
1.heritagen.I40. _________ 一vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血) 2. ________ _adv.创造性地;有创造力地41. ________ 一向…捐赠3. ________ ____ adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的 42. ________ 一vi.消失;灭绝;消亡4. ________ ____ n.庙;寺 43. ________ 一Vt.企图;试图;尝试5. ________ ____ n.遗物;遗迹44. ________ 一确保;设法保证6. ________ 一n.山峰vt.爬上;骑上V.爬澄 45. ________ _adj 值得做的;值得花时间的7. ________ 一adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的 46. ________ 一vt.下载n.下载;已下载的数据资料 8. ________ ____ n.线索;提示47.republicn..9. ________ 一vt∙保存;保护;维持n.保护区 48. ________ -adj.专业的;职业的n.专业人员;职业选手 10. _______ 一vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级 49.archaeologistn.11.cypress n. ___________50∙ ---------------- _n.入口;进入12.appn._51.pyramid n.13. ________ -n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序) 52. n.过程;步骤vt.处理;加工 14. ________ 一参与(某事);参加(某活动) --一adj 海外的adv.在海外15. ________ 一让步;屈服-____ n.出口;通道vi.&vt.出去; 16. ________ ___ n.平衡;均匀vt.使平衡 55. _________ 一n∙一张(纸);床单;被单17. ________ 一保持平衡 56. _________ 一n.游行;检阅vi.游行庆祝;游行示威 18. _________ 一导致57∙ _________ _n .镜子 19. _________ ___ n.水坝;拦河坝 58. _________ _n.顶部;屋顶 20. _________ 一n.提议;建议 59.chiwenn._21. _________ 一提出建议60. _________ _n .龙22. _________ _n.抗议vt.(公开)反对;抗议 61. _________ _vt.&vi.原谅;宽恕Vt.对不起;请原谅 23. _________ 一adj.可能的adv.可能地 62. _________ _adj .数码的;数字显示的 24. _________ __ 向…求助 63. _________ _n.形象;印象 25. _________ ___ n .委员会 64. _________ _n.山洞;洞穴 26. _________ 一vt∙建立;创立65. _________一Pr 即.各处;遍及;自始至终27. _________ 一n.限度;限制vt.限制;限定 66. _________ _n.质量;品质;素质;特adj:优质的;高质量的 28. _________ 一vt∙阻止;阻碍;阻挠 67. _________ _在世界各地29. _________ 一阻止;不准 68. _________ —n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗 30. _________ _n.丧失;损失 69. __________adj.(far 的比较级)更远;进一步31. _________ 一n.捐款;贡献;捐赠 70. _________ _adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的 32. _________ _vi.&vt.捐献;捐助 71. __________ _n.意见;想法;看法 33. __________ —n.部;司;科 72.quotevt._34. __________ _基金;专款73.paraphrase n.&vt35. __________ _prep&adv 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 74. __________ _n .比较湘比 36.investigate VI.&Vt. _____________75._____________ _n.对比;对照vt.对比;对照37. __________ _n.重要议题;争论的问题Vt 宣布;公布76._____________ _vt.确认;认出;找到38. __________ 一n.行为;举止;管理方法vt.组织;安排;带领77. ___________adv.永远;长久地39. __________ _n.文件;公文;(计算机)文vt.记录;记载(详情)I1. _________2. hip-hopn.__adj.古典的;经典的 36._vt.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题n.药物;治改善糟糕情况的)措施23. ___________ n (乐队、合唱团等的)指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员56. _________ __ .vt.依靠;倾斜24∙ ____________爱上25∙ --------------------- adj.原来的;独创的;原作的n.原件;原作26∙ -------------------- n.(p.phenomena )现象27------------------ -n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段(多指剧场中的)舞台28∙ ---------------------- a dv.(用以强调)全部;总共 29∙ ---------------------- adv.如此;因此30∙ ____________ n.乐队;带子31,------------ --------- n .快速击;说唱音乐vi.&vt.敲击;(说唱歌中的)念白32∙ ____________ adv.现在;目前33∙ ---------------------- a dv.逐新的;渐进的 34∙ ---------------------- adv.有能力的;有才能的35∙ ---------------------- M 焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱57∙ ______________ (设法)处理;完成58∙ _____________ adv.而且;此外 59∙ ---------------------- n.满足;满意;欣慰 60∙ _____________ n.身心;存在;生物 61∙ ----------------- a dj.各种不同的;各种各样的62∙ ---------------------- adv.以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地63. rhetoricaladj. _____________64. metaphorn. _____________ 65. personificationn.___________ 66∙ ---------------------- n.重复;重做67.similen. ______________ 68∙ ___________ n.&vt.概述;概要 69∙ ---------------------- n .反应;回应。

126专八翻译练习汉译英50篇及参考译文Translate the underlined part of the text into English.1.在兽类中我最爱虎,在虎的故事中我最爱下面的一个。
3. 中国对香港的政策是“一国两制”,这个原则不仅对香港经济发展有利,而且和中国本身的利益也是一致的。
必修二 汉译英

