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【摘要】随着旅游开发的不断深入,我国许多少数民族地区以其独特的民俗风情和秀美的自然风光在旅游方面获得了长足的发展.在旅游产业大发展的繁荣背景之下,少数民族社区居民在旅游发展过程中却普遍处于被排斥的无权状态,成为各种冲突与矛盾的根源,构成了少数民族地区旅游发展的障碍.文章以增权理论为基础展开论述,选取云南泸沽湖地区作为案例地,研究得出少数民族旅游社区居民处于去权状况和无权地位的深层原因在于旅游活动中文化互动所产生的涵化现象、利益相关者博弈与政府失灵.最后,以经济增权、心理增权、政治增权和社会增权为架构,探讨我国少数民族旅游社区进行增权的必要性与具体途径,并尝试提出在少数民族旅游社区发展过程中实现增权的建议.%With the deeper development of tourism, most ethnic minority regions have seen considerable deve-lopment in the tourism for their unique folk customs and beautiful natural scenery. Against the background of the prosperity of the tourism industry, ethnic minority community residents are generally powerless in decision-making, excluded from the tourism management, which becomes the source of various conflicts, preventing the further development of the region. Based on the Empowerment Theory, this article studies Lugu Lake area as a case. The study finds that the local residents'powerlessness can be attributed to
three aspects: assimilation in the cultural interaction, game-playing of the parties concerned and local government's failure. Finally, this article discusses the necessity of empowering ethnic minority communities in China and the specific ways of empowerment in economical, psychological, political and social aspects. It is intended to propose some suggestions for the realization of the empowerment in the development of ethnic minority communities.
【作者单位】中南财经政法大学,湖北武汉 430073;中南财经政法大学,湖北武汉430073
1.少数民族地区人口外流对社区发展的影响——以云南大理达村为例 [J], 张和荣;郭占锋;
2.少数民族地区人口外流对社区发展的影响——以云南大理达村为例 [J], 张和荣;郭占锋
3.“增权理论”视阈下的少数民族妇女发展研究——以云南少数民族妇女发展为例[J], 李凤琴
4.增权理论视角下的乡村旅游社区发展——以江西婺源李坑村为例 [J], 郭华
5.增权理论视角下的少数民族旅游社区发展——以云南泸沽湖地区为例 [J], 邓爱民;廖潇竹;
