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1 知道被动语态的用法:1)2)3)

2 掌握被动语态的结构:助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词

人称、数、时态的变化是通过be 表现出来。


肯定句:主语+be +动词的过去分词+(by…)

否定句:主语+be not +动词的过去分词+(by…)



3 学会并运用被动语态。


写出被动语态构成的九种形式: (以动词do为例)

1 一般现在时:__________________

2 一般过去时:_________________ 3情态动词的被动语态:______________ 4一般将来时





知识点一) 英语中两种语态的互变,重点是由主动语态变被动语态。




(3)原主语有必要时,则用介词by 引导放在动词后,代词由主格变为宾格。

We study English in our school.

English is studied by us in our school.


1They play football on Sunday.

2.Lucy does the homework in the evening.

3.They built the tall building last year.

4. He took good care of his little brother yesterday.

5.We will have a sports meeting next week.

6. Children will take some photos in the schoolyard tomorrow.

7. He can take care of the baby.

8. Lucy may draw the pictures.

9. Some workers are painting the rooms now.

10. I was doing my homework at 8:00 last night.

11. We have made twenty more keys.


2.当动词带有复合宾语(有宾补), 并且宾补是省去“to”的动词不定式时,在被动语态中应加上“to”。(即:主动省to,被动加上to。)

e.g. They make us do all the work.

被动句:We are made to do all the work by them.

1. We often hear her sing songs.


2. I saw him walk to school.


※这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中to回来。(常考词有:make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等。)


当动词带双宾语时(一个宾语是指人,一个是指物),将其中指人的宾语提前作被动句的主语时,另一个宾语按顺序照抄下来;如是将指物的宾语提前作被动句的主语,在被动句中则指人宾语前应加“to”或“for” 。

※常见加to的动词有: give,send, teach,write, show, pass, ask, tell …

常见加for的动词有: make, buy draw …

e.g. He gives me a flower every day.

-----I am given a flower by him every day.

-----A flower is given to me by him every day.

My mother bought me a computer.

被动1:I________________________________ .

被动2: A computer__________________________________. .



常见的有taste(尝起来),sound (听起来),feel(摸起来),look(看起来),smell (闻起来)等.


1) The apple tastes good.

2)The song sounds gentle.


有些动词如:sell(卖),wash(洗),write (写)等与副词well(好),easily(容易地)等连用,描绘事物的特性,用主动表被动。


1)The coat washes easily.

2)The books sell well





1) we should look after young trees -Young trees should be looked after.

2) Now the old people must be spoken to politely.

﹡﹡3. 当主动语态的主语是nobody/ on one 等含有否定意义的不定代词时,改被动时,将其变为anybody,做by的宾语,并将谓语动词变为否定的被动语态。

e.g. Nobody can answer this question.

---- This question can be answered by nobody. (误)

----This question can’t be answered by anybody. (正)

﹡﹡ 4. 当主动语态为否定句,宾语为anything /anybody/anyone等不定代词时,改被动语态时应分别改为nothing/nobody/no one做主语,并将谓语动词变为肯定形式的被动语态。

e.g. They haven’t done anything to make the river clean.

----Anything hasn’t been done to make the river clean. (误)

----Nothing has been done to make the river clean. (正)

5. 还有一些不能用于被动语态的情况:

1) 不及物动词、系动词、还有一些短语不能用于被动语态。

例如:look sound taste smell seem become happen /take place/ break out / come true/ belong to …

2) 表状态的动词。例如:have cost fit last own …

3) 宾语反身代词、相互代词、不定式、动词的ing 等不能用于被动结构。

You must look after yourselves well.

4) 及物动词后表示地点,处所,组织时不能改被动,例如:enter leave reach join...

5) 主动句中有表示数量、长度大小等单词做宾语。

6) “动+名词”构成短语一般不改为被动。The boy makes faces in class.



1.People use knives for cutting things.

Knives ______ ______ for cutting things.

2.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month. The windows of their classroom______ _______ twice a month.

3.I found the ticket on the floor.

______ ______ ______ ______ on the floor.

4.I told her to return the book in time.

She ______ _______ to return the book in time.

5. His doctor made him have only two meals a day.

He ______ _______ _______ _______ only two meals a day.

6.Now people can use computers to help them.

Now computers _______ ______ ______ to help them.

7. Did you plant many trees at this time last year?

_______ ______ _______ _______ at this time last time?

8.Must we finish our work today?

_______ our work______ _______ today?

9. The foreign friends gave us some wonderful stamps.

1) _______ ______ _______ some wonderful stamps.

2) Some wonderful stamps _______ ________ _______ _______.

10.The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computer.

Tom _______ ________ to turn on the computer.

11.In this factory women do most of the work.

Most of the work _______ ________ by women in this factory. 12.He can mend the bike in two days.

The bike ______ ______ _______ in two days.

13.You must take this medicine three times a day.

This medicine _______ _______ ________ three times a day. 14.The students in this school study German.

German _______ ________ by the students in this school.

15.Do they often talk about this question?

______ this question often _______ about _______ _______?
