

意大利N.B.C.Elettronica GL-150kg称重传感器

意大利N.B.C.Elettronica GL-150kg称重传感器

意大利N.B.C.Elettronica GL-150kg称重传感器广州南创房工意大利NBC有限公司在意大利成立,是一个基于应变式称重传感器,数字指标,吊秤称重系统,自成立以来,意大利NBC称重传感器的产品远销38个国家,在多个国家设立了分支机构或办事处,生产基地遍布美洲、东欧、中国等地;并在中国设立了广州南创传感器事业部,可为用户的实验和生产提供最佳的服务与解决方案。

1.悬臂梁称重传感器Mod AH:5kg,10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,30kg,50kg,75kg,100kgMod CN/L:7.5kg,15kg,30kg,50kg,60kg,75kgMod CF:75kg,100kg,200kg,300kgMod CH:150kg,300kg,500kg,750kgMod BH:50kg,75kg,100kg,150kgMod CN/H:60kg,120kg,200kg,250kg,300kgMod FT:100kg,200kg,300kg,350kg,500kgMod CD:100kg,150kg,200kg,250kg,300kg,400kgMod FB:250kg,500kg,1000kg,1760kg,2500kg,5000kgMod FH:500kg,1000kg,1760kg,2500kg,3000kg,5000kg,10000kg,15000kgMod FX:1t,2t,3t,5t,10t意大利NBC称重传感器图片:2.S型称重传感器Mod SU:2kg,5kg,10kg,20kg,50kgMod SU Radio:6300kgMod ST1:100-1000kg,2000-2500kgMod ST2:5000kg,7500kg,10000kg,15000kg,20000kgMod SU:2kg,5kg,10kg,20kg,50kgMod SU Radio:6300kgModSX:150kg,200kg,300kg,500kg,1000kg,2000kg,2500kg,3000kg,5000kg,7500kg,10000 kg,15000kgMod PI:0.5-100t3.波纹管称重传感器Mod GX:10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,30kg,50kg,75kg,100kg,150kg,200kg,250kgModGL:10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,50kg,75kg,100kg,150kg,200kg,250kg,300kg,500kg,750kg 4.轮辐式及柱式称重传感器Mod CO:5t,10t,15t,20t,25tMod KX:10t,25t,30t,50tMod TA:0.5t,1t,2t,5t,10t,20t,30t,50t,60tMod CT:30t,60t,100t,200t,300t,500tMod EP:25kg,50kg,150kg,150-300kg,600kgMod EC:15kg,25kg,50kg,100kg,200kgMod:CM:250kg,500kg,1000kg,2500kg,5000kg,7500kg,10000kg,15000kg,20000kg,2 5000kg,35000kg,50000kg以上内容技术参数以《OIML60号国际建议》92年版为基础,最新具体变化可查看《JJG669—NBC广州南创传感器事业部检定规程》地磅称重传感器原理:地磅称重传感器最简单的位移测量是采用各种光开关装置进行的,ZEMIC称重传感器即利用光纤中光强度的趴变来测出各种移动物体的极端位置或者是判断某种情况的传感器。






LC1F150i s c l a ime r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t ef o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i ng s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f th e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e ci f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristicsLC1F150TeSys F contactor - 3P(3 NO) - AC-3 - <= 440 V 150 A - without coilMainRange TeSys Product nameTeSys F Product or component type Contactor Device short name LC1F Contactor application Motor control Resistive load Utilisation categoryAC-4AC-1AC-3Poles description 3P Pole contact composition 3 NO[Ue] rated operational voltage <= 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz <= 460 V DC[Ie] rated operational current 250 A (<= 40 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-1150 A (<= 55 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-3Motor power kW65 kW at 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-375 kW at 380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-390 kW at 500 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3100 kW at 660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-322 kW at 400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-480 kW at 415 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-380 kW at 440 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-340 kW at 220...240 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3Complementary[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage 8 kV Overvoltage categoryIII[Ith] conventional free air thermal current250 A at <= 40 °CIrms rated making capacity 1500 A AC conforming to IEC 60947-4-1Rated breaking capacity1200 A conforming to IEC 60947-4-1[Icw] rated short-time withstand current1200 A <= 40 °C 10 s700 A <= 40 °C 30 s600 A <= 40 °C 1 min450 A <= 40 °C 3 min350 A <= 40 °C 10 minAssociated fuse rating160 A aM at <= 440 V250 A gG at <= 440 VAverage impedance0.35 mOhm at 50 Hz - Ith 250 A[Ui] rated insulation voltage1000 V conforming to IEC 60947-4-11500 V conforming to VDE 0110 group CPower dissipation per pole22 W AC-18 W AC-3Mounting support PlateStandards JIS C8201-4-1IEC 60947-4-1EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-1IEC 60947-1Product certifications LROS (Lloyds register of shipping)CSAULDNVABSBVRMRoSRINACBConnections - terminals Power circuit : connector 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : lugs-ring terminals 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : bolted connectionPower circuit : bar 2 x (25 x 3 mm)Tightening torque Power circuit : 18 N.mEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to IEC 60529IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to VDE 0106 Protective treatment THAmbient air temperature for operation-5...55 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-60...80 °C-40...70 °CPermissible ambient air temperaturearound the deviceOperating altitude3000 m without derating in temperatureMechanical robustness Vibrations contactor closed 6 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor open 9 Gn for 11 msVibrations contactor open 2 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor closed 15 Gn for 11 msHeight170 mmWidth163.5 mmDepth171 mmProduct weight 3.83 kgOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0843 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformitySchneider Electric declaration of conformityREACh Reference not containing SVHC above the thresholdReference not containing SVHC above the thresholdProduct environmental profile AvailableProduct environmentalProduct end of life instructions AvailableEnd of life manual Contractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsLC1F150。





本章节主要讲述了传统接地监测原理及我公司开发的WJY3000A 系列微机型绝缘监测仪、继电器型绝缘监测仪和便携式绝缘监测装置的工作原理及特性,供大家参考、使用。

1 传统绝缘监测仪检测原理1.1工作原理绝缘监测仪主机检测正负直流母线的对地电压,通过对地电压计算出正负母线对地绝缘电阻。



图5-1:传统绝缘监测仪原理图1.2 母线检测原理1.2.1 平衡电桥检测法平衡电桥法在绝缘监测仪主机内部设置2个阻值相同的对地分压电阻R1、R2,通过它们测得母线对地电压V1、V2。


43图5-2:平衡电桥检测原理图当Rx = Ry=∞时,系统无接地。

此时,V1=V2=110V 。

当系统单端接地时,得以下方程(1):通过此方程式可求得单端接地电阻Rx 或Ry 。

当系统出现双端接地时,得以下方程(2):此时,不能直接求解,处理方法是将Rx 、Ry 中较大的一个视为无穷大,按单端接地的情况求解,所求得的接地电阻值大于实际值。

Rx 、 Ry 的实际值越接近,则测量误差越大,达到R x = R y 时,测量误差∞。

1.2.2 不平衡电桥检测法不平衡电桥检测是由主机内部两个阻值相等的对地电阻通过电子开关K1、K2按照一定的开合顺序接地。


图5-3:不平衡电桥检测原理图44在一个检测周期内,K1闭合K2断开,测得V1、V2,得方程(3)然后K1断开K2闭合,经一定延时后再次测量V1、V2,得方程(4)解联立方程(3)、(4)就可直接求得正负母线接地电阻Rx 、Ry 。