Unit 11、稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的adj.2、贵重的;有价值的adj.3、幸免;幸存;生还vi.4、花瓶;瓶n.5、朝代;王朝n.6、寻找7、使惊讶;惊讶vt.8、令人吃惊的adj.9、挑选;选择vt.10、蜜;蜂蜜n.11、设计;图案;构思n.设计;计划;构思vt.12、奇特的;异样的adj.想像;设想;爱好vt.13、风格;风度;类型n.14、装饰;装修v.15、珠宝;宝石n.16、艺术家n.17、属于;为···的一员vi.18、属于19、作为报答;回报20、群;组;军队n.21、接待;招待会;接收n. 22、处于交战状态23、移动;搬开vt.24、少于25、木质的adj.26、怀疑;疑惑n.怀疑;不信vt.27、以前的;从前的adj.28、值得的;相当于···的价值prep.价值;作用n.值钱的adj.29、本地的;当地的adj.30、分离地;分别地adv.31、拆开32、绘画;画n.33、城堡n.34、审判;审讯;试验n.35、根据;证据n.36、爆炸n.37、入口n.38、水手;海员;船员n.39、下沉;沉下vi.40、少女;女仆n.41、看重;器重42、非正式的adj.43、争论;争辩n.争论;辩论vt.Unit 21、古代的;古老的adj.2、比赛;竞争vi.3、竞争者n.4、参加;参与5、奖章;宣章;纪念章n.6、代表;象征;表示7、希腊n.8、希腊(人)的;希腊语的adj.希腊人;希腊语n.9、巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的adj.10、志愿者;志愿兵n.志愿的;义务的adj.自愿vi&vt.11、祖国;本国n.12、规则的;定期的;常规的adj.13、基础;根据n.14、运动员;运动选手n.15、容许;承认;接纳vi&vt.16、奴隶n.17、现今;现在adv. 18、体操;体能训练n.19、(露天大型)体育场n.20、体育馆;健身房n.21、也;还;又22、做东;主办;招待vt.主人n.23、责任;职责n.24、取代;替换;代替vt.25、座右铭;格言;警句n.26、快的;快速的adj.27、收费;控诉vi&vt.费用;主管n.28、主管;看管29、物理的;身体的adj.30、罚款vt.31、海报;招贴n.32、做广告;登广告vi&vt.33、光荣;荣誉n.34、讨价还价;讲条件vi.便宜货n.35、没有希望的;绝望的adj.36、愚蠢的;傻的adj.37、疼痛;痛苦n.38、陆续地;一个接着一个地必修二汉译英39、应受(报答活惩罚);值得vi&vt.Unit 31、计算vt.2、普遍的;通用的;宇宙的adj.3、简化vt.4、总数;算术题;金额n.5、(电脑)操作员;接线员n.6、合逻辑的;合情理的adj.7、逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地adv.8、工艺;科技;技术n.9、科技的adj.10、革命n.11、人造的;假的adj.12、聪明;智力;智能n.13、智能的;聪明的adj.14、解决;解答vt.15、从···时起16、真实;事实;现实n.17、私人的;个人的;亲自的adj.18、就个人而言;亲自adv.19、管;管子;电子管n.20、总的;整个的adj.总数;合计n. 21、结果22、完全地;整个地adv.23、如此···以至于···24、网络;网状网n.25、网n.26、应用;用途;申请n.27、金融;财经n.28、可移动的;机动的adj.29、火箭n.30、探索;探测;探究vi&vt.31、无论如何;即使如此adv.32、目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分n.33、幸福;快乐n.34、人类35、下载vt.36、病毒n.37、发信号vi&vt.信号n.38、类型n.打字vi&vt.39、在某种程度上40、教练n.41、出现;发生vi.42、在···的帮助下43、电子的adj.44、外观;外貌;出现n.45、性格;特点n.46、拖把n.用拖把拖;擦vt.47、处理;安排;对付48、看守;监视49、侄女;甥女n.Unit 41、野生动植物n.2、保护n.3、野生的;野的;未开发的;荒凉的adj.4、减少;(使)变小;或变少vi&vt.5、灭亡;逐渐消失6、损失;遗失;丧失n.7、保护区n.8、打猎;猎取;搜寻vi&vt.9、地域;地带;地区n.10、和平地;和睦地;安详地11、在危险中;垂危12、地毯n.13、回答;响应;做出反应vi.14、远的;远处的adj. 15、皮毛;皮;软毛n.16、(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物n.17、如释重负;松了口气18、笑;笑声n.19、突然笑起来;大声笑了出来20、仁慈;宽恕;怜悯n.21、确定的;某一;一定adj.22、重要(性)n.23、擦;摩擦vt.24、保护···不受···(危害)25、蚊子n.26、昆虫n.27、包含;容纳;容忍vt.28、强大的;有力的adj.29、影响;感动;侵袭vt.30、注意;关注;注意力n.31、注意32、鉴赏;感激;意识到vt.33、成功vi.接替;继任vt.34、安全的;可靠的adj.35、收入n.36、雇佣;利用(时间、精力等)vt.37、损害;危害n&vt.38、咬;叮;刺痛vt&vi.39、恐龙n.40、形成;产生41、检查;视察vt.42、事件;事变n.43、灰尘;尘土;尘埃n.44、按照;根据···所说45、凶猛的;猛烈的adj.46、以至于;结果47、结局;结尾n.Unit 51、滚动;(使)摇摆vi&vt.摇晃;卷;卷行物;面包圈n.2、民间的adj.3、爵士音乐n.4、音乐家n.5、梦见;梦想;设想6、假装;假扮vt.7、说实在的;实话说8、系上;缚上;附加;连接vi&vt.9、认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接10、(使)组成;形成;构成vt. 11、过路人;行人n.12、赚;挣得;获得vt.13、额外的;外加的adj.14、工具;器械;乐器n.15、表演;履行;执行vi&vt.16、表演;演奏n.17、酒馆;酒吧n.18、现金n.19、用现金;有现钱20、工作室;演播室n.21、百万富翁;富豪n.22、戏弄23、男演员;行动者n.24、依赖;依靠vi.25、依赖;依靠26、广播;播放n.&vi.&vt.27、幽默的;诙谐的adj.28、熟悉的;常见的;亲近的adj.29、熟悉;与···亲近起来30、大约31、打碎;分裂;解体32、吸引人的;有吸引力的adj.33、加;增加;加法n.34、另外;也35、分类36、浸;蘸vt37、自信的;确信的adj.38、简短的;简要的adj.摘要;大纲n.39、简要地;短暂地adv.40、投入;热爱n.41、然后;后来adv.42、邀请;招待n.43、胡须n.44、敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的adj.45、痛苦的;疼痛的adj.46、最重要;首先。

