
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

在使⽤DSL⽅式(DataFrame/DataSet)编写时Spark SQL时,会通过 String)或SparkSession.write.format(source: String)来指定要读写的数据源,常见的有jdbc、parquet、json、kafka、kudu等,但实际上,这个format(source)的实现是通过DataSourceRegister类(trait)的shortName⽅法定义的。


⽬前引⼊了Clickhouse作为AD-HOC的数据库管理系统,同时,要对现有的Spark ETL程序进⾏扩展以⽀持对Clickhouse进⾏相应的读写操作,为此,提供了⼀个基于Clickhouse实现⾃定义数据源。

引⼊版本Spark-1.3 Spark-2.3
Stream Source 不⽀持⽀持
Stream Sink不⽀持⽀持
package com.mengyao.spark.datasourcev2.ext.example1
import java.sql.{Connection, Date, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, SQLException, Statement}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util
import java.util.Optional
import cn.itcast.logistics.etl.Configure
import ng3.{StringUtils, SystemUtils}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericInternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, EqualTo, Filter}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.{DataSourceReader, InputPartition, InputPartitionReader, SupportsPushDownFilters, SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.writer.streaming.StreamWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.writer.{DataSourceWriter, DataWriter, DataWriterFactory, WriterCommitMessage}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.{DataSourceOptions, DataSourceV2, ReadSupport, StreamWriteSupport, WriteSupport}
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, _}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.javatuples.Triplet
import{ClickHouseResultSet, ClickHouseResultSetMetaData}
import{ClickHouseConnection, ClickHouseDataSource, ClickHouseStatement}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* @ClassName CKTest
* @Description 测试ClickHouse的DataSourceV2实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
object CKTest {
private val APP_NAME: String = CKTest.getClass.getSimpleName
private val master: String = "local[2]"
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", Configure.LOCAL_HADOOP_HOME)
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
val df =
.option("driver", Configure.clickhouseDriver)
.option("url", Configure.clickhouseUrl)
.option("user", Configure.clickhouseUser)
.option("password", Configure.clickhousePassword)
.option("table", "tbl_address")
.option("use_server_time_zone", "false")
.option("use_time_zone", "Asia/Shanghai")
.option("max_memory_usage", "2000000000")
.option("max_bytes_before_external_group_by", "1000000000")
.load().coalesce(1), false)
import spark.implicits._
.option("driver", Configure.clickhouseDriver)
.option("url", Configure.clickhouseUrl)
.option("user", Configure.clickhouseUser)
.option("password", Configure.clickhousePassword)
.option("table", "tbl_address")
.option("use_server_time_zone", "false")
.option("use_time_zone", "Asia/Shanghai")
.option("max_memory_usage", "2000000000")
.option("max_bytes_before_external_group_by", "1000000000")
* @ClassName ClickHouseDataSourceV2
* @Description 扩展SparkSQL DataSourceV2的ClickHouse数据源实现
/** 声明ClickHouse数据源的简称,使⽤⽅式为"clickhouse")... */
override def shortName(): String = "clickhouse"
/** 批处理⽅式下的数据读取 */
override def createReader(options: DataSourceOptions): DataSourceReader = new CKReader(new CKOptions(options.asMap()))
/** 批处理⽅式下的数据写⼊ */
override def createWriter(writeUUID: String, schema: StructType, mode: SaveMode, options: DataSourceOptions): Optional[DataSourceWriter] = Optional.of(new CKWriter(writeUUID, schema, mode, null, new CKOptions(options.asMap()))) /** 流处理⽅式下的数据写⼊ */
override def createStreamWriter(queryId: String, schema: StructType, mode: OutputMode, options: DataSourceOptions): StreamWriter = new CKWriter(queryId, schema, null, mode, new CKOptions(options.asMap()))
* @ClassName CKReader
* @Description 基于批处理⽅式的ClickHouse数据读取(此处只使⽤1个分区实现)
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKReader(options: CKOptions) extends DataSourceReader {
//with SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns with SupportsPushDownFilters {
private val customSchema: ng.String = options.getCustomSchema
private val helper = new CKHelper(options)
import collection.JavaConversions._
private val schema = if(StringUtils.isEmpty(customSchema)) {
} else {
helper.getSparkTableSchema(new util.LinkedList[String](asJavaCollection(customSchema.split(","))))
override def readSchema(): StructType = schema
override def planInputPartitions(): util.List[InputPartition[InternalRow]] = util.Arrays.asList(new CKInputPartition(schema, options))
* @ClassName CKInputPartition
* @Description 基于批处理⽅式的ClickHouse分区实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKInputPartition(schema: StructType, options: CKOptions) extends InputPartition[InternalRow] {
