



中文3456字2000单词论文题目:团队建设的艺术外文翻译原文The Art of Team BuildingThe success of a company depends on the people that work there. The staff must work and collaborate as a team with a focus on the company's mission statements. Any conflict within the staff can lead to potential quarrels and disunity, hampering the success of the company. Today's modern software firm consists of several work and project teams that must cooperate and share resources if a quality job is to be produced within budget.Team building is an organizational development intervention strategy that investigates the personalities and behavior characteristics of the team membership. Team building consists of a series of exercises that collect data and feedback. This serves as input into proposed improvements for the company's process - both at an individual and team level. It is a powerful tool, but is not always practical.The document investigates the cycle of team building and provides a quantity of tools that would be useful in the teambuilding process. These tools collect data that can provide the source of conflicts.Teams in Today's WorkplaceA team is defined as a collection of people who rely on group collaboration such that each of its members experiences an optimum of success level reaching of of both personal and team based goals (Dyer, 1977).Suppose one was to take a look at a typical business operation - a restaurant, golf course, home builder, oil patch, or software firm. We will note that this business operation (assuming it is not a home based business) consists of of staff members who work together to provide a service. Each member of the staff strives towards meeting personal and company goals. In teamwork, everybody makes their own contributions and performs their tasks. The staff members also interact and communicate with each other.Therefore, the concept of team goes beyond professional sports. They exist everywhere in society. At work, there may be several different work groups(requirements, quality assurance, testing). Each one is a team. Project teams consist of people from different groups brought together for a specific activity. A worker may be a member of more than one team at work.Even the family is considered a team (Dyer, 1977). Team dynamics run through the family in the same way as at work.However, success in any team environment is a challenge. Because individuals have different behavior and thinking styles, this leads to conflict. Poor handling of conflict leads to disunity, quarrels, jealousy, and reduced morale. The process of team building investigates the personal characteristics of team members. The result is the recommendation of changes in the company's process and team interaction such that the teams can perform together.If we look at the software industry's reputation of being late and over budget, team building would serve as a good tool in software process improvement. It is also a good tool when new teams are being formed for new projects. Successful performing teams are paramount to producing a quality software project within budget. In today's typical software company, each phase of the software development process is performed by one or more people with the appropriate expertise. Each of these "teams" meld together to form one team responsible for that project.The Stages of the Performance Team.Any team - including the family - may encounter one or more of the following stages.• Forming: The forming stage is a "get acquainted" stage. It is an exciting time as people get to know each other.• Storm ing: This stage is a very emotional stage. The different personality types, thinking styles, and roles may conflict. This leads to some very heated arguments as well as reduced morale and disunity. Some teams even fall apart.• Norming: The membership appr eciates each other's differences. They start to get settled down.• Performing: The members are dedicated to getting the job done, without disruption caused by poor team dynamics. Conflicts are handled constructively. The team can enter any of these stages at any time. A "performing team" can easily returnto the storming stage over what may not be a major conflict. A proper team building program will not guarantee a performing team, but can help a team learn of each member's strengths and weaknesses and account for them in collaboration. Team Building Objectives.In determining objectives for a specific team building process, it should be sensitive to the specific team based process improvement goals that the team as a whole haveidentified. The most common objectives of team building are as follows (Phillips and Elledge, 1989).• Allowing the work unit to engage in a continuous process of self improvement. • Providing a forum for the team to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.• Determining problems in a team's behavior and suggesting corrective actions to be taken.• Developing specific team processes such as conflict management.• Improving interpersonal communication skills.• Determining roles and responsibilities of the membership.• Evaluation of problem solving strategies.The Cycle of Team Building.Team building can be precisely defined as "a long range program for uniting people into shared efforts for improving the effectiveness of a working group." (Dyer, 1977). It can revitalize the company's social interaction system, but is only useful if it can be proved that the work unit is no longer functioning productively (Tontini, 1979).An external consultant be acquired for this process, particularly if a manager feels that he or she may be part ofthe problem. The consultant may be either external or an staff member external to the affected work unit. A consultant is also neutral, eliminating bias and any attitudes between management and staff. The manager may do the process himself, but he must know exactly what actions to take and how to do it.Dyer defines a cycle of six stages that constitute the team building process. These will be described in further detail.Problem IdentificationTeam building should not be done just for the sake of it. The team building process should be undertaken if evidence points to ineffective teamwork as the source of the problem (Phillips and Elledge, 1989). Before the decision to implement team building is made, the management must identify symptoms within the organization. Dyer identifies the following as symptoms of ineffective teamwork - which could point to the need for the team building process.