译林版高中英语必修第二册单词表Unit 1 Lights,camera, action!n类型,种类 vt&v打字n方法:接近,靠近 v接近,n喜剧片,喜剧靠近,处理n纪录片,纪实节目 adj文件n道具;支柱,支撑物n角度;立场,观点的,纪录的n幻想作品:幻想,想象vt改变,修改:修订:复习n史学工作者,历史学家恐怖电影(或故事等):震惊,恐惧vt保证,确保n爱情故事:浪漫史:爱情adj大西洋的n小说:虚构的事n大洋,海洋科幻电影(或小说等)更不用说,且不说在后台,在幕后n讲座,演讲:教训,训斥adv实际上,事实上vi开讲座,讲课vt指责,训斥n公平,公正:公道,合理adj简洁的,简单的:短时间的adj熟悉的,常见的恰当处理(某人或某事):公平对待(某人或某事),给予公正的评价因素,要素n恐龙n冰山n& vi咆哮,吼叫n龙n一张(纸):床单,被单:薄片n信封n奖,奖品,奖金 vt授予,给予n观众,听众vt认为有重要性,重视:把…固定,附上vi表演:工作,运转 vt表adj视力的,视觉的演;做,履行n外景拍摄地:地方,地点adv频繁地,经常除…以外(还) n电影摄影棚:录音室adj战争的,军事的vt使能够,使可行武术n vt& vi帮助,援助n沙漠,荒漠vt较喜欢,更喜欢n丛林,密林adj创造性的,创作的:有创造力的n名称,标题:称号:职位名称vt改编,改写:使适应适应n经典作品,名著,adj经典的:古典的prep即使,尽管adj主要的,重要的n事件:活动adj极好的,了不起的,超级的n解决方法,处理手段;答案停车,停止prep向,朝vi&vt挥手,招手:挥舞 n海浪: 大量涌现n系统:制度,体制n药物,疗法;治疗 vt治好vt& i记起,回忆起adv最后,终于vt&vi回想,回忆起adj典型的,有代表性的n天使:善人adj复杂的:花哨的:昂贵的 vt想要,想做;倾慕adj非常好的,极佳的adj不直的,弯曲的adj狭窄的:勉强的:狭隘的vt&(使)窄小,缩小n箭;箭头n豌豆vt推荐,举荐:劝告,建议Unit 2 Besporty,be healthyn(美)足球运动adv此外,而且n蝙蝠:球棒,球板 vt&用球棒(板) 击球vt减少,缩小n常规,惯例 adj常规的,例行的; 乏味的n跳伞运动n祝贺,恭喜:贺辞:恭贺n肌肉,肌vt假定,认为:承担(责任),就(职);呈现,显露adj有氧的;需氧的n慢跑锻炼创造奇迹,产生神奇作用n滑雪(运动) n肺n引体向上长期n骨头,骨vi往往会:趋向 vt照看n体操,体操训练adj有免疫力:不受影响的:免除的太极拳,太极vt&伸展,舒展;拉长:伸出: (使延伸)n病,疾病n(变动或浮动的)范围,界限,区间:一系列n运动员n拳击运动n活动,转动:移动:运动n冠军,第一名持续,坚持n球场:法院,法庭:宫廷n汽油略有不适,不舒服n碳水化合物,糖类conj而且,此外 prep加:和n能,能量:精力;能源adj附近的,邻近的 adv在附近,不远n蛋白质n平均水平,一般水平 adj平均的:典型的n健身房,体育馆n搭档,同伴:伙伴;合伙人prep自始至终;各处,遍及n处境:位置;姿势:观点:地位弥补,补偿n汗水vt&出汗,流汗vi犹豫,迟疑n伤害,损伤vt& v承认:招认:准许进入:准许加入vt阻止,阻碍n(人、动植物细胞的)组织:(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸inspire vt激励,鼓舞:启发思考:使产生(感觉或情感)n设备:配备,装备vt&vi探究,探索:勘探,勘察n缺乏,匮乏,短缺 vt&没有,缺乏,不足,短缺n鹤n雄鸡vt维持:维修,保养n灵感:鼓舞人心的人(或事物)vt宣布,宣告:通知对……进行最后的润色或修饰adv现今,现在n大师,能手:主人 vt精通,vt使现代化,更新:向……提供最新掌握;控制信息 n最新消息不足为奇,并不奇怪对……作出反应:作为对……的回复vt模仿:仿效vi&vt疼痛,隐痛vt用……替换;代替,取代;更换,更新n满意;满足,达到vt&vi(使)生根 n根,根茎;根源,起因vi&vt呼吸:呼出起源于n简图,图解,图表,示意图n哲学n统一体,联合体,整体:团结一致,联合,统一vi存在:生活,生存adv向后:朝反方向Unit 3 Festivals and customsn婚礼,结婚庆典n戏装,装扮用服装n典礼,仪式n桑巴舞,桑巴舞曲vt & vi装饰:点缀:粉刷,油漆vi& vt扭转,转动:使弯曲;曲折n 转动;转折:曲折处adj(穿着、言语、行为等)适合正式场合的,正规的,庄重的vi& vt鼓掌,拍手 n鼓掌,拍手n传统,传统的信仰(或风俗) vi齐步走,前进;游行示威 n 游行示威:行进n新娘adj惹人注意的,引人注目的n水流,潮流:电流;思潮adj当前的:通用的n莎丽(南亚妇女裹在身上的长巾)n风俗,习俗:个人习惯:光顾n啤酒n印象,感想:影响,效果vt&v烘,烤,焙(肉等)n新郎被卷入,陷入n进入,出场:入口:进入权:准许加入adj每年的,年度的:一年的n发动机,引擎决不,根本不消防车adj普通的,平常的;平庸的n酸 adj酸性的:酸味的adj浪漫的:爱情的:n东西,物品;活儿,话 vt填满,装满:把……塞进n班机,航班:航程:飞行n特殊场合,盛会:时刻:时机n交通工具,车辆:手段,工具可感觉到:在传播中vt& vi赚得;获利:赢得adj愉快的,高兴的n镜子n乐队,乐团:一伙,一帮:带,箍n公寓套房vi&vt寻找,搜寻;打猎,猎杀; 追捕n前夜,前夕n瓷,瓷器n链子,链条:一系列:连锁店 vt 用锁链拴住n盘子,碟子:板块:车牌n种类,类别 vt整理,分类:妥善处理使世代相传,流传n收入,收益n猪肉prep每,每一n(咬下的)一口:咬:咬伤vt& vi(bit, bitten)咬,叮n梳子:梳理(头发)vt梳,梳理: 搜寻n袖子vt选择,挑选n包,盒:包裹:一套,一揽子vt 将……包装好;包装vi& vt定居;结束:解决:决定:使处于舒适的位置vt促进,推动:促销:提升,晋升adj方便的,省事的,便利的,实用的适逢,正当adj整洁的,整齐的:有条理的adj月亮的,月球的n对联,对句vt避于:注意到:观祭:庆祝vt代表:为……代言:体现n民族,国家:国民n午夜,子夜n尊敬,尊重:荣幸:荣誉 vt尊重,尊敬:给予表扬:信守n点心,小吃使爆炸为向……表示敬意n鞭炮,爆竹n一代人;代,一代:产生n烟火,烟花n来源:起源:源头n机会,运气:巨款:命运n特性:身份n灯笼,提灯adj先前的,以往的:稍前的n谜,谜语n责任,义务;上班,值班;职责: 税n柳,柳树vi(crept,crept)渐渐出现adj宝贵的,珍贵的:珍奇的,珍稀的n眼泪,泪珠 vt& 撕裂,撕碎Unit 4 Exploring literaturevi & vt (weaved,weaved) 迂回行进,穿行;(wove, woven) 编致力,专心,献身adj非常认真的;诚实的,真诚的n 蝴蝶n文学,文学作品n贝壳;壳即将发生(在某人身上),等待着(某人)vi有吸引力;申诉;呼吁n 吸引力;申诉;呼吁vt确定;支配;决心vi决心adj有重要意义的,显著的n 描述,形容,说明adj感觉敏锐的;体贴的;敏感的;灵敏的n 灵魂;心性,内心vt & vi 反映,显示;映出(影像);反射(声、光、热等);沉思adj 有能力,有才能;能力强的vt & vi 唤起,被唤起;(使)醒来vt 使(船)下水;开始从事,发动n永久,持久性vt包含,含有,容纳n 要素,基本部分adj 普遍的,共同的;普遍存在的n总结,概括,概要总的来说n特色,特征vt以…为特色,是…的特征n作者,作家adv因此,所以n重要议题,争论的问题;n(长篇)小说问题,担忧;(报刊)一期vt宣布,公布凭借,利用adj 上部的;上面的n 差距;间隙n(事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉;上下文,语境adj特定的;明确的,具体的adj 糊状的,软而稠的v应该,应当adj 特别的,格外的;特指的;挑剔的尤其,特别n 话题;题目;标题n(同类)收藏品;作品集;募捐n 部分,部门;部件,散件adj 吝啬的,小气的;不善良的,刻薄的vt运输,运送n 交通运输系统;交通车辆;运输n 火鸡;火鸡肉n慷慨,大方,宽宏大量n章节;篇章n诗集,诗歌n 舞台;阶段;步骤vt 上演,举办n自传n传记,传记作品n闪光;闪现vt & vi(使)闪光;(使)闪现adv 极其,非常,极端vt摧毁,毁灭,破坏vt击败,战胜n 失败,战败;击败vt & n努力,尝试,试图vt 挺直;(使)变直,变正n 用劲,使力;压力,拉力;重负adv 在…旁边;与…一起vt 完成adj贵族的,高贵的;崇高的;宏伟的adj 糊涂的,迷惑的;不清楚的,混乱的(头脑)清醒;使整洁,清理正要做某事。
(B)1 汉译英练习参考译文