override def createPartitionReader(): InputPartitionReader[InternalRow] = new CKInputPartitionReader(schema, options)
* @ClassName CKInputPartitionReader
* @Description 基于批处理⽅式的ClickHouse分区读取数据实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKInputPartitionReader(schema: StructType, options: CKOptions) extends InputPartitionReader[InternalRow] with Logging with Serializable{
val helper = new CKHelper(options)
var connection: ClickHouseConnection = null
var st: ClickHouseStatement = null
var rs: ResultSet = null
override def next(): Boolean = {
if (null == connection || connection.isClosed && null == st || st.isClosed && null == rs || rs.isClosed){
connection = helper.getConnection
st = connection.createStatement()
rs = st.executeQuery(helper.getSelectStatement(schema))
if(null != rs && !rs.isClosed) else false
override def get(): InternalRow = {
val fields = schema.fields
val length = fields.length
val record = new Array[Any](length)
for (i <- 0 until length) {
val field = fields(i)
val name =
val dataType = field.dataType
try {
dataType match {
case DataTypes.BooleanType => record(i) = rs.getBoolean(name)
case DataTypes.DateType => record(i) = DateTimeUtils.fromJavaDate(rs.getDate(name))
case DataTypes.DoubleType => record(i) = rs.getDouble(name)
case DataTypes.FloatType => record(i) = rs.getFloat(name)
case DataTypes.IntegerType => record(i) = rs.getInt(name)
case DataTypes.LongType => record(i) = rs.getLong(name)
case DataTypes.ShortType => record(i) = rs.getShort(name)
case DataTypes.StringType => record(i) = UTF8String.fromString(rs.getString(name))
case DataTypes.TimestampType => record(i) = DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(rs.getTimestamp(name))
case DataTypes.BinaryType => record(i) = rs.getBytes(name)
case DataTypes.NullType => record(i) = StringUtils.EMPTY
} catch {
case e: SQLException => logError(e.getStackTrace.mkString("", scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator, scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator))
new GenericInternalRow(record)
override def close(): Unit = {helper.closeAll(connection, st, null, rs)}
* @ClassName CKWriter
* @Description ⽀持Batch和Stream的数据写实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKWriter(writeUuidOrQueryId: String, schema: StructType, batchMode: SaveMode, streamMode: OutputMode, options: CKOptions) extends StreamWriter {
private val isStreamMode:Boolean = if (null!=streamMode&&null==batchMode) true else false
override def useCommitCoordinator(): Boolean = true
override def onDataWriterCommit(message: WriterCommitMessage): Unit = {}
override def createWriterFactory(): DataWriterFactory[InternalRow] = new CKDataWriterFactory(writeUuidOrQueryId, schema, batchMode, streamMode, options)
/** Batch writer commit */
override def commit(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {}
/** Batch writer abort */
override def abort(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {}
/** Streaming writer commit */
override def commit(epochId: Long, messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {}
/** Streaming writer abort */
override def abort(epochId: Long, messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {}
* @ClassName CKDataWriterFactory
* @Description 写数据⼯⼚,⽤来实例化CKDataWriter
class CKDataWriterFactory(writeUUID: String, schema: StructType, batchMode: SaveMode, streamMode: OutputMode, options: CKOptions) extends DataWriterFactory[InternalRow] {
override def createDataWriter(partitionId: Int, taskId: Long, epochId: Long): DataWriter[InternalRow] = new CKDataWriter(writeUUID, schema, batchMode, streamMode, options)
* @ClassName CKDataWriter
* @Description ClickHouse的数据写实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKDataWriter(writeUUID: String, schema: StructType, batchMode: SaveMode, streamMode: OutputMode, options: CKOptions) extends DataWriter[InternalRow] with Logging with Serializable { val helper = new CKHelper(options)
val opType = options.getOpTypeField
private val sqls = ArrayBuffer[String]()
private val autoCreateTable: Boolean = options.autoCreateTable
private val init = if (autoCreateTable) {
val createSQL = helper.createTable(options.getFullTable, schema)
println(/**logInfo**/s"==== 初始化表SQL:$createSQL")
val fields = schema.fields
override def commit(): WriterCommitMessage = {
val batchSQL = sqls.mkString("\n")
// logDebug(batchSQL)
new WriterCommitMessage{override def toString: String = s"批量插⼊SQL: $batchSQL"}
override def write(record: InternalRow): Unit = {
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(opType)) {
throw new RuntimeException("未传⼊opTypeField字段名称,⽆法确定数据持久化类型!")
