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第一章机械工程材料The mechanical engineering material
晶体crystal 非晶体noncrystal 晶胞structure cell
晶格常数lattice constant 晶格lattice(空间点阵space lattice)
金属键metallic bond 体心立方晶格body centered cubic lattice
面心立方晶格face centered cubic lattice 密排六方晶格close-packed hexagonal lattice
置换固溶体 substitutional solid solutio间隙固溶体 interstitial solid solution
有限固溶体 limited solid solution 无限固溶体 Infinite solid solution
固溶强化 Solid solution strengthening 中间相 Mesophase
金属间化合物 Intermetallic compound
合金系 Alloy system 相图 Phase diagram 自由度 Degrees of freedom
相律 Phase rule 匀晶相图 Isomorphous phase diagram
平衡结晶 Equilibrium crystallization 二元相图 Binary phase diagram
杠杆定律 Leverage 's law 枝晶偏析 Dendritic segregation
共晶合金 Eutectic alloy 呀共晶合金Hypoeutectic alloy
伪共晶 Pseudo – eutectic 比重偏析 Gravity segregation
质量分数 Mass fraction 包晶相图 Peritectic phase diagram
二元系合金相图 Binary Alloy Phase Diagram 相图分析 Phase Diagram Analysis
共晶转变 Eutectic transformation 共析转变 Eutectoid transformation
偏晶转变 Monotectic 熔晶转变 Melting crystalline transition
包晶转变 Peritectic 包析转变 Peritectoid transition
合晶转变 Symplectite transition
铁碳合金 Iron-carbon alloy 纯铁Pure iron 渗碳体 Cementite
抗拉强度 Tensile strength 屈服强度 Yield strength 伸长率 Elongation 断面收缩率 Section shrinkage 冲击韧度 Impact toughness 硬度 Hardness 塑性 Plastic 韧性 Toughness 强度 Strength
间隙化合物 Gap compounds 同素异构转变 Allotropic transformation
机械混合物 Mechanical mixture 工业纯铁 Industrial pure iron
碳钢 Carbon steel 共析钢 Eutectoid steel 过共析钢 Hypereutectoid steel 亚共析钢 Hypoeutectoid steel 白口铸铁 White cast iron
共晶白口铸铁 Eutectic white cast iron 亚共晶白口Hypoeutectic white cast iron 过共晶白口铸铁 Hypereutectic white cast iron 一次渗碳体 Once cementite
二次渗碳体 Secondary cementite 三次渗碳体 Three cementite
魏氏体 Widmanstatten 低碳钢 Low carbon steel 中碳钢 Medium carbon steel
中高碳钢 High Carbon Steel 高碳钢 High-carbon steel 铸造 casting
锻造 forging 冲击载荷 Impact load 铸钢 Cast steel 牌号 brand
成分 composition 缩孔 Shrinkage cavity 缩松 shrinkage 弹性The elastic
耐磨性 Resistance to wear 锰 manganese 硅 silicon 硫 sulfur
磷phosphoru 热脆hot shortness 冷脆cold shortness 氢脆hydrogen brittleness
沸腾钢rimming steel 镇静钢killed steel 半镇静钢Semi-killed steel
碳素结构钢structural carbon steel 碳素工具钢plain carbon tool steel
优质碳素结构钢improved carbon structural steel
弹性变形Elastic deformation塑性变形 Plastic deformation
断裂 Fracture 应力 Stress 应变 Strain
弹性模量 Elastic modulus 弹性极限 Elastic limit
滑移 Slippage 滑移带 Slip bands 滑移线 Slip line
滑移系 Slip systems 位错机制 Dislocation mechanism
纤维组织 Fibrous tissue 加工硬化 Work hardening
织构 Texture 制耳 Earing 回复 recovery
再结晶 Recrystallization 晶粒长大grain growth
热加工Thermal processing 冷加工Cold working
冷塑性cold plasticity热轧hot rolling
流线stream line
钢的热处理 Heat treatment of the steel 热处理 Heat treatment 保温holding 加热heating 冷却cooling
热处理强化Heat treatment to strengthen 回火Tempering
退火Annealing 正火Normalizing 淬火Quench
表面热处理Surface heat treatment
表面淬火Surface hardening 化学热处Chemical heat treatment
感应加热Induction heating 火焰加热Flame heating
渗碳carburizing 渗氮Nitriding 碳氮共渗Carbonitriding
过冷奥氏体undercooled austenite 索氏体Sorbite
托氏体Troostite 贝氏体Bainite 马氏体Martensite
上贝氏体Upper bainite 下贝氏体Lower bainite
片状马氏体Plate martensite 板条马氏体Lath martensite
均匀化退火Homogenizing 完全退火full annealing
球化退火spheroidizing annealin去应力退火stress relief annealing
等温退火isothermal annealing 网状组织network structure
淬透性hardenability淬硬性hardening capacity
回火脆性temper brittleness 等温淬火isothermal quenching
低温回火脆性low temperature temper embrittlement
高温回火脆性High temperature temper brittleness
第一/二类回火脆性type Ⅰ/II temper brittleness
铬chromium 镍nickel 钼molybdenum 钨tungsten
钒vanadium 钛titanium 铌niobium 钴cobalt
稀土元素rare earth element (REE) 合金铁素体Alloy ferrite
回火稳定性temper resistance 二次硬化secondary hardening
低合金高强度钢high-strength low alloy steel
易切削钢free machining stee l 渗碳钢carburizing steel
渗氮钢nitriding steel 调质钢quenched and tempered steel
弹簧钢 Spring steels 滚动轴承钢rolling bearing steel
合金工具钢alloy tool steel 刃具钢cutlery steel
碳素工具钢carbon tool steel 合金刃具钢Alloy tool steel
高速钢high speed steel 模具钢die steel
冷作模具钢cold work die steel 热作模具钢hot work die steel
量具钢Measuring steel 特殊性能钢special property steel
不锈钢stainless steel 铁素体型不锈钢ferritic stainless steel
马氏体不锈钢 martensitic stainless steel
奥氏体不锈钢 austenitic stainless steel
固溶处理 solution treatment 稳定化处理 stabilizing treatment
奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢ferrite-austenite duplex stainless steel
双相钢dual-phase steel 耐热钢 heat-resistant steel
珠光体(马氏体/贝氏体/奥氏体)耐热钢 Pearlitic heat resistant steel 耐磨钢abrasion-resistant steel 硬质合金emented carbide
铸铁 cast iron 石墨化 graphitization 石墨 graphite
灰铸铁grey cast iron 可锻铸铁malleable cast iron
球墨铸铁nodular cast iron 等温淬火isothermal quenching
耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron
耐热铸铁Heat resistant cast iron
工业纯铝commercial purity aluminum 防锈铝 Antirust aluminum
铸造铝合 cast aluminium alloy 硬铝合金hard aluminum alloys
变形铝合金deforming aluminium alloy 锻铝 forging aluminium alloy 超硬铝合金super hard aluminum alloys
固溶强化solution strengthening 时效强化ageing strengthening
黄铜brass 青铜bronze
高分子材料polymer materials 单体monomer
链节segment 聚合度degree of polymerization
官能度functionality 主链backbone 支链branch
聚合物polymer 陶瓷ceramics 晶相crystal phase
玻璃相 glass phase 气相gas phase 硅酸盐silicate
复合材料 composite materials 玻璃纤维 glass fiber
碳纤维 carbon fiber 晶须 whisker。