• There is a loss of productivity or output.• There is an increase in staff grievances, hostility or conflict.• The staff ex periences confusion as to their assignments.• The decisions are either misunderstood or improperly executed.• Staff meetings are ineffective - having low participation rates.• There is a lack of interest or involvement among the staff membership.• A ne w group is formed that must quickly develop into a working team.• High dependency is placed on management.• There is an increase in customer complaints.• There is a decrease in quality and/or an increase in costs.Data Gathering.The Team Building process consists of gathering relevant data about a team and applying it to assist the team in improving its process. In collecting the data, it is important to understand that the goal of team building is to identify the underlying causes of problems (Phillips and Elledge, 1989). There are several methods that are useful for data collection.The one on one interview is one of the simplest methods to elicit data from a team member. The consultant can receive a large quantity of detailed information in the one on one interview. The interviewee can open his heart and provide his view of the situation. Nonverbal behavior can be taken intoaccount. The consultant gets to know the interviewee well through rapport.The major drawback of the interview is its cost. They must be planned and take time to perform. The data analysis is more difficult to perform. When the data ispresented for feedback, members may not confess that they were responsible for that component of the data.The interview consists of open ended questions that cover the whats and whys of the problem. They should also cover how one can be more effective at work. Interviews should be arranged through senior management or the team captain.In open data sharing the consultant conducts a forum with the entire group. This type of forum can involve the same questions as those he would use on a one on one interview. With the problems presented in front of the entire team as opposed to each individual separately, it forces the group as a whole to commit to the changes they need to make. There is less resistance to the data identified. The open forum is an economical alternative to the interview, however there is a lack of personal attention and useful rapport that only interviewing can bring.The questionnaire is a common tool for data gathering before formal team building exercises begin. Questionnaires usually consist of a series of statements which the candidate ranks on an ordinal scale. Some multiple choice questions may also be included, but open ended questions are seldom used.The questionnaire is efficient and produces numerical data. The same questionnaire can be filled before and after the team building process, allowing a statistical analysis of how effective the team building was. However, questionnaires do not allow the consultant the chance to conduct further investigation of the participants for more detailed information. Bias due to shyness or improper completion can occur.If it is available, the consultant may investigate hard data on the group's performance. The data may cover metrics like productivity, absenteeism, and quality. Hard data is the most effective evidence of the need to improve. It is real, concrete and is the responsibility of the entire team.DiagnosisOnce the consultant has completed the data collection process, he must perform an accurate data analysis. This analysis will identify trends, allowing the team to identifyproblems that can be targeted in the team building process. Two types ofanalysis (Phillips and Elledge, 1989) are used: • The thematic content analysis investigates the results of interviews and open ended questions on a questionnaire. The consultant will look for themes and patterns within the data and performs an appropriate grouping. Data may be sorted by question. This analysis is quite useful when the work environment is known by the consultant.•Data summation is used to investigate the results of a standardized questionnaire. This is a quick process, where responses are recorded and formatted for an easy analysis. This analysis should be simple, accurate, and complete. When the questionnaire involves the ordinal ranking of statements, metrics like mean, standard deviation, and range are helpful.The diagnosis process includes a feedback meeting with the group, where the results of the analysis are presented to the group. It is a good idea to verify that the data corresponds to the team activity. It is important for the team to understand the meaning of the data before suggesting an improvement strategy. The team should also retain a copy of the analysis for their own viewing. If the team agrees to a workshop, its logistics should be completed at this meeting.Planning.The issues identified in the data analysis become problems that must be solved. The planning phase allows the consultant to develop a strategy for a team building session.It is recommended that the group be presented with several possible agendas for the team building session (Phillips and Elledge, 1989). Each agenda should be specifically tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of that team - based on the data that was collected. It should also account for the group's resources and time allocation. An agenda for a team building session may take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days.A team building session consists of an introduction, a series of activities, the development of action plans based on the activities, and follow up planning. The following summarizes a list of tools and activities that could be seen in a team building session:• M yers Briggs Type Indicator.• Team Roles Indicator.• Johari Window.• Leadership Process Inventory.• Thinking Styles Inventory.• Conflict Management.• Specific problem solving activities.• Development of action plans.Source: Dale.Couprie“The Art of Team Building”to unity in the team. P2-5Team Building leading译文:团队建设的艺术一个公司的成功取决于在那里工作的员工。



