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Guangdong Hautai NDT Co.,Ltd.Sudan Project
1.您(你)好How do you do?/Hello!/
Excuse me. Could you please do me a favor?---- Sure.
4.什么时候出发? When shall we leave?
5.节日愉快Have a good holiday!
6.请进Come in, please.
7.请坐Sit down, please.
8厕所(邮局/旅馆/商店)在哪里? Where’s the W.C. (post office/hotel/store)?
9.今天(明天)天气怎么样? What’s the weather like today (tomorrow)?
10.今天(明天)下雨(雪) It’s going to rain(snow)today(tomorrow)
11.今天很热(冷) It’s very hot (cold ) today
12.你明白了吗? Do you understand?
13.对不起,请再说一遍Sorry, Repeat it ,please.
14请出示护照Your passport, please.
15.对不起,现在几点了? Excuse me, what’s the time?
16.请问今天是星期几? What day is today?
17.今天是几号? W hat’s the date today?
18.你会英语吗? Do you speak English?
19.是,我会一点.(对不起,我不会) Yes, a little.(Sorry, I don’t)
20.你想喝点什么?- What would you like to drink?
----我想喝汽水(可乐) I’d like to drink soda(coke)
21.谢谢----不客气Thank you. You are welcome
22.对不起-----没关系Sorry. That’s all right.
23.我要走了I have to go
24.你最近怎么样? How are you?
25.祝你生日快乐Happy birthday.
26.我想理一下发I need a haircut
I’m going back tomorrow and I just came to say good-bye to you
28.祝您一路顺风(一路平安) Have a pleasant journey.
29.祝您好运Good luck
30.祝你健康Good health
31.欢迎再来I hope to see you again
32.祝你愉快May you be happy!
33.请您多保重Take care of yourself!
34.请问您叫什么名字? What’s your name, please?
35.我的名字叫XX. My name is XX
36.见到您很高兴. Nice to meet you.
37.你从哪里来? 我从中国来. Where are you from? I’m from China.
38.我是中国人. I’ m Chinese.
39您是做什么工作? What’s your occupation/job?
40.我是工人(护士/农民) I’m a worker(nurse/farmer)
41.您(他)结婚了吗? Are you (Is he) married?
三、医疗. 应急用语
42.你想去看医生I need to see a doctor.
I don’t feel well, Could you please a doctor for me?
44.你哪儿不舒服? What’s wrong with you?
45.我咳嗽I have a cough
46.我在发(高)烧I have a (high) fever.
47.我头疼I have a headache
48.我肚子疼I have a stomachache
49.我吃不下东西. I have no appetite
50.我受伤了I’ve been injured.
51.我烧(烫)伤了I’ve burnt(scalded) my skin
52.有什么问题吗? Any problems?
53.这里危险,快出去! Danger here. Get out of here at once!
54.站住,不要动Don’t move
55.快叫警察Call the police at once!
56.快叫医生Call a doctor at once
57.抓小偷Stop thief
59. 我想到中国在使馆去I want to go to the Chinese Embassy
60. 哪有中餐馆? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?
61.请问,哪有出租车? Excuse me. Where can I call a taxi?
62.请问附近有电话吗? Excuse me. Is there a public phone nearby?
63.你能给我画一个路线草图吗? Can you draw a map for me?
64.一直往前走Go straight ahead.
65.向左(右)拐Turn left/right
66.请把地址写下来. Could you write down the address
67.您好,我叫XXX. 我找XX先生(小姐)
Hello. This is XX speaking, May I speak to Mr. XX (Miss XX)?
68.你找哪一位? Whom would you like to speak to?
69.XX先生(小姐),请接电话Mr. XX (Miss XX), you’re wanted on the phone
70.请问怎样与你联系? How can I contact you?
71.你的电话号码是多少? What’s your phone number?。