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(B 卷)2018.10
Part 1 Phonet i cs, Vocabulary and Gram m ar
(第一部分语音,词汇和语法共47 分)I. Choose the bes t answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共15分)
() 1. Which o f the f ol lowing i s r igh t?
A. Are you k idd ing?↗
B.Which tour i s t a t t r ac t ion d id you l ike bes t?↗
C. Can you unders t and me?↘
D.Who’s the re?↗
( () 2. Did you have a good t ime ______ the n igh t ______Ne w Year’s Day?
A. a t, on
B.in, on
C. on, o f
D. on, on ) 3. There a re over______ books in our schoo l l ib ra ry.
A.two thousand
C.thousands o f
B.two thousands
D.two thousand o f
( ( () 4.I don’t l ike th i s d ress. Could you pl ease show me ______ one?
A. o thers
B. o ther
C.ano t her
) 5. A c lassmate o f______i s go ing to Aus t r i a nex t month.
D.the o ther
D. h i s
A. my
B. he r
C. h im
) 6.–May I have s o me swee t s now?
– No, you ______.I t’s t ime fo r bed.
A. needn’t
) 7. My fa the r’s words sounded ______.
A. wonder fu l ly
B. we l l
B. may
C. can
D. mus tn’t
( (
C. c lea r ly
D.f r i end ly
) 8. You cou ld ask me ______ you want to know more about th i s passage..
A. bu t
B.i f
C.s o
) 9. The win te r ho l iday i s coming.I’m looking fo rward ______to Ha inan I s land.
A.t rave l
B.t rave l ing
C.to t rave l
D.to t rave l ing
() 10.–I have never been l a te fo r school.
A. Nei ther do I C. Nei the r have I
B. So do I D. So have I
() 11.I f my mother______t ime th i s Sunday,she ______ me how to make a cake.
A. has, wi l l t each
B. wi l l have,t each
C. wi l l have, wi l l t each
D.i s hav ing, wi l l t each
( ( ( () 12.I t’s so ho t.I’d r a the r ______the meat in the f r idge.
A.to pu t
B. pu t t i ng
C. pu t t ing
) 13. My dad asks me ______ TV before I f in i sh my home work.
A. no t to watch ing
B. no t to wa tch
C. no t wa tch
) 14. The f ina l exam is coming. ______i t keeps us ve ry busy.
A. Because
B. So
C.W hen
D. pu t
D. don’t wa tch
D. But
) 15. Many people want to buy ______ vege tab les bu t pay ______ money.
A. much, more
B.fewer, more
C. more,l e ss
D. many,l ess
II. Co mplete the f ol lowing passage with the words or express ions in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格,每个单词或短语只能填一次)(每空1 分,共8 分)
A. co ld
B. wa tch
C. ques t ioned
E. voice
“We’ve more than ha l fway now;i t’s only two mi les fa r ther to the ho te l,” sa i d the d r ive r.
“I’m glad to hear t ha t!” ___1___the man on the back sea t. He wanted to say more bu t the eas t wind b lew r igh t down h is th roa t. The dr iver’s ___2___was someth ing qu i t e p leas ing,and a t once he spoke aga in.
“You don’t fee l the ___3___so much in the ho te l. There’s none o f th i s co ldness,” he sa id.
“Yes, bu t you’l l have a co ld d r ive going back,” the man sa id anx ious l y, and looked a t his ___4___fo r the twen t ie th t ime.
A. someone
B.on my way home
C. hun te r’s
D.sad ly
E.t ra in
He fe l t the ca r was no t go ing fas t enough. He had wished many t imes tha t he were in h i s warm old ___5___ c lo thes. He had o f ten worn them in the wors t wea ther in the Nor thwes t.
“I sha l l no t have to go back!” sa id the d r ive r in a loud happy vo ice.“I’m ___6___ now.I d rove over ea r ly jus t to meet you a t the ___7___ s ta t ion.We were to ld tha t ___8___ was coming t o the hotel.”
III. Co mplete the sentences wi th the g iven words in the ir proper for ms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(每空1.5分,共12分)
1.________i s the mos t impor tan t i n our l i f e.(hea l thy)
2.He bought a lot o f __________(f reeze) p rawns las t weekend.