On site construction technology1 IntroductionThe development of network technology for today's global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives.Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology.2, the definition of websiteHow definition of websites 2.1Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following:(1) users visit Web site is faster.(2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the user's requirements;(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the designmust be attractive in order to have a good visual effect.2.2 The contents of the website and functionThe content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same.2.3 The structure website(1) site structure;(2) definition of navigation;(3) Visual Design;(4) framework and design pages.3, Site Design and ImplementationWith increasing demands on design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to the designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of view, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into millions of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web design an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is very important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you want to further understand website design, made separately from other web site's homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology.CSS 3.1 Application Design website(1) What is CSS? CSS is a style sheet (stylesheet) technology. Some of them called CSS (Cascading Stylesheet).(2) the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call.(3) CSS the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects.3.2 Application Design website javascriptjavascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relationship, but to achieve a real-time, dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer response to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is satisfy this demand arising from the language. It's loved by extensive user. Many scripting language it is in a relatively good. WWW and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint.4. Construction on the site ExperienceWith the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on some of their own experience.After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, appearance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to further the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be considered in two parts: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website, technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and other programming to help achieve, the more complex Web site may also have its own database. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the whole process of the most important and most time-consuming part.When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modifications, testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network.Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects of the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different visitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at this time should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will be more perfected.After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the visitor's message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies constantly update website, visit web pages more quickly, more aesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer.Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short, building a successful web site is not an easy task, it needsall-round consideration, the Composite various factors.5, concluding remarksWith the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial point of view, the Internet can bring immense vitality. Internet to become a talented designer Shi new world. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the application of new technologies in the web site.论网站建设技术1、引言网络技术的发展,为今天全球性的信息交流与资在建立源共享和交往提供了更多的途径和可能。



本科生毕业设计 (论文)
Worlds Collide:
Exploring the Use of Social Media Technologies for
Online Learning
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相关外文文献翻译翻译原文来自:《Mobile payment: Understanding the determinants of customer adoption and intention to recommend the technology》Computers in Human Behavior 61 (2016) 404-414译文:引言技术的进步使一些功能广泛的用于移动设备,移动设备开始支持多种移动金融服务,如缴费,转账,个人对个人转账,在销售点的近距离支付,远程支付购买商品和服务的新功能,以及其他类型的服务,例如基于位置,移动营销,票务,折扣,或优惠券。




移动设备的广泛使用,由于对用户的永久接近性,移动支付不需要物理钱包那样需要适合的支付场景(Mallat, 2007),使移动支付智能手机体现真正的商业价值(O'Reilly, Duane, & Andreev,2012)。

移动支付让消费者消除了需要使用现金的方式(Pham & Ho, 2015),提供便利和速度(Teo, Tan, Ooi, Hew, & Yew, 2015),在单个或个别交易环境下大批量支付下,保障性能和设备之间的安全的信息传输,如餐厅或大型零售商(Leong, Hew, Tan, & Ooi, 2013)。


移动支付是一个快速成长的市场(Merritt, 2011)随着越来越多的商业实体意识到它的潜力(Duane,O'Reilly,& Andreev, 2011)。



Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship
danah m. boyd, Nicole B. Ellison
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 13, Issue 1, pages 210–230, October 2007
While we use the term “social network site” to describe this phenomenon, the term “social networking sites” also appears in public discourse, and the two terms are often used interchangeably. We chose not to employ the term “networking” for two reasons: emphasis and scope. “Networking” emphasizes relationship initiation, often between strangers. While networking is possible on these sites, it is not the primary practice on many of them, nor is it what differentiates them from other forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
What makes social network sites unique is not that they allow individuals to meet strangers, but rather that they enable users to articulate and make visible their social networks. This can result in connections between individuals that would not otherwise be made, but that is often not the goal, and these meetings are frequently between “latent ties” (Haythornthwaite, 2005) who share some offline connection. On many of the large SNSs, participants are not necessarily “networking” or looking to meet new people; instead, they are primarily communicating with people who are already a part of their extended social network. To emphasize this articulated social network as a critical organizing feature of these sites, we label them “social network sites.”































