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Philosophy of Paul Ricœur
Guilhem CAUSSE 巴黎大学博士
Professor of Philosophy at Centre Sèvres, Paris
What is man? Who is he? Who is the one who committed these acts, uttered these words? These are the questions posed by Paul Ricoeur, questions which his work attempts to answer. His philosophy is thus organized around the development of an anthropology of man: able to act and speak, write and read, remember and promise, build a just and peaceful world, in spite of the evil and fragility that characterise his existence. Starting with a phenomenology of the will, this development immediately confronts the question of evil, leading him to construct an anthropology of the fallible man. Then, he moves towards an anthropology of man guilty and forgiven. To do this, he must make a detour through the hermeneutics of symbols. To continue this journey, he aims for an anthropology of acting man, conjuring up a second question, that of time. However, the inability to deal speculatively with this question imposes a second detour through the hermeneutics of texts. Having accomplished this, he can develop his anthropology of an able man, founded in his narrative identity. Such an anthropology puts the role of the imagination in the spotlight. He will then have to add two more dimensions: the memory in its relation to history, integrated through dialogue between hermeneutics and phenomenology, and the will, in its twofold relation to forgiveness and the political, economic and cultural world. We follow him in his quest by reading key texts from his major works.
Qu’est-ce que l’homme? Qui est-il ? Qui est celui qui a commis ces actes, proféréces paroles? Telles sont les questions que pose Paul Ricœur et auxquelles toute son œuvre tente de répondre. Sa philosophie s’ordonne ainsi autour de l’élaboration d’une anthropologie d’un homme capable d’agir et de parler, d’écrire et de lire, de se souvenir et de promettre, de construire un monde juste et paisible, tout ceci malgré sa fragilité et celle du monde, malgré aussi le mal. Commencée en une phénoménologie de la volonté, cette élaboration affronte d’emblée la question du mal : après une anthropologique de l’homme faillible, il avance vers une anthropologie de l’homme coupable pardonné. Pour cela, il doit faire un premier détour par une herméneutique des symboles. Poursuivant sa route, il vise une anthropologie de l’homme agissant, faisant surgir une seconde question, celle du temps, avec l’impossibilité d’en traiter spéculativement. Un autre détour s’impose donc, par une herméneutique des textes. Il peut alors élaborer son anthropologie de l’homme capable dont le fondement est l’identité narrative. Dans celle-ci, l’imagination est à l’honneur, mais il faudr a y ajouter deux autres dimensions : celle de la mémoire dans son rapport à l’histoire, intégrée grâce àla phénoménologie dialoguant avec l’herméneutique,et celle de la volonté, dans son double rapport au pardon et au monde politique, économique et culturel. Nous le suivrons dans sa quête en lisant des textes clés extraits de ses ouvrages majeurs.
1- Introduction: Biography and Bibliography
Critique and conviction, Columbia University Press, New édition, 1998
2- Phenomenology: Transcendental Subjectivity, Evil and Forgiveness
Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary, « General introduction »Northwestern University Press, 2006
3- Phenomenology: Human Freedom and Idea of Divine Freedom
Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary, « Conclusion », Northwestern University Press, 2006
4- Anthropology: Finitude and Guilt
Fallible Man, « introduction », « conclusion » New York, Fordham University Press, 1987 5- Phenomenology of Confession: Religion and Philosophy
The Symbolism of Evil, « Introduction » New York, Harper and Row, 1986
6- Hermeneutics: Evil and Servile Will
The Symbolism of Evil, Part I, « conclusion » New York, Harper and Row, 1986
7- Hermeneutics: Symbol and Concept
The Symbolism of Evil, Part II, « conclusion », New York, Harper and Row, 1986
8- Recapitulation: History, Evil and Forgiveness
History and Truth, « The Image of God and the Epic of Man », Northwestern University press, 2006
9- Hermeneutics: Narrative and Temporality
Time and Narrative I, « Preface » and « The aporias of the Experience of Time : Book 11 of Augustine’s Confessions », Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990
10- Hermeneutics: Temporality and Eternity
Time and Narrative II, « Time traversed : Remembrance of Things Past (Proust) » : Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990
11- Hermeneutics: Narrative Identity (I)
Time and Narrative III, « Conclusions » : Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990
12- Hermeneutics: Narrative Identity (II)
Oneself as Another, « Fifth Study : Personal Identity and Narrative Identity », University of Chicago Press, 1995
13- Hermeneutics: Narrative Identity (III)
Oneself as Another, « Sixth Study : The Self and Narrative Identity », University of Chicago Press, 1995
14- Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Identity and Forgiveness
Memory, History, Forgetting, « Epilogue : Difficult Forgiveness », Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004
15- Philosophy as a Course : Struggles and States of Peace
The Course of Recognition, Harvard University Press, 2007
16- Recapitulation and Conclusions
Bibliography (all the books are from Paul Ricoeur)
•Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary, Northwestern University Press, 2006
•Fallible Man, New York, Fordham University Press, 1987
•The Symbolism of Evil, New York, Harper and Row, 1986
•History and Truth, Northwestern University Press, 2006
•Time and Narrative (Temps et Récit), 3 vols., Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990
•Oneself as Another, University of Chicago Press, 1995
•Memory, History, Forgetting, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004
•The Course of Recognition, Harvard University Press, 2007
•From Text to Action, Northwestern University Press, 1991
•Critique and conviction, Columbia University Press, New édition, 1998。
