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How to Solve the Communication Predicament in “Babel Tower”
如何解决“巴别塔”的沟通困 境
Content 目录
Case Summary 案例简介
Problem Analysis 问题分析 Conclusion 结论
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进一步加剧问题的是,在多伦的公司许多人为英语苦恼。一些人不明白他 们需要做什么,谁去做,什么时候是完成期限。沟通受到限制,因为人们 习惯于说他们的本地方言。 Analysis: 公司内部没有定期组织对员工各方面技能的考核(语言能力) Solution:增强文化差异意识,建立相互尊重合作原则。公司应该规定统 一语言,并对不擅长者进行免费语言培训,增强员工沟通能力。
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2. Problem Analysis 问题分析
Problem: Sometimes receivers simply do not understand precisely what they need to do, or who is to do, what needs to be done, or deadlines for completion. nformal interaction is restricted in part, because people who are comfortable speaking their native tongue tend to use their primary language with other with similar backgrounds.
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2. Problem Analysis 问题分析
Problem: The most prevalent formal tool used for interdepartmental communication within the company is memos ---either electronic or print. There are few face-to-face interactions of any sort. When customers contact the organization they typically fax their communication. Many customers are foreign nationals with little or no background in the primary language used in Doron’s company, which is English.
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2. Problem Analysis 问题分析
Problem: there is no formal path to superiors. Most often when subordinates communicate with superiors they tend to write short notes or use emails. Frequently, these types of communications generate no response from the superior.
与上司交流没有正确的路径。大多数时间下级跟上级交流倾向于写短文或 者用邮件。常见地,这种交流的方式通常得不到上司的回应。 Analysis: 上司因为事务繁忙且不重视与下属的交流,使信息不能及时流
Solution: 公司应该定期组织上下级交流,保证信息的流通,同时上司应 该经常浏览邮箱,及时回复下级的邮件。
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Thank you
参考文献: 跨文化商务沟通(第二版) International Business Communication [王春阳 鲍平平 周江 大连理工大学出版社]
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2. Problem Analysis 问题分析
Problem: here is an extremely high level of stress in the workplace, with a variety of causes including short development schedules, logistical problems caused by working with offshore customers, and an ever-increasing burden of paperwork required to satisfy regulatory requirements. It is not unusual for tasks to be assumed by multiple individuals unknown to one another, causing a sort of duplication of efforts. The fact of the matter is that the messages that inform Doron and his colleagues of what they have to do are haphazardly distributed.
主人公多伦供职于一家电子医疗成像设备公司,他们公司拥有大量高智商 的科技人才,然而这些“人才”在公司内部沟通问题上却没有一丝概念。并 且让多伦担忧的是,他和公司里的其他们都无法评估和弥补由于沟通问题 给公司带来的巨大损失。语言多样性给跨文化交际带来了障碍,如果语言 不通,那么信息就无法准确传递,降低工作效率,造成无谓的损失。
1. Case Summary 案例简介
Peter Doron is an engineer who works with electronic medical imaging products. Doron’s company has a high ratio of technical employees who have the various skills to carry out the development of sophisticated electronic products. However, according to Doron, these persons do not have any intelligent notion regarding how to communicate within an organization. Doron believes that his company is overwhelmed with communication-related issues that neither he nor anyone else in the company knows how to assess or remedy.Linguistic diversity brings obstacles to cross-cultural communication,Due to communication problems,Messages will not be able to accurately, reduce work efficiency, cause needless loss.
语言是言语交流的一种方式,是沟通的基本工具,成功的文 化沟通源于对某一种语言的理解,语言跟文化的关系密不可分, 语言是文化的载体,语言也受到文化的影响。 在进行跨语言交流的工作中,尊重其他民族的语言是第一步, 对跨文化交际所面对的文化,仅仅从态度上尊重是不够的,因 为这是必须接触和运用的文化,需要进一步主动理解,宽容, 并尝试适应它。
公司内部由于存在产品开发周期短,离岸客户与公司之间的沟通负担不断 加大以及相关法律法规对公司约束等一些列问题导致工作环境有极大的压 力。与此同时,由于内部沟通问题,公司的许多信息传播也受到了极大的 影响,工作被重复执行,分配混乱。 Analysis:由于语言冲突与不适应而产生员工的深度焦虑,信息不通畅, 工作混乱。 Solution:公司定期组织娱乐活动使员工减压,让他们缓解工作压力的同 时增进交流,任务分配由专人负责发布并保持及时反馈。
他们公司用于内部沟通最常用的工具是电子稿或打印稿的公司备忘录,只 有很少的几次面对面的交流。即使是和客户交流时,他们也通常使用的是 传真来与客户沟通,然而他们的许多客户都是外国人,没有任何的英语能 力。 Analysis:企业员工缺乏面对面与人交流的能力,只能寄托于网络与通信。
Solution:加强沟通与交流。部门之间定期进行会议商讨,多开小型会议 交流想法。在客户方面,公司可以招聘熟练运用各种语言的人才充当翻译, 与客户进行电话或面对面交流,使信息传递更为准确。
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2. Problem Analysis 问题分析
Problem: Doron reports that one of the supervisors in a related department has extremely poor communication skills. This person listens only when he wants to ---for example, he will ask questions, then turn and quickly walk away without waiting for a reply.
多伦说他的一个相关部门的上司完全不会沟通技巧。他只听他想听的,举 个例子,他会问问题,然后快速得转开话题不等别人回答。
Analysis: 管理人员没有学习过沟通的技巧,不懂得尊重别人。 Solution: 加强管理人员的跨文化培训,规范问答形式。
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3.Conclusion 结论