


I.Cloze Here's

why the'American century'will survive rise of China

In1941,Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end1.as a result of the nation’s economic and political decline.Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was2.more of an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation.

A century is generally the limit for a human organism,but countries are social constructs. Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in 117AD.After American independence in1776,Horace Walpole,the British politician, lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power.

Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should 4.take into account how many earlier efforts had been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today,some see the Chinese as10feet tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”.

China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power.

6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future.

7.Moreover,economic projections are one dimensional.They ignore US military and soft power advantages,such as the desire of students around the world to attend US universities.They also overlook China’s geopolitical

8.disadvantages in the Asian balance of power,compared with America’s relations with Europe,Japan and India,which are likely to remain more favourable.

It is not impossible that a challenger such as China,Europe,Russia,India or Brazil will surpass the US in the first half of this century,but it is not likely.

On the question of absolute rather than9.relative American decline,the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt,secondary education,income in equality and political gridlock, but these are only part of the picture.On the positive side of the ledger are favourable trends in demography,technology and energy as well as abiding factors such as geography and entrepreneurial culture.

The scenarios that could10.precipitate decline include ones in which the US overreacts to terrorist attacks by turning inwards and thus cuts itself off from the strength it obtains from openness.Alternatively,it could react by overcommitting itself and wasting blood and treasure as it did in Vietnam and Iraq.

As an overall assessment,describing the21st century as one of American decline is inaccurate and misleading.Though the US has problems it is not in absolute decline,unlike ancient Rome,and it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in coming decades.

The real problem is not that it will be overtaken by China or another contender,but rather that it faces a rise in the power resources of many others—both states and non-state actors such as transnational corporations,terrorist groups and cyber criminals.And it will face an increasing number of global problems that will11.call on our ability to organise alliances and networks.

12.Contrary to the views of those who proclaim that this is the Chinese century,we have not entered a post-American world.But the American century of the future will not look the same as in previous decades.The US13.share of the world economy will be smaller than it was in the middle of the past century.

Furthermore,the complexity created by the rise of other countries,as well as the increased role of non-state actors,will make it harder for even America,the biggest power, to14.wield influence and organise action.Entropy is a greater challenge than China.

At the same time,even when the US had its greatest preponderance of power resources,it often failed to secure what it wanted.Those who argue that the disorder of today’s world is much worse than in the past should remember a year such as1956,when the US was unable to prevent Soviet15.repression of a revolt in Hungary;or the Suez invasion by America’s allies Britain,France and Israel.We must not view the past through rose-tinted glasses.Now, with slightly less preponderance and a much more complex world,the American century will continue for at least a few decades,but it will look very different from when Luce first articulated it.

II.please answer the following questions1.what aspects are ingored by many when it comes to accessing American power?

2.Did Britain decline after American independence?

3.Cite an example of American decline?

4.What are the real problems faced by the U.S.?

5.What will the future of the American century be like?

III.Write a composition in no less than400words.

Is damage to the environment the inevitable consequence of improving the living standard?


























Why the term Sharing Economy need to die?

The“sharing economy”is a meaningless term that was only coined in the first place because of the tech industry’s desire to pretend everything it does is new and groundbreaking.

Now,almost a decade after it started seeing use,it’s worse than simply being meaningless:it’s actively obfuscatory,lumping together a hugely disparate bunch of companies,many of which push the definition to its limits,and the biggest examples of which have nothing to do with“sharing”at all.

The term grew out of the open-source community,where coders contribute to programs released to the world free-of-charge.The push for a similar model to be applied to the real world dates back to the early2000s,but it took the financial crisis for it to grow from a niche idea to one taken seriously.

By the2010s,the focus had narrowed from a nebulous attempt to bring the open source ethos out of the coding world to a more specific look at how to use technology to enable more efficient use of scarce resources.At the same time,the buzzwords had also stabilised,with a number of academic-sounding terms such as“commons-based peer production”(as coined by NYU law professor Yochai Benkler)to two main contenders:“the sharing economy”,and “collaborative consumption”.

The time was ripe for both ideas to take off.With unemployment in the west still high, and ideas of“post-growth capitalism”floating in the ether,groups that could articulate an alternative view of the world were popular.And the archetypal collaborative consumption models were seemingly win-win.A typical analogy for the sort of model people wanted to build was focused on household tools:if you own a drill,you likely don’t use it364days of the year;why not let others use it in the meantime?

