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sion in astrocytes [J]. Brain Res Mol Brain Res,2001,89 (1/2):94-102. [4] Wu W,Tian R,Hao S,et al. A pre-injury high ethanol intake in rats pro-
motes brain edema following traumatic brain injury [J]. Br J Neurosurg, 2014,28(6):739-745. [5] Manley GT,Fujimura M,Ma T,et al. Aquaporin-4 deletion in micereduces brain edema after acute water intoxication and ischemic stroke[J]. Nat Med , 2000,6(2):159-163. [6] Strand L,Moe SE,Solbu TT,et al. Roles of aquaporin-4 isoforms and amino acids in square array assembly [J]. Biochemistry,2009,48 (25):57855793. [7] Xiong XX,Gu LJ,Shen J,et al. Probenecid protects against transient focal cerebral ischemic injury by inhibiting HMGB1 release and attenuating AQP4 expression in mice[J]. Neurochem Res,2014,39(1):216-224. [8] Zeng HK,Wang QS,Deng YY,et al. Hypertonic saline ameliorates cerebral edema through downregulation of aquaporin-4 expression in the astrocytes[J]. Neuroscience,2010,166(3):878-885. [9] He Z,Wang X,Wu Y,et al. Treadmill pre-training ameliorates brain edema in ischemic stroke via down-regulation of aquaporin-4:An MRI study in rats[J]. PloS One,2014,9(1):e84602. [10] Töpfer M,Töllner K,Brandt C,et al. Consequences of inhibition of bumetanide metabolism in rodents on brain penetration and effects of bumetanide in chronic models of epilepsy[J]. Eur J Neurosci,2014,39(4):673-687. [11] Chen H,Sun D. The role of Na-K-Cl co-transporter in cerebral ischemia[J]. Neurol Res,2005,27(3):280-286. [12] Jayakumar AR,Liu M,Moriyama M,et al. Na-K-Cl Cotransporter-1 in the mechanism of ammonia-induced astrocyte swelling[J]. Biol Chem,2008, 283(49):33874-33882. [13] 何 远 东 ,卞 立 松 ,许 亮 ,等. 依 达 拉 奉 预 处 理 对 大 鼠 脑 损 伤 后 细 胞 毒 性脑水肿的影响[J]. 脑与神经疾病杂志,2013,2(14):303-308. [14] Hertz L,Xu J,Song D,et al. Astrocytic and neuronal accumulation of elevated extracellular K+ with a 2/3 K+/Na+ flux ratio-consequences for energy metabolism,osmolarity and higher brain function[J]. Front Comput Neurosci,2013,7(114):1-22. [15] Lu KT,Cheng NC,Wu CY,et al. NKCC1-mediated traumatic brain injury-
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1009-5519(2015)02-0217-04
非 酒 精 性 脂 肪 性 肝 病 (NAFLD) 在 欧 美 国 家 已 取 代 病毒性肝炎,成为最主要的肝病[1]。近年来研究表明 ,神 经 酰 胺 能 阻 断 胰 岛 素 信 号 转 导 , 诱 发 胰 岛 素 抵 抗 (IR) 和 炎性反应,提示神经酰胺可能对 NAFLD 的发病起着重 要 的 作 用 。 [2-3] 因 此 ,本 文 就 近 年 来 神 经 酰 胺 与 NAFLD 的研究作一综述。
现代医药卫生 2015年1月30日 第31卷第2期 J Mod Med Health,January 30,2015,Vol.31,No.2
2014,62(8):598-611 . [3] Yoneda K,Yamamoto N,Asai K,et al. Regulation of aquaporin-4 expres-
(收稿日期:2014-06-20 修回日期:2014-09-02)
刘浩雷 综述,阳学风 审校(南华大学附属南华医院消化内科,湖南 衡阳 421002)
【关键词】 肝病; 乙醇; 脂肪类/代谢; 神经酰胺类; 胰岛素; 细胞凋亡; 综述
现代医药卫生 2015年1月30日 第31卷第2期 J Mod Med Health,January 30,2015,Vol.31,No.2
1 神经酰胺生理功能与合成 神经酰胺由长链脂肪酸和鞘氨醇链接而成,是细胞
膜的组成成分,同时,其作为重要的第二信使参与了细 胞增殖、分化和凋亡活动。神经酰胺主要由 3 种途径产 生:从头合成途径、鞘磷脂循环途径和鞘氨醇合成途径 (图 1)。从头合成途径主要发生在内质网或线粒体中,首
作 者 简 介 :刘 浩 雷 (1978-),男 ,湖 南 攸 县 人 ,硕 士 研 究 生 ,主 治 医 师 ,主 要 从 事 肝 硬 化 防 治 研 究 ; E-mail: 417125944@。 通 讯 作 者 :阳 学 风 (E-mail:yxf9988@)。
