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Unit Two
Whizz-kid Cheng Na
A day in the life of….
读《笨狼旅行记》有感 笨狼,几乎是每个小学生都知道的童话人物。我很崇拜笨狼,崇拜他的乐于助 人的精神、崇拜他的乐观向上的心态。我看了许多笨狼的故事,令我感触最深 的要数《笨 狼旅行记》了。 《笨狼旅行记》这本书讲述了笨狼的爸爸妈妈去旅行了,把笨狼一个人留 在家里,笨狼决定勇敢地独自去寻找爸爸妈妈。笨狼一路上的奇遇和所见所闻 让我们惊喜不已。 笨狼 在失眠症原野上治好了一群害怕丢金子而失眠的动物的失眠症。这一 个小故事让我明白了做人不能贪心,不要追求那些对自己毫无意义的东西,我 们要学会知足常乐。 旅行中,笨狼在榕树旅 馆奇遇一只神鹰把他带到了神秘谷,在神秘谷笨狼 利用自己的聪明才智治好了狮子王的刻字症及厌食症。这个小小的故事又教会 了我"自己动手,丰衣足食"的道理。 最后,小笨狼来到了寒冷 的北风和雪花的城市,好心的老黑熊借给了他一 顶帽子,他因为没有及时归还而得到了大家的误解。这个故事让我明白了我们 不清楚事情的真相前不要误解别人,朋友之间应该互相信任、互帮 互助与团结 友爱。 读完《笨狼旅行记》这本书,我收获很大。我要像笨狼学习,学习笨狼的 助人为乐及乐观向上的精神!在学校,我要学会和同学互帮互助。在家,我要 自己完成力所能及的 事情。在学习上、在生活中遇到困难,我应该自己想办法 解决
7.Do Cheng Na and her family talk about business at breakfast and at dinner? DK 8.Does Cheng Na sleep for about five hours a night? N
top student
Choose the right answers
1. Cheng Na is probably _b___most other students.
A similar to b different from .
2.I expect to find out about _a__ .
a. Cheng Na’s daily life b. Cheng Na’s holiday
.3. It usually takes her one or two hours to finish her homework.
(改为同义句) She usuallyspend one or two hours doing her homework.
4What’s your uncle’s job? (改为同义句)
at school
have breakfast
4、吃早饭的时候 at breakfast
5、 给 打电话 make phone calls to
6、 去 的路上 on the way to
have lunch8、 回到Fra bibliotekreturn to
after school
3.A “whizz-kid”is probably __b__.
a. A good driver b. very successful .
The answers to the questions.
1. Does Cheng Na get up at 6a.m. Y 2.Can Cheng Na write computer games?. Y 3. Does Cheng Na drive herself to school? N 4. Does Cheng Na like her school friends? Y 5. Does Cheng Na pass all of her exams? Y 6.Is Cheng Na good at basketball? Y
After school she usually _________ a club and ______ basketball. She finishes her homework in an hour ____ two before dinner.She usually ______ to bed at 11p. m.
W__ha_t__ does your uncle ___d_o__?
5.Mike does well in sports. (改为同义句) . Mike is ___g_o_od_ __a_t ____ sports.
6.She usually comes back to her office at 4:15p.m. (改为同义句) She usually__r_et_u_rn_s_ to_____ her office at 4:15p.m.
1.. She goes shopping with her mother once a week.
,How often does she go shopping with her mother?
2. She always gets up at 6:30. (根据划线部分提问) What time does she always get up?
have dinner
work on
Fill in the blanks.
Ch. eng Na is one of the _______ students in Guangzhou.She ______ up at six o’clock,washes and ____ on her school uniform. She _____ breakfast ______ my parents. Every morning she__________ business ______ breakfast. She ___________ make phone calls _____ clients _______ the way to school. She enjoys ____ my school friends. She never ______ an exam. She goes and ______ lunch with a client, then she _______ to school
Whizz-kid Cheng Na
A day in the life of….
