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2)remove from eg.debug
3)dissolve eg.decompose
1.1.5.Prefixes Denoting Negative or Opposite Meaning表示否 定和相反意义的前缀
dis-(negative,apart from)表示“不”“非”“相反”“除去”“分离” eg.disaccord不和 il-,in-,im,ir-(not)表示“不”“没”
1)time eg:antenatal
This prefix denotes two concepts:
1)time-out eg:expire
2) former
post-(after)表示“……之后” pre-(before,in advance)表示“预先”、“前” syn-,sym-(at the same time)表示“同时”
贩卖 counter-(in the opposite direction)表示“反”,“方向” eg.counterattack反击 de-(away,from,down)表示“离去”“除去”“分离”“降低”“解除”
This prefix denotes three concepts:
1)reduced in rank or class eg,dehumanize
eg.advent 出现,到来
anti-(opposed to ,against)表示“反”“抗”“阻” eg.antibody 抗体
co-,col-,com-,con-,cor-(jointly ,together)表示“一起”“共同”“联合”
e-(electron ,electronic)表示“电子”“网上”
This prefix denotes 4 concepts: 1)beyond: eg:paranormal 2)near eg:paratyphoid 3)abnormal eg:paraplegia 4)subsidiary eg:paraprofessional
semi-(half,partly)表示“半”,“一定程度上” eg:semicircle 半圆形 sub-(secondary,under)表示“次等”,“下级”,“下面”
பைடு நூலகம்
1.1.4.Prefixes Denoting Conditions and Position表示状态和方 位的前缀
ab-,abs-,a-(away from)表示“离开”“走开”“离去”“分离” eg.avoid 避免 circum-(around) 表示“环绕” eg.circumstance 环境 contra-(against,opposite)表示“反对”“相反”“相对” eg,contraband 走私,非法
per-(through,completely,[chemistry],maximum,proportion)表示“穿过”,“穿透”,“【化】 高……,过……”
This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)through or completely eg:presue 2)chemically having the maximum proportion eg:perxide
eg.e-commerce 电子商务
mis-(wrong ,bad)表示“错”“坏”“误”
eg.miscalculate 误算
eg.obtain 获得。得到
re-(again,once,more,anew)表示“再次”“重新” eg.refine 精炼,提炼
en-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前面,
eg.enable 使能够
Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases.
Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base, but only modify its meaning.
1.1.6.Prefixs Denoting Modes and Manner表示形式和方式的前 缀
This prefix has several variants:ac-.af-,ag-,ap-,as-,and at-,which are used respectively berore letters c,f,g,l,p,s,t
This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)secondary in level or degree eg.subdivision 2) undera level eg.subsoil under-(less,below,beneath) 表示“在……之下”“低于” This prefix denotes three concepts: 1)less in degree eg.understimated 2)below in position eg.underground 3)inferior in rank eg.undersecretary ultr-(to an extreme degree)表示“超”,“超越” eg.untramarine 深蓝色
be-(including a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前面, 使这些词成为动词。如果用在动词前,则表示强调 eg.becalm 使安静
em-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前 面,使这些词成为动词。 eg.empower授权,使能够
trans-(across,through,change)表示“横跨”,“跨越”,“穿过”,“转化” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)across eg:transfusion 2)change eg:translate
1.1.3.Prefixes Denoting Degree and Levels表示级别和程度的前 缀
1.1lexical prefixes实义前缀
1.Prefixes Denoting Time and Sequence表示时间和顺序的前缀 2.Prefixes Denoting Space and Distance表示空间、距离的前缀 3.Prefixes Denoting Degree and Levels表示级别和程度的前缀 4.Prefixes Denoting Conditions and Position表示状态和方位的前缀 5.Prefixes Denoting Negative or Opposite Meaning表示否定和相反意义的前
use il- before the letter l,such as illegal;
use im-before a labial such as impossible;
use ir-before the letter r,such as irresponsible non-(not)表示“无”“非”“不”,常用在形容词和名词前表示否定 non+adj eg.nontoxic 无毒的 non+noun eg.nonsense 胡说,废话 un-(not)表示“无”“难以”“不”常用在形容词前表否定 eg.unacceptable 无法接受 的
Definition: prefix + base = new word Process of making new words by adding prefixes
to bases Classification: Prefixes are classified according to meaning.