丝绸之路打造了世界贸易的雏形(embryonic form),为世界发展做出了不朽的贡献。
The Silk Road is not only a network of trade route connecting the East and West but also a channel of political interaction and cultural exchange between China and other Asian and European countries. The Western music, painting, architecture, and religion were introduced into China via the Silk Road and had great impact on China. The Chinese textiles and the Four Great Inventions were also introduced to the West via the Silk Road. As a symbol of friendship for interaction between the East and West, the Silk Road fostered an embryonic form of world trade and made monumental contributions to the development of the world.2、现在人们习惯于使用智能手机、平板电脑(tablet PC)或者专门的电子阅读器来阅读。

until outside
ring aunt repeat send postcard spoil museum public friendly waiter
146 147 24.148 149 150 151 152 153 154 25.155 156 157 158 159 26.160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
strange district manager upset sympathetic complain wicked contain honesty railway porter several foreigner wonder
闽教版小学英语六年级上册Unit 2 汉译英练习

Unit 2 汉译英一.单词.1._________________在......(两者)之间2._____________---______________(复数)妇女3.____________ 健康的--___________ 健康4._____________ 锻炼5._____________ 总是6._____________ 经常7._____________ 有时8._____________ 传递9._____________ 球10._____________ 接住11._____________ 哭;喊叫12. _____________欢呼13.______________他们的14._____________ (体育的)队15._____________ 跑步16.______________ 溜冰17.______________ 游泳18.______________ 划船19.__________ _____________跳高20.___________ ____________ 跳远21.______________ 篮球22.______________ 足球二.重点短语和词组:1.physical ______________身体锻炼;体育锻炼2.look ___________ and ___________ 看起来强壮和健康的.3.___________ ___________ 每天4.be ___________ __________ 擅长于5._________ ________ 起床6._________ _________ early 早起7.__________ the ____________ 在早上8.go _____________ 去跑步9.___________ ___________打篮球10.___________ ___________ 踢足球11.do __________ ___________ 跳高12.do __________ __________ 跳远13.in the ______________ 在操场上14._____________ ...__________... 在...(两者)之间15.____________ of Class One 一班的选手16.___________ the ball________ ...把球传给(某人)...17.____________ ___________ their class ___________ 为他们班级队伍欢呼18.___________ ____________ 玩太极;打太极19.look ____________ and ____________ 看起来健康和年轻.20.________ ___________ 太多21.be _________ __________... 忙于...22.have___________ ________ ________ sth 有时间做某事23.have___________ __________ ___________ 有时间锻炼三.重点句子:1.___________ that boy ___________ the two ____________? 在那两个妇女中间的那个男孩是谁?That’s Peter. 那是皮特2.____________is he_________? 他来自哪里?_________ __________ ___________.他来自澳大利亚3.He __________ _________ and __________. 他看起来强壮和健康的.4.____________ he ___________ _________ ___________? 他每天都锻炼吗?5.He is __________ _____________sports. 他擅长于运动6.He ________ ___________ __________ ___________ in the ___________. 他总是早上很早起床7.Then he _________ _________. 然后他去跑步8.__________ he __________ __________ ___________? 他经常打篮球吗?9.______________he also ___________ ____________ 有时他也踢足球10.__________ he __________ _________ __________ __________?他经常跳高吗?_________, he __________. 不,他没有.11.He _________ _________ __________ in the __________. 他早上总是去跑步12.___________ __________ afternoon, we __________ ____________ _______ the __________ 每个星期四下午,我们会在操场上做运动.13.Now boys are ___________ __________ _______ the ______________. 现在男孩们正在操场上打篮球14.The game is ___________ Class One ___________ Class Two. 比赛是在一班和二班之间.15.Peter and Wang Tao are _____________ of Class One. 皮特和王涛是一班的选手.16.Wang Tao is______________ the ball ___________ Peter.王涛正在传球给皮特17.Some ____________ are ___________ 一些小学生在观看着.18.Some ____________ are ______________ __________ their class __________. 一些女孩们正在为他们的班级队伍欢呼.19.Grandma is ____________ _____________ Ben _________ Sally. 奶奶正坐在本和萨利之间20.Sally is ______________ ______________ Lily ___________ Julia 萨利正站在丽丽和茱莉亚之间21.They are ____________ __________ their _____________. 他们正和他们的父亲划船22.They are ____________ _________ their class ___________. 他们正在为他们的班级队伍欢呼.23._________the __________ we can _________ many old _________ in the __________. 在早上我们可以看见许多老人在公园里.24.They ____________ _________ _________. 他们每天锻炼25.They don’t ___________ _________ or ___________ 他们没有打篮球和踢足球26.They ____________ or ___________ __________. 他们跳舞或者打太极.27.They look ___________ and _____________. 他们看起来健康和年轻28.But we can’t see _________ _________ ___________ ___________ in the ___________. 但是我们不能在公园里看到太多的年轻人.29.They are __________ _________ their __________. 他们忙于他们的工作.30.They don’t ____________ ___________ _________ __________. 他们没有时间锻炼.31._________ you often ____________? 你经常锻炼吗?_________, I__________. 是的,我经常锻炼.32._________________ your ____________ sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?。