In its purest sense,that is the sharing economy.But it very quickly ran into an issue: while some people act out of altruism,most don’t.My drill is mine.Why should I share it with you?


Some sites,such as Freecycle,still focus on acting out of the goodness of one’s heart, but the success stories of the sharing economy solved the problem by looking to the old economy.And so“sharing”became“renting”.Even today,one report finds20companies in the sharing economy whose offering can be summed up as“you can borrow stuff you don’t want to buy”.Nine of them have a name beginning with“rent”.

Once money started changing hands in earnest,business really started booming.In2011, the same year Time magazine named the“sharing society”one of theTen Ideas That Will Change The World,AirBnB raised$120m in VC funding.The company was mentioned in Time’s piece,which still emphasised the feel-good backdrop to the story:“There’s a green element here,of course:sharing and renting more stuff means producing and wasting less stuff,which is good for the planet and even better for one’s self-image.”

While renting out a spare room in a flat(or even renting out a flat)may be close enough to“sharing”to be hair-splitting,it’s a different case for hiring a driver to take you across a city.And yet Uber is one of the most famous examples of the sharing economy in the world–and certainly the highest capitalised,worth well north of$50bn.

The company’s defenders argue that it justifies that label because of the similarity to AirBnB:Uber drivers have an asset lying unused,which they want to monetise with the power of the internet.The difference,of course,is that an Uberdriver’s labour is an integral part of the whole shebang.You aren’t renting their car:you’re renting their car and them.

If that’s still not clear-cut enough,consider TaskRabbit,the last member of the holy trinity of the Sharing Economy.The company allows customers to hire temporary labour to cook,clean,assemble furniture or queue for the latest iPhone.It’s a far cry from “collaborative consumption”.


Instead,the companies lumped together as examples of the sharing economy have come to be typified by something altogether different:a dependence on tenuous labour,particularly that provided by individuals working as third-party contractors rather than full employees.

For that reason,I’ve been using another term to describe these companies:“gig economy”.It’s not as well-known as“sharing economy”,which means it sounds weird to some ears(“do you mean Uber only hires musicians?”).But it emphasises the unifying aspect is short-term,tenuous“gigs”–often more than one juggled at the same time.

But there are other popular alternatives as well.In the US,“1099economy”is often used,referring to the American tax code for independent contractors,while in the UK,similar emphasis is placed on“zero-hour contracts”:terms of employment which provide no fixed hours and don’t even guarantee work will be provided at all.

Are those terms better term than“gig economy”?Is there a better phrase still?Let me know in the comments below.














上外考研2018翻译硕士英语真题(回忆版) 一、阅读,回答问题(哲学类,3页5面,四个问题,40分) 标题: Barney's case Study of philosophy knowledge Barney’s case of the study of history of philosophy? (Barney's case for the history of philosophy)……(正文不明) 问题: 1.What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by thre e goroups o f people? 2.According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosphers? 3.How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for kn owledge? 4.Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Li n’s discussion on philosophical progress 二、Writing. 800words,60分 Digital Humanities in the New Era

上外考研2018英语翻译基础(真题)(回忆版) 一、汉译英,翻译划线部分,70分 对中国90后,00后深入骨髓的剖析 现如今的家庭教育之难,难在什么地方?难在我们的教育有太多的悖论和问题需要面对。各位父母,我先问你们一个问题,你了解现在的孩子吗?我在这个问题上很有发言权,因为近20年来,我大概接触了8000个家庭案例。当今的孩子是怎么回事?当今的孩子是什么人?我们要从本质上来把握。假如我们不能从本质上来把握,学校教育也好,家庭教育也好,都不会在点子上。 从1993年以后孩子们就开始不一样了。为什么这么说呢?理由是1993年中 国取缔了粮票,这件事情年纪大的是不是还记得?在中国这样一个国家里面,取缔了粮票意味着什么?我们吃饭不愁了。当一个民族吃饭不愁,尤其是到我们这样的民族吃饭不愁的时候,我们会愁什么呢?我们的需要开始变得不一样了,人对人的需要不一样了,家长对孩子的需要不一样了,社会对人的需要不一样,人对社会的需要不一样了。 我们来看1993年以后的人的基本特征,首先,他们都是独套公寓里的独子。独 套公寓里的独子有什么样的人生感受呢?你可以去试试,到春天的时候,买一只刚刚生出来的小鸡,养着它,给它好吃好喝,你看看是不是两个礼拜以后小鸡就死掉了,因为小鸡也会孤独。现在的孩子带着天生的孤独感来到这个世界。那么孤独会有哪些麻烦?一,人一孤独,无端伤感,莫名其妙流眼泪;二,人一孤独,思考力就变得非常强,所以麻烦就来了,既不思考吃,又不思考穿,他就过早地思考了一个终极问题,最高哲学问题,“我存在有什么意义?”我们现在的孩子,连四岁的孩子就会在那里发呆了,你不知道他小脑袋里想什么。一旦人有这种问题,痛苦就伴随着他了。所以我们教育面对的问题是我们得知道自己的子女是什么人,才可以有方向。 第一,当今的孩子背负着沉重的情感负担