读《笨狼旅行记》有感 笨狼,几乎是每个小学生都知道的童话人物。我很崇拜笨狼,崇拜他的乐于助 人的精神、崇拜他的乐观向上的心态。我看了许多笨狼的故事,令我感触最深 的要数《笨 狼旅行记》了。 《笨狼旅行记》这本书讲述了笨狼的爸爸妈妈去旅行了,把笨狼一个人留 在家里,笨狼决定勇敢地独自去寻找爸爸妈妈。笨狼一路上的奇遇和所见所闻 让我们惊喜不已。 笨狼 在失眠症原野上治好了一群害怕丢金子而失眠的动物的失眠症。这一 个小故事让我明白了做人不能贪心,不要追求那些对自己毫无意义的东西,我 们要学会知足常乐。 旅行中,笨狼在榕树旅 馆奇遇一只神鹰把他带到了神秘谷,在神秘谷笨狼 利用自己的聪明才智治好了狮子王的刻字症及厌食症。这个小小的故事又教会 了我"自己动手,丰衣足食"的道理。 最后,小笨狼来到了寒冷 的北风和雪花的城市,好心的老黑熊借给了他一 顶帽子,他因为没有及时归还而得到了大家的误解。这个故事让我明白了我们 不清楚事情的真相前不要误解别人,朋友之间应该互相信任、互帮 互助与团结 友爱。 读完《笨狼旅行记》这本书,我收获很大。我要像笨狼学习,学习笨狼的 助人为乐及乐观向上的精神!在学校,我要学会和同学互帮互助。在家,我要 自己完成力所能及的 事情。在学习上、在生活中遇到困难,我应该自己想办法 解决
7.Do Cheng Na and her family talk about business at breakfast and at dinner? DK 8.Does Cheng Na sleep for about five hours a night? N
top student
Choose the right answers
1. Cheng Na is probably _b___most other students.
A similar to b different from .
2.I expect to find out about _a__ .
a. Cheng Na’s daily life b. Cheng Na’s holiday
.3. It usually takes her one or two hours to finish her homework.
(改为同义句) She usuallyspend one or two hours doing her homework.
4What’s your uncle’s job? (改为同义句)
at school
have breakfast
4、吃早饭的时候 at breakfast
5、 给 打电话 make phone calls to
6、 去 的路上 on the way to
have lunch8、 回到Fra bibliotekreturn to
after school
3.A “whizz-kid”is probably __b__.
a. A good driver b. very successful .
The answers to the questions.
1. Does Cheng Na get up at 6a.m. Y 2.Can Cheng Na write computer games?. Y 3. Does Cheng Na drive herself to school? N 4. Does Cheng Na like her school friends? Y 5. Does Cheng Na pass all of her exams? Y 6.Is Cheng Na good at basketball? Y
After school she usually _________ a club and ______ basketball. She finishes her homework in an hour ____ two before dinner.She usually ______ to bed at 11p. m.
W__ha_t__ does your uncle ___d_o__?
5.Mike does well in sports. (改为同义句) . Mike is ___g_o_od_ __a_t ____ sports.
6.She usually comes back to her office at 4:15p.m. (改为同义句) She usually__r_et_u_rn_s_ to_____ her office at 4:15p.m.
1.. She goes shopping with her mother once a week.
,How often does she go shopping with her mother?
2. She always gets up at 6:30. (根据划线部分提问) What time does she always get up?
have dinner
work on
Fill in the blanks.
Ch. eng Na is one of the _______ students in Guangzhou.She ______ up at six o’clock,washes and ____ on her school uniform. She _____ breakfast ______ my parents. Every morning she__________ business ______ breakfast. She ___________ make phone calls _____ clients _______ the way to school. She enjoys ____ my school friends. She never ______ an exam. She goes and ______ lunch with a client, then she _______ to school