1.2.3 两种检测方法性能比较平衡电桥和不平衡电桥由于本身电路的限制,都有各自的优点及缺点,其比较见表5-1。


加速度 a 米每二次方秒 米/秒 m/s LT
角速度 w 弧度每秒 弧度/秒 rad/s T
周期 T 秒 秒 s T
频率 f、v 赫兹 赫 HZ T
波长 l 米 米 m L
质量 m 千克 千克 kg M
密度 r 千克每立方米 千克/米 kg/m LM
力 F、f 牛顿 牛 N LMT
长度比较表 1千米(公里)=2市里=0.621英里=0.540海里 1米=3市尺=3.281英尺 1市里=0.5千米(公里)=0.311英里=0.270海里 1市尺=0.333米=1.094英尺 1英里=1.609千米(公里)=3.218市里=0.869海里 1英尺=0.305米=0.914市尺 1海里=1.852千米(公里)=3.704市里=1.150英里 地积比较表 1公顷=15市亩=2.471英亩 1市亩=6.667公亩=0.165英亩 1英亩=0.405公顷=6.070市亩 质量比较表 1千克(公斤)=2市斤=2.205英磅 1市斤=0.5千克(公斤)=1.102英镑 1英镑=0.454千克(公斤)=0.907市斤 容量比较表 1升(公制)=1市升=0.220加仑(英制) 1加仑(英制)=4.546升=4.546市升 (一) 公制 长度 毫米millimeter(mm)=0.001米 厘米centimeter(cm)=0.01米 米meter(m) 公里kilometer(km)=1000米 1厘米=0.3937英寸 1米=3.2808英尺 1公里=0.6214英里 地积 公亩are(a)=100平方米 公顷hectare(ha)=100公亩 1公亩=0.0247英亩 1公顷=2.4711英亩 容积 毫升milliliter(ml)=0.001升 升liter(l) 1升=0.2600加伦(美)=0.2600加伦(英) 重量 毫克milligram(mg)=0.001克 克gram(g) 千克(公斤)kilogram(kg)=1000克 公吨ton(t)=1000千克 1克=0.0352盎司(常衡) 1千克=2.2046磅(常衡) 1公吨=0.9842长吨(英吨) 1公吨=1.1023短吨(美吨) (二)英美制 长度 英寸inch(pl.inches)=2.5400limi厘米 英尺foot(pl.feet)=12英寸=0.3048米 码yard=3英尺=0.9144米 英里mile=1760码=1.6093公里 水程长度 链cable length,cable's length=185.2米 海里sea mile=10链=1.852公里 地积 英亩acre=40.4686公亩 重量(常衡) 盎司ounce=28.3496克 磅pound=16盎司=0.4539千克 长吨(英吨)long ton=2240磅 短吨(美吨)short ton=2000磅 1长吨(英吨)=1016.0470千克 1短吨(美吨)=907.1849千克 液量 加伦gallon=4.546升(英)=3.785升(美) 面积单位的换算关系如下: 1平方厘米=100平方毫米 1平方分米=100平方厘米 1平方米=100平方分米 1平方米=10000平方厘米 1平方米=1000000平方毫米 1公顷=10000平方米 1平方千米=100公顷=1000000平方米 1平方公里=1000000平方米=1平方千米 国际上一般使用千米、米、分米、厘米作为普通计量单位,他的各个单位进率为10x10,等于100. 面积的物理量符号为S 1公顷=15亩 1公顷=100公亩 1公亩=0.15亩 1亩 = 666.666667 平方米 1公亩=100平方米 1公顷=10000平方米 1平方公里=1000米x1000米=1000000平方米=1平方千米≈1500亩 1公顷=0.01平方公里 ha,hm2都是指公顷;ha是以前用的单位,现在一般用hm2 hm是hundred metre 的缩写,即百米,即1公顷=1hm2=10000平方米 在面积中,最特别是平方米和公顷之间的进率,是10000 都是100进制 西弗特是辐射剂量的一种单位,记作Sv。以前的定义是1mg的镭,包在壁厚0.5mm的铂容器中,对相距1cm处的样品在1天内所受的剂量,大约等于8.38R。现在定义是等于每kg吸收1J,相当于100rem。 (博主PS:这个rem就是原来单位,现在改成SV了)

ZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器

ZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器

ZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器广州南创房工美国ZEMIC有限公司在美国成立,是一个基于应变式称重传感器,数字指标,吊秤称重系统,自成立以来,ZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器的产品远销38个国家,在多个国家设立了分支机构或办事处,生产基地遍布美洲、东欧、中国等地;并在中国设立了广州南创传感器事业部,可为用户的实验和生产提供最佳的服务与解决方案。


ZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器解析:美国ZEMIC称重传感器相关型号如下:美国ZEMIC称重传感器S型梁式称重传感器:H3-C3-25kg-3B0.025/0.05/0.1/0.15/0.2/0.25/0.3/0.5/0.6/7.5/10/15/20/30tH3F-C3-1-6t-6B 0.1/0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.5/2/2.5/5tB3G-C3-50kg-6B 0.05/0.1/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5/7.5/10tH3G-c3-100kg-3B 0.05/0.1/0.2/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5/7.5tBM3-C3-500kg-4B 0.5/1/2/3/4/5/6/7.5t美国ZEMIC称重传感器轮辐式称重传感器:H2A-G2-1MN-5T,H2A-G2-2MN-5T,H2A-G2-4MN-5T,H2A-G2-3MN-5T,H2A-G2-5MN-5T,H2F-C3-5t-5B,H2F-C3-10t-5B,H2F-C3-20t-5BH2F-C2-50t-3T6,H2F-C2-30t-3T6,H2F-C2-20t-3T6,H2F-C2-10t-3T6H2F-C2-5t-3T6,H2F-C2-3t-3T6,H2F-C2-2t-3T6,H2F-C2-1t-3T6H2D4-C3-5t-5B6 0.5/1/2/5/10/20tH2D-C3-10t-5B 5/10/20t美国ZEMIC称重传感器双剪切梁式称重传感器:HM9A-C3-10t-12B,HM9A-C3-20t-12B,HM9A-C3-25t-12B,HM9A-C3-30t-16BHM9A-C3-40t-16B,HM9A-C3-50t-16B,HM9A-C3-40tSE-16BHM9B-C3-10t-12B,HM9B-C3-20t-12B,HM9B-C3-25t-12B,HM9B-C3-30t-16BHM9B-C3-40t-16B,HM9B-C3-50t-16B,HM9B-C3-40tSE-16B美国ZEMIC称重传感器双剪切梁式称重传感器:BM14A-C3-10t-13B6,BM14A-C3-25t-13B6,BM14A-C3-40t-13B6BM14A-C3-60t-13B6,BM14A-C3-100t-13B6HM14C-C3-10t-13B6,HM14C-C3-20t-13B6,HM14C-C3-25t-13B6HM14C-C3-30t-13B6,HM14C-C3-50t-13B6BM14G-C3-10T-15B-SC,BM14G-C3-20T-15B-SC,BM14G-C3-30T-15B-SCBM14G-C3-40T-15B-SC,BM14G-C3-50T-15B-SCBM14K-C3-10t-12B6,BM14K-C3-15t-12B6,BM14K-C3-20t-12B6BM14K-C3-30t-12B 6,BM14K-C3-40t-20B6,BM14K-C3-50t-20B6BM14K-C3-60t-20B6,BM14K-C3-100t-20B6,其它产品BM24R、L6H5、HM9B、HM14G、L3V、L6E、L6E3、L6L、H3、B9N、L6D、B6F、H2A、HM11、BM11、L6C、B6E、H8C及相关传感器产品BM14K,10t~100tZEMIC H3-C3-150kg称重传感器技术参数以《OIML60号国际建议》92年版为基础,最新具体变化可查看《JJG669—ZEMIC广州南创传感器事业部检定规程》。

















正常参考值最小值最大值速率法:0IU/L 30IU/L血清总蛋白(TP)英文全称:Serum Total Protein 临床意义:血清总蛋白浓度升高:(1) 血清中水分减少,而使总蛋白浓度相对升高。


