西北师范大学 2016年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试业务课试题 适用专业名称:学科教学、教育管理、小学教育、学前教育、现代教育技术、科学与技术教育、心理健康教育 考试科目名称:教育综合科目代码:333 注意: 1、请将答案直接做到答题纸上,做在试题纸上或草稿纸上无效。 2、除答题纸上规定的位置外,不得在卷面上出现姓名、考生编号或其他标志,否则按违纪处理。 一,名词解释(每题5分,共40分) 1、义务教育 2、快乐之家 3、素丝说 4、公学 5、六等黜陟法 6、班级授课制 7、最近发展区 8、自我效能感 二,简答题(每题10分,共70分) 1、简述洛克的体育教育思想。 2、简述斯宾塞的科学教育思想。 3、简述1922年学制的特点。 4、简述现代教育的特点。 5、简述资源管理策略的类型。 6、简述熙宁兴学的内容和特点。 7、简述影响知识理解的因素。 三,论述题(每题20分,共40分) 1、中小学班主任工作的主要内容以及如何建设班集体? 2、教学过程中为什么既要发挥教师的主导作用又要发挥学生的主动性?并说明应该怎么处理这对关系?

2016年西北师范大学333教育综合真题答案 一,名词解释(每题5分,共40分) 1、义务教育 【解析】所谓的义务教育,定义是“根据法律规定,适龄儿童和青少年都必须接受,国家、社会、家庭必须予以保障的国民教育。”其实质是国家依照法律的规定对适龄儿童和青少年实施的一定年限的强迫教育的制度。义务教育又称强迫教育和免费义务教育。义务教育有三大特征,即强制性、免费性和世俗性。 2、快乐之家 【解析】维多里诺是文艺复兴时期影响较大的人文主义教育家,他创办了“快乐之家”宫廷学校,成为当时欧洲最好的宫廷学校和欧洲大陆人文学校的范例,被认为是人文主义学校的发源地。快乐之家学校环境优美,招收贵族子弟和部分天才贫苦学生,修业15年,培养身心和谐发展的人,即“受过良好教育的完全公民”。维多利诺和他的“快乐之家”注重的是:①儿童身心特征和个性差异;②德、智、体并重;③广泛的教育内容;④要求学校具有自然优美的环境;⑤强调师生之间和睦融洽的气氛;⑥注重启发诱导,讲求兴趣;⑦反对压制、体罚等。 3、素丝说 【解析】墨子的贡献是“素丝说”,他以染丝为例,“染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄,所入者变,其色亦变”,来说明人性在教育下的改变和形成。墨子认为,人性不是先天所成,生来的人性不过如同待染的素丝,下什么色的染缸,就成什么样的颜色,来比喻有什么样的环境与教育,就造就什么样的人。墨子的素丝说从人性平等的立场去认识和阐述教育作用,较孔子的人性观显得进步。 4、公学 【解析】公学是一种私立教学机构。但同时相对于私人延聘家庭教师的教学而言,强调这种学校是由公众团体集资兴办,其教学目的是培养一般公职人员,其学生是在公开场所接受教育。它较之一般的文法学校师资及设施设备条件好、收费更高,是典型的贵族学校。公学的教学质量较高,在历史上曾为英国培养了不少政治、经济领袖人才,因而总以天才教育相标榜,被称为英国绅士的摇篮。最为人称道的是伊顿、温彻斯特、圣保罗等九大公学。 5、六等黜陟法 【解析】清朝实施的一种地方官学生员定级考试制度,有相应的奖惩措施,即六等黜陟法。学生考试成绩被分为六等,一等补廪膳生,二等补增广生,三等无奖无罚.四等罚责,五等降级,六等除名。六等黜陟法对学生进行动态管理,其等级不是固定的,而是根据学业成绩