3.Sh i r l ey goes to swim _________a week.(two)
4.I t’s a __________t r ip. We rea l ly l ike i t ve ry much.(p lease)
5.The ___________ make the room very beau t i fu l.(decora te)
6.The t ax i d r ive r d rove us to the a i r por t _________.(s afe)
7.Yes te rday I saw a boy ________(c ross)the road when the t ra f f i c l igh t was red.
8.She i s one o f t he __________ g i r l s to v i s i t Japan.(l uck)
IV. Rewri te the fol lowing sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空限填一词)(每题2 分,共12分)
1. She has some bread fo r b reakfas t(改为否定句)
She _________ __________ any bread fo r b reakfas t.
2. The s tuden ts co l l ec ted o ld newspapers to ra i se money fo r the poor ch i ld r en.(对划线部分提问)
_________ _________the s tuden ts col l ec t o ld newspaper s?
3. He has made a cake wi th the he lp of h i s mu m.(对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ he made a cake?
4. They of ten g rew vege tab les in the f i e lds be fore.(保持句意基本不变)
They _____________________ grow vege tab les in the f i e lds.
5.I go t a l e t t e r f rom my bes t f r i end yes te rday.(保持句意基本不变)
I __________ ___________ my bes t f r i end yes te rday.
6.school,a f t e r,someone,in te rv iew,sha l l,a t,bakery,we,the(连词成句)
Part 2 Reading and Writ i ng
V. Reading Co mprehens ion(阅读理解)(共38分)
A. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共6分)
W ho i s the supers t ar o f the ca t wor ld?I t has to be the Unc le Ca t. Unc le Cat i s a fa t whi te ca t
l iv ing in the count r ys ide o f Japan. He i s a l ready n ine year s o ld,a s o ld as our 50-year-o ld unc le in ca t years. That’s why he gets the nickname: Unc le Ca t.
Uncle Ca t i s a l azy ca t.He of ten hal f shu t s h i s eyes a nd l i e s in the sun. I t makes h im look re laxed and peaceful. He a l so en joys himse l f in a baske t,so he has ano ther name: Baske t Ca t.
Uncle Ca t i s c lever. He knows exac t ly how to make h imse l f coo l-to wear a pa i r o f sung lasses. From ha t s to f lower s, Unc le Ca t l ikes every th ing tha t makes h im a d i f fe ren t ca t.
Uncle Cat’s owner likes to take pictures of Uncle Cat. To his surprise, these photos are very popula r on the In terne t. They make people f rom a l l over t he wor ld to know and love th i s cu te cat.
Recently, a big earthquake happened in Uncle Cat’s hometown. But don’t worry. Uncle Cat is
a l so a lucky ca t. He i s sa fe and sound. Tha t means the re wil l be more pho tos o f Unc le Ca t on t ime and he wi l l soon br ing us more fun!
() 1. Unc le Ca t i s a______ ca t.
A.fa t whi te
B. whi te and b rown
D.fa t b lack
C. a lone ly
( () 2.In fac t,th i s ca t i s ______ years o l d in ca t wor ld.
A. 30
) 3. Unc le Ca t i s cal l ed Baske t Ca t because he ______.
A. of ten ha l f shu t s his eyes
C. a lways l i e s in the sun
B. en joys h imse l f i n a baske t
D.looks re laxed and peacefu l
( () 4. Peop le f rom a l l over the wor ld get to know Unc le Ca t ______.
A. dur ing a b ig ea r thquake
C.f rom photo co l l ec t ion
B.in the newspaper
D. on the In te rne t
) 5. Which o f the f ol lowing s ta tements i s True about Unc le Ca t?
A. He i s a lways f i f ty years o ld.
B. He l ives in the ci ty cen te r o f Japan.
C. He i s a c lever c a t, bu t ve ry l azy.
D. He i s hur t when a b ig ea r thquake happened in h i s hometown.
) 6. ______can best explain “He knows exactly how to make himself look cool”.