He believed that nobody could compete with him.2、有多少运动员参加马拉松赛跑?How many runners will be competing in the marathon?3、幸运的是,去年他被一所名牌大学录取了。
Luckily, he was admitted to / into key university last year.4、他不但学习刻苦,而且很聪明。
Not only does he work hard, but also he is very clever.5、松树象征着勇气与力量。
Pine trees stand for courage and strength6、昨晚他们逮捕的那人被指控犯有谋杀罪。
The man they arrested last night was charged with murder.7、这个小偷理所当然会受到惩罚。
The thief deserves punishing.=The thief deserves punishment.=The thief deserves to be punished.8、这么多年来,唯一令我不能忘怀的就是家乡的那条河。
For all these years, the only thing that I can’t forget is the river in my hometown.9、他不大可能找到十年前吃过晚餐的那个小饭馆了。
It’s impossible for him to find the restaurant in which/ where he had dinner 10 years ago.10、我们的生命依靠着我们从中获得食物的土地。
Our lives depend on the land where/ from which we get our food.补充资料:1. No other country could join in, nor could slaves or women.其他国家都不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不行。
人教版英语八年级下册 Unit2 汉译英

Unit2 Section A1.你可以志愿帮忙打扫城市公园You could volunteer to help to clean up the city parks.2.中国人在新年之前会打扫干净他们的房子。
Chinese clean up their house s before the New Year3.我们需要想出一个计划来告诉人们关于打扫城市公园的事情。
We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up4.这个女孩可以去医院看望生病的孩子,让他们振奋起来。
The girl can visit the sick Kids in the hospital to cheer them up5.那首美妙的歌曲使她高兴。
The wonderful/beautiful song cheers her up.6.这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。
The boy can give out food at the food bank7.太阳散发出光和热。
The sun gives out light and heat.8.我想要帮助无家可归的人。
1 want to help the homeless people.9.作为一名志愿者,这个女孩可以志愿参加课外学习项目去教儿童。
As a volunteer , the girl can volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids 10.清洁日离现在只有两周了。
Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. We can’t put off making a plan11.因为糟糕的天气,我们不得不推迟举办运动会。
We had to put off having a sports meeting because of the bad weather12.让我们做一些通告来张贴在学校周围。
八年级下册英语2单元 Section B 2b(含翻译)

Dear Miss LiI’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties. I can’t use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me.Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.After six months of training with a dog at a Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dog’s name is Lucky- a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I’m only able to have a “dog helper” because of you kindness!Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say,”Lucky! Get my book,”and he does it at once.Lucky is a fantastic dog. I’ll send you a photo of him it you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishes,Ben SmithDear Miss Li亲爱的李小姐I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.我想感谢你给动物助手钱。

英语笔译二级试题及答案一、词汇翻译(共10分,每题1分)1. 翻译下列单词或短语:- 创新:innovation- 可持续发展:sustainable development- 人工智能:artificial intelligence- 经济增长:economic growth- 环境保护:environmental protection2. 翻译下列句子中的划线部分:- 他是一个多才多艺的艺术家。
(多才多艺)- 我们正在寻求一个平衡点来解决这个问题。
(寻求)- 这个项目的成功依赖于团队的协作。
(依赖于)- 政府已经采取了一系列措施来提高教育质量。
(采取了一系列措施)- 她对这个问题的看法非常独特。
(看法)二、句子翻译(共20分,每题4分)1. 随着科技的发展,远程工作变得越来越普遍。
With the advancement of technology, remote work is becoming increasingly common.2. 教育对于一个国家的繁荣至关重要。
Education is crucial to the prosperity of a nation.3. 我们应当尊重每个人的文化差异。
We should respect the cultural differences of every individual.4. 这个政策旨在减少贫困并提高人们的生活水平。
This policy aims to reduce poverty and improve thestandard of living.5. 环境污染已经成为全球性的问题。
Environmental pollution has become a global issue.三、段落翻译(共30分,每题10分)1. 翻译下列段落:随着全球化的不断深入,各国之间的经济联系日益紧密。
人教版英语八年级下册 Unit2 汉译英

Unit2 Section A1.你可以志愿帮忙打扫城市公园You could volunteer to help to clean up the city parks.2.中国人在新年之前会打扫干净他们的房子。
Chinese clean up their house s before the New Year3.我们需要想出一个计划来告诉人们关于打扫城市公园的事情。
We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up4.这个女孩可以去医院看望生病的孩子,让他们振奋起来。
The girl can visit the sick Kids in the hospital to cheer them up5.那首美妙的歌曲使她高兴。
The wonderful/beautiful song cheers her up.6.这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。
The boy can give out food at the food bank7.太阳散发出光和热。
The sun gives out light and heat.8.我想要帮助无家可归的人。
1 want to help the homeless people.9.作为一名志愿者,这个女孩可以志愿参加课外学习项目去教儿童。
As a volunteer , the girl can volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids 10.清洁日离现在只有两周了。
Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. We can’t put off making a plan11.因为糟糕的天气,我们不得不推迟举办运动会。
We had to put off having a sports meeting because of the bad weather12.让我们做一些通告来张贴在学校周围。