induced brain edema and neuron death via raf/mek/mapk cascade[J]. Crit Care Med,2008,36(3):917-922. [16] Simard JM,Kahle KT,Gerzanich V. Molecular mechanisms of microvascular failure in central nervous system injury—synergistic roles of nkcc1 and sur1/trpm4[J]. J Neurosurg,2010,113(3):622-629. [17] Mor. Characteristics of the cation cotransporter NKCC1 in human brain:alternate transcripts,expression in development,and potential relationships to brain function and schizophrenia[J]. J Neurosci,2014,34(14): 4929-4940. [18] Simard JM,Kahle KT,Gerzanich V. Molecular mechanisms of microvascular failure in central nervous system injury—synergistic roles of nkcc1 and sur1/trpm4 [J]. J Neurosurg,2010,113(3):622-629. [19] Chen H,Luo J,Kintner DB,et al. Na(+)-dependent chloride transporter (nkcc1)-null mice exhibit less gray and white matter damage after focal cerebral ischemia[J]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2005,25(1):54-66. [20] Cleary RT,Sun H,Huynh T,et al. Bumetanide enhances phenobarbital efficacy in a rat model of hypoxic neonatal seizures[J]. PloS One,2013,8 (3):e57148. [21] O′Donnell ME,Tran L,Lam TI,et al. Bumetanide inhibition of the bloodbrain barrier Na-K-Cl cotransporter reduces edema formation in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model of stroke [J]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab,2004,24(9):1046-1056. [22] Kahle KT,Simard JM,Staley KJ,et al. Molecular mechanisms of ischemic cerebral edema:role of electroneutral ion transport[J]. Physiology(Bethesda), 2009(24):257-265. [23] Sun L,Yu Z,Wang W,et al. Both NKCC1 and anion exchangers contribute to Cl accumulation in postnatal forebrain neuronal progenitors [J]. Eur J Neurosci,2012,35(5): 661-672. [24] Kahle KT,Barnett SM,Sassower KC,et al. Decreased seizure activity in a human neonate treated with bumetanide,an inhibitor of the Na+-K+-2Clcotransporter NKCC1[J]. J Child Neurol,2009,24(5):572-576. [25] Simard JM,Chen M,Tarasov KV,et al. Newly expressed SUR1-regulated NCCa-ATP channel mediates cerebral edema after ischemic stroke[J]. Nat Med,2006,12(4):433-440.
motes brain edema following traumatic brain injury [J]. Br J Neurosurg, 2014,28(6):739-745. [5] Manley GT,Fujimura M,Ma T,et al. Aquaporin-4 deletion in micereduces brain edema after acute water intoxication and ischemic stroke[J]. Nat Med , 2000,6(2):159-163. [6] Strand L,Moe SE,Solbu TT,et al. Roles of aquaporin-4 isoforms and amino acids in square array assembly [J]. Biochemistry,2009,48 (25):57855793. [7] Xiong XX,Gu LJ,Shen J,et al. Probenecid protects against transient focal cerebral ischemic injury by inhibiting HMGB1 release and attenuating AQP4 expression in mice[J]. Neurochem Res,2014,39(1):216-224. [8] Zeng HK,Wang QS,Deng YY,et al. Hypertonic saline ameliorates cerebral edema through downregulation of aquaporin-4 expression in the astrocytes[J]. Neuroscience,2010,166(3):878-885. [9] He Z,Wang X,Wu Y,et al. Treadmill pre-training ameliorates brain edema in ischemic stroke via down-regulation of aquaporin-4:An MRI study in rats[J]. PloS One,2014,9(1):e84602. [10] Töpfer M,Töllner K,Brandt C,et al. Consequences of inhibition of bumetanide metabolism in rodents on brain penetration and effects of bumetanide in chronic models of epilepsy[J]. Eur J Neurosci,2014,39(4):673-687. [11] Chen H,Sun D. The role of Na-K-Cl co-transporter in cerebral ischemia[J]. Neurol Res,2005,27(3):280-286. [12] Jayakumar AR,Liu M,Moriyama M,et al. Na-K-Cl Cotransporter-1 in the mechanism of ammonia-induced astrocyte swelling[J]. Biol Chem,2008, 283(49):33874-33882. [13] 何 远 东 ,卞 立 松 ,许 亮 ,等. 依 达 拉 奉 预 处 理 对 大 鼠 脑 损 伤 后 细 胞 毒 性脑水肿的影响[J]. 脑与神经疾病杂志,2013,2(14):303-308. [14] Hertz L,Xu J,Song D,et al. Astrocytic and neuronal accumulation of elevated extracellular K+ with a 2/3 K+/Na+ flux ratio-consequences for energy metabolism,osmolarity and higher brain function[J]. Front Comput Neurosci,2013,7(114):1-22. [15] Lu KT,Cheng NC,Wu CY,et al. NKCC1-mediated traumatic brain injury-