var sqlStr: String = helper.getStatement(options.getFullTable, schema, record)
logDebug(s"==== 拼接完成的INSERT SQL语句为:$sqlStr")
try {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sqlStr)) {
val msg = "==== 拼接INSERT SQL语句失败,因为该语句为NULL或EMPTY!"
throw new RuntimeException(msg)
// 在流处理模式下操作
if (null == batchMode) {
if (streamMode == OutputMode.Append) {
sqls += sqlStr
// val state = helper.executeUpdate(sqlStr)
// println(s"==== 在OutputMode.Append模式下执⾏:$sqlStr\n状态:$state")
else if(streamMode == plete) {logError("==== 未实现plete模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
else if(streamMode == OutputMode.Update) {logError("==== 未实现OutputMode.Update模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
else {logError(s"==== 未知模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
// 在批处理模式下操作
} else {
if (batchMode == SaveMode.Append) {
sqls += sqlStr
//val state = helper.executeUpdate(sqlStr)
//println(s"==== 在SaveMode.Append模式下执⾏:$sqlStr\n状态:$state")
else if(batchMode == SaveMode.Overwrite) {logError("==== 未实现SaveMode.Overwrite模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
else if(batchMode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists) {logError("==== 未实现SaveMode.ErrorIfExists模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
else if(batchMode == SaveMode.Ignore) {logError("==== 未实现SaveMode.Ignore模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
else {logError(s"==== 未知模式下的写⼊操作,请在CKDataWriter.write⽅法中添加相关实现!")}
} catch {
case e: Exception => logError(e.getMessage)
override def abort(): Unit = {}
* @ClassName CKOptions
* @Description 从SparkSQL中DataSourceOptions中提取适⽤于ClickHouse的参数(spark.[read/write].options参数)
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKOptions(var originalMap: util.Map[String, String]) extends Logging with Serializable {
val DRIVER_KEY: String = "driver"
val URL_KEY: String = "url"
val USER_KEY: String = "user"
val PASSWORD_KEY: String = "password"
val DATABASE_KEY: String = "database"
val TABLE_KEY: String = "table"
val AUTO_CREATE_TABLE = "autoCreateTable".toLowerCase
val PATH_KEY = "path"
val INTERVAL = "interval"
val CUSTOM_SCHEMA_KEY: String = "customSchema".toLowerCase
val WHERE_KEY: String = "where"
val OP_TYPE_FIELD = "opTypeField".toLowerCase
val PRIMARY_KEY = "primaryKey".toLowerCase
def getValue[T](key: String, `type`: T): T = (if (originalMap.containsKey(key)) originalMap.get(key) else null).asInstanceOf[T]
def getDriver: String = getValue(DRIVER_KEY, new String)
def getURL: String = getValue(URL_KEY, new String)
def getUser: String = getValue(USER_KEY, new String)
def getPassword: String = getValue(PASSWORD_KEY, new String)
def getDatabase: String = getValue(DATABASE_KEY, new String)
def getTable: String = getValue(TABLE_KEY, new String)
def autoCreateTable: Boolean = {
originalMap.getOrDefault(AUTO_CREATE_TABLE, "false").toLowerCase match {
case "true" => true
case "false" => false
case _ => false
def getInterval(): Long = {originalMap.getOrDefault(INTERVAL, "200").toLong}
def getPath: String = if(StringUtils.isEmpty(getValue(PATH_KEY, new String))) getTable else getValue(PATH_KEY, new String)
def getWhere: String = getValue(WHERE_KEY, new String)
def getCustomSchema: String = getValue(CUSTOM_SCHEMA_KEY, new String)
def getOpTypeField: String = getValue(OP_TYPE_FIELD, new String)
def getPrimaryKey: String = getValue(PRIMARY_KEY, new String)
def getFullTable: String = {
val database = getDatabase
val table = getTable
* @ClassName CKHelper
* @Description ClickHouse的JDBCHelper实现
* @Created by MengYao
* @Date 2020/5/17 16:34
* @Version V1.0
class CKHelper(options: CKOptions) extends Logging with Serializable {
private val opType: String = options.getOpTypeField
private val id: String = options.getPrimaryKey
private var connection: ClickHouseConnection = getConnection
def getConnection: ClickHouseConnection = {
val url = options.getURL
val ds = new ClickHouseDataSource(url, new ClickHouseProperties())
ds.getConnection(options.getUser, options.getPassword)
def createTable(table: String, schema: StructType): String = {
val cols = ArrayBuffer[String]()
for (field <- schema.fields) {
val dataType = field.dataType
val ckColName =
if (ckColName!=opType) {
var ckColType = getClickhouseSqlType(dataType)
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ckColType)) {
if (ckColType.toLowerCase=="string") {ckColType="Nullable("+ckColType+")"}
cols += ckColName+" "+ ckColType