1. A car is made up of many different parts. 汽车由许多不同的部分组成。
2. A characteristic of American culture is to respect the self-made man C the man who has made it through his own efforts.美国文化的一个特点就是尊重自我奋斗者,即通过自身努力成功的人3. A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. 在动物中,海豚素以其聪明与友好而著称。
4. A few weeks later the young lady returned, looking worse than ever.几周后这位年轻女士回来了,神色看起来比以往更糟。
5. A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我高中的一个朋友目前在英国工作。
6. A good diet consists of nourishing food and it gives all the vitamins you need. 健康饮食包括营养食品和这些食品提供的人体必需的维生素。
7. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. 好的记忆有助于语言的学习。
8. A great many changes have taken place in China since the policy of reform and opening to the outside world.中国自从改革开放以来,发生了很大的变化。

新视野大学英语1、房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2、他买不起这么好的房子He cannot afford to buy such a fine house.3、这个主意听起来也有些怪,不过还真有点道理Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.4、约翰看起来是个好人,即便如此我还是不信任他;John seems to be a nice person. Even so, I don’t trust him.1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远没法从他那脱身;If he startstalking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势There is a tendency for job lossesto rise in the winter.3.在我不断的要求下,父亲终于同意和我去澳大利亚了;Because ofmy frequent demands, father finally agreed to go toAustralia with me.4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新的以便赚更多的钱;He sold his shopand opened a new one to make more money.1.我们应该从中吸取教训,这是很重要的It is important for us tolearn a lesson from the failure.2.他相信自己相当证券经纪人的梦想总能实现He believes thatone day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true.3.很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识Many studentsend up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt.4.我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心As soon as I mentionedhis name. my mother became very unhappy.1.只要你经常锻炼,你又会变得健康起来As long as you getregular exercise, you will become healthy again.2.我一直想读一本太空的书,但是我好像总没时间去读I havealways been thinking of reading a book on space, but I never seen to get around to it.3.那位作家自从买了电脑后,就再也不用笔写小说了Since thewriter had bought the computer, he no longer wrote his stories with a pen.4.学校制定了一些新的规章制度,人人必须遵守The school has setup some new rules that everybody must follow.1.看见大海孩子们开心的大叫起来The children cried withdelight at the sight of the sea.2.你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗 I did n’t quitecatch on to what you said just now. Would you say it again 3.他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了He was conscious of thedifficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.4.直到现在,当想起那天发生的事情时,我还觉得莫名其妙To thisday, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.1.她似乎以贬低别人为快She seems to enjoy speaking poorly ofothers.2.他过度的喝酒抽烟结果死了He died as a consequence of heavydrinking and smoking.3.你永远无法从他那里得到直接的回答You can never get astraight answer out of him.4.我们的产品在过去几年中逐渐受到欢迎;Our products havebecome popular little by little over the past few years.1.我们明天就该开始那个项目了,可你却还没有准备好We aresupposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you haven’t got thing,s ready.2.我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影I have tocatch up on my work tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you.3.约翰不习惯这的新生活,所以打算搬走John wants to movebecause he is not accustomed to the new life here.4.她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码She reached for hertelephone and dialed the number of a friend.1.这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施Difficult asthe plan sounds, he is determined to put it into practice.2.面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢How could the teamwin the game in the face of so many difficulties3.自两年前开业以来,今年年初他的生意最兴隆His business wasat its best at the beginning of this year since it was started two years ago.4.他虽然没有直接说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息Although he didn’t say it directly, we could pick up some messages from his gestures.Unit nine1.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法We must figure out how tosolve the problem.2.他看着包,像是在看着件他看不懂的东西He looked at the bag asif he were looking at something beyond his comprehension. 3.我会使用计算机,但是说到修计算机,我是一无所知I know how touse a computer, but when it comes to repairing it, I know nothing about it.4.我们迷了路,更糟糕的是天开始下雨We got lost. What’s worse,it started to rain.1.他的教学经验使她具有担任此项工作的条件Her teachingexperience qualifies her for the job.2、新法律不适合与海外合资企业The new law does not apply to the joint venture overseas.3、如果你已决定租这个房子,请先付50美金 If you have decided to rent this house, please pay 50 dollars in advance.4、他一入境就被捕了 Upon entry into the country, he was arrested.英译汉even though the first……it still….symbol虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成了一种文化象征;these people are angry …..with their memories 这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起将被摧毁,感到非常愤怒; earthey are using the earthquake as an excuse他们在利用那次地震作借口;.some think …….for washing…..to do with money有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关;it is more than just…way of living迅速变化的不仅仅是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式;in 1981……where,s the beef如,1981年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢”although clothing ……for money ….such as language尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言;however….change in their lives但是,在美国,时尚的发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了;Helen was in …….really lacking海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强—这是我当时真正缺乏的东西;when I helped……customers wanted比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到高兴的了;thanks to the…...rant one day因为从海伦那里学到了自信,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆; 4、i know tcould……faith in me我知道,只要有人相信我,我还能做很多事情;we are all…for a week我们都要记录下在不看电视的这一周内所发生的一切;I’d rather find….while I’m there我倒想看看只要有电视看,我能在牙医那儿呆上多久;i valued my life ….that day 我非常珍惜我的生命,所以放学回家后,我没有碰电视机;I’m drawing a blank This just seem scruel.没啥可记;这简直太痛苦了;as a doctor….surrounding us.作为医生,他对我们身边的危险特别敏感;look –it’s too loog…..pull you down看,这衣服我穿着都太长;而且这料子还这么重,会把你压坏的;to this day…your eyes知道现在,当走到离树枝尚有数码之遥时,我仍会停下来,耳边似乎还响起了父亲的声音:“当心戳到眼睛”his grandchildren….of cleaning products.他的孙子孙女们领会得很快,看见洗涤用品,他们知道摇摇手指说:“那很危险”my father often ….were kept at day我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计;now,I do not….not for me.当然,我一点没有贬低经商的意思,我的意思只是经商不适合我;enjyed is too…walked on air说真的,“开心”这个词还不足以表达我的心情;我简直是陶醉了;so conditioned……seems foolish.我们大多数人习惯性地认为金钱等于成功—这种想法如此根深蒂固,以至于在大多数人看来,为了幸福而放弃高薪的想法似乎是愚蠢的;over the years….family arrangement这些年来,我们都学会了互相间轻松相处,适应我们这个新的家庭组合;2、however,I continued….kingdom.但我仍一直觉得自己是个置身于外的旁观者,一个陌生之地的不速之客;3、it a computer….and neglected如果收到一条电脑信息,开头是“爸爸”,我就会觉得自己被遗忘和忽略了;4、i thought again…accustomed to我有一次想到了他们的家庭圈子,我自以为已经习以为常的那种怅然若失的刺痛感又袭上了心头1.their lives hold….them into practice他们的生活包含很多如何产生伟大思想并付诸实践的秘密;2.orville and W ilbur….off the ground奥维尔·莱特和威尔伯·莱特兄弟俩的飞机坠毁了许多次后才得以飞离地面;3.it’s very important……function powerfully使身体处于最佳状态十分重要,这样你的大脑才能有力地工作;4.so it is clean then….and beyond.所以很明显,要成为天才,就是要达到并超越你所认为的极限;1.recently…..wall最近,华盛顿邮报刊登了一篇文章,报道了电器制造商们逼疯顾客的计划;2.a real ……two hours 真正改良的智能冰箱应当在察觉到我们两个小时内吃第四块馅饼时就不让我们开冰箱门了;3.my phone ….controls我的电话机也许有与死人通话的功能,可我不知道在如何操作;同样我也不知道如何操作我的电视机,因为它的某些功能需要两部遥控器来控制;4.you will ……about it你会纳闷这事儿你的冰箱怎么会知道,更糟的是,你也不知道你的冰箱还要把这事告诉谁;1.it is much……groune zero换工作比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多;2、the person who…..who is prepared和有备而来的人相比,决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留下很好的印象;3、i am very…to find我对该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作;4、this implies…..job involves这意味着他们根本就不了解自己想做什么,也没考虑过这份工作的要求;。
B2-Unit 2 词汇与翻译练习答案