B. Choose the words to co mplete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(每题2 分,共12分)
There was once a bad k ing,a l l h i s people ha ted h im very m uch. One day in a sum mer he was swim ming by h imse l f in a r ive r. The king was a good swim mer, bu t whi le he was ___1___the r ive r, he was ill. He cried out “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working in the field near the
r ive r. They ran over,jumped in to the wat er and saved the king. They didn’t know that he was the king ___2___they pul led h im ou t o f t he wate r.
The king was very happy, so he said to the farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may ask fo r ___3___, and I’ll give it to you.”
One of the fa rmers sa id, “My son ___4___his leg last week, and he can’t walk. Please send him a good doctor.” The king agreed. Then he said to the other farmer. “And what can I do for you, old man?” The old man was very ___5___. He thought fo r a few minutes and then he answer ed, “You can do a very important thing for me.” “What’s that?” asked the king. He thought that the old man would ask fo r some ___6___ or someth ing e l se.
“Don’t tell anybody that we have saved you,” the old farmer answered.
() 1. A.in the f ron t of
C. a t the end o f
) 2. A.a f t e r B.in the midd le o f D.in the corner o f C. un t i l
( ( ( ( (
B.i f D. un less
D. no th ing
D. broke ) 3. A.any th ing
) 4. A.saved
B. every th ing
B. dropped
B.th i r s ty
C.someth ing
C.fe l l
) 5. A. hungry
) 6. A.food
C. c lever
D. greedy
D. money
B.in format ion
C. adv ice
C. Read the passage and f i l l in the blanks wi th proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(每空2 分,共14分)
There a re many onl ine food shopping s i t e s. Th ings l___1___ CDs, books,and D V Ds se l l we l l on l ine. Bu t i t i s qui t e d i f fe ren t to se l l food on l ine b___2___ people l ike to see food wi th the i r own eyes.I t i s ve ry i___3___for peop le to buy f resh f ru i t and vege tab les. Cus tomers l ike to c___4___the i r food by i t s own co l or. They a l so want to touch and smel l i t. Some people l ike go ing to the same shop
to buy good food.So i f the food on l i ne i s a lways g___5___,they wi l l f ee l comfor tab le buy ing i t.
Boxes o f f ru i t and vege tab les have been de l ive red to h___6___around Br i t a in fo r a few years. Dried o r canned foods a re a lmos t the same a l l the t ime,but f resh th ings a re no t. For example,people may want to p ick t he i r own app les so they can t ake the o___7___tha t look nice. Buying dr ied and canned food on l ine i s eas ie r. A person can buy th i s k ing of food on the in te r ne t and then buy f r ui t s and vege tab les a t a s to re o r a marke t.
2. b________
7. o________
D. Read the passage be low and answer the fo l lowing quest ions.(根据文章内容回答下列问题)(每题1 分,共6 分)
M acy,
Bob i s no t ea t ing.She looks weak.I worry tha t she may have a fever.I am t ak ing her to the vet.
I made ham spaghet t i.I t i s on the top she l f o f the f r idge.W ar m i t in the microwave oven fo r 3 minutes be fore you ea t i t.
Please do your home work a f te r hav i ng lunch. Do no t wa tch TV when you are do ing homework! You can wa tch TV o r p lay compute r games a f te r you have done your homework.
You’ve go t a pa rcel. Aunt Em ma sen t you a b i r thday presen t f rom the US A!I’ve pu t i t on your desk.
I may need to wa i t fo r a long t ime to s ee the ve t.I f I do not re tu rn home by f our o’c lock,swi tch on the wash ing mach ine.
I ca l l ed Dad. He can’t come home ear ly. He needs to see Doc to r Chen. Ca l l me on my mobi le phone i f the re i s an emergency(紧急事件).
M u m
15 December, 1:30 P.M.
1. Bob i s no t a pe t,i s i t?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.What wi l l Macy ea t fo r lunch?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.When can Macy wa tch TV?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.Where i s the b i r t hday presen t f rom Aunt Em ma now?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.What d id Mu m ask Macy to do a t4 p.m.i f she i s no t a t home?
6.Who should Macy ca l l i f she needs he lp?Why?