s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table(${cols.mkString(",")},sign Int8,version UInt64) ENGINE=VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, version) ORDER BY $id"
def getSparkTableSchema(customFields: util.LinkedList[String] = null): StructType = {
import collection.JavaConversions._
val list: util.LinkedList[Triplet[String, String, String]] = getCKTableSchema(customFields)
var fields = ArrayBuffer[StructField]()
for(trp <- list) {
fields += StructField(trp.getValue0, getSparkSqlType(trp.getValue1))
private def getFieldValue(fieldName: String, schema: StructType, data:InternalRow): Any = {
var flag = true
var fieldValue:String = null
val fields = schema.fields
for(i <- 0 until fields.length if flag) {
val field = fields(i)
if(fieldName==) {
fieldValue = field.dataType match {
case DataTypes.BooleanType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getBoolean(i)}"
case DataTypes.DoubleType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getDouble(i)}"
case DataTypes.FloatType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getFloat(i)}"
case DataTypes.IntegerType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getInt(i)}"
case DataTypes.LongType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getLong(i)}"
case DataTypes.ShortType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getShort(i)}"
case DataTypes.StringType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getUTF8String(i).toString.trim}"
case DataTypes.DateType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"'${new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date(data.get(i, DateType).asInstanceOf[Date].getTime / 1000))}'"
case DataTypes.TimestampType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(data.getLong(i) / 1000))}"
case DataTypes.BinaryType => if (data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getBinary(i)}"
case DataTypes.NullType => "NULL"
flag = false
def getStatement(table: String, schema: StructType, record: InternalRow): String = {
val opTypeValue: String = getFieldValue(opType, schema, record).toString
if (opTypeValue.toLowerCase()=="insert") {getInsertStatement(table, schema, record)}
else if (opTypeValue.toLowerCase()=="delete") {getUpdateStatement(table, schema, record)}
else if (opTypeValue.toLowerCase()=="update") {getDeleteStatement(table, schema, record)}
else {""}
def getSelectStatement(schema: StructType):String = {
s"SELECT ${schema.fieldNames.mkString(",")} FROM ${options.getFullTable}"
def getInsertStatement(table:String, schema: StructType, data:InternalRow):String = {
val fields = schema.fields
val names = ArrayBuffer[String]()
val values = ArrayBuffer[String]()
// 表⽰DataFrame中的字段与数据库中的字段相同,拼接SQL语句时使⽤全量字段拼接
if (data.numFields==fields.length) {
} else {// 表⽰DataFrame中的字段与数据库中的字段不同,拼接SQL时需要仅拼接DataFrame中有的字段到SQL中
for(i <- 0 until fields.length) {
val field = fields(i)
val fieldType = field.dataType
val fieldName =
if (fieldName!=opType) {
val fieldValue = fieldType match {
case DataTypes.BooleanType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getBoolean(i)}"
case DataTypes.DoubleType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getDouble(i)}"
case DataTypes.FloatType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getFloat(i)}"
case DataTypes.IntegerType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getInt(i)}"
case DataTypes.LongType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getLong(i)}"
case DataTypes.ShortType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getShort(i)}"
case DataTypes.StringType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"'${data.getUTF8String(i).toString.trim}'"
case DataTypes.DateType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"'${new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date(data.get(i, DateType).asInstanceOf[Date].getTime/1000))}'"
case DataTypes.TimestampType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"'${new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(data.getLong(i)/1000))}'"
case DataTypes.BinaryType => if(data.isNullAt(i)) "NULL" else s"${data.getBinary(i)}"
case DataTypes.NullType => "NULL"
names += fieldName
values += fieldValue
if (names.length > 0 && values.length > 0) {
names += ("sign","version")
values += ("1", System.currentTimeMillis().toString)
s"INSERT INTO $table(${names.mkString(",")}) VALUES(${values.mkString(",")})"
def getDeleteStatement(table:String, schema: StructType, data:InternalRow):String = {
val fields = schema.fields
} else {
logError("==== 找不到主键,⽆法⽣成删除SQL!")