捐款n. donation困惑n. cconfuse好奇心n. ccuriosity等级档次n.grade珍惜v. cherish诗歌n. poetry虚构v. fiction追求n. pursue突然的adj. abrupt后果n. consequences商业广告n. commercial 富有adj. rich磨蹭v. Lightly rub情绪n. emotion有形的adj.tangible面临,遭遇be confronted with仰头向上看look up at填写fill out属于fall into仅仅,不多于,不强于…nothing more than转瞬即逝的念头a passing whim磨损,损耗wear and tear虽然,尽管in spite of期望,盼望look forward to富裕的,有钱的well off不自在,格格不入out of place陈旧的家具dated furniture…之后不久shortly after走下坡路,失败go south转折点a turning point与…形成对比in contrast to对…予以注意,致力于focus on归属感a sense of belonging遭遇困难go through a rough time久不消逝的微笑a lingering smile为…感恩be thankful for收入最低的档次the lowest income bracket创作才能the gift of creativity对物质财富的追求the pursuit of possessionsI was standing just outside the doorway of a Wal-Mart, offering a “thank you” and a smile to each person who dropped a donation into my red kettle.当时我就站在沃尔玛商场入口处门外,对每一位向我的红壶里投入捐款的人都报以一声“谢谢”和一个微笑。
仁爱版英语八年级上册 Unit 2汉译英

仁爱版八年级上册Unit 2 汉译英Unit 2 Topic 1Section AHello,Kangkang!.嗨,康康!你看起来不太舒服。
Thank you.Section BHey,Bruce.。
?Two days.你这样多久了?两天。
需要我带你去医院吗?No,thank you..不,谢谢。
我会回家休息的Section C.天气很好,孩子们在公园里玩耍。
" "he said.“看啊,我要尝试一些新东西,”他说。
其他孩子们都跑过来问他," ??"“你没事吧?你受伤了吗?"Oh,!"Michael cried.“噢,我的腿,我的胳膊!太难受了!”迈克尔叫道。
" ,"said Kangkang,“我觉得你应该去看医生,”康康说," ."Jane and Maria Michael.“我来叫辆出租车。
" ,"he said.“我的腿好疼”他说。
The doctor told them, The X-rays.医生告诉他们,“X光显示没有什么大问题。
他们很高兴这个事故没严重的,迈克也感觉好多了八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 2Section AKangkang,?康康,你看起来很疲倦。

翻译练习:1. 原文:Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.翻译:上周我去了剧院。
2. 原文:I usually enjoy the theatre. I did not think much of that play. The story was not very good.翻译:我通常喜欢去剧院。
3. 原文:I was very bored in the second act. I looked at my watch. I wondered if it would finish soon.翻译:在第二幕时我非常无聊。
4. 原文:I was very pleased when it started to snow. It was late so I decided to go home.翻译:当开始下雪时我非常高兴。
5. 原文:The play was so bad that I fell asleep. I woke up just before the end of the play.翻译:戏剧如此糟糕,以至于我睡着了。
6. 原文:I left the theatre at once and went home. I was not at all sorry to go home early.翻译:我立刻离开了剧院,回家了。

黄河流域流传着三皇(Three Sovereigns)的故事。
Known as the mother river by the Chinese people, the 5,464-kilometerYellow River is the second longest in China after the Yangtze River. The upper reaches of the Yellow River start in Qinghai Province and run to Hekouzhen in Inner Mongolia. The river flows quietly in this section, irrigating the farmlands and nurturing the people. The Yellow River is seen as the cradle of Chinese civilization and the spiritual home of the Chinese people. Here spread the story of Three Sovereigns. It was these three legendary individuals that began the development of civilization in the Yellow River basin.四合院是中国传统的建筑形式之一。