Liebherr LH 150 Industry Litronic 机械处理机器文档说明书

Liebherr LH 150 Industry Litronic 机械处理机器文档说明书

Operating Weight: 130,000 – 220,000 kg Engine:400 kW / 543 HP Stage IVStage IIIAElectroMax. System Performance: 661 kWThe Perfect Solution for Every ApplicationShells for loose materialH0857Multi-tine grabAngled stickWood grabLoad hookStraight stickMagnet devicesWorking Tools SticksHydraulic cab elevation Rigid cab elevationCab ElevationsUppercarriageDiesel engineElectric motorTechnical DataDiesel EngineRating per ISO 9249400 kW (543 HP) at 1,700 RPM Model Liebherr D9508Type8 cylinder V-engine Bore/Stroke 128/157 mm Displacement 16.16 lEngine operation4-stroke diesel Common-Railturbo-charged and after-cooled reduced emissionsAir cleanerdry-type air cleaner with pre-cleaner, primary and safety elements Engine idling sensor controlledElectrical system Voltage 24 VBatteries 4 x 180 Ah/12 VAlternator three-phase current 28 V/180 A Stage IVHarmful emissions values in accordance with 97/68/EG stage IV Emission control Liebherr SCR technology Fuel tank 2,800 l Urea tank 180 lStage IIIAHarmful emissions values in accordance with 97/68/EG stage IIIA Fuel tank2,800 lElectric MotorRating 400 kW (543 HP) at 1,700 RPM Model Liebherr KGF1391Typethree-phase squirrel cage motorelectric motor auxiliary equipment (air-conditioning compressor, alternator 24 V)Electrical system energy supplyLiebherr control cabinets uppercarriage and under-carriage with access protection, drive components heated and ventilatedLiebherr frequency converter fed drive system heavy-duty versionSupply voltage Low voltage 380 – 690 V High voltage 2.14 – 20 kV Frequency 50/60 HzEngine idling sensor controlled Electrical system battery-assistedcontrol system, lighting, diagnostics system Voltage 24 VBatteries 2 x 180 Ah/12 VAlternatorthree-phase current 28 V/140 AHydraulic ControlsPower distributionvia control valves with integrated safety valves,s imultaneous actuation of chassis and attachment. Swing drive in separate closed circuitServo circuitAttachment and swing with electro-hydraulic pilot control and proportional joystick leversChassiswith electro-hydraulic pilot control and an additional proportional joystick leverAdditional functions Proportional controlproportionally acting transmitters on the joysticks foradditional hydraulic functionsHydraulic SystemHydraulic pump for attachment and travel drive 4 Liebherr axial piston variable displacement pumps Max. flow 4 x 278 l/min.Max. pressure 350 barfor swing drive reversible axial piston variable displacement pump, closed-loop circuit Max. flow 455 l/min.Max. pressure 260 barHydraulic pumpregulation and control Positive Control multi-circuit hydraulic system for independent and demand controlled dosing via the hydraulic pumps; sensor-controlled Hydraulic tank 1,240 lHydraulic system 1,850 – 1,900 l (depending on undercarriage version)Hydraulic oil filter 3 main return filters with integrated partial micro filtra-tion (5 μm), 1 high pressure filter for each main pump MODE selectionadjustment of engine and hydraulic performance via a mode pre-selector to match application, e.g. for especially economical and environmentally friendly operation or for maximum material handling and heavy-duty jobsS (Sensitive)mode for precision work and lifting through very s ensitive movementsE (ECO)mode for especially economical and environmentally friendly operationP (Power)mode for high performance with low fuel consumption P+ (Power-Plus)mode for highest performance and for very heavy dutyapplications, suitable for continuous operationCooling SystemDiesel enginewater-cooledcooling system, consisting of a cooling unit for water and charge air and a 2nd cooler for hydraulic oil, each with an infinitely variable, thermostatically controlled fan drive system Electric motorair-cooledcooling system for hydraulic oil with an infinitelyv ariable, thermostatically controlled fan drive systemfrequency converter water-cooledOperator’s CabCab spacious operator cabin with profiled design, excellentview on working area, access from behind, fixed front,roof and base panel made of bullet proof glass, frontscreen with electrical heating, shock-absorbings uspension, sounddamping insulating, sliding windowon left side, sun shadings, folding seat for instructor Operator’s seatComfort air cushioned operator’s seat with headrest, lap belt,seat heater, adjustable seat cushion inclination andlength, lockable horizontal suspension, automaticweight adjustment, adjustable suspension stiffness,pneumatic lumbar vertebrae support and passive seatclimatisation with active coalOptionPremium in addition to operator’s seat comfort: active elec t ronicweight adjustment (automatic readjustment), pneu-matic low frequency suspension and active seat clima-tisation with active coal and ventilatorControl system joysticks with arm consoles and swivel seat Operation and displays large high-resolution operating unit, selfexplanatory,colour display with touchscreen, video-compatible,numerous setting, control and monitoring options,e.g. air conditioning control, fuel consumptionr espectively energy consumption, machine and toolparametersAir-conditioningDiesel engine automatic air-conditioning, recirculated air function,fast de-icing and demisting at the press of a button,air vents can be operated via a menu; recirculated airand fresh air filters can be easily replaced and areaccessible from the outside; heating-cooling unit,designed for extreme outside temperatures, sensorsfor solar radiation, inside and outside temperatures Electric motor in addition to diesel engine: air-conditioned cab viaweekly timerUndercarriageMobileDrive one axle drive per drive axle with Liebherr axial pistonmotor and functional brake valve on both sides Travel speed0 – 7.8 km/h stepless0 – 4.2 km/h stepless (creeper speed)Axles wheelsets with suspended 40 t axles, with slewingdrive rotating around the vertical axis, hydraulicc ylinder for levelingPosition of wheelsets 6 steering axles, 2 powered and braked, for levelingand axle load distribution, interconnected by hydraulic Option8 steering axles, 2 powered and brakedSteering programs front wheel, rear wheel and all-wheel steering,move to the side in crab steering possible,turning on the spotService brake two circuit travel brake system with accumulator Holding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released) Stabilization x-shaped 4 point support with 4 folding arms, onevertically positioned support cylinder per folding arm,support plates with ball-and-socket joint, removable CrawlerDrive Liebherr compact planetary reduction gear withL iebherr axial piston motor per side of undercarriage Travel speed0 – 3.9 km/h stepless0 – 1.7 km/h stepless (creeper speed)Brake functional brake valves on both sidesHolding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released) Track pads flatTracks sealed and greasedRail-mounted GantryChassis rail travel drive designed for the respective load perundercarriage cornerDrive compact planetary reduction gear with axial pistonmotor per rail travel driveBrake functional brake valves on both sidesHolding brake per rail travel drive wet multi-disc (spring applied,pressure released)OptionStorm brakes different designsAttachmentType high-strength steel plates at highlystressed pointsfor the toughest requirements. Complex and stablemountings of attachment and cylinders Hydraulic cylinders Liebherr cylinders with special seal system as well asshock absorptionEnergy recovering cylinder Liebherr gas cylinder with special sealing and controlsystemBearings sealed, low maintenanceComplete MachineLubrication Liebherr central lubrication system for uppercarriageand attachment, automaticallyMobile Liebherr central lubrication system for undercarriage,automaticallySteps system undercarriage ascent via ladders and platformsuppercarriage with platform left and right and cross-over possibilityparts hot-dip galvanised, nonskid surfaceNoise emissionISO 6396L pA(inside cab) = 70 dB(A)2000/14/EC L WA(surround noise) = 108 dB(A) Swing DriveDrive Liebherr compact planetary reduction gear withL iebherr axial piston motor in a closed system withintegrated brake valveSwing ring Liebherr, sealed race ball bearing swing ring,internal teethSwing speed0 – 5.5 RPM steplessSwing torque260 kNmHolding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released)50 C – Dimensions IndustryLH 150 M – DimensionsIndustryLH 150 C Gantry – DimensionsIndustryChoice of Cab ElevationCab Elevation LFC (Rigid Elevation)Cab Lift(Hydraulic Elevation)The lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and are valid on a firm, level supporting surface with blocked oscillating axle. These capacities can be slewed through 360° with the undercarriage in the transverse position. Capacities in the longitudinal position of the undercarriage (+/– 15°) are specified over the rigid axle with the stabilizers down. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.45505560657075808590954035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and are valid on a firm, level supporting surface with blocked oscillating axle. These capacities can be slewed through 360° with the undercarriage in the transverse position. Capacities in the longitudinal position of the undercarriage (+/– 15°) are specified over the rigid axle with the stabilizers down. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.45505560657075808590954035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftAltered range curve with additional reach depth, e.g. for unloading from shipsKinematic VariantsKinematic Variant 2AKinematic Variant 2D/2CHole 2Hole AEnergy recovery with kinematic variant2AEnergy recovery with kinematic variant2DEnergy recovery with kinematic variant 2CWorking ToolsShells for Loose MaterialShells for loose material with cutting edge (without teeth)Grab model GMZ 50Wood GrabGrab model GMH 50 round-shaped (overlapping, horizontal cylinders)Multi-Tine Grabopensemi-closed closedGrab model GMM 80-4 (4 tines)BAA3. Attachment fitting lowered /Energy storedLowering the equipment stores energy in the ERC system. This stored energy is then made available to the machine to provide additional engine power. When the equipment is raised the stored energy is released and is reflected in powerful, homogeneous operating cycles. The result is a clear saving on fuel – and, Efficiencyas standard• = Standard, + = Option* = optionally extendable after one yearOptions and/or special attachments, supplied by vendors other than Liebherr, are only to be installed with the knowledge and approval of Liebherr in order toretain warranty.EquipmentCooling SystemReversible fan drive, fully automatic+++++Wide Product RangeThe Liebherr Group is one of the largest construction equipment manufacturers in the world. Liebherr’s high-value products and services enjoy a high reputation in many other fields. The wide range includes domestic appliances, aerospace and trans-portation systems, machine tools and maritime cranes.Exceptional Customer BenefitEvery product line provides a complete range of models in many different versions. With both their technical excellence and acknowledged quality, Liebherr products offer a maximum of customer benefits in practical application.State-of-the-art TechnologyTo provide consistent, top quality products, Liebherr attaches great importance to each product area, its components and core technologies. Important modules and components are developed and manufactured in-house, for instance the entire drive and control technology for construction equipment.Worldwide and IndependentHans Liebherr founded the Liebherr family company in 1949. Since that time, the enterprise has steadily grown to a group of more than 130 companies with over 41,000 employees located on all continents. The corporate headquarters of the Group is Liebherr-International AG in Bulle, Switzerland. The Liebherr family is the sole owner of the The Liebherr Group of CompaniesR G -B K -R P L H B /V F 11834044-w e b -12.15_e n G B A l l i l l u s t r a t i o n s a n d d a t a m a y d i f f e r f r o m s t a n d a r d e q u i p m e n t . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。