目前网站开发的主流平台包括LAMP(Linux操作系统,Apache网络服务器,MYSQL数据库,PHP编程语言),J2EE 和.NET商业软件。

因为PHP和MYSQL是免费的,开源等等,他们是为专业的IT 人士开发的。










这个项目小,不需要使用支付开发平台如 and JSP。




尽管起初只能在Linux和Apache Web服务器环境中开发,现在已经可以移植到任何的操作系统,并兼容标准的Web服务器软件。





















企业信息化建设外文翻译文献企业信息化建设外文翻译文献企业信息化建设外文翻译文献【】:with the rapid development of information technology, thedomestic,small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction has entered a new stage ofdeve1opment, small and medium-sized enterprise informatization has become the small and medium enterprises out of its own advantage, improve competitive, advantage to enhance competition ability and development ability is an important choice. This paper analyzes the important role of informatization in small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the main problems in information system construction, and puts forwardthe countermeasures to solve the problem.A l ong w ith the information technique change rapid l y deve l opme n t, eco n omic g lo ba l iz a ti o n a nd th e knowle dg e e co n o m y r ap id de vel opmen t, mar ket c o m pe titi o n b e co m ing i nc r easi n gly fi e rc e, man y s m all a nd m e d i um en t e rp ri se s q u i cke n th e informatiza t io n co n s tr uc t ion, ente rp rise i nformat i zation leve l direc tl y affects the com p e t itiveness o f ente rp rises. Enter p rise info r mat i zation i s t o show the en t erpr i se i s in p r o d uct i on, ci r c u lation and service and o th er busi n ess ac ti vities, th e use o f mo d ern information techno1ogy, t hrough adva n ced com p uter n etwork t echno l ogy to i n teg r ate the ex i sting p ro du ctio n, management, design, man uf ac tu ri n g a nd other secto r s, ente rp r i ses r eal i ze the automa t io n o f the p roduct i on p rocess, management o f the network, intell i ge n ce of d ecision-making a nd bu siness ope r at i o n o f the elec tr onic, so as t o improve th e econo m ic ef f ic i ency of e n ter p rises and th e co m pet i t i veness ofente rp r i ses i n the p r ocess.1.1 contribute to the technical progress of the enterpriseInformation tech n o l ogy promotes the sma ll and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation. Be helpful for technical innovation in enterprises of interstitial diffusio n.1.2 contributes to improve the adaptability of enterprisesWith the h elp of info r mation t ech n ology and network, the en t erpr i se can time l y access to ma rk e t i n forma t ion, t o ex p and th e sco p e of the ma rk e t, be he lp ful for fac t o r o f p r oduct i on opt i mize con fi gu r at i on, ma k e th e ente rp rise adap t t o vary fr om m i n u te to min u te market e n vironme nt, enhance th e e n ter pri se ag ilit y.1.3 to help improve the management efficiency of enterprisesIn f orma t ion management autom a tion, i nte ll igent ca n redu c e the cos t of po li cy, imp r ove th e ef fi ciency o f d e ci sio n ma ki ng.2.1 misunderstandingsAlthough many medium and small enterprises have different levels to carry out the informatization construction,but most are not on what is enterprise informatization, how to carry out informatization to have a thorough understanding.Many managers think that informatization construction is the enterprise business process" original copy", use the computer instead of manual operation, the traditiona1 habits and standard on the system and using the process of evaluation, and accordingly put forward to modify an opinion.2.2 insufficient capital investmentEnterprise informatization is a n eed fo r lo n g-te r m deve l opme nt of investme nt p r ojec t, n o t on l y in the i ni t i a l stage w i1l cos t a lo t o f money t o buy ha rd ware and m a t chi n g software reso ur ce, in the la tt er par t of t he t ra i n i ng of person n el t ec hni cal f o ll ow-up sys t em up g r a d e a n d mai nt e n ance aspec t is t o i n ves t e n or m ous ca pi tal.2.3 composite talent shortageSmall and medium-sized enterprises have already know IT technology and understand the business processes and complex business management backbone little talent which to a large extent restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction quality and speed.2.4 Management supporting backwardEnterprise information to promote information technology plays its role in management must with the advanced management means and methods to combine, melting into the modern management idea and method.2.5 Problems in the external environment1) Government support is not enough, the lack of scientific guidance. Governmentsupport for small and medium sized enterprise informatization construction is not enough, insufficient guidance, mainly reflected in the following two aspects: first, large enterprises is present at all levels of Government Informatization Transformation of special funds focus on the funding, and the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises lack of attention; the, government departments themselves in the process of information did not take the lead, such as lack of the information-based degree of the industrial and commercial bureau, tax bureau, making every month the company but also to the Inland Revenue Department ranked team for a long time to make statements and so on, which in a certain extent, affected the enthusiasm of the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises.2) The relevant laws and regulations are not perfect. At present our country in theinformation construction of enterprises is still not unified planning and standards, the corresponding laws and regulations are not perfect, the informatization construction of the regional industry basically in a state of fragmentation. For the network economic crimes, China is also lack of effective technical means and legal sanctions basis, so the first use of information technology companies to pay the price is relatively large. So many small and medium enterprises in the face of dazzling computer hardware and software market and numerous information systems development failures phenomenon, many confused, indecisive.3) Services Limited, the environment is poor. Compared with foreign countries, thedevelopment of China's software industry is lagging behind. On the market a lot of enterprise information solutions are provided by foreign large software companies, such as SAP, the United States, the United States, and so on.However, these programs are very expensive, small and medium enterprises can not afford to buy. Although there are a lot of Domestic Company for small and medium enterprises to provide the so-called tailored management software products, the price is not expensive, but the software can not meet the actual needs of small and medium enterprises, service has not kept up with. In addition, the small and medium enterprises in the construction of information technology has expertise in consulting company, the construction of information technology is not enough, leading to the project quality can not be guaranteed. Electronic payment, information security, social credit system and other aspects of the existing problems that the enterprise believes that now is not the best time to carry out information.3.1 Enterprise1) Correct understanding of informationThe rapid development in information technology today economic globalization pace accelerate, make enterprise information construction becomes the trend of the times to be a trend which cannot be halted. Information process, which is to integratethe various resources within the enterprise through the computer network technology, optimize the management process, and then improve the process of economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprise information is not equal to the simple computer, it is a complex process. Only business process reengineering, so that information technology into the enterprise's financial, sales, planning, production, procurement and other business processes, or else simply do not talk about what the enterprise information.2) Accelerate composite information talentsEnterprises should establish corresponding mechanism cultivate and maintain a technology to improve the team all staff and managers in the management of information technology knowledge and theory level. Talents are the most valuable resources for enterprises. In order to promote the development of information technology, small and medium enterprises must do a good job in both hands. On the one hand, enterprises must formulate human resource strategy, adopt various methods and means to recruit and introduce talents for enterprises, especially the advanced technology. On the other hand, enterprises should carry out more training activities within the enterprise, through technical exchanges and cooperation and other ways to cultivate a large number of professional knowledge, with practical ability of information technology personnel, improve the comprehensive ability of the enterprise to improve the normal operation of enterprise information.3) Take the key breakthrough of phased implementationEnterprise information is a step is not possible nor practical, should take steps to implement, key breakthrough system construction mode, can be divided into several different stages to implement it step by step. As small and medium-sized enterprises, by their own limitations, can input information construction funds will not too much.4) Plays by society and