def getUpdateStatement(table:String, schema: StructType, data:InternalRow):String = {
val fields = schema.fields
val primaryKeyFields = if(options.getPrimaryKey.isEmpty) {fields.filter(field => =="id")} else {fields.filter(field => ==options.getPrimaryKey)} if (primaryKeyFields.length>0) {
val primaryKeyField = primaryKeyFields(0)
val primaryKeyValue = getFieldValue(, schema, data)
val noPrimaryKeyFields = fields.filter(field=>!=)
var sets = ArrayBuffer[String]()
for(i <- 0 until noPrimaryKeyFields.length) {
val noPrimaryKeyField = noPrimaryKeyFields(i)
val set = +"="+getFieldValue(, schema, data).toString
sets += set
s"ALTER TABLE $table UPDATE ${sets.mkString(" AND ")} WHERE ${}=$primaryKeyValue"
} else {
logError("==== 找不到主键,⽆法⽣成修改SQL!")
def getCKTableSchema(customFields: util.LinkedList[String] = null): util.LinkedList[Triplet[String, String, String]] = {
val fields = new util.LinkedList[Triplet[String, String, String]]
var connection: ClickHouseConnection = null
var st: ClickHouseStatement = null
var rs: ClickHouseResultSet = null
var metaData: ClickHouseResultSetMetaData = null
try {
connection = getConnection
st = connection.createStatement
val sql = s"SELECT * FROM ${options.getFullTable} WHERE 1=0"
rs = st.executeQuery(sql).asInstanceOf[ClickHouseResultSet]
metaData = rs.getMetaData.asInstanceOf[ClickHouseResultSetMetaData]
val columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount
for (i <- 1 to columnCount) {
val columnName = metaData.getColumnName(i)
val sqlTypeName = metaData.getColumnTypeName(i)
val javaTypeName = ClickHouseDataType.fromTypeString(sqlTypeName).getJavaClass.getSimpleName
if (null != customFields && customFields.size > 0) {
if(fields.contains(columnName)) fields.add(new Triplet(columnName, sqlTypeName, javaTypeName))
} else {
fields.add(new Triplet(columnName, sqlTypeName, javaTypeName))
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
closeAll(connection, st, null, rs)
def executeUpdateBatch(sqls: ArrayBuffer[String]): Unit = {
// 拼接Batch SQL:VALUES()()...
val batchSQL = new StringBuilder()
for(i <- 0 until sqls.length) {
val line = sqls(i)
var offset: Int = 0
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(line) && line.contains("VALUES")) {
val offset = line.indexOf("VALUES")
if(i==0) {
val prefix = line.substring(0, offset+6)
val suffix = line.substring(offset+6)
var st: ClickHouseStatement = null;
try {
if(null==connection||connection.isClosed) {connection = getConnection}
st = connection createStatement()
} catch {
case e: Exception => logError(s"执⾏异常:$sqls\n${e.getMessage}")
} finally {
//closeAll(connection, st)
def executeUpdate(sql: String): Int = {
var state = 0;
var st: ClickHouseStatement = null;
try {
if(null==connection||connection.isClosed) {connection = getConnection}
st = connection createStatement()
state = st.executeUpdate(sql)
} catch {
case e: Exception => logError(s"执⾏异常:$sql\n${e.getMessage}")
} finally {
//closeAll(connection, st)
def close(connection: Connection): Unit = closeAll(connection)
def close(st: Statement): Unit = closeAll(null, st, null, null)
def close(ps: PreparedStatement): Unit = closeAll(null, null, ps, null)
def close(rs: ResultSet): Unit = closeAll(null, null, null, rs)
def closeAll(connection: Connection=null, st: Statement=null, ps: PreparedStatement=null, rs: ResultSet=null): Unit = {
try {
if (rs != null && !rs.isClosed) rs.close()
if (ps != null && !ps.isClosed) ps.close()
if (st != null && !st.isClosed) st.close()
if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed) connection.close()
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()
* IntervalYear (Types.INTEGER, Integer.class, true, 19, 0),
* IntervalQuarter (Types.INTEGER, Integer.class, true, 19, 0),
* IntervalSecond (Types.INTEGER, Integer.class, true, 19, 0),
* UInt64 (Types.BIGINT, BigInteger.class, false, 19, 0),
* UInt32 (Types.INTEGER, Long.class, false, 10, 0),
* UInt16 (Types.SMALLINT, Integer.class, false, 5, 0),
* UInt8 (Types.TINYINT, Integer.class, false, 3, 0),