CT150 I/O信号说明并行数据输入口PICT150的部分参数,可以通过并行数据输入口直接输入,参数的定义请阅读参数说明。

指令I/O口PI/O输入信号:Reset ( 13 ) :高电平信号会关闭数字闭环控制,控制器只工作在模拟量开环方式。

当Start / Stop信号为高电平时,Reset有效,控制器软件会重新启动。

Trim - ( 25 ) Trim + ( 12 ) :向前或向后移动裁切位置。



当调节合适后,可以用Store to EEprom指令保存裁切位置。



Read PI data ( 24 )* :并行数据输入口的数据读入缓冲区中。


Activate PI data ( 11 )* :这个信号的上升沿将保存在缓冲区的数据传送到操作数据区,也就是说,这些数据开始起作用.)也可以上面这两个信号同时输入,例如在输入新的裁切长度时(将pin 24与pin 11短接)Prog1/Prog2 (23):控制器中可以保存两组完全不同的参数,当输入低电平时使用第一组参数,输入高电平时使用第二组参数。

此信号变化后,控制器再次上电或者Start / Stop.变为高电平并且刀轮停止后有效Store RAM to EEprom ( 10 ) :这个信号的上升沿将所有当前参数保存在EEPROM中。


Start / Stop ( 22 ) :低电平时,控制器进行正常的裁切动作。




1. 多导睡眠监测仪技术参数技术参数:放大器40 导一体化放大器包括:EEG标准电极位置输入:25扩展通道输入:8 (X1—X8),单极、双极自主控制(可采集多导睡眠参数如眼动、鼾声、下颌肌电、腿动、口鼻气流、胸腹呼吸、腿动等)DC输入:4个血氧饱和度: 1 个状态输入:7 路(提供多种事件标记)触发标记输入: 1 个输入阻抗:大于5MQ (检测结果:22MQ)输入漏电流:〈5X10-9A (检测结果:1X 10-9 A)极化电压:± 550mV共模抑制比:〉100 dB (检测结果:117MQ)时间常数:0.03-0.3s ,关闭, (软件可调范围:关, 3-0.0003S)高频滤波:15-700 Hz,关闭,(软件可调范围:关,15-10000HZ)共13档可调A/D 转换:16bit采样频率:250,512,1024,2048HZ 可调。

数据处理时间常数:0.03-0.3s ,关闭,(软件可调范围:关,3-0.0003S)高频滤波:15-700 Hz,关闭,(软件可调范围:关,15-10000HZ)共13档可调AC滤波:50或60 Hz (1/25以上衰减)参考电极选择:单极、双极、平均参考(AV), 区域源参考,发生源参考,左右平均参考,Aav,系统参考(Org),自定义平均参考。

显示波形显示颜色:16 色,每个导联可单独设定波形显示:0.5-60S/P ,0.5-15CM/S语音自动提示系统1. 脑电检测过程全自动完成,全程语音提示,包括:安静测量,睁闭眼、过度换气提示及节拍、闪光控制及提示、睡眠诱发及睡眠引导等。

2. 程度控制:每一过程及时间提示声音均可预置并允许自主录入。

同步单视频(可选购双视频)1. 视频同步采集,同步回放2. 帮助临床准确判断干扰原因3. 支持双视频全视野同步记录4. 音视频一体化, 网络同步视频记录, 内置远程控制和对讲.闪光刺激器(选购)1. 高强度圆形闪光灯,纯色谱刺激,无栅格、无点阵图形影响。



单程(OW-One Way) 来回程(RT-Round Trip) 环程(CT-Circle Trip) 缺口程(OJ-Open Jaw) (缺口在一国境内或视为同一国境) 环球程(RTW-Round The World)
747 波音747载客数在350-400人左右(747、74E均为波音747的不同 型号)
777 波音777载客在350人左右(或以77B作为代号) 767 波音767载客在280人左右 M11 麦道11载客340人左右 340 空中客车340载客350人左右 300 空中客车300 载客280人左右(或以AB6作为代号) 310 空中客车310载客250人左右
代理人:指从事民用航空运输销售代理业务的企业。 分类:1、货运 2、客运:a.国际代理人(一类)、b.国 内代理人(二类)
MU-东航 CA-国航
NH-全日空 JL-日航
使用 机票必须按顺序使用,否则剩余航段将被取消机位。
特殊服务种类:机上座位预定、特殊餐食、婴儿摇篮等 Bulkhead(第一排)、Exit座位都不能事先预定,需在
办理登机手续时申请,机场工作人员会视航班情况分配 。 婴儿摇篮有尺寸限制,需参照各航空公司具体规定。 请至少提前48小时申请特殊服务




Total Corbion PLA - L-丙交酯 Lumilact

Total Corbion PLA - L-丙交酯 Lumilact

第 1 部分化学品及企业标识化学名称 (中文名): L-丙交酯化学名称 (英文名) : L-Lactide名称: L-丙交酯产品名称: Lumilact® L Polymer GradePURALACT® B3化学名称: (3S-cis)-3,6-dimethyl-1,4-dioxane-2,5-dione企业名称: Total Corbion PLA标题: 供应商地址: The Netherlands, Gorinchem, Stadhuisplein, 70邮政编码: 4203 NS传真: +31 183 695 600电话号码: +31 183 695 695电子邮件地址: *********************应急咨询电话: +44 1865 407333 (CareChem24)运转小时数 24小时/24小时,7天每周建议用途: 聚合物第 2 部分危险性概述紧急情况概述白色。










更多信息请参考第8部分“接触控制/个体防护”GHS 分类健康危害: 严重眼损伤/眼刺激类别2上述未涉及的其他危险性,分类不适用或无法分类标签要素象形图 (GHS CN) :警示语 (GHS CN) : 警告危险说明 (GHS CN) : H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。

