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( )1.Mrs. Brown came to China ____ 1996.

A.from B.of C.to D.in

( )2.The room was full ____ smoke after the big fire.

A.of B.with C.in D.for

( )3. Here are some presents ____ you ____ our best wishes.

A.to; with B. for; with C.of; about D.for; for

( )4. Both Mr Green and Mrs Green were born ____ June, 1956.

A.in B.at C.on D.for

( )5.The little boy is always interested ____ science.

A.with B.by C.in D.at

( )6.Li Lei often gets up ____ seven o'clock on Sundays.

A.on B.in C.at D.for

( )7.They arrived early ____ a Tuesday morning.

A.on B.at C.in D.of

( )8.--When were you born? --I was born ____ August 25, 1983.

A.on B.in C.at D.to

( )9. The classroom is quite different_______that one.

( )10.Let me show you the place ____ the map.

A.with B.on C.in

( )11.He got many gift________his birthday_______his friends.

( )12.The visitors ____ Japan arrived ____ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning.

A.from; at B.of; to C.from; to D.of; on

( )13.It's cold outside. Please__________your warm clothes.

A. put in

B. take off

C. put on

D. put up

( )14. Look, you'll see a bridge__________the river.

( )15. –Your coat looks nice, Is It________cotton?

-Yes. It's________Shanghai.

A. made of, made by

B. made of, made in

C. made for, made in

D. made from, made by


1.What's wrong ____ your watch?

2.One ____ the students is in the classroom.

3.I think the shop is closed ____ this time of day.

4.My father teaches English ____ a school.

5.We have lunch ____ the middle of the day.

6.You can buy some school things ____ your way home.

7.I was born ____ July 1, 1982.

8.Don't sleep ____ the open air.

9.I often help my mother _____ the housework.

10.It's time ____ school.

11.I have quite a lot ____ homework to do.

12.What's the time? It's half ____ seven.

13.Ducks are good ____ swimming.

14.What are you talking ____ ?

15.He is sitting ____ the front of the car.

16.The eraser was passed ____ one student ____ another. 17.Did you live ____ Beijing in 1997?

18.When did you arrive ____ the village?

19. Eating too much isn't good ____ your health.

20.I think Mary is ____ duty today.

21. Thanks ____ asking me to your party.

22.My watch is very different ____ yours.

23.What's the weather ____ today?

24.Let's go out ____ a walk, shall we?

25.I don't know which is the way ____ the park. 26.The people here are very friendly ____ us.

27.I felt a little afraid ____ my teacher.

28.Help yourselves ____ some fish, Lily and Lucy. 29.I'm sorry I'm late ____ the meeting.

30.Don't play ____ fire.It's dangerous.

31.He didn't go ____ bed until twelve o'clock.

32.If you break the window, you'll have to pay ____ it. 33.The glass is full ____ milk.

34.____ Mr Wang's help, I have passed the exam. 35.Please cut the metal ____ some pieces.

36.Are you interested ____ the film Titanic? 37.Hundreds ____ years ago, there was a village here.