* Int64 (Types.BIGINT, Long.class, true, 20, 0, "BIGINT"),
* Int32 (Types.INTEGER, Integer.class, true, 11, 0, "INTEGER", "INT"),
* Int16 (Types.SMALLINT, Integer.class, true, 6, 0, "SMALLINT"),
* Int8 (Types.TINYINT, Integer.class, true, 4, 0, "TINYINT"),
* Date (Types.DATE, Date.class, false, 10, 0),
* DateTime (Types.TIMESTAMP, Timestamp.class, false, 19, 0, "TIMESTAMP"),
* Enum8 (Types.VARCHAR, String.class, false, 0, 0),
* Enum16 (Types.VARCHAR, String.class, false, 0, 0),
* Float32 (Types.FLOAT, Float.class, true, 8, 8, "FLOAT"),
* Float64 (Types.DOUBLE, Double.class, true, 17, 17, "DOUBLE"),
* Decimal32 (Types.DECIMAL, BigDecimal.class, true, 9, 9),
* Decimal64 (Types.DECIMAL, BigDecimal.class, true, 18, 18),
* Decimal128 (Types.DECIMAL, BigDecimal.class, true, 38, 38),
* Decimal (Types.DECIMAL, BigDecimal.class, true, 0, 0, "DEC"),
* UUID (Types.OTHER, UUID.class, false, 36, 0),
* String (Types.VARCHAR, String.class, false, 0, 0, "LONGBLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", "TINYBLOB", "MEDIUMTEXT", "CHAR", "VARCHAR", "TEXT", "TINYTEXT", "LONGTEXT", "BLOB"),
* FixedString (Types.CHAR, String.class, false, -1, 0, "BINARY"),
* Nothing (Types.NULL, Object.class, false, 0, 0),
* Nested (Types.STRUCT, String.class, false, 0, 0),
* Tuple (Types.OTHER, String.class, false, 0, 0),
* Array (Types.ARRAY, Array.class, false, 0, 0),
* AggregateFunction (Types.OTHER, String.class, false, 0, 0),
* Unknown (Types.OTHER, String.class, false, 0, 0);
* @param clickhouseDataType
* @return
private def getSparkSqlType(clickhouseDataType: String) = clickhouseDataType match {
case "IntervalYear" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalQuarter" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalMonth" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalWeek" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalDay" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalHour" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalMinute" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "IntervalSecond" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "UInt64" => DataTypes.LongType //DataTypes.IntegerType;
case "UInt32" => DataTypes.LongType
case "UInt16" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "UInt8" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "Int64" => DataTypes.LongType
case "Int32" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "Int16" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "Int8" => DataTypes.IntegerType
case "Date" => DataTypes.DateType
case "DateTime" => DataTypes.TimestampType
case "Enum8" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Enum16" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Float32" => DataTypes.FloatType
case "Float64" => DataTypes.DoubleType
case "Decimal32" => DataTypes.createDecimalType
case "Decimal64" => DataTypes.createDecimalType
case "Decimal128" => DataTypes.createDecimalType
case "Decimal" => DataTypes.createDecimalType
case "UUID" => DataTypes.StringType
case "String" => DataTypes.StringType
case "FixedString" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Nothing" => DataTypes.NullType
case "Nested" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Tuple" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Array" => DataTypes.StringType
case "AggregateFunction" => DataTypes.StringType
case "Unknown" => DataTypes.StringType
case _ => DataTypes.NullType
private def getClickhouseSqlType(sparkDataType: DataType) = sparkDataType match {
case DataTypes.ByteType => "Int8"
case DataTypes.ShortType => "Int16"
case DataTypes.IntegerType => "Int32"
case DataTypes.FloatType => "Float32"
case DataTypes.DoubleType => "Float64"
case DataTypes.LongType => "Int64"
case DataTypes.DateType => "DateTime"
case DataTypes.TimestampType => "DateTime"
case DataTypes.StringType => "String"
case DataTypes.NullType => "String"
SPI(Service Provider Interface)是JDK内置的服务发现机制,主要由⼯具类java.util.ServiceLoader(位于rt.jar中)提供相应的⽀持。