上外学姐 告诉你备考上外汉硕的 正确姿势

上外学姐告诉你备考上外汉硕的正确姿势 大家好,今天跟正在备战中的筒子们简单介绍一下上海外国语大学汉语国际教育专业的初试内容和备考建议。 上外汉国教专业的考研分数按照技术分算:专业一+专业二+外语+总分10%(外语单科线60)。考研复习的时间很紧张,通过这个技术分的计算方法,我们应该明白政治其实太高分是没有什么用的,你只要过线就可以了,当然也不可大意,过一下知识点,肖秀荣什么的还是要做的。大量了复习时间应该给专业课和英语。 首先,我们来谈英语,英语为什么重要,因为很多考汉国教的学生最终专业一、专业二的分数很接近,却因为英文拉开了差距。上外的外语单科线是60分,而且上外复试时还有英语面试、专业面试中也有英语面试,因此大家应该加强对英语的重视,好在初试时没有听力部分。我复习时主要是做真题,暑假我花了大量的时间做英语,因为英语要看语感。而考研英语中大头是阅读理解(40分)和写作(30分),因此暑假时我每天要做至少两篇阅读,每个一两天写一篇作文。写作文不要写完就不管了,最好能找个英语老师给你改改,如果条件不允许,也一定要在写完以后认真看看例文,比较你的思路、表达和例文的区别和差距,下一次写作的时候运用到里面去,每一次练习只有反思才会有作用,不然永远是原地踏步。阅读我认为你多练习之后就能掌握出题人的思路,避开陷阱,当然前提是你的单词量要够,平时休息的时候可以看一些培训机构出的考研英语单词讲座。我看过新东方的刘一男,他讲的比较快而且运用联想法帮助记忆,睡前可以看一看。像完型、排序、填标题、翻译也是要每一、两天拿出来练一练的。 最后进考场前,会有人给你发一些培训班的作文押题,这个一定要拿,有时候真的可能押对,你看一看起码能形成自己的思路,但是就算押对了,也不愿得意忘形,好好审题,可能会有一些细节上的不同。 专业一:现代汉语(黄伯荣+廖序东;张斌)+201例(吕淑湘的八百词):当初上外的现代汉语参考书其实是张斌版的《现代汉语》。但是在初试的时候我发现黄伯荣+廖序东版的非常重要,很多本科是汉语言文学或者汉语国际教育专业的同学学习的就是黄伯荣、廖序东版本的《现代汉语》,说明这个版本还是很经典的,而且这个版本会分析一些重要的语法点,考研初试的时候可能会被当做大题。比如初试的时候有道大题,补语的分类我就是按照黄伯


清华大学2016年自主招生笔试真题汇总 收藏此文2016-06-13| 编辑:王老师| 阅读:17500 摘 要 6月10日,清华大学率先开始了自主招生测试,2016年清华有754人通过了自主招生初审。据悉,自主招生、筑梦、领军计划笔试共用一套试卷。 6月10日,清华大学率先开始了自主招生测试,2016年清华有754人通过了自主招生初审。据悉,自主招生、筑梦、领军计划笔试共用一套试卷。 据悉,清华大学2016年自主招生、领军人才选拔一共在全国29个省市设36个初试考点,考生可根据的情况,就近选择相应的考试地点。 考试相关内容 考试模式:机考系统分发和回收考卷。考生更加安全高效,阅卷也更为及时准确,还可大大降低作弊的可能性。 考试科目: 文科——数学、语文 理科——数学、物理 试卷结构:试题不仅引入多选题,而且采用单选题、多选题混合编排的方式,用以区分不同水平的学生,也增加了能力考查的力度。多选题学生全部选对得满分,选对但不全得部分分,有选错的得0分 科目分数:每科100分 考试内容:语文——30题,数学——40题,物理——30题,数学和物理都难度大于高考 考试时间:三个小时 8:30-11:30 考试题型:不定项选择题;每题有一个或多个正确选项,全部选对的得满分,选对但不全的得部分分,有选错的得零分。考试题目全部为选择题。 考察方向