防范说明 (GHS CN)预防措施: P264 - 作业后彻底清洗双手、前臂和面部。

P280 - 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

事故响应: P305+P351+P338 - 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。



P337+P313 - 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。



sensing [sensəing]
system [sistəm]
dr-side driver signal acquisition and
actuation module
交通工具 动力,功率 供给 供应 控制, 抑制, 支配
92 AHE 93 94
95 MSS
96 97 98 99
100 101 102
trailer recognition
trailer [treilə] recognition [rekəɡ niʃən]
special vehicle multifunction control module system diagnosis
59 XALWA-R xenon headlamp right
60 OCP 61 62 63 64 UCP 65 66 67 68 COU 69 70 71
overhead control panel
overhead [əuvəhed] control [kən trəul] panel [pænəl]
display [dis plei]
138 AVE-H rear audio video unit
rear [riə]
audio [ɔ:djəu]
方向盘 柱,圆柱
单元 夜视辅助
夜晚 视力,视野,视线



ACCESSORIESLMSHELF = Mounting Shelf 300-450W MXSHELF = Mounting Shelf 72-200WOrdering InformationSERIES DC WATTAGE HEADS HEADS OPTIONS 1CCL = 6 Volt 6 Volt6 Volt3 = Three A = Ammeter 2TCL = 12 Volt75 = 75 Watts DY = 8 Watt, Tungsten 2 = Two ACF1 = 120 VAC Fuse 100 = 100 Watts DA = 18 Watt, Tungsten 1 = OneACF2 = 277 VAC Fuse 150 = 150 Watts DL = 25 Watt, Tungsten ACP1 = 120 VAC Power Switch 225 = 225 WattsDC = 30 Watt, Tungsten ACP2 = 277 VAC Power Switch AD = ACCU-TEST Self-Diagnostics 12 Volt (Includes standard voltmeter)12 VoltADAL = ACCU-TEST with Alarm150 = 150 Watt DNY = 12 Watt, Tungsten ADTD = ACCU-TEST with Time Delay 3200 = 200 Watt DE = 28 Watt, Tungsten DCP = DC Power Switch300 = 300 Watt DK = 25 Watt, Tungsten EX = Special Input Transformer (Specify voltage and frequency)450 = 450 WattDG = 30 Watt, TungstenTD1 = 120 VAC Time Delay 3TTD2 = 277 VAC Time Delay 3(Suggested lamp heads listedV = Voltmeter 2above. Refer to the Accessories Section for W = White Housingadditional lamp head choices.)CCL15016.0”(40.6 cm)TCL300, TCL4506.0”(15.2 cm)7.6”(19.3 cm)12.0”(30.5 cm)27.0”(12.7 cm)6.0”(15.2 cm)7.6”(19.3 cm)12.0”(30.5 cm)Notes:1) Some option combinations may impact UL list-ing. consult factory for specifics.2) Not available witj AD, ADAL, or ADTD options.3) 15 minute delay.元器件交易网Housing18 gauge steel housing with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.Knockouts provided for mounting up to three lamp heads.The suggested lamp head is the “D” Series round sealed beam Par 36 tungsten. To order lamp heads other than the suggested “D” head, refer to Chloride Accessories Section..Suggested SpecificationFurnish and install Chloride Systems emergency lighting unit model ________. The unit shall be constructed to meet Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. Standard #924and the National Electrical Code (NEC).INSTALLATION AND OPERATION -Unit shall be easily field connected to a 120 or 277 VAC, 60 hertz, unswitched power source. Installation must comply with the NEC as well as other applicable codes. Upon utility power failure or brownout, the unit shall automatically transfer to battery power and maintain the required illumina-tion level for a minimum period of 90 minutes. Upon restoration of utility power, the charger shall restore the battery to full charge within UL 924 requirements follow-ing a rated discharge of not more than 90 minutes.CHARGER -Product shall utilize a fully automatic, voltage regulated, two-rate current limited solid-state charger. The charging system shall maintain the battery at full capacity without the need for periodic exercising or equalization. The following features shall be standard: Low voltage disconnect (LVD), brownout protection and AC lockout.BATTERY -The battery shall be a low maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calcium battery. The lead calcium battery shall provide trouble-free operation in temperatures up to 85°F (30°C).HOUSING -The unit housing shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.Chloride SystemsISO8C1063R49/02 IH272 West Stag Park Service Road •Burgaw NC 28425Telephone: (910) 259 1000 •Facsimile: (800) 258 Lamp Head Photometrics(For DL, suggested head for CCL)(For DK, suggested head for TCL)Vertical203050100Up 2010feet 010Down 20.2.1406070.31.5Horizontal203050100Left 2010feet 010Right 20.2.1406070.31.5203050100Up 2010feet 010Down 20Photometric No. 3406070801. 3010feet 01020Right 301.。



高级心血管生命支持课前自测笔试卷2020 年10 月21 日高级心血管生命支持课前自测笔试卷心律识别以下心电图是您在ACLS 学习站需要识别的代表性心律类型。

本部分课前自我评估将测试您识别ACLS 核心流程图和病例中的心律的能力。

如果您在心律解读方面有困难,我们强烈建议您在参加ACLS 实施人员课程之前,多花点时间复习这些基本的心律失常知识。

对于本部分中的问题1 至20,请选择一个最佳答案来识别每个心律。


1.A. 濒死心律/心搏停止B. 房颤C. 心房扑动D. 单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. 多形性室速G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/文氏型)I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)J.窦性心动过缓K.窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤第1 页第 2 页2.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/F.E.正常窦性心律多形性室速G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤3.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) K.J.窦性心动过缓窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤第 3 页4.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 M.L.室上性心动过速三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤5.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) J.I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤第 4 页6.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速G.无脉性电活动I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏IIH.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/文氏型)型阻滞)J.窦性心动过缓K.窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤7.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤第 5 页8.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速N.M.三度房室传导阻滞室颤9.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)K.J.窦性心动过缓窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤10.第 6 页A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤 D.C.心房扑动单形性室速 E.正常窦性心律 F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤11.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.F.多形性室速无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤12.第 7 页A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速G.无脉性电活动 I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/文氏型)型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞13. N.室颤患者无脉搏,心律如图所示A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速 H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤14.A. 濒死心律/心搏停止 B. 房颤 C. 心房扑动D. 单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. 多形性室速第 8 页G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 I 型/文氏型) I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 II 型阻滞)J.窦性心动过缓K.窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤15.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动D.单形性室速E.正常窦性心律F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) J.I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤16.D. 单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动多形性室速第 9 页G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 I 型/文氏型) I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 II 型阻滞) J. 窦性心动过缓 K. 窦性心动过速 L. 室上性心动过速 M. 三度房室传导阻滞 N. 室颤17.A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤C.心房扑动 E.D.单形性室速正常窦性心律 F.多形性室速H.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/G.无脉性电活动文氏型) I.二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞) J.窦性心动过缓 K.窦性心动过速 L.室上性心动过速 M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤18.C. 心房扑动D. A.濒死心律/心搏停止B.房颤单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. 多形性室速G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 I 型/文氏型) I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 II 型阻滞) J. 窦性心动过缓 K. 窦性心动过速 L. 室上性心动过速 M. 三度房室传导阻滞 N. 室颤19.A. 濒死心律/心搏停止B. 房颤C. 心房扑动D. 单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. 多形性室速G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 I 型/文氏型) I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏 II 型阻滞)J.窦性心动过缓K.窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤20.A. 濒死心律/心搏停止B. 房颤C. 心房扑动D. 单形性室速E. 正常窦性心律F. 多形性室速G. 无脉性电活动H. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏I 型/文氏型)I. 二度房室传导阻滞(莫氏II 型阻滞)J. 窦性心动过缓K. 窦性心动过速L.室上性心动过速M.三度房室传导阻滞N.室颤药理学以下药理学问题会测试您对 ACLS 实施人员课程中使用的核心药物和流程图知识的掌握度,以及您在与学习站和 Megacode 测试站类似的情景下使用这些药物的能力。



