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1.We play _____ (乒乓球) after school.
2.What do we call a person who studies the nature of knowledge?
A. Epistemologist
B. Philosopher
C. Logician
D. Mathematician
答案: A
3.The _____ is known for its spiral shape.
4.We traded our ________ (玩具) during recess. It’s fun to try something ________ (新的).
5.My ___ (小兔子) loves to dig in the dirt.
6.The ______ is essential for many ecosystems.
7.What is the main ingredient in sushi?
A. Rice
B. Noodles
C. Bread
D. Potatoes答案:a
8. A _____ (大树) can provide homes for many animals.
9. A chemical reaction can be represented using a ______ equation.
10.The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods like ______ (拉) and ______ (伊西斯).
11.She likes to _____ books. (read/write/eat)
12.In a chemical reaction, substances are __________ (反应) to form new ones.
13.I like to _____ (画) flowers.
14.What do you call a baby cat?
A. Puppy
B. Kitten
C. Cub
D. Calf答案:b
15.The park is very ________.
16.The __________ is a region known for its coral reefs.
17.The ________ was a significant leader in the labor movement.
18.I love to play ______ (户外运动) with my friends. It keeps us active and healthy.
19.My dad grows ________ in the garden.
20.Gardening can provide a sense of ______ and satisfaction. (园艺可以带来成就感和满足感。
21. A _______ (蝙蝠) is often seen at dusk.
22. A ________ (植物野外考察) inspires curiosity.
23.My hamster enjoys running in its ______ (轮子).
24.The __________ is the solid outer section of the earth.
25.Birds have __________ to help them fly.
26. A ____(community workshop series) offers skills training.
27. A whale is a ______ that lives in the ocean.
28.We have ___ (art/music) class today.
29.Certain plants can provide food for both humans and ______. (某些植物可以为人类和动物提供食物。
30.My _____ (祖父) has a garden filled with vegetables and flowers. 我祖父有一个种满蔬菜和花卉的花园。
31.The ________ (community) thrives on cooperation.
32. (Revolutionary) War was fought for American independence. The ____
33.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) school events.
34.The capital of Armenia is ________ (埃里温).
35.Which famous painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci?
A. The Starry Night
B. Mona Lisa
C. The Scream
D. Girl with a Pearl Earring答案:B
36.The _____ (植物语言) can express emotions and messages.
37.Which animal is known for its black and white coloring?
A. Panda
B. Zebra
C. Penguin
D. All of the above答案:D
38.an Revolution led to the establishment of the ________ (苏维埃政权). The Russ
39.The first successful vaccine was developed by _______. (詹纳)
40.My favorite superhero is _______ (名字). 他/她的故事很 _______ (形容词).
41.The leaves of the tree are __________ (绿色) in summer.
42.The ______ is often found in wetlands.
43. A chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen is called a ______ reaction.
44.The rabbit is ______ (hopping) through the grass.
45.What is the opposite of big?
A. Small
B. Large
C. Huge
D. Giant答案: A
46.My mom enjoys talking to her ____.
47.The book is _____ (interesting/boring).
48.ts can ______ (净化) air pollutants. Some pla
49.My bicycle is _______ (绿色的).
50.We like to ___ (play/sing) songs.
51.The man has a funny ________.
52.I wrote a story about a ________ (勇敢的骑士) who goes on a quest. It’s full of ________ (冒险).
53.The rabbit is ______ in the grass. (hiding)
54.The chemical formula for potassium cyanide is ______.
55.What do you call the process by which plants lose water?
A. Absorption
B. Evaporation
C. Transpiration
D. Condensation
答案: C
56.The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is ______.
57.The __________ (历史的存在) shapes our identity.
58.We have ________ (lunch) at noon.
59.The _______ (青蛙) is often found near ponds.
60.小老鼠) loves cheese. The ___
61.My favorite dessert is ______ (布丁).
62.What is the capital of Barbados?
A. Bridgetown
B. Speightstown
C. Oistins
D. Bathsheba答案:a
63. A _____ (植物景观设计) can transform spaces.
64.I enjoy watching movies that feature my favorite ________ (玩具名).
65.She always helps me with my __________.
66.What do we call a young giraffe?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Foal
D. Pup答案:A.Calf
67.The name of the scientist who proposed the atomic theory is ______.
68.The Earth's surface is shaped by geological and ______ processes.
69.He is ________ a letter.
70. A bear is a large ______ (动物) that lives in the forest.
71.Which fruit is known for keeping the doctor away?
A. Banana
B. Orange
C. Apple
D. Grape答案: C
72. A spring can store ______ (potential) energy.
73.What is the capital of Libya?
A. Tripoli
B. Benghazi
C. Misrata
D. Tobruk答案:A.Tripoli
74.What is the smallest prime number?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5答案:B.2
75.The invention of ________ revolutionized transportation.
76.We visit the ______ (科学实验室) for practical learning.
77.The common name for ethylene glycol is _____.
78.The __________ (历史的交汇) enriches our experience.
79.The classroom is ______ and bright. (neat)
80. A molecule is formed when two or more atoms are _______ together.
81.The __________ of a solution can affect how fast a reaction occurs.
82.What color are ripe bananas?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Blue答案:C
83.The _______ (小梅花鹿) is spotted and graceful.
84.The __________ (历史的传递) is vital for survival.
85.My mom is a fantastic __________ (谈话者).
86. A __________ is a small animal that loves to dig.
87. A solution can be made more concentrated by adding more ______.
88.My sister has a ______ (pretty) dress.
89.The _____ (jasmine) flower smells sweet at night.
90.He is a firefighter, ______ (他是一名消防员), who fights fires.
91.I like to help ________ (洗碗).
92. A _______ grows best in sunny locations.
93.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?
A. Tomato
B. Pepper
C. Potato
D. Carrot答案:A
94.What is the name of the sweet treat made from sugar and fruit?
A. Jam
B. Jelly
C. Marmalade
D. Preserves答案: A
95.The strength of an acid is measured by its ______ value.
96.The party is at my ________.
97.The ancient Egyptians practiced _______ to preserve bodies.
98.How many days are there in a week?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8答案: C. 7
99.The _____ (花卉摄影) captures nature's beauty.
100.My _____ (舅舅) is a firefighter.。