六年级英语总复习6B英汉互译专项练习1. 在星期天早晨_________________2.我的表弟 _________________3.看起来一样_________________4.和---一样高_________________5.比我小20分_________________6.孪生兄弟/姐妹_________________7.去散步_________________8.在你家 _________________9.多少岁 _________________10.我明白了 _________________11.想要做某事_________________12.坐在一棵大树下_________________13.变的更强壮_________________14.放学后 _________________15.玩球类游戏_________________16.善于/擅长_________________v17.很高兴看到_________________18.一个好的足球选手_________________19.在---作得好_________________20.在---方面需要帮助_________________21.一样高 _________________22.一个好主意_________________23.起床 _________________24.走的慢_________________25.别迟到 _________________26.读新单词 _________________27.我们所有人_________________28.在六点半 _________________29.来自两种 _________________30.去---的路上_________________31.沿着---走_________________32.在第三个十字路口_________________33.乘五路公共汽车_________________34.上车 _________________35.下车_________________36.购物中心_________________37.中学_________________38.火车站 _________________39.向右/左转_________________40.度假 _________________41.每隔四分钟_________________42.到达 ________ ___ ___43.一本有趣的书_________________44.拿回了--- _________________45.星期天下午_________________46.听音乐_________________47.聊天_________________48.---怎么样_________________49.在度假 _________________50.散步 _________________51.做得更好 _________________52.和---一样_________________53.最好的季节_________________54.堆雪人 _________________55.在秋天 _________________56.下个礼拜 _________________57.去散步 _________________58.问路 _________________59.某一天 _________________60.多远_________________61.看起来一样_________________62.上课有课 _________________63.京剧 _________________64.附带说说顺便说说_________________65.音乐俱乐部_________________66.去年_________________ 67.观看一场短跑比赛_________________68.野餐 _________________ 69.看一场戏剧 _________________70.演出 _________________ 71.邮局_________________ 72.看起来年轻_________________73.中学_________________ 74.参加运动会 _________________ 75.我希望这样 _________________76.在---前面_________________ 77.放学后 _________________ 78.和---一样温暖________________1.one day 3.only child2.you’ve got 4.be very glad to--- 5.that’s interesting 6.as strong as----7.three years younger than me8.the other children9.talk to 10. jump high 11.in my class 12.That’s true 13.Don’t worry14.get up earlier 15.do some exercise16.before I go to school 17.would like 18.read better19.all the other children 20.Let Helen do it 21.to get there faster 22.in Shanghai Street 23.on holiday 24.by bus25.That’s all right26.catch the thief27.at the hotel 28.stop thief 29.buy some presents 30.a twin sister 31.at the fourth crossing 32.do more exercise 33.get stronger 34.Don’t worry 35.be glad to do 36.take bus No.5 37.every five minutes 38.in the countryside 39.Sounds good 40.most of the time 41.ask some question 42.well done 43.the post office 44.know everything 45.on holiday 46.planning for the weekend 47.play the violin 48.of course 49.at one thirty 50.talk about 51.have a picnic 52.go on an outing 53.see a play 54.see a Beijing opera 55.take part in 56.singing contest 57.sports meeting 58.buy the way 59.have school 60.class project 61e home 62.make snowmen 63.turn right 64.in your family 65.jump up and down 66.need help with 67.know how to do 68.how to get there 69.jog to school 70.in the sports field71.some warmer clothes72.be going to。
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黄河流域流传着三皇(Three Sovereigns)的故事。
Known as the mother river by the Chinese people, the 5,464-kilometer Yellow River is the second longest in China after the Yangtze River. The upper reaches of the Yellow River start in Qinghai Province and run to Hekouzhen in Inner Mongolia. The river flows quietly in this section, irrigating the farmlands and nurturing the people. The Yellow River is seen as the cradle of Chinese civilization and the spiritual home of the Chinese people. Here spread the story of Three Sovereigns. It was these three legendary individuals that began the development of civilization in the Yellow River basin.2.四合院是中国传统的建筑形式之一。
As a traditional Chinese building, siheyuan is an enclosed courtyard surrounded by high walls, with an enclosed space and an entrance opening to the outside.The most amazing part of the courtyard is its integration with nature as its structure and layout embody traditional Chinese philosophy –the harmony between man and nature. Neighboring blocks of siheyuan of different scales have formed passages in between, which are called hutong. Today, with the change in family structure and social values, siheyan and hutong are both facing the challenge of survival.3.中国是中草药的发源地,目前中国大约有12,000种药用植物,这是其他国家所不具备的。
China, the birthplace of Chinese herbal medicine, boasts about 12,000 kinds of medicinal herbs, which is unmatched in any other country. Chinese people have explored the use of herbal medicine for thousands of years. Proper production, collection and preservation are important factors that impact the effectiveness of drugs. Legend has it that Shennong, the founder of Chinese medicine, tasted a hundred varieties of herbs, and was thus crowned Emperor of Medicine. Herbal medicine is receiving increased attention across the world for its effectiveness. 4.中国人讲究生活的艺术,如果只有很少的菜钱,他们就特别用些心思,把简单的食物做得味道鲜美。
Chinese people stress the art of living. If they have but little to expend on food, they will pay special attention to the cooking, making delicious dishes out of the simple ingredients. A good chef knows how to complement materials in the dish.He has the knowledge of what ingredients make lovely bright colors, of the spices that make a dish delicious, and of the need for quick heat or slow fire to make dishes taste right. All this is not simple, but is dependent on the technique and experience of the chef, who can only reach perfection after long practice.5.花木兰是中国文学作品中的一位巾帼英雄。
Hua Mulan is a heroine in Chinese literature. For hundreds of years, the story of Hua Mulan going to war in place of her elderly father has been known to every household, and has been told to this day. Hua Mulan is the role model with loyalty to both her parents and her country, and is the pride of the nation. As she disguises herself as a man and fights bravely against the enemy, she is the example of both wisdom and bravery. The story of Hua Mulan has been repeatedly adapted into plays and films. In 1998, Walt Disney produced the animated film, Mulan, making the figure of Hua Mulan even more well-known.百万同题作文Are we More Connected or More Alone作文号:885080题目:Are we More Connected or More AloneAccording to the newspaper of Guangzhou Daily, with the development of the Internet and the fashion of the smartphone, there is a big part of the people most of time is spending online. Thus, we can find a big question which online makes our more alone.In the previous period of time, I was keen on Surfing the Internet. In the period of time, I picked up my smartphone to Browes WeChat circle of friends and update my Weibo when I get up. Even at weekend, I would Surf the Internet to playing game, chatting with friends, seeing the film online and so on. Before long, I had found some personal problems. Sometimes, I feel lonely because I lack some appropriate time to face to face contact with others and seemed to havesome distance with friends.But, when I reflected on my behavior, I found that not only I had the vase, but also many people like this. Now, we can feel that we are more alone. In daily time, we would take the smartphone online to chat with our friends and play online. Although look at on the surface, we connected we friends any time, we gradually become won't meet again. Even when we meet, we can see that we still update the WeChat or Weibo to communicate we each other.Real life is meet and contact with face to face. If we still choose online, we should be afraid that we have already left the real life and become more alone.。