VI.Wri t ing(作文)(共15分)
W ri te a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “ I want to trave l to______” (以“我想去_____旅行”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。
Use the fo l lowing points as a re ference.
⏹Where would you l ike to go?
⏹Why would you l ike to v i s i t i t?
⏹What wi l l you p robab ly do the re?
I want to trave l to_________
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________(60words)____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
I. Choose the bes t answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共15分)
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
7. D
8. B
9. D10. C11. A 12. D 13. B14. B 15. C
II. Co mplete the f ol lowing passage with the words or express ions in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格,每个单词或短语只能填一次)(每空1 分,共8 分)
2. E
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. E
8. A
III. Co mplete the sentences wi th the g iven words in the ir proper for ms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(每空1.5分,共12分)
1. Hea l th
2.f rozen
4. p l easan t
5. decora t i ons
6.sa fe ly
7.cross ing
8.luck i es t
IV. Rewri te the fol lowing sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空限填一词)(每题2 分,共12分)
1. doesn’t have
2. Why d id
3. How has
4. used to
5. hea rd f rom
6. Sha l l we in te rv i ew someone a t the bakery a f t e r school
(B 卷)
V. Reading Co mprehens ion(阅读理解)(共38分)
A. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共6分)
1. A
2. C
B. Choose the words to co mplete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(每题2 分,共12分)
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
C. Read the passage and f i l l in the blanks wi th proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(每空2 分,共14分)
1.l ike
2. because
3.impor tan t
5. good
7. ones
D. Read the passage be low and answer the fo l lowing quest ions.(根据文章内容回答下列问题)(每题1 分,共6 分)
1. Yes,i t i s.
2. She wi l l ea t ham spaghe t t i fo r lunch.
3. She can wa tch TV af te r she has done he r home work.
4.I t i s on Macy’s desk.
5. She asked Macy to swi tch on the wash ing mach ine.
6. She shou ld ca l l her mother. Because… (Any reasonabl e answer i s accep t ab le)
VI.Wri t ing(作文)(共15分)
6.Who should Macy ca l l i f she needs he lp?Why?
VI.Wri t ing(作文)(共15分)
W ri te a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “ I want to trave l to______” (以“我想去_____旅行”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。
Use the fo l lowing points as a re ference.
⏹Where would you l ike to go?
⏹Why would you l ike to v i s i t i t?
⏹What wi l l you p robab ly do the re?
I want to trave l to_________
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________(60words)____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
I. Choose the bes t answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共15分)
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
7. D
8. B
9. D10. C11. A 12. D 13. B14. B 15. C
II. Co mplete the f ol lowing passage with the words or express ions in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格,每个单词或短语只能填一次)(每空1 分,共8 分)
2. E
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. E
8. A
III. Co mplete the sentences wi th the g iven words in the ir proper for ms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(每空1.5分,共12分)
1. Hea l th
2.f rozen
4. p l easan t
5. decora t i ons
6.sa fe ly
7.cross ing
8.luck i es t
IV. Rewri te the fol lowing sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空限填一词)(每题2 分,共12分)
1. doesn’t have
2. Why d id
3. How has
4. used to
5. hea rd f rom
6. Sha l l we in te rv i ew someone a t the bakery a f t e r school
(B 卷)
V. Reading Co mprehens ion(阅读理解)(共38分)
A. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(每题1 分,共6分)
1. A
2. C
B. Choose the words to co mplete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(每题2 分,共12分)
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
C. Read the passage and f i l l in the blanks wi th proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(每空2 分,共14分)
1.l ike
2. because
3.impor tan t
5. good
7. ones
D. Read the passage be low and answer the fo l lowing quest ions.(根据文章内容回答下列问题)(每题1 分,共6 分)
1. Yes,i t i s.
2. She wi l l ea t ham spaghe t t i fo r lunch.
3. She can wa tch TV af te r she has done he r home work.
4.I t i s on Macy’s desk.
5. She asked Macy to swi tch on the wash ing mach ine.
6. She shou ld ca l l her mother. Because… (Any reasonabl e answer i s accep t ab le)
VI.Wri t ing(作文)(共15分)