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2.TheyAlwAys go out to plAyB AsketB All ________ SAturD Ay morning.
A. onB. inC.At
3.It's surprising thAt Mr.D AviD's littleD Aughter ________ speAk English so well.
A.B AsketB All.B. Tennis.C. SoC Cer.
7. WhenC An LisAtAlk to GrA Ce?
A.After sChool.B.BeforeClAss.C. InClAss.
8. How wAs Lily's sChool tripAt theBeginning?
A. mustB.C AnC. hAve to
4.PleAse ________Arrive lAte forClAss. You mustBe on time.
A. notB. noC.Don't
5.—Where isBoBnow?
—He ________ in the liBrAry.
A. reA DB. reA DsC. is reA Ding
1. WhAtDiDLuCyDo lAst weekenD?
A. B. C.
2. WhiCh fruit woulDTinAlikeBest?
A. B. C.
3. Where is the hotel?
A. On Long Street.B. OnBriDge Street.C. OnCenter Street.
16. WhAtDo the speAkers neeDtoBring?
A.B AgsB. UmBrellAs.C.CoAts.
17. WhenDoesAliCe hAve to listen to English?
A On sChool nights.B. Every morning.C. Every night.
20. WhereDoesAliCe often leAve her homework?
A. In theClAssroom.B.At home.C. On the plAygrounD.
1.There is ________ eighty-pAgeBook on theDesk. I like it very muCh.
22.How mAny pAvilionsAnDCenters of the ExpoAre there?
Flower of the GreAt WAll
The expo isAlso knownAs "the InternAtionAl HortiCulturAl ExhiBitionAt the Foot of the GreAt WAll". MAny visitors rom ShAnghAi, GuAngzhouAnDother provinCesCome to visit it.
A.AnDB.ButC. or
10.—________Don't you go to theCenter PArk this weekenD?
—It will rAin heAvily.
A. WhyB. WhAtC. How
A.At 7:00.B.At 8:00.C.At 8:30.
11. WhAtDoes JulieDoAfter she gets up?
A. She wAshes her fA Ce.B. She hAsBreAkfAst.C. She goes to sChool.
12. WhoDoesBill hAveBreAkfAst with?
A. His pArents.B. HisClAssmAtes.C. His frienD, Julie.
13. WhAt topiCAre the two speAkers tAlkingA Bout?
A.B A DweAther.B. Shopping.C. Interesting movies.
PerformAnCeCenter:PrimAryArenAfor the openingAnDClosingCeremonies.
TiCket:①StAnD ArDD Ay tiCket 120 yuAn. ②ConCession (减价) stAnD ArDD Ay tiCket 80 yuAn.
15.A. puterC.B AseB All
16.A. to writeB. to reA DC. to sing
17.A. hAvingB. mAkingC. pAying
18.A.A BoutB. withC. of
19.A. sportB. singerC. pet
20.A. soB.BeforeC.BeC Ause
6.She hAs to ________ herBrotherAt homeBeC Ause her pArentsAre out.
A. look forB. lookAfterC. lookAt
7.I ________ the zoo lAst yeArAnDit wAsAlot of fun.
A went toB. workAtC. will visit
8.There ________ mAny people here on vA C Ation.
A. hAveB.AreC. is
9.—WhAt woulDyou like, teA________Coffee?
—I'Dlike some teA pleAse.
18. WhiCh ruleDoesn'tAliCe tAlkA Bout?
A.Don'tAsk questions.B.Don'tBe noisy.C.Don't eAt inClAss.
19. WhAtDoesAliCe hAve to prA CtiCeAgAinAnDAgAin?
A. Singing.B. Writing.C. SpeAking.
Notes:ConCession tiCketsAre for senior(年长的)Citizens, stuDentsAnDChilDren. Free forChilDren unDerAge of 6 or shorter thAn 130Cm.
21.The Expo of flower 2019 is helDin __________ChinA.
14. How is the weAther for the next eightD Ays?
A. WinDy.B. Sunny.C. RAiny.
15. If the speAkers getBoreDAt the mAll, whAt will theyDo?
A. Go homeAnDwAtCh TV.B. WAtChAmovie.C.Buy some things.
The sChool musiCCluBopens. Tony wAnts to join theCluB,But heDoesn't wAnt to goAlone (单独). He wAnts toAsk his frienDs to go to the___11___with him. So heC Alls themAt home,But everyone is___12___.
KAte is helping herBrother___18___his English. HeAlwAysDoesn'tDo well in his tests.
Tom is plAyingB AseB All with his sister. It is his fAvorite___19___.
MArtin isDoing his homeworkAt home. It usuAlly___13___him two hours to finish it.
Peter is writing to his pen frienDGinA,Agirl fromAustrAliA,An e-mAil on theComputer. He is telling___14___A Bout his sChool life. In fA Ct, heDoesn't like___15___AtAll.
Tony is not hAppy___20___no oneC An go to theCluBwith him.
12.A. freeB. lAzyC.Busy
13.A.BringsB. tAkesC. gives
14.A. usB. himC. her
Chinese PAvilion:CreAteDin the shApe ofA"ruyi",AtrA DitionAlChinese ornAment symBolizing gooDfortune.
InternAtionAl PAvilion:FeAtures 94 pillArs in the shApe of flower umBrellA.
4. WhyDo they see the pAnD As first?
A. They're very smArt.B. They're very lAzy.C. They're very fun.
5. HowDoes MArry go to sChool?
A.ByBike.B.ByBus.C.By suBwAy.
期末测 试 卷
Lily likes musiC.AnDMiss Green is teA Ching herAnDherClAssmAtes___16___songsAt sChool. TheyAre hAvingAsingingContest.
AliCe is hAving her twelfthBirthD Ay pArty. Her pArentsAre___17___Dinner in the kitChen for her.
A. Interesting.B. TerriBle.C. GreAt.
9. WhereDiDLily tAke photos?
A. In the museum.B. OutsiDe the museum.C. On the museum.
10. WhAt timeDoes Julie get up?
BotAny PAvilion:Design inspireDBy the vertiC Al root system of plAnts.
Life ExperienCe PAvilion:Themes of sowing growth, irrigAtionAnDhArvest highlight.
6. WhAt sportsC An LisAplAy?