150kg电⼦台秤参数150kg电⼦台秤参数01.150kg电⼦台秤A/D转换原理三积分式A/D02.显⽰精度: 1/3000------1/3000003.150kg电⼦台秤 A/D分辨率 10000004.A/D转换速度 40次/秒05.供桥电压 DC 5V可连接6只350欧姆的传感器或8只750欧姆的传感器06.显⽰ A1X为0.8英⼨6位红⾊LED,A1GB为0.8英⼨6位绿⾊LED07.分度值1/2/5/0.1/0.2/0.5/0.01/0.02/0.05/0.001/0.002/0.005/10/20/50/100/200/500/0.10/0.20/0.50/0.010/0.020/0.05008.串⾏通讯接⼝ RS—232连续发送,波特率 1200 2400 4800 9600 可选可增配RS—485连续输出和应答⽅式输出09. 150kg电⼦台秤打印 RS232串⾏打印输出10. 交流电源 AC 220V 50 Hz 交直流两⽤内置电池11. 使⽤温度 0℃~ 40℃12. 储运温度 -25℃~55℃13. 相对湿度≦85﹪RH14. 150kg电⼦台秤外型尺⼨ A1X:220mm×140mm×130mmA1GB—3:220mm×150mm×89mm15.重量 A1X:约2公⽄;A1GB—3:约2.5公⽄150公⽄电⼦台秤主要销往省份和城市:⼭东,河北,⿊龙江,宁夏,陕西,四川,⽢肃,湖南,新疆,江苏,辽宁,⼭西,⼴西,杭州,安徽,云南,江西,浙江,贵州,内蒙古,北京,上海,深圳,⼴州,天津,苏州,西安,东莞,武汉,郑州,成都,南京,长沙,⼤连,济南,重庆,青岛,沈阳,乌鲁⽊齐,⽯家庄,太原,哈尔滨,南通,⽆锡,嘉兴,湖州,绍兴,福州,唐⼭,泸州,南京,廊坊,铜陵,泰州,泰安,通辽,⽆锡,潍坊,威海,芜湖,西宁,秦皇岛等全国各地区。