缀 6.Prefixs Denoting Modes and Manner表示形式和方式的前缀
1.1.1Prefixes Denoting Time and Sequence表示时间和顺序的 前缀
This prefix denotes two concepts:
1.2 Grammatical prefixes语法前缀
① a-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”,常在动词前面变为形容词和 副词,这样的词用作表语 eg.afloat 漂浮着
② a-(giving the original word an intensive force )也可用于其他词前面,起加强 效果作用 eg.alike 相同的
ex-(out of,excessive)表示“超过”,“向外” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)extent eg:exceptional 2)outward eg:express extra-(outside,beyond)表示“在……之外”,"超出“ eg:extraordinary 非凡的 hyper-(over,beyond,above)表示“超出”、“过于”、“极度” eg:hyperlink 超链接 out-(to the point of supassing or exceeding)表示“超过” eg:outdate 使过时 over-(excessively,outer)表示“过度的”“过多的”“外部的” eg:overcover完全覆盖 para-(beyond,near,abnormal,assistant)表示“超过”,“近乎”,“异常”,“辅助的”
eg:postnatal 出生后的 eg:predict 预知 eg:synchronize 同步
1.1.2.Prefixes Denoting Space and Distance表示空间、距离的 前缀
inter-(between,among,mutual)表示“在……之中”,“相互”,“在……之间” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)between or among eg:international 2)mutual eg:interchange
What is affixation? affixes + bases = new words the process of making new words by
adding affixes to bases affixes = prefixes + suffixes Characteristics: Prefixes change meaning. Suffixes change part of speech.
1.1lexical prefixes实义前缀 1.2 Grammatical prefixes语法前缀 1.3 Lexical Suffixes实义后缀 1.4 Grammatical suffixes 语法后缀
Affixation: the formation of words by adding wordforming or derivational affixes to bases.
Two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation
3)dissolve eg.decompose
1.1.5.Prefixes Denoting Negative or Opposite Meaning表示否 定和相反意义的前缀
dis-(negative,apart from)表示“不”“非”“相反”“除去”“分离” eg.disaccord不和 il-,in-,im,ir-(not)表示“不”“没”
1)time eg:antenatal
This prefix denotes two concepts:
1)time-out eg:expire
2) former
post-(after)表示“……之后” pre-(before,in advance)表示“预先”、“前” syn-,sym-(at the same time)表示“同时”
贩卖 counter-(in the opposite direction)表示“反”,“方向” eg.counterattack反击 de-(away,from,down)表示“离去”“除去”“分离”“降低”“解除”
This prefix denotes three concepts:
1)reduced in rank or class eg,dehumanize
eg.advent 出现,到来
anti-(opposed to ,against)表示“反”“抗”“阻” eg.antibody 抗体
co-,col-,com-,con-,cor-(jointly ,together)表示“一起”“共同”“联合”
e-(electron ,electronic)表示“电子”“网上”
This prefix denotes 4 concepts: 1)beyond: eg:paranormal 2)near eg:paratyphoid 3)abnormal eg:paraplegia 4)subsidiary eg:paraprofessional
semi-(half,partly)表示“半”,“一定程度上” eg:semicircle 半圆形 sub-(secondary,under)表示“次等”,“下级”,“下面”
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1.1.4.Prefixes Denoting Conditions and Position表示状态和方 位的前缀
ab-,abs-,a-(away from)表示“离开”“走开”“离去”“分离” eg.avoid 避免 circum-(around) 表示“环绕” eg.circumstance 环境 contra-(against,opposite)表示“反对”“相反”“相对” eg,contraband 走私,非法
per-(through,completely,[chemistry],maximum,proportion)表示“穿过”,“穿透”,“【化】 高……,过……”
This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)through or completely eg:presue 2)chemically having the maximum proportion eg:perxide
eg.e-commerce 电子商务
mis-(wrong ,bad)表示“错”“坏”“误”
eg.miscalculate 误算
eg.obtain 获得。得到
re-(again,once,more,anew)表示“再次”“重新” eg.refine 精炼,提炼
en-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前面,
eg.enable 使能够
Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases.
Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base, but only modify its meaning.
1.1.6.Prefixs Denoting Modes and Manner表示形式和方式的前 缀
This prefix has several variants:ac-.af-,ag-,ap-,as-,and at-,which are used respectively berore letters c,f,g,l,p,s,t
This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)secondary in level or degree eg.subdivision 2) undera level eg.subsoil under-(less,below,beneath) 表示“在……之下”“低于” This prefix denotes three concepts: 1)less in degree eg.understimated 2)below in position eg.underground 3)inferior in rank eg.undersecretary ultr-(to an extreme degree)表示“超”,“超越” eg.untramarine 深蓝色
be-(including a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前面, 使这些词成为动词。如果用在动词前,则表示强调 eg.becalm 使安静
em-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”。常附在名词或形容词前 面,使这些词成为动词。 eg.empower授权,使能够
trans-(across,through,change)表示“横跨”,“跨越”,“穿过”,“转化” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)across eg:transfusion 2)change eg:translate
1.1.3.Prefixes Denoting Degree and Levels表示级别和程度的前 缀
1.1lexical prefixes实义前缀
1.Prefixes Denoting Time and Sequence表示时间和顺序的前缀 2.Prefixes Denoting Space and Distance表示空间、距离的前缀 3.Prefixes Denoting Degree and Levels表示级别和程度的前缀 4.Prefixes Denoting Conditions and Position表示状态和方位的前缀 5.Prefixes Denoting Negative or Opposite Meaning表示否定和相反意义的前
use il- before the letter l,such as illegal;
use im-before a labial such as impossible;
use ir-before the letter r,such as irresponsible non-(not)表示“无”“非”“不”,常用在形容词和名词前表示否定 non+adj eg.nontoxic 无毒的 non+noun eg.nonsense 胡说,废话 un-(not)表示“无”“难以”“不”常用在形容词前表否定 eg.unacceptable 无法接受 的
Definition: prefix + base = new word Process of making new words by adding prefixes
to bases Classification: Prefixes are classified according to meaning.
缀 6.Prefixs Denoting Modes and Manner表示形式和方式的前缀
1.1.1Prefixes Denoting Time and Sequence表示时间和顺序的 前缀
This prefix denotes two concepts:
1.2 Grammatical prefixes语法前缀
① a-(indicating a state)表示“使……处于……状态”,常在动词前面变为形容词和 副词,这样的词用作表语 eg.afloat 漂浮着
② a-(giving the original word an intensive force )也可用于其他词前面,起加强 效果作用 eg.alike 相同的
ex-(out of,excessive)表示“超过”,“向外” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)extent eg:exceptional 2)outward eg:express extra-(outside,beyond)表示“在……之外”,"超出“ eg:extraordinary 非凡的 hyper-(over,beyond,above)表示“超出”、“过于”、“极度” eg:hyperlink 超链接 out-(to the point of supassing or exceeding)表示“超过” eg:outdate 使过时 over-(excessively,outer)表示“过度的”“过多的”“外部的” eg:overcover完全覆盖 para-(beyond,near,abnormal,assistant)表示“超过”,“近乎”,“异常”,“辅助的”
eg:postnatal 出生后的 eg:predict 预知 eg:synchronize 同步
1.1.2.Prefixes Denoting Space and Distance表示空间、距离的 前缀
inter-(between,among,mutual)表示“在……之中”,“相互”,“在……之间” This prefix denotes two concepts: 1)between or among eg:international 2)mutual eg:interchange
What is affixation? affixes + bases = new words the process of making new words by
adding affixes to bases affixes = prefixes + suffixes Characteristics: Prefixes change meaning. Suffixes change part of speech.
1.1lexical prefixes实义前缀 1.2 Grammatical prefixes语法前缀 1.3 Lexical Suffixes实义后缀 1.4 Grammatical suffixes 语法后缀
Affixation: the formation of words by adding wordforming or derivational affixes to bases.
Two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation