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例1:___, work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.

(A) They occur where they are (B) Occuring where (C) Where they occur (D) Where do they occur

例2: ___Indiana, is in a rich farming and dairy area, it is primarily a diversified industrial center (A) Fort Wayne (B) Although Fort Wayne

(C) For wayne is in (D) Fort Wayne, in


例1:William Walker's mural, “Wall of Respect,”___an outdoor wall in Chicago, deals with social issues. (A) covers (B) covers it (C) which covers (D) which it covers

例2:In copper engravings and etchings, ___caused by the edges of the plate is clearly visible on the paper. (A) the impression is (B) if the impression is (C) impressions (D) the impression

三.平行结构技巧:如果填空题中空格的后面有and, 或者and后面有空格,那么这道题目一定是考察平行结构。

例1:The technique of recording, classifying, and___is known as accounting.

(A) an enterprise's transactions summary

(B) the summarizing of an enterprise's transactions

(C) transactions of an enterprise are summarized

(D) summarizing the transactions of an enterprise

例2:Louis T. Wright, a surgeon, developed ingenious orthopedic braces, ___, and supervised the first use of Aureomycin on human patients.

(A) treating skull fractures that he pioneered in (B) pioneered in treating skull fractures

(C) which pioneered in treating skull fractures (D) he was a pioneer in the treatment of skull fractures

四、填空题中关于宾语从句考的最多的两个结构: state(陈述,表明)+that indicate(指明,表明)+that

例1:The quantum theory states ___, such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or photons.

(A) energy that (B) that it is energy (C) it is energy (D) that energy

例2:Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate___yield when unusual weight is placed on them. (A) although its crust and mantle

(B) its crust and mantle to

(C) that its crust and mantle

(D) for its crust and mantle to

五、介词+ which结构:

例1:In the United States, a primary election is a method ___voters select the nominees for public office. (A) that (B)by which

(C)is that (D)by those

例2: Croquet is a popular lawn game ------ players hit wooden balls through wire arches called wickers. (A) when (B) which

(C) is when (D) in which

六、in that结构

例1:Mercury differs from other industrial metals ___ it is a liquid.

(A) whereas

(B) in that

(C) because of

(D) consequently

例2:Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual ___travel over land and water on a layer of air. (A)they (B)in they (C)that they (D)in that they

例3:Emily Dickinson's garden was a place___great inspiration for her poems. (A) that she drew (B) by drawing her (C) from which she drew (D) drawn from which

七、what 结构 what=the thing that

例1:The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on___best in its climate and soil.

(A) it grows (B) what grows

(C) does it grow (D) what does it grow

例2:During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became___is now Indiana and Ohio. (A) there (B) where (C) that (D) what

八、同位语结构:名词作主语,主语同位语___, __ _, ___ (两个逗号)

例1:The tongue , ___, is an important aid in chewing and swallowing .

(A) is the chief organ of taste

(B) tasting the organ chiefly

(C) the chief organ of taste

(D) the organ chiefly tastes

名词作主语,后面的名词是主语同位语,解释说明后面的名词___, ___ (一个逗号)

例2:A prolific writer of prose and verse, ----of Native Americans in her novel, Century of Dishonor.

(A) Helen Hunt Jackson took up the cause

(B) the cause taken up by Helen Hunt Jackson