OMRON SC-150 Bluetooth 体重秤说明书

OMRON SC-150 Bluetooth 体重秤说明书

Scale with Bluetooth®Model: SC-150®E N G L I S H5666064-4EINTRODUCTION (3)IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (4)1. KNOW YOUR DEVICE (7)2. BEFORE TAKING A MEASUREMENT (9)3. TAKING A MEASUREMENT (12)4. TRANSFERRING YOUR READING (13)5. RESTORING THE SCALE TO THE DEFAULT SETTINGS (14)6. ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING (15)7. MAINTENANCE (17)8. CALIBRATION (18)9. SPECIFICATIONS (19)10. FCC/ISED STATEMENT AND TRADEMARKS (21)11. LIMITED WARRANTY (22)12. GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION (23)Thank you for purchasing the OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth®.This product is mainly designed for general household use.Safety InstructionsThis instruction manual provides you with important information about the OMRON SC-150. To ensure the safe and proper use of this product, READ and UNDERSTAND all of these instructions. If you do not understand these instructions or have any questions, contact 1-800-634-4350 before attempting to use this product. For specific information about your own weight, consult with your physician.Intended UseThe OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® is intended to measure and display body weight. It is intended for home use only.Receiving and InspectionRemove this product and other components from the packaging and inspect for damage. If this product or any other components are damaged, DO NOT USE and contact 1-800-634-4350. Symbols GlossaryFor symbol information, visit:/symbols-glossaryOmronHealthcare.ca/symbols-glossaryRead the Important Safety Information in this instruction manual before using this device.Follow this instruction manual thoroughly for your safety.• Consult with your physician or healthcare provider before beginning a weight reduction or exercise program.• Stop using the scale and consult your doctor if you experience skin irritation on your foot or feet.• DO NOT use the scale on slippery surfaces, such as a wet floor.• Keep the scale out of the reach of infants, toddlers and children.• DO NOT jump on the scale. Doing so may cause you to fall or slip, resulting in serious injury.• DO NOT use the scale when your body and/or feet are wet, such as after taking a bath or shower.• DO NOT step on the edges or display area of the scale because you may lose your balance and fall, resulting in serious injury.• Persons with disabilities or persons who are physically frail should be assisted by another person when using the scale to prevent falling when stepping on and off the scale.• DO NOT put your fingers into any openings or inside the scale.• Use indoors.• DO NOT use the scale for purposes other than described in this manual.• DO NOT use the scale with other medical electrical (ME) equipment simultaneously. This may result in incorrect operation of the devices and/or cause an inaccurate reading.• DO NOT damage the glass because it may break and result in an injury.Battery Usage• If battery fluid leaks and contacts your eyes, skin or clothing, immediately rinse with plenty of clean water. Contact your physician if battery fluid contacts your eyes or skin.Data Transmission• This product emits radio frequencies (RF) in the 2.4 GHz band. DO NOT use this product in locations where RF is restricted, such as on an aircraft or in hospitals.For further information on potential restrictions refer to documentation on the Bluetooth usage by the FCC/ISED.• DO NOT share the scale with others because your weight data accuracy may be impacted.• Clean the scale before use if it has been used by people with a skin disease on their feet.• DO NOT place the scale against a wall because an injury or malfunction of the scale may occur.• DO NOT attempt to disassemble, modify or repair the scale.• Ensure that the scale has acclimated to room temperature before taking a measurement. Taking a measurement after an extreme temperature change could lead to an inaccurate reading. OMRON recommends waiting for approximately 2 hours for the scale to warm up or cool down when the scale is used in an environment within the temperature specified as operating conditions after it is stored either at the maximum or at the minimum storage temperature. For additional information of operating and storage/transport temperature, refer to section 9.• DO NOT place the scale on a cushioned floor surface such as a carpet or mat because a measurement may not be accurate.• DO NOT submerge the scale or any of the components in water.• DO NOT place the scale near heat sources or below air conditioners.• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.• Avoid excessive impact, vibration and strong shock to this scale.• DO NOT wash the scale with water.• DO NOT wipe the scale with benzene, gasoline, paint thinner, or other volatile solvents.• DO NOT place the scale where it will be exposed to chemicals or corrosive vapors.• Store the scale on a level surface.• DO NOT store any objects on the scale.Battery Usage• Replace worn batteries with new ones immediately.• DO NOT expose the batteries to flames or fire.• DO NOT insert the batteries with the polarities in the wrong direction.• ONLY use 4 “AAA” manganese or alkaline batteries with the scale. DO NOT use other types of batteries. DO NOT use new and used batteries together. Replace all 4 batteries at the same time.• DO NOT use different types of batteries together.• Dispose of the device, batteries, components according to applicable local regulations. Unlawful disposal may cause environmental pollution.• Remove the batteries if the scale will not be used for three months or more.• DO NOT use batteries after their expiration date.Data Transmission• During measurement, make sure that no mobile device or any other electrical devices that emit electromagnetic fields is within 12 inches (30 cm) of the scale. This may result in incorrect operation of the scale and/or cause an inaccurate reading.• DO NOT replace the battery while your measurement result is being transferred to your smart device. This may result in the incorrect operation of the scale and failure to transfer your measurement result.• DO NOT place integrated circuit cards, magnets, metal objects, or other devices that emit electromagnetic fields near the scale while your measurement result is being transferred to your smart device. This may result in the incorrect operation of the scale and failure to transfer your measurement result.Contents:• Digital Weight Scale • 4 “AAA” Manganese Batteries • Instruction Manual • Quick Start GuideMain Unit:FrontDisplay:ABsymbolDisplay symbols:2.1 Installing Batteries1.2. Install the batteries following the correct polaritiesas shown to the right and inside the batterycompartment.3. Close the battery cover.Note:• When the “ ” symbol and “A1” appear, replace all 4 batteries with new ones. Items stored in memory will be saved even if the batteries are removed.• Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor immediately after installing the batteries.The scale is calibrated automatically.• Disposal of used batteries should be carried out in accordance with your local regulations for the disposal of batteries.2.2 Selecting the Weight Metric1. When the scale is off, press the [SET] button to select your preferred weight metric“lb” or “kg”. (Weight is set to “lb” as the default metric.)The weight metric will be saved after 10 seconds.The scale will automatically turn off after 3 seconds.2.3 Pairing the Scale with a Smart DeviceIf you want to transfer the reading, follow the below instructions.1. Enable the Bluetooth on your smart device.2. Scan the code on the right with your smart devicecamera or visit /app to find theOMRON compatible app for this product.3. Open the app and follow the pairing instructions shownon your smart device.• Make sure that your scale is within 5 m of your smart device.4. Press the [Bluetooth] button (the side of the scale) formore than 2 seconds to connect to your smart device.The “ ” symbol and “P” symbol flash on the display.5. Confirm that the scale is connected successfully.When the scale is connected successfully to your smartdevice, the “ ” symbol flashes.Note:• When the “Err” appears, follow the instructions in the app.• The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.• Be aware that OMRON will not be responsible for the lossof data and/or information in the app.• This scale can be paired with one smart device and onlyone user can manage the measurement data. Do not use the multiple apps.• Only compatible OMRON apps should be used with this scale to help ensure correct data transfer.It is recommended to measure your weight at the same time each day for consistency.1. Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor.Note:• This scale is recommended for use by one person.•2.a measurement.will start.Note:•3. When your weight flashes, your measurement iscomplete.4. Step off of the scale.The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.If you want to transfer your reading, refer to section 4.Open the app on your smart device.4.1 Transferring Your Reading AutomaticallyYour reading will be transferred to your smart device automatically within 30 minutes after the scale is turned off.Note:• If your reading is transferred before the scale is turned off, the display shows as below with the “ ” symbol showing on the display during the transfer.The scale will automaticallyturn off.4.2 Transferring Your Reading ManuallyTo transfer the readings manually, press the [Bluetooth] button during the power is off.The “ ” symbol appears from the start of transferring to the end.The scale will automaticallyturn off after 10 seconds.Note:• If the “ ” symbol does not appear, refer to “The data is not being transferred.” in section 6 for more detail.• This scale will store up to 30 readings for one user. Stored readings cannot be viewed on the scaleʼs display. You can view your readings on the app after transferring.• When the “ ” symbol appears on the display, your reading was not transferred. Transfer the readings immediately before the oldest reading is deleted.To delete all information stored in the scale, follow the instructions below. Make sure that the scale is turned off.1. Press the [Bluetooth] button for more than 2 seconds.The display flashes as shown on the right.2. Press the [Bluetooth] button again for more than 5 seconds.The display flashes as shown on the right and the“ ” symbol stops flashing.3. Press the [SET] button.When the display stops flashing, the scale is restored to thedefault settings.Note:• The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.• Restoring to the default setting of the scale does not delete the information in the app.If any of the below problems occur during a measurement, check to make sure that no other electrical device is within 12 inches (30 cm). If the problem persists, refer to the table below.7.1 MaintenanceTo protect your scale from damage, follow the directions below:• Use a soft dry cloth, or a soft cloth moistened with mild (neutral) detergent to clean the scale.• Store the scale in a clean, safe location.• Do not use any abrasive or volatile cleaners, gasoline, thinners or similar solvents to clean the scale.• Do not clean the scale by immersing it in water.7.2 Proper storageThe scale recalibrates automatically when it is not in use.If the automatic calibration does not work, see section 8 for instructions on how to manually calibrate your scale.To help ensure automatic calibration, do not store your scale as shown in images below:The scale is leaning against the wall or other objectsThe scale is placed upside downon the carpet or mat The object is placed on the scaleTo calibrate your scale, follow the instructions below.1. Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor.2. Press the surface of the scale with your hand to turn on the power.3. When “0.0 lb” (or “0.0 kg”) is displayed, wait for 1 minute to turn the scale off.Then you can take a measurement.®(5 to 150 kg with an increment of 0.1 kg) Weight accuracy11.0 to 330.0 lb : ±(1 %+0.2 lb)(5 to 150 kg : ±(1 %+0.1 kg)) Transmission method Bluetooth® Low EnergyWireless communication Frequency range: 2.4 GHz (2400 - 2483.5 MHz) Modulation: GFSKEffective radiated power: <20 dBmDurable Period 5 yearsIP classification IP21Power supply 4 “AAA” batteriesBattery life Approximately 3 months: using manganese batteriesApproximately 6 months: using alkaline batteries(When each types of batteries are used in two measurement, two datatransfer a day at a room temperature of 73.4 °F (23 °C))Operating conditions+41 to +104 °F (+5 to +40 °C), 30 to 85 % RH (non-condensing),860 to 1060 hPaStorage conditions-4 to +140 °F (-20 to +60 °C), 10 to 95 % RH (non-condensing) Weight Approximately 3.3 lb (1.5 kg)including batteriesExternal dimensions Approximately 10 5/8" (W) × 1 1/32" (H) × 11 27/64" (D)270 (W) × 26.4 (H) × 290 (D) mmContents Digital weight scale, 4 “AAA” manganese batteries, instructionmanual, quick start guideApplied part Type BF (Plate)Notes:• These specifications are subject to change without notice.• IP classification is degrees of protection provided by enclosures in accordance with IEC 60529. This device is protected against solid foreign objects of 0.5 inch (12.5 mm) diameter and greater such as a finger. This device is protected against vertically falling water drops which may cause issues during a normal operation.About a wireless communication interferenceThis product operates in an unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz. In the event this product is used near other wireless devices such as microwave and wireless LAN, which operate on the same frequency band as this product, there is a possibility that interference may occur. If interference occurs, stop the operation of the other devices or relocate this product away from other wireless devices before attempting to use it.FCC CAUTIONChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with FCC/ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the ISED radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules as this equipment has very low levels of RF energy.The OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® excluding batteries, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 1 year from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the scale. The above warranty extends only to the original retail purchaser, and only to products purchased from an Omron authorized seller who is subject to and follows Omron’s quality control standards, unless otherwise prohibited by law. We will, at our option, replace without charge any unit covered by the above warranty. Replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranty.To obtain warranty service contact Customer Service by calling 1-800-634-4350 for the address of the inspection center and the return shipping and handling fee.Enclose the original printed receipt. Include a letter, with your name, address, phone number, and description of the specific problem. Pack the product carefully to prevent damage in transit. Because of possible loss in transit, we recommend insuring the product with return receipt requested.FOREGOING IS THE SOLE WARRANTY PROVIDED BY OMRON IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PRODUCT, AND OMRON HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND OTHER TERMS THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW, IF ANY, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE PERIOD OF THE ABOVE EXPRESS WARRANTY.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS, EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.This warranty provides you with specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary by jurisdiction. Because of special local requirements, some of the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.FOR CUSTOMER SERVICEVisit our web site at:For USA - For Canada - OmronHealthcare.ca Call toll free: 1-800-634-4350OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® Information for Accompanying Documents in the Scope of IEC60601-1-2:2014Important information regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)SC-150 conforms to IEC60601-1-2:2014 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard. Further documentation in accordance with this EMC standard is available at /emc. Refer to the EMC information for SC-150 on the website.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.53, Kunotsubo, Terado-choMuko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAPANDistributed by :OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.2895 Greenspoint Pkwy. Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 USAFor USA - For Canada - OmronHealthcare.ca© 2021 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.Made in ChinaOmron Healthcare helps you make positive lifestyle changes with innovative home health products that you can use safely and accurately at home. OmronHealthcare.ca For questions: 1-800-634-4350 Get general pain info: OmronHealthcare.ca。