数学与逻辑和物理探究着重考查学生较高层次的思维能力以及综合运用所学知识分析 和解决问题的能力。阅读与表达重点考查学生的文学文化水平和各类文章的阅读水平等能力,在考查学生语言运用能力的同时也考查了学生的写作能力。 笔试真题 语文试卷要求: 阅读与表达对语文基础知识和语言文字的运用能力提出的更高的要求。 内容:除了涉猎字音、字形、词语、句子衔接等内容外,还考查了汉字书写的笔顺问题、书体知识、传统文化知识、《红楼梦》文本解读以及宋词的格律炼字等。代文阅读材料的体裁既有论说文,也有小说和诗歌。文言文的阅读语料未经断句标点,还新增了分析推理题,考查学生综合语文能力。 为了彻底杜绝靠猜测拿到部分分数的情况,语文试卷中的多项选择题要求全部正确才 得分,错选或少选不得分; 物理试卷要求: 物理探究非常注重理论联系实际,紧密联系生产、生活和科技前沿,深入挖掘情境背 后的物理内涵,考查学生构建物理模型,灵活运用物理知识解决实际问题的能力。同时,也强调通过设置一些饶有兴趣的现象,引导学生探究背后的物理原因。 人类首次探测到引力波,试题就通过介绍相关实验背景和结果,考查学生提取信息、 加工信息并利用关键信息进行推理判断的能力。 台球是非常受年轻人欢迎的运动,涉及到许多经典力学的规律,试题就以情境设计问题,引导学生学以致用。

2016年考研英语一真题及答案解析 完整版

Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) In Cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends, 1 those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations, or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen.5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days, 7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists, and 10 a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11 .Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife’s parents and may 12 with them up to a year, 13 they can build a new house nearby. Divorce is legal and easy to 14 , but not common. Divorced persons are 15 with some disapproval. Each spouse retains 16 property he or she 17 into the marriage, and jointly-acquired property is 18 equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice 19 up: The divorced male doesn’t have a waiting period before he can remarry 20 the woman must wait ten months.


2016上外翻硕英语基础真题 I.Cloze Here's why the'American century'will survive rise of China In1941,Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end1.as a result of the nation’s economic and political decline.Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was2.more of an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation. A century is generally the limit for a human organism,but countries are social constructs. Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in 117AD.After American independence in1776,Horace Walpole,the British politician, lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power. Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should 4.take into account how many earlier efforts had been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today,some see the Chinese as10feet tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”. China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power. 6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future. 7.Moreover,economic projections are one dimensional.They ignore US military and soft power advantages,such as the desire of students around the world to attend US universities.They also overlook China’s geopolitical 8.disadvantages in the Asian balance of power,compared with America’s relations with Europe,Japan and India,which are likely to remain more favourable. It is not impossible that a challenger such as China,Europe,Russia,India or Brazil will surpass the US in the first half of this century,but it is not likely. On the question of absolute rather than9.relative American decline,the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt,secondary education,income in equality and political gridlock, but these are only part of the picture.On the positive side of the ledger are favourable trends in demography,technology and energy as well as abiding factors such as geography and entrepreneurial culture. The scenarios that could10.precipitate decline include ones in which the US overreacts to terrorist attacks by turning inwards and thus cuts itself off from the strength it obtains from openness.Alternatively,it could react by overcommitting itself and wasting blood and treasure as it did in Vietnam and Iraq. As an overall assessment,describing the21st century as one of American decline is inaccurate and misleading.Though the US has problems it is not in absolute decline,unlike ancient Rome,and it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in coming decades.


