future, new scalability measurement model for parallel computing has been built, in which factors affecting performance of exascale computing are considered, including memory access, communication, reliability and power consumption. Through quantitative analysis, it has been found that there are some scalability "walls" during the development when parallel computing advances to higher performance. Finally, in consideration of the conditions of our country, the author proposes some suggestions for the development of high performance computing in our country.%并行计算是实现高性能计算的主要技术手段.本文回顾了并行计算技术六十多年来的发展历史,重温了并行可扩展性度量公式在并行计算发展进程中的重要地位.分析了并行计算向未来E级计算发展时面临的挑战,并建立了新的并行计算可扩展性度量模型,建模了访存、通信、可靠性、能耗等影响E级计算的因素.通过定量分析,发现和研究了
1.基于四种并行计算模式的自然对数底并行计算方法 [J], 刘荣;朱建伟;李富合;李磊
2.MPI网络并行计算系统通信性能及并行计算性能的研究 [J], 孟杰;孙彤
3.西安市供销合作事业六十年六十年艰苦创业服务三农六十年风雨历程谱写新篇 [J],
4.并行计算,“时”半功倍——并行计算在大型汽车覆盖件冲压成形仿真分析中价值凸显 [J], 谢晖;王元;李锋
5.微机网络并行计算环境Linux,并行计算平台MPI及其应用 [J], 吴锤红;吴锤结因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