government supportOur country small and medium-sized enterprise information is still in its infancy, is inseparable from the government’s guidance and social S s m u o a r n t d.medium enterprise informationization is a revolution ,is a complex and arduous systemproject ,involving all aspects of the business small and medium-sized enterprise informatization level is directly related to the level of the whole national informatization level. Small and medium-sized enterprises want to survive and develop, infromatization construction to be imperative informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain the competitive advantage will become the inevitable choice.5) To make the overall planning of enterprise informationEnterprise information planning, also known as enterprise IT planning, it is the guidance of enterprise development strategy, diagnosis and analysis of enterprise management status, optimize the business process, and put forward the enterprise information system architecture, determine the logic relationship between each part of the information system. In the preparation of enterprise information construction, the research on the status quo and future development of enterprises should be made, including a series of complete planning including enterprise information network, technical route, the choice of software, implementation and consulting team, information realization steps and so on.3.2 government and social aspects1) To strengthen the policy support to the informatization construction of small andmedium sized enterprises.To give full play to the role of the national enterprise information work leading group and local business information work leading group, all levels of government information technology to reform the special funds also have a certain tilt, adhere to the policy of the government to promote, market guidance, business entities, industry breakthrough, regional expansion, and strengthen enterprise information engineering support, and provide more effective macro guidance, organization and policy support.2) To create a good legal environment. Governments at all levels should developinformation management regulations as soon as possible,Strengthen the management of information resources. In order to solve theproblem of security and electronic contract authentication of online transactions and settlement, online contract law should be introduced as soon as possible to enhance the security of online transactions. To strengthen the laws and regulations on the fight against Internet crimes and to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. At the same time, we should further improve the information security monitoring system, establish an effective mechanism for information security and emergency handling mechanism, in the focus on the protection of basic network and important system security based on comprehensive information security protection.3) To strengthen the information guidance, play the role of the third party resourcesand platform.Small and medium enterprise information is still in the enlightenment, need to actively cooperate with the full range of positive guidance. Government to play the role of policy guidance to play the role of enterprise information, the media should play an active role in promoting and promoting the role of. At the same time, we should give full play to the role of the third party resources and platform. If the enterprise from the construction of network platform, run the server group, support a team to start, really need a high input. But in fact, they can outsource these operations, the business can only focus on the core business process. The use of third party platform to establish supply management system, often can achieve the goal of low cost, high efficiency, dynamic, very worthy of small and medium enterprises for reference.In recent years, the Chinese government has strengthened the guidance and promotion of the small and medium-sized enterprise information, and has achieved some results. But from the level of development of information technology and Chinese enterprises to participate in the global competition point of view, is still a long way to go. The government should continue to increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate the construction of information infrastructure and public information resources, accelerate the construction of small and medium enterprise information service team, and actively carry out e-government, so as to mobilize and encourage theimplementation of information technology in small and medium enterprises.企业信息化建设外文翻译文献:随着信息技术的飞速发展,国内、中小企业信息化建设进入了新的发展阶段,中小企业信息化已成为中小企业自身优势,提高竞争优势,增强竞争力和发展能力是一个重要的选择。





Internet 时代, 造就了人们新的工作和生活方式,其互联性、开放性和共享信息的模式,打破了传统信息传播方式的重重壁垒,为人们带来了新的机遇。






2、网站的定义2.1 如何定义网站确定网站的任务和目标,是建设网站所面临的最重要的问题。

为什么人们会来到你的网站? 你有独特的服务吗? 人们第一次到你的网站是为了什么? 他们还会再来吗? 这些问题都是定义网站时必须考虑的问题。







2.2 网站的内容和功能在网站的内容方面,就是要做到新、快、全三面。





正如建筑师和工程师Bruce Graham,Fazlur Khan of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.(SOM)的芝加哥办公室设计,结构为(225 x为一整体225英尺)一个“绑定圆管状造型”的九个方面的75英尺广场系统,嵌装在一个深色玻璃幕墙。五十层以上,有的就离开广场的塔上升到创建更小的地板加强板和独特的剪影。
Location:Hong Kong
Construction started:18 April 1985
Opening:17 May 1990
HeightAntenna spire:367.4 m (1,205.4 ft)
【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出 版 社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文)
建筑师:Bruce Graham, design partner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
甲方:Sears Roebuck and Company
工程师:Fazlur Khan of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.项目年份:2008



文献综述,外文翻译,论文网站目录一、网站概述 (2)1.1 网站背景 (3)1.2 网站目的与意义 (3)二、网站结构与功能 (5)2.1 网站结构 (6)2.1.1 首页设计 (7)2.1.2 栏目设置 (8)2.1.3 搜索功能 (9)2.2 网站功能特点 (10)2.2.1 文献浏览功能 (11)2.2.2 文献翻译功能 (12)2.2.3 文献下载与分享功能 (13)三、外文文献综述内容分析 (15)3.1 综述目的和范围 (16)3.2 外文文献来源及筛选标准 (17)3.2.1 文献来源 (18)3.2.2 筛选标准与方法 (19)3.3 外文文献的主要内容及观点 (21)3.3.1 某一领域的研究现状 (22)3.3.2 不同观点的碰撞与融合 (23)四、外文文献翻译质量分析 (24)4.1 翻译团队介绍及翻译标准 (26)4.1.1 专业翻译团队组成 (26)4.1.2 翻译质量标准与流程 (27)4.2 翻译错误类型及纠正方法 (28)4.2.1 常见翻译错误类型 (29)4.2.2 翻译错误的纠正方法 (31)五、网站的用户群体与使用效果分析 (32)一、网站概述在当今全球化的学术研究领域,信息的交流与传播至关重要。
















在英语中,历史上土木工程、机械工程、电气工程、化工工程都属于Civil Engineering,因为它们都具有民用性。

后来,随着工程科学技术的发展,机械、电气、化工都已逐渐形成独立的科学,Civil Engineering就成为土木工程的专门名词。

至今,在英语中,Civil Engineering还包括水利工程、港口工程;而在我国,水利工程和港口工程也成为与土木工程十分密切的相对独立分支。












石家庄经济学院本科生毕业设计外文文献题目石家庄经济学院本部校园网网络规划设计姓名姬云飞学号************学院信息工程学院专业通信工程指导教师张晨燕Campus Network planning and ConstructionAt present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues. The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc..The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexes us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students' life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to be awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software...etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for the balance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.The time today's knowledge-based economy and information technology have the development and popularization of Internet in the world have decided the time the network will become the main tool for information. With the development of computer network technology, network has become an important platform for the exchange of information.Internet-based e-learning with time-sensitive, shared, interactive and many of the characteristics of the individual, so it has a traditional teaching model of unmatched advantages. It created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model at the time and space limitations, the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, greatly improve the teaching efficiency and teaching effectiveness, teaching and learning activities to enable a new level. Do a good jobin the design of the campus network, are among the schools, both internal and external communication between the key and convenient.21st century the size of the campus network and application level are reflected in schools and science teaching and learning environment an important component of the force, so we should make use of existing campus conditions, design a secure, unified campus network. Large Campus Network DesignBusinesses operating large campus networks are increasingly looking for infrastructure upgrades to:(1) Handle high bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast Improve backbone capacity for shared Ethernet or FDDI campus backbones(2) Support applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA(3) Offer high availability, performance, & manageability for your company's intranetUse Layer 2, Layer 3, or ATM backbone solutions to expand your large campus network. In typical designs, the buildings or different parts of the campus connect together across a high performance, switched backbone. Network redundancy and high availability is provided at each layer. A high capacity, centralized server farm provides resources to the campus, and when combined with Cisco IOS, network management strategies support QoS, security, troubleshooting, and other common management features from end to end.Medium Campus Network DesignA medium campus consists of one large building or several buildings. Networking for a medium campus is designed for high availability, performance, and manageability. This is also called a 'collapsed backbone' design for medium campus networks. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA Based on the Cisco AVVID architecture, these intelligent network platforms and products provide the basis for a complete network solution.Small campus networks DesignIn most cases, network redundancy is not the top priority, but cost effectiveness is. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。