浙江师范大学 1、学习动力 2、流体智力 3、经学教育 4、苏湖教法 5、实科中学 6、初级学院运动 7、简述《学记》的教育思想 8、简述“五育并举”的教育思想 9、简述我国教育目的的基本精神 10、简述教师劳动的特点 11、论述夸美纽斯的教育思想及其对后世的影响 12、论述皮亚杰的认知发展阶段理论及影响认知发展的因素 13、联系实际,论述教师的素养 14、结合实际,论述教学过程性质的认知。 上海师范大学 一、名词解释 1、负强化 2、学校教育制度 3、稷下学宫 4、课程设计 5、苏格拉底教育法 6、德育过程 二、简答题 1、简述卢梭的主要教育思想 2、教师的劳动有哪些价值 3、简述教育的生态功能 4、简述“最近发展区”的教育意义 三、分析题 1、评述杜威实用主义教育的主要思想 2、评述蔡元培的“五育并举”教育思想 3、结合实例论述传授/接受学习的主要过程 4、建构主义评述(可举个例子,也可两者对比) 东北师范大学 教育学原理 一、名词 1.学制 2.培养目标 3.道德教育 4.教师 二、简答 1.教学与教育与智育的关系。 2.班级授课制的优缺点。 三、论述

1.学校教育对人的作用。 中国教育史 一、简答古代蒙学的种类特点 二、论述五育并举及现代意义 外国教育史 一、简答《国防教育法》 二、论述卢梭的教育思想 教育心理学 一、名词 1、精加工策略 2、同化 二、论述 观察学习的过程应用 华南师范大学 一、名词 1、广义教育 2、教育目的 3、教学 4、德育 5、学习动机 6、知识 二、简答 1、现代教育特点 2、班主任素质 3、科举影响 4、洛克白板说 三、分析 1、处理教学中的几种关系 2、陶行知生活教育 3、杜威教育影响 4、心理健康教育目标和内容 华中师范大学 一、名解 1、教育目的 2、讲授法 3、道尔顿制 4、先行组织者 二、简答 1、教育任务 2、培养班集体方法 3、恽代英教育思想 4、学习动机强化理论 三、论述 1、德育过程是培养学生知情信意行过程;


2010北京语言大学汉语国际教育硕士真题(回忆版) 1、孔子用英文怎么说 2、“知行合一”的提出者是谁。 3、玄奘的著作是什么。 4、《桂苑笔耕集》的作者是谁 5 、南北大运河开始修建于哪年。 6 、诗圣是谁。 7 、洋务运动的官方外语学校叫做什么。 8 、在唐代日本留学生被叫做什么。 9 、24节气的名称。 10、“吴带当风”是唐代画家谁的作品。 11、完成第一次环球航行的是谁。 12 、1861年,清政府在京设置的正式处理外交事务的机构是什么。 13、马克波罗在哪里做官时写下《马可波罗游记》。 14、汤若望是哪国人。 15、秦地方行政制度是什么。 16、第一艘美国到中国的商船名字是什么。 17、台湾设“省”的年代是哪一年。 18、西汉新疆的管理机构是什么。 19、751年,唐军和大食军在哪里进行战争。 20、师夷长技以制夷的提出者是谁。 21、四合院用英文怎么说。 21、五四后第一部白话诗集是什么。 22、清政府在海外第一个使馆在哪个国家。 23、四大发明 24、郑和下西洋最远到达哪里。 25、白云观是什么道派的。 26、与路易十四同时期的中国皇帝是谁。 27、第一个翻译《圣经》的中国人是谁。

28、明“四大奇书”是什么。 29、墨西哥官方语言是什么。 30、《日本国志》的作者是谁。 31、伊斯兰教创始人是谁。 32、少数民族史诗(好像是藏族和蒙古族的史诗)。 33、明代最大的类书是什么。 34、日本奈良平城京仿造中国什么时候哪里的建筑?(选项有A唐代洛阳 B唐代长安 C汉代洛阳 D汉代长安) 35、最早承认新中国的西方国家是哪个 36、2009年诺贝尔和平奖是谁。 37、世博会的英文缩写是什么。 38、马克吐温的作品。 39、宜家是哪个国家的品牌。(此题是样题上的原题) 以下是判断题: 40、美国议会参议院、众议院。每州2个参议院。正确与否? 41、妇女节烈是孔子的观点。正确与否? 42、《南京条约》 43、三省六部 44、乞巧节 45、美国迈克尔杰克逊是king of pop 46、“电话”由日本到中国 二、教育学心理学部分 1、文化敏感。 2、非语言交际。 3、多德森曲线。 4、教学的四大环节。 5、第二语言教学最古老的教学法是什么。 6、HSK属什么考试。 7、克拉申理论。