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1009-5519(2015)02-0217-04
非 酒 精 性 脂 肪 性 肝 病 (NAFLD) 在 欧 美 国 家 已 取 代 病毒性肝炎,成为最主要的肝病[1]。近年来研究表明 ,神 经 酰 胺 能 阻 断 胰 岛 素 信 号 转 导 , 诱 发 胰 岛 素 抵 抗 (IR) 和 炎性反应,提示神经酰胺可能对 NAFLD 的发病起着重 要 的 作 用 。 [2-3] 因 此 ,本 文 就 近 年 来 神 经 酰 胺 与 NAFLD 的研究作一综述。
现代医药卫生 2015年1月30日 第31卷第2期 J Mod Med Health,January 30,2015,Vol.31,No.2
2014,62(8):598-611 . [3] Yoneda K,Yamamoto N,Asai K,et al. Regulation of aquaporin-4 expres-
(收稿日期:2014-06-20 修回日期:2014-09-02)
刘浩雷 综述,阳学风 审校(南华大学附属南华医院消化内科,湖南 衡阳 421002)
【关键词】 肝病; 乙醇; 脂肪类/代谢; 神经酰胺类; 胰岛素; 细胞凋亡; 综述
现代医药卫生 2015年1月30日 第31卷第2期 J Mod Med Health,January 30,2015,Vol.31,No.2
1 神经酰胺生理功能与合成 神经酰胺由长链脂肪酸和鞘氨醇链接而成,是细胞
膜的组成成分,同时,其作为重要的第二信使参与了细 胞增殖、分化和凋亡活动。神经酰胺主要由 3 种途径产 生:从头合成途径、鞘磷脂循环途径和鞘氨醇合成途径 (图 1)。从头合成途径主要发生在内质网或线粒体中,首
作 者 简 介 :刘 浩 雷 (1978-),男 ,湖 南 攸 县 人 ,硕 士 研 究 生 ,主 治 医 师 ,主 要 从 事 肝 硬 化 防 治 研 究 ; E-mail: 417125944@。 通 讯 作 者 :阳 学 风 (E-mail:yxf9988@)。
induced brain edema and neuron death via raf/mek/mapk cascade[J]. Crit Care Med,2008,36(3):917-922. [16] Simard JM,Kahle KT,Gerzanich V. Molecular mechanisms of microvascular failure in central nervous system injury—synergistic roles of nkcc1 and sur1/trpm4[J]. J Neurosurg,2010,113(3):622-629. [17] Mor. Characteristics of the cation cotransporter NKCC1 in human brain:alternate transcripts,expression in development,and potential relationships to brain function and schizophrenia[J]. J Neurosci,2014,34(14): 4929-4940. [18] Simard JM,Kahle KT,Gerzanich V. Molecular mechanisms of microvascular failure in central nervous system injury—synergistic roles of nkcc1 and sur1/trpm4 [J]. J Neurosurg,2010,113(3):622-629. [19] Chen H,Luo J,Kintner DB,et al. Na(+)-dependent chloride transporter (nkcc1)-null mice exhibit less gray and white matter damage after focal cerebral ischemia[J]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2005,25(1):54-66. [20] Cleary RT,Sun H,Huynh T,et al. Bumetanide enhances phenobarbital efficacy in a rat model of hypoxic neonatal seizures[J]. PloS One,2013,8 (3):e57148. [21] O′Donnell ME,Tran L,Lam TI,et al. Bumetanide inhibition of the bloodbrain barrier Na-K-Cl cotransporter reduces edema formation in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model of stroke [J]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab,2004,24(9):1046-1056. [22] Kahle KT,Simard JM,Staley KJ,et al. Molecular mechanisms of ischemic cerebral edema:role of electroneutral ion transport[J]. Physiology(Bethesda), 2009(24):257-265. [23] Sun L,Yu Z,Wang W,et al. Both NKCC1 and anion exchangers contribute to Cl accumulation in postnatal forebrain neuronal progenitors [J]. Eur J Neurosci,2012,35(5): 661-672. [24] Kahle KT,Barnett SM,Sassower KC,et al. Decreased seizure activity in a human neonate treated with bumetanide,an inhibitor of the Na+-K+-2Clcotransporter NKCC1[J]. J Child Neurol,2009,24(5):572-576. [25] Simard JM,Chen M,Tarasov KV,et al. Newly expressed SUR1-regulated NCCa-ATP channel mediates cerebral edema after ischemic stroke[J]. Nat Med,2006,12(4):433-440.