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The innovation and protective techniques employed by Professional Systems Engineering save lives and protect inmate, visitor and staff populations. Over 1,000 justice and special facilities throughout the United States have depended on Professional Systems Engineering for solutions tmmunications issues needing expert attention. PSE has offices in Pennsylvania, Maryland and California. MegaStructures is known for presenting, in an exciting and informative manner, special man-made structures and machines such as the Aircraft Carrier Ronald Reagan, Petronas Tower in Asia, and North American Aerospace Defense Command.
North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI)
The designs of the Philadelphia area based security, life safety and communications design firm, Professional Systems Engineering, LLC, were featured on MegaStructures, a themed show produced by National Geographic Channel. National Geographic selected the maximum security state correctional facility, named North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI), as employing the most advanced high security perimeter intrusion and computer controlled electronic security and communications systems in the United States.
马来西亚首都吉隆坡的双子塔是吉隆坡的标志性 城市景观之一,是世界上目前最高的双子楼。双塔大 厦于1998年完工共88层,高452米,它是两个独立的 塔楼并由裙房相连。独立塔楼外形像两个巨大的玉米, 故又名双峰大厦。
北美防空司令部是设在科罗拉多斯普林斯山地的一个秘密基地。基地 人口藏在一条2千米~3千米长的隧道里。一扇一米厚的钢门保护着这座山 洞城堡的高度机密。在其内部约两个足球场大小的范围内有15座三层楼房。 这些楼房四壁、天棚和地板全部由直径一米的巨型钢门承托,悬浮于山体 结构中。有千余人在这里工作,其中主要是军人。即使受到该攻击,里面 贮存的水、电及食品也足够800人生活一个月。 作为美国空间防卫的前沿。 这里集中部署着导弹预警系统、空间情报中心、气象中心等,各中心通过 卫星、地面雷达收到的信息都经过计算机分析处理得出最后的有效数据, 堪称美军的耳目和神经中枢。
Before PSE’s involvement the state recorded over two dozen escapes. After each perimeter renovation program escapes dropped to zero. The last attempted escape occurred in July of this year and was easily thwarted by the superior fence design. The electronics designs include dual redundant high speed networks that Forstater states “All but prevent even the smallest chance of facility shutdown”. Interactive computergraphic generated maps on 5 foot wide plasma screens monitor the slightest contact at the perimeter.
Specially designed color surveillance cameras monitor the entire site with 24/7 digital recording. Radio frequency “man-down” systems identify, on touch screens, the location of officers or inmates being attacked within 20 feet of an incident. Even the site fire alarm is highly integrated to protect life in the event of the smallest fire with instant notification to the ultra modern, 5-story master control center that resembles an airport control tower.
“里根”号是美国第一艘以在世前总统名字命名的航母。 该航母于1998年年开始建造,2000年下水。航母水线以上有 20层楼高,其飞行甲板面积为18000平方米,可载80架舰载飞 机和6000名舰员,服役期50年。航母上的两个核反应堆可以 连续工作20年而不用加燃料。里根号甚至有自己的邮政编码。 船上储备的食物和供给可以维持三个月的生活。另外,船上 有3万盏灯,1400部电话。走廊里的缆线加在一起足有2100公 里长。
While recently relocating their new corporate headquarters to Lansdale, PA, Professional Systems Engineering (PSE) has worked on site design engineering and construction testing for over six years for the 40-acre site. Gerald Forstater, CEO of the firm, led the original design of the state-wide standard for perimeter fence and detection systems since 1991. Since then, his firm has been responsible for over 12 miles of high security, what he calls “virtually impenetrable” fencing and escape/penetration detection systems at six Maryland state institutions.