启用前☆机密 宜宾市2016年高中阶段学校招生考试 语文试题 (考试时间:120分钟;全卷满分:120分) 第Ⅰ卷选择题(20分) 一、基础知识积累(16分) 1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是()(2分) A.酝酿(niàng)啜泣(chuò)骸骨(hái)锲而不舍(qì) B.哺育(bǔ)星宿(xiù)告罄(qìng)恪尽职守(kè) C.咫尺(zǐ)干涸(hé)冗长(rǒng)惟妙惟肖(xiào) D.狡黠(xiá)亘古(gèng)偌大(ruò)味同嚼蜡(jiáo) 2.下列词语中书写完全正确的一项是()(2分) A.遮敝羁绊来势汹汹变幻多姿 B.籍贯惆怅锋芒毕露蛛丝蚂迹 C.寥廓急躁张皇失措相形见绌 D.取缔婉转迫不急待黯然失色 3.下列加点成语使用正确的一项是()(2分) A.网上对这个餐厅的评价相当高,我们品尝之后觉得名不虚传。.... B.爷爷不会操作手机,于是我对他耳提面命,手把手教他发短信。.... C.在我生病的时候,妈妈对我的照顾简直无所不至。.... D.转眼间,狂风大作,雷电交加,大雨倾盆,真是满城风雨。....4.下列句子没有语病的一项是()(2分) A.5月30日,火星抵达11年来离地球最近的位置,人们几乎凭肉眼就能看到它。 B.高靖朝的土鸡蛋供不应求,主要的销售途径是通过微信朋友圈和QQ好友群卖出。 C.著名翻译家、作家杨绛先生的散文《老王》是广大文学爱好者倍受欢迎的。 D.我们班“学霸”晓兮虽然学习很好,但是经常热情地帮助学习困难的同学。 5.下列句子修辞手法判断及作用分析不正确的一项是 A.“浩荡离愁白日斜”运用了比喻、夸张的修辞手法,生动地写出愁绪的繁多、深广、延绵不绝。B.“沉鳞竞跃”“锦鳞游泳”“呷浪之鳞”均以鳞代指鱼,运用借代的修辞手法,生动具体,形象鲜明,使事物特点更加突出。 C.“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”运用拟人、对偶的修辞手法,深刻地表达出诗人面对国家危亡、亲人离散的痛苦。 D.“将军百战死,壮士十年归”“万里赴戎机,关山度若飞”都运用了对偶的修辞手法,句式整齐,结构匀称。 6.下列说法不正确的一项是()(3分) A.《论语》,儒家经典著作,与《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称为“四书”。 B.《史记》,我国第一部编年体通史,作者是西汉的史学家、文学家司马迁。 C.鲁迅,著名文学家、思想家、革命家,有散文集《朝花夕拾》,小说集《呐喊》。 D.莫泊桑,法国作家,被称为短篇小说巨匠,代表作有《项链》《羊脂球》等。 7.下列名著中的形象分析正确的一项是() A.《海底两万里》中的尼摩船长用海底沉船里的千百万金银来挑起陆地上人们的战争,他是一个故意引起事端、不怀好意。


2016年上海外国语大学专业学位英语口译/笔译初试 英语翻译基础(100分) 12月26日14:00—17:00 I.Cloze.(共15个空,一空两分,共30分) 卷子上的标题是Here’s why the“American century”will survive rise of China The American century will survive the rise of China Joseph Nye March25,2015 Entropy is a greater challenge than Chinese growth,writes Joseph Nye In1941Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end as1.a result of the nation’s economic and political decline. Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was 2.more an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation. A century is generally the limit for a human organism but countries are social constructs.Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in117AD.After American independence in1776Horace Walpole, the British politician,lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power. Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should4.take into account how many earlier efforts have been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today some see the Chinese as10ft tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”. China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power. 6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future.