介绍网站的英语作文英文回答:Delve into the virtual realm, where worlds collide and boundaries blur. Websites, gateways to countless possibilities, beckon you to explore the depths of information, entertainment, and connection. These digital canvases paint vibrant tapestries of human endeavor, inviting you to immerse yourself in the tapestry of shared knowledge and experiences.In this digital landscape, websites have evolved from mere repositories of text and images into dynamic hubs of interactivity and engagement. They resonate with the pulse of our collective curiosity, catering to a myriad of interests and passions. Whether you seek to quench your thirst for knowledge, stay connected with loved ones, or simply unwind with a dash of entertainment, websites offer a sanctuary for every digital voyager.At their core, websites are conduits for human expression. They provide a platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, for artists to display their creations, for educators to share their wisdom, and for individuals to share their stories and perspectives. Through the magic of hyperlinks, websites intertwine into a vast interconnected web, forming a labyrinth of knowledge and shared experiences.The impact of websites extends far beyond the confines of the virtual realm. They have revolutionized the way we do business, consume information, and communicate with each other. E-commerce platforms have transformed the retail landscape, making it possible to purchase goods from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks. Educational websites have democratized access to knowledge, empowering learners of all ages and backgrounds. And social media platforms have bridged geographical distances, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family no matter where they may reside.中文回答:进入虚拟领域,那里世界碰撞,界限模糊。

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Internet 时代, 造就了人们新的工作和生活方式,其互联性、开放性和共享信息的模式,打破了传统信息传播方式的重重壁垒,为人们带来了新的机遇。






2、网站的定义2.1 如何定义网站确定网站的任务和目标,是建设网站所面临的最重要的问题。

为什么人们会来到你的网站? 你有独特的服务吗? 人们第一次到你的网站是为了什么? 他们还会再来吗? 这些问题都是定义网站时必须考虑的问题。







2.2 网站的内容和功能在网站的内容方面,就是要做到新、快、全三面。




2.3 网站的结构(1)网站的结构;(2)定义导航;(3)可视化设计;(4)设计框架和页面。



科技的飞跃发展, 让Internet 走进了千家万户,也产生出新的设计领域空间,而网页设计成为新的设计领域的重要内容。



如果想进一步认识网页设计,做出有别于一般网站的网页,就需要掌握更多的象CSS 、javascript 、CGI 等网页设计技术。

在网站的建设中就应用了CSS 、javascript 等网页设计技术。

3.1 应用CSS 设计网页(1) 什么是CSS ? CSS 是一种样式表(stylesheet)技术。

也有的人称之为层叠样式表( Cascading Stylesheet)。

(2) CSS与HTML的结合方式。



(3) CSS在网站中的应用事例。

在网站中的页面,增加了以下的定义, 使页面有特殊的显示效果。

3.2 应用javascript 设计网页javascript的出现使得信息和用户之间不仅只是一种显示和浏览的关系,而是实现了一种实时的、动态的、可交式的表达能力。






























On site construction technology1 IntroductionThe development of network technology for today's global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives.Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology.2, the definition of websiteHow definition of websites 2.1Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what thedesign should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following:(1) users visit Web site is faster.(2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the user's requirements;(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect.2.2 The contents of the website and functionThe content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same.2.3 The structure website(1) site structure;(2) definition of navigation;(3) Visual Design;(4) framework and design pages.3, Site Design and ImplementationWith increasing demands on design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to the designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of view, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into millions of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web design an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is very important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you want to further understand website design, made separately from other web site's homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology.CSS 3.1 Application Design website(1) What is CSS? CSS is a style sheet (stylesheet) technology. Some of them called CSS (Cascading Stylesheet).(2) the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call.(3) CSS the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects.3.2 Application Design website javascriptjavascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relationship, but to achieve a real-time, dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer response to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is satisfy this demand arising from the language. It's loved by extensive user. Many scripting language it is in a relatively good. WWW and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint.4. Construction on the site ExperienceWith the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on some of their own experience.After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, appearance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to further the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be considered in two parts: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process ofachieving website, technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and other programming to help achieve, the more complex Web site may also have its own database. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the whole process of the most important and most time-consuming part.When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modifications, testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network.Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects of the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different visitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at this time should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will be more perfected.After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the visitor's message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies constantly update website, visit web pages more quickly, more aesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer.Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short, building a successful web site is not an easy task, it needsall-round consideration, the Composite various factors.5, concluding remarksWith the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial point of view, the Internet can bring immense vitality. Internet to become a talented designer Shi new world. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the application of new technologies in the web site.。