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元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTPACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONSREV:A / 031.20 R0.101.100.552.100.555.00°1.10 0.48 ~ 0.50 0.50Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Tolerance is ± 0.1mm (.004") unless otherwise noted.FeaturesTop view, wide view angle, single color Chip LED. Package in 8mm tape on 7" diameter reels. Compatible with automatic Pick & Place equipment. Compatible with Infrared and Wave soldering reflow solder processes. EIA STD package. I.C. compatible.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 1元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTChip MaterialsDice Material : AlInGaP Light Color : Super Green Lens Color : Water ClearREV:A / 03Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃)Symbol PD IPF IF VR ESD Topr Tstg Power Dissipation Peak Forward Current (1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width) Continuous Forward Current De-rating Linear From 25℃ Reverse Voltage Electrostatic Discharge Threshold(HBM) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Wave Soldering Condition (Two times Max.)Note AParameterRating 60 60 30 0.25 5 2000 -40 ~ +85 -40 ~ +85 260 (for 5 seconds)Unit mW mA mA mA/℃ V V ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃Infrared Soldering Condition (Two times MAX.) 240 (for 10 seconds)Note A : HBM : Human Body Model. Seller gives no other assurances regarding the ability of to withstand ESD.Electro-Optical Characteristics(Ta=25℃)Parameter Luminous Intensity Viewing Angle Peak Emission Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width Forward Voltage Reverse Current Symbol IV 2θ1/2 λp λd Δλ VF IR Min. 16.0 Typ. 30.0 130 571 570 15 2.05 2.4 100 Max. 60.0 Unit mcd deg nm nm nm V μA IF =20mA VR = 5V Test Condition IF=20mA Note 2 Measurement @Peak IF=20mADRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 2元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTNotes:1. Luminous intensity is measured with a light sensor and filter combination that proximities the CIE eye-response curve. 2. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 3. The dominant wavelength λd is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 4. Caution in ESD : Static Electricity and surge damages the LED. It is recommend use a wrist band or anti-electrostatic glove when handling the LED. All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded. 5. Major standard testing equipment by “Instrument System” Model : CAS140B Compact Array Spectrometer and “KEITHLEY” Source Meter Model : 2400.REV:A / 03Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.1 Relative Intensity vs. WavelengthDRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 3元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics Curves(25℃Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted)REV:A / 03Fig.2 Forward Current vs.Forward VoltageLuminous lntensity(mcd) Fig.3 Luminous Intensity vs.Forward Current 1000 Relative Luminous lntensity Normalized of 20mA Relative luminous intensity(%) 100 10 1 -60 -40 -20 -0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient Temperature Ta(℃) Fig.4 Relative Luminous Intensity vs.Forward Current Fig.5 Luminous Intensity vs.Ambient Temperature50 Forward Current IF(mA) 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.30°10°20° 30°40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6Ambient Temperature Ta(℃) Fig.6 Forward Current Derating Curve Fig.7 Relative Intensity vs.AngleDRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 4元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTLabel ExplanationBATCH: L1 B9 AC L1: Luminous Intensity Code B9: Forward Voltage Code AC: Dom Wavelength CodeREV:A / 03Reel DimensionsNotes: 1. Taping Quantity : 3000PCS 2. The tolerances unless mentioned is±0.1mm, Angle±0.5°, Unit : mm.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 5元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTPackage Dimensions Of Tape And ReelREV:A / 03Progressive directionPolarityNotes:All dimensions are in millimeters.Moisture Resistant PackagingLabelReelLabel Aluminum moistue-proof bag Desiccant240145255LabelT LIGH210Box435CartonNotes : One reel in a bag, one bag in a inner box, ten inner boxes in a carton. Unit : mm.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 6元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTCleaningIf cleaning is required , use the following solutions for less than 1 minute and less than 40℃. Appropriate chemicals: Ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol. Effect of ultrasonic cleaning on the LED resin body differs depending on such factors as the oscillator output, size of PCB and LED mounting method. The use of ultrasonic cleaning should be enforced at proper output after confirming there is no problem.REV:A / 03Suggest Soldering Pad DimensionsDirection of PWB camber and go to reflow furnaceSuggest IR Reflow Soldering Profile Condition:240° C(MAX) Rising +5℃/sec (MAX) Temperature(℃)C CCooling -5℃/sec (MAX)+5℃/sec (MAX)TimeDRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 7元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTBin Code ListLuminous Intensity(IV), Unit:mcd@20mA Bin Code M N P Min 16.0 25.0 40.0 Including test tolerance Bin Code GA GB Min 566.0 569.0 Including±1nm test tolerance Max 32.0 50.0 80.0 Forward Voltage(VF), Unit:V@20mA Bin Code 4 5 6 7 Min 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.15 Including test tolerance Max 571.0 574.0 Max 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.35REV:A / 03Dominant Wavelength (Hue),Unit: nm@20mACAUTIONS1.Application Limitation :The LED’s described here are intended to be used for ordinary electronic equipment (such as office equipment, communication equipment and household application).Consult HB’s sales in advance for information on application in which exceptional quality and reliability are required, particularly when the failure or malfunction of the LED’s may directly jeopardize life or health (such as airplanes, automobiles, traffic control equipment, life support system and safety devices).2.Storage :Before opening the package : The LEDs should be kept at 5°C to 30°C or less and 85%RH or less. The LEDs should be used within a year. After opening the package : The LEDs should be kept at 5°C to 30°C or less and 70%RH or less. The LEDs should be soldered within 168 hours(7 days) after opening the package. Please avoid rapid transitions in ambient temperature in high humidity environments where condensation may occur.3.SolderingDo not apply any stress to the lead frame during soldering while the LED is at high temperature. Recommended soldering condition. Reflow Soldering : Pre-heat 120~150°C, 120sec. MAX., Peak temperature : 240°C Max. Soldering time : 10 sec Max. Soldering Iron : (Not recommended) Temperature 300°C Max., Soldering time : 3 sec. Max.(one time only), power dissipation of iron : 20W Max. use SN60 solder of solder with silver content and don’t to touch LED lens when soldering.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 8元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCTWave soldering : Pre-heat 100°C Max, Pre-heat time 60 sec. Max, Solder wave 260°C Max, Soldering time 5 sec. Max. preformed consecutively cooling process is required between 1st and 2nd soldering processes.REV:A / 034. Lead-Free Soldering For Reflow Soldering : 1、Pre-Heat Temp:150-180℃,120sec.Max. 2、Soldering Temp:Temperature Of Soldering Pot Over 230℃,40sec.Max. 3、Peak Temperature:260℃,5sec. 4、Reflow Repetition:2 Times Max. 5、Suggest Solder Paste Formula 93.3 Sn/3.1 Ag/3.1 B /0.5 Cu For Soldering Iron (Not Recommended) : 1、Iron Tip Temp:350℃ Max. 2、Soldering Iron:30w Max. 3、Soldering Time:3 Sec. Max. One Time. For Dip Soldering : 1、Pre-Heat Temp:150℃ Max. 120 Sec. Max. 2、Bath Temp:265℃ Max. 3、Dip Time:5 Sec. Max.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE 9元器件交易网SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE LED Part No. : L-C150KGCT5. Drive Method Circuit model A Circuit model BREV:A / 03(A)Recommended circuit. (B)The difference of brightness between LED`s could be found due to the Vf-If characteristics of LED. 6.Reliability TestClassification Test Item Test Condition Ta= Under Room Temperature As Per Data Sheet Maximum Rating *Test Time= 1000HRS (-24HRS,+72HRS)*@20mA. IR-Reflow In-Board, 2 Times Ta= 65±5℃,RH= 90~95% *Test Time= 1000HRS±2HRS Ta= 105±5℃ Test Time= 1000HRS (-24HRS,72HRS) Ta= -55±5℃ *Test Time=1000HRS (-24HRS,72H RS) 105±5℃ 10mins -55±5℃ 10mins Reference Standard MIL-STD-750D:1026 (1995) MIL-STD-883D:1005 (1991) JIS C 7021:B-1 (1982) MIL-STD-202F:103B(1980) JIS C 7021:B-11(1982) MIL-STD-883D:1008 (1991) JIS C 7021:B-10 (1982) JIS C 7021:B-12 (1982) MIL-STD-202F:107D (1980) MIL-STD-750D:1051(1995) MIL-STD-883D:1010 (1991) JIS C 7021:A-4(1982) MIL-STD-202F:107D(1980) MIL-STD-750D:1051(1995) MIL-STD-883D:1011 (1991) MIL-STD-202F:210A(1980) MIL-STD-750D:2031(1995) JIS C 7021:A-1(1982) MIL-STD-202F:208D(1980) MIL-STD-750D:2026(1995) MIL-STD-883D:2003(1991) IEC 68 Part 2-20 JIS C 7021:A-2(1982)Operation Life High Temperature Endurance Test High Humidity Storage High Temperature Storage Low Temperature Storage Temperature Cycling100 CyclesThermal Shock Environmental Test Solder ResistanceIR-Reflow In-Board, 2 Times 105±5℃ -55℃±5℃ 10mins 10mins 100 Cycles Tsol= 260 ± 5℃ Dwell Time= 10 ± 1sec Tsol= 235 ± 5℃ Immersion time 2±0.5 sec Immersion rate 25±2.5 mm/sec Coverage ≧95% of the dipped surfaceSolder ability7.Others: The appearance and specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice.DRAWING NO. : DS-71-03-0005DATE : 2004-06-07PAGE10。