2015-2016年全国各大高校教育硕士333考研真题2016年北师大教育学考研真题 名词解释 1社会教育 2附属内驱力 3样本和总体 4费里法案 5定县实验 6核心课程 7问题解决 8教育历史研究法 简答题 1、现代教育的政治基础与功能 2、严复教育思想 3、简述班级活动竞争与合作心理效应的不同 4、教育文献综述的格式、规格和作用 论述题 1、结合当代教学改革实践,分析当代教学模式的发展方向和基本任务 2、评述《1988年教育改革法》的内容和影响 3、?低年级学生取消作业?有的老师赞同,有的老

师不赞同,设计实验方案包括,实验设计,自变量和因变量,控制变量和控制方法,实验效果及说明方法 2016年华东师范大学教育综合考研真题(完整版) 名词解释:苏胡教法自由七艺班级授课制绅士教育中体西用双轨制(重复率高,四个是历年真题)简答:简述朱子读书法及其现代的价值 校长负责制的内涵及其需注意的问题 蔡元培?五育并举?的教育方针, 试举例说明社会建构主义内容及其学习应用。评述要素主义教育, 举例说明课程内容的设计对学生学科知识理解的影响, 论述培养班集体的方法, 从元认知的角度阐述提高学生学习效能的教学策略。 2015北京师范大学333教育综合真题 一、名词解释 1.教育

2.苏湖教法 3.进步主义教育 4.赫尔巴特的教育目的论 二、简述 1、德育的基本途径 2、活动课程的主要特征 3、教师专业素养的主要内容 4、社会规范学习的心理过程 5、最近发展区 6、奥苏贝尔的有意义接受学习 三、论述题 1、陶行知生活教育的主要内容 2、夸美纽斯关于班级授课制的基本观点 3、促进知识迁移的措施 4、教育的社会功能 2016年南师全日制教育硕士考研真题(完整版) 一、单项选择题2×10 1. 中国古代学校教育内容中的?六艺?指的是?


考试时间:2015.12.26~27 与其他学校相比,北师大的命题比较基础,没有偏题怪题,但考得很全面。建议复习的时候一定要全面,之前北师大的专业二一直以现当代为主,结果今年考了很多古代文学,我压根就没看,是一大失误。考得基础,并不意味这轻松。相反,这警示我们:每一题都相当重要,如果你失误了,没有题目可以供你扳回。并且英语和政治很有可能成为区分成绩的关键。由于本人英语和政治都复习得不好,就简单谈谈专业课吧,望对学弟学妹有所帮助。 专业一: 《现代汉语》(黄廖第五版)重中之重,要读得滚瓜乱熟、字斟句酌,更要能举一反三、灵活运用。尤其是语法那一章,每一个点都要背熟,修辞可以略看。可以买一本有答案的练习题。这本书,我背了5遍,已经算少的了。 古代汉语只考标点和解释字句。到图书馆借一本战国策或者左传之类的书,三四天读一小段,培养语感即可。 印象中没有考语纲,另外要看《101例》(暨大出版,网上有PDF版) 专业二: 文化:买带笔记的《中国文化要略》,一边看书一边补充笔记,从第二遍开始就只看笔记背。这个不太难,感觉考到的都是那种不看书也知道的点。不会的大部分都来自课外,这个就只能靠个人积累了,这里推荐一下《汉语国际教育基础考点测评》。背完这本书,外国文化部分就没问题啦。除此之外,一定要注意积累,关注北京和全国的大事件。另外,北师大极爱考政治题。复习政治的形势与政策时,要留心一下国内顶尖重要的几个政策方针。 文学:《中国现代三十年》(钱理群)《中国文学史》(袁行霈,共四本)《外国文学史》(郑克鲁,共两本),如果能背完真的就可以了。文学部分只要记人物、作品、主要风格、世人公认的评价即可,古代文学还要记体裁风格特点和千古名篇佳句。还是要以现当代为重点,今年考的现当代的作品都是名人之作,但不是名人的代表作,要求我们一定要对原著内容的主人公和情节有所了解,不能只记条条框框了。


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A What’s On? Electric Underground 7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who’s playing in your area? We’re bringing you an eveni ng of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He’s going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce you music. Gee Whizz 8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐). Simon’s Workshop 5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years’ experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. Charlotte Stone 8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. 1. Who can help you if you want to have your music produced? A. Jules Skye. B. Gee Whizz. C. Charlotte Stone. D. James Pickering. 2. At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh? A. The Cyclops Theatre B. Kaleidoscope
