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I. 评I.分 规评则分P规oin则t assignment rule
II. 抽II样. 程抽序样S程am序pling plan
III. 屡II犯I. 疵屡点犯R疵epe点ated defects
IV. 面IV料. 门面幅料F门abr幅ic width
V. 颜V色. 评颜定色Co评lo定r
VI. 面料VI. 长面度料Fa长br度ic length
In principle, based on acceptable point level (standard) the fabric can be graded by adding all the penalty points after each roll of fabric being inspected. However, the acceptable point level (standard) differs from different fabric width. So the penalty points based on 100 sq yards is calculated by the following formula, and the different fabric width fabric is graded as soon as the designated (acceptable) points on 100 sq yards known.
无论疵点分数是多少,任何十码以上布匹含有屡犯的疵 点的卷,都应当定位不合格。 It will be considered as second quality if any 10 yards have repeatedly or continuously defects regardless of total penalty points.
评分规则Rule of point assignment
对于经纬和其他方向的疵点将按照以下标准评定疵点分数: For warp, filling and other direction defects, the rule of point penalty follows the belows:
全幅宽度疵点 Full width defect
Any roll contains more than 4 full width defects based on 100 sq yards shall not be graded as first quality.
平均每10个直线码内含有一个以上重大疵点的卷将被定为不合格,无论100码 内含有多少疵点。
Any roll has average 1 or more serious (significant) defect on every 10 linear yards shall be graded as second quality regardless of the number of defects on 100 sq yards.
如果布匹在一个织边上出现明显的松线或紧线,或在布匹的主体上出现波纹、 皱纹、折痕或折缝,这些情况导致按一般方式展开布匹时,布匹表面不平整, 这样的卷都不能评为一等品。
Any roll having noticeable slack or tight selvage, or ripples, or puckering/crease in the body of fabric and fabric is not flat after normal fabric spreading can not be graded as first quality.
对接受检验的布匹,都将进行定级和评定疵点分数。 For the fabric inspected will be graded and defect points will be calculated.
I. 评I.分 规评则分P规oin则t assignment rule
II. 抽II样. 程抽序样S程am序pling plan
他 Othersቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
屡犯的疵点 Repeated defects
任何重复和不断出现的疵点都将构成屡犯的疵点,对每 码布匹出现的屡犯疵点都必须处以四分。 Each linear yard will be assigned by 4 points if any defect occuring repeatedly or continuously.
面料卷的头三码和末三码含有一个重大疵点的卷都应定为不合格。(三分或四 分的疵点将视为重大疵点)
Any roll has serious (significant) defect at the beginning or end 3 yards of a roll shall be graded as second quality. (3 or 4 points defect is considered as serious/significant defect)
VI. 面料VI. 长面度料Fa长br度ic length VII. 纬V斜II、. 纬纬斜弧、S纬kew弧ing / bowing
他 Others
Rule of point assignment – What’s 4 point system
面料的检验方法常见的是“四分制评分 法”。在这个“四分制评分中,对于任何单一 疵点的最高评分为四分。无论布匹存在多少疵 点,对其进行的每直线码数疵点评分都不得超 过四分。
一旦QC选中待检面料,不得再对待检面料或已经挑选受检的卷数进行 任何调整。 After QC selecting fabrics, no change is allowed to the fabric to be inspected or to the number of rolls selected.
评分的计算方法 Calculation method
(总分数X36X100) . (受检码数X面料的有效幅宽)
(Total pointsX36X100) . (Number of yards inspectedXCutable width) = Points per 100 sq yards(K)
评分的计算方法 Calculation method
原则上每卷布经过检验后,便可将所得的分数加起来, 然后按照接受水平进行定级,但由于不同的门幅宽度便有 不同的接受水平,所以以下的公式计算出每卷布匹在每 100平方码的分数,而只须制定一在100平方码的指定分 数,便能对不同门幅的面料做出等级的评定。
I. 评I.分 规评则分P规oin则t assignment rule
II. 抽II样. 程抽序样S程am序pling plan III. 屡II犯I. 疵屡点犯R疵epe点ated defects
IV. 面IV料. 门面幅料F门abr幅ic width
V. 颜V色. 评颜定色Co评lo定r
VII. 纬V斜II、. 纬纬斜弧、S纬kew弧ing / bowing
他 Others
面料门幅(有效)Fabric width (cuttable)
根据公司规定,为了避免因为门幅的宽窄不一,导致技术部门的多套拍板,增加工作量,因此要求 所有采购面料的有效门幅只接受合同门幅的上公差。
III. 屡II犯I. 疵屡点犯R疵epe点ated defects
IV. 面IV料. 门面幅料F门abr幅ic width
V. 颜V色. 评颜定色Co评lo定r
VI. 面料VI. 长面度料Fa长br度ic length
VII. 纬V斜II、. 纬纬斜弧、S纬kew弧ing / bowing
VII. 纬V斜II、. 纬纬斜弧、S纬kew弧ing / bowing
他 Others
抽样程序 Sampling plan
选择待检卷号完全是随机的挑选。 Fabric rolls are selected randomly.
在面料工厂现场进行检验,受检产品必须是100%全部包装完毕,同 时主动的出示受检面料的包装清单,QC从中挑选受检面料。 Do inspection in fabric mill, fabric should be 100% packed. Fabric mill needs to show the fabric packing list for QC’s random sampling.
四分:疵点长度大于9寸 4 points: length of defects >9”
对于严重的疵点,每码疵点都将被评为四分。例如:无论直径大小,所有 的洞眼都将评为四分。对于连续出现的疵点,如:横档、边至边色差、窄 封或不规则布宽、折痕、染色不均匀等的布匹,每码疵点应被评为四分。
As to serious defects, 4 points will be assigned to each yard. For example: All holes will be assigned by 4 points regardless of the size of hole. For continuous defects, such as barre/filling bar, side to side shading, smaller fabric width or uneven fabric width, crease, uneven dyeing and so on, 4 points should be assigned to each yard. 每码疵点的评分不得超过四分。 4 points are the maximum number of penalty points allowed per any one yard.
检验期间,除了QC进行疵点取样或核对颜色之外,任何人不得从任何 卷中截取任何码数的布匹。 During fabric inspection, except QC taking defect sample or taking sample for color compare, no one can cut fabric from any roll of fabric.
Fabric inspection standard
4 point system is the common fabric inspection method. By this system, the highest penalty points for any single defect is 4. And the penalty point for 1 linear yard can not exceed 4 no matter the number of defects.
一分:疵点长度为3寸或低于3寸 1 point: length of defect ≤ 3”
二分:疵点长度大于3寸小于6寸 2 points: length of defect > 3”, but <6”
三分:疵点长度大于6寸小于9寸 3 points: length of defects >6”, but <9”
I. 评I.分 规评则分P规oin则t assignment rule
II. 抽II样. 程抽序样S程am序pling plan
III. 屡II犯I. 疵屡点犯R疵epe点ated defects
IV. 面IV料. 门面幅料F门abr幅ic width
V. 颜V色. 评颜定色Co评lo定r
VI. 面料VI. 长面度料Fa长br度ic length