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In our daily life, we often come across various situations where things are done in a certain way. For example, when we go to the supermarket, the fruits and vegetables are carefully ___1___ and displayed. The shelves are regularly ___2___ to make sure everything is in order. At school, the classrooms are cleaned and tidied up. The blackboards are ___3___ after each class. When we go to a restaurant, the dishes are prepared and served. The tables are ___4___ after customers leave.
1. A. chosen B. selected C. picked D. packed

“水果和蔬菜被精心挑选并陈列”,select 有“挑选”之意,且此处是被动语态are carefully selected。

A 选项chosen 也有“选择”的意思,但不如selected 正式;C 选项picked 主要指“采摘”;D 选项packed 是“包装”,不符合语境。

2. A. arranged B. organized C. put D. placed

“货架被定期整理以确保一切井然有序”,organize 有“组织、整理”之意,且此处是被动语态are regularly organized。

A 选项arranged 也有“安排、布置”的意思,但更强调排列的整齐;C 选项put 和D 选项placed 只是单纯的“放置”,没有整理的意思。

3. A. wiped B. cleaned C. cleared D. washed

“每节课后黑板被擦干净”,wipe 有“擦”的意思,且此
处是被动语态are wiped。

B 选项cleaned 比较宽泛,不一定指擦黑板;C 选项cleared 主要是“清理、清除”;D 选项washed 通常指用水洗,擦黑板一般不用wash。

4. A. tidied B. cleaned C. arranged D. set

“顾客离开后桌子被清理”,clean 有“打扫、清理”之意,且此处是被动语态are cleaned。

A 选项tidied 更强调整理整齐;C 选项arranged 是“安排、布置”;D 选项set 是“放置”,都不符合语境。

5. When we go to the library, the books are neatly ___5___ on the shelves.
A. put
B. placed
C. laid
D. set

“书被整齐地放在书架上”,place 有“放置”之意,且此处是被动语态are neatly placed。

A 选项put 比较口语化;C 选项laid 通常指平放;D 选项set 更多用于设置、安排,不太符合书放在书架上的语境。

In recent years, technology has been rapidly advancing. Many new inventions have been made and they have greatly changed our lives. Smartphones, for example, are now widely used. They are constantly being updated and improved. New features are being added all the time.
The development of artificial intelligence is also remarkable. AI systems are being used in various fields. They are being trained to perform complex tasks. Data is being analyzed by these systems to provide useful
___6___ by many people as a revolutionary technology. AI has the potential to transform many industries. It is being studied and developed by scientists around the world.
A. Seen
B. Looked
C. Watched
D. Observed

“be seen as”是固定搭配,表示“被视为”。

B、C、D 选项虽都有“看”的意思,但没有“被视为”这样的固定搭配。

___7___ to solve many difficult problems. AI algorithms are being developed to handle complex tasks. They are being tested and refined continuously.
A. Used
B. Employed
C. Utilized
D. Applied

“be applied to”表示“应用于”,符合语境。

A、B、C 选项也有“使用”的意思,但与“to solve”搭配不如“applied”恰当。

___8___ for its ability to process large amounts of data quickly. AI
systems are highly efficient in data processing. They are being improved to become even more powerful.
A. Praised
B. Commended
C. Appreciated
D. Admired

“be praised for”表示“因……而受到赞扬”,在这里表示因快速处理大量数据的能力而受到赞扬。

B、C、D 选项也有“赞扬”的意思,但搭配不如“praised”常见。

___9___ in many different fields. AI is being used in healthcare, finance, transportation, and many other areas. It is having a significant impact on these industries.
A. Employed
B. Utilized
C. Applied
D. Used

“be utilized in”表示“在……中被利用”,比其他三个选项更符合语境。

A、C、D 选项虽也有“使用”的意思,但搭配不如“utilized”恰当。

___10___ to improve people's lives. AI is expected to bring many
benefits. It is being developed with the goal of making our lives easier and more convenient.
A. Designed
B. Planned
C. Intended
D. Aimed

“be intended to”表示“旨在”,符合语境。

A、B、D 选项虽有类似意思,但搭配不如“intended”常见。

In ancient times, a great battle was fought between two kingdoms. The kingdom of light was known for its brave warriors and wise leaders. The kingdom of darkness, on the other hand, was feared for its powerful magic. As the battle raged on, many lives were lost and much destruction was caused. Eventually, a peace treaty was proposed and after long negotiations, it was accepted.
11. The kingdom of light ___ by many for its bravery.
A. was admired
B. was hated
C. was ignored
D. was feared

“be admired by”表示“被……钦佩”。


B 选项“被讨厌”;C 选项“被忽视”;D 选项“被害怕”都不符合语境。

12. Much destruction ___ during the battle.
A. was avoided
B. was caused
C. was prevented
D. was stopped

“be caused”表示“被引起”。


A 选项“被避免”;C 选项“被阻止”;D 选项“被停止”不符合语境。

13. A peace treaty ___ after long negotiations.
A. was rejected
B. was accepted
C. was proposed
D. was ignored

上文提到“it was accepted”,经过长时间谈判,和平条约被接受。

A 选项“被拒绝”;C 选项“被提出”;D 选项“被忽视”不符合。

14. The kingdom of darkness ___ for its powerful magic.
A. was admired
B. was hated
C. was feared
D. was ignored


A 选项“被钦佩”;
B 选项“被讨厌”;D 选项“被忽视”不合适。

15. Many lives ___ in the battle.
A. were saved
B. were lost
C. were found
D. were hidden

上文提到“As the battle raged on, many lives were lost”,战斗中有很多生命失去。

A 选项“被拯救”;C 选项“被找到”;D 选项“被隐藏”不符合。

In a small town, there was an old library which ___16___ loved by all the residents. The books inside were carefully arranged and the place was always clean and tidy. One day, a famous author's new book ___17___ placed on the shelf. Many people came to borrow it. The librarian, who
was very friendly and helpful, ___18___ respected by everyone. As time went by, the library became more and more popular. Even some tourists ___19___ attracted by its charm. The town was proud of this wonderful library.
16. A. was B. were C. is D. are

句子主语是an old library,是单数,且整个故事的时态是过去时,所以用was。

B 选项were 是复数形式不符合;C、D 选项is 和are 是现在时态也不符合。

17. A. was B. were C. is D. are

主语是a famous author's new book,是单数,且时态是过去时,所以用was。

B 选项were 是复数形式;C、D 选项is 和are 是现在时态。

18. A. was B. were C. is D. are

主语是The librarian,是单数,且时态是过去时,所以用was。

B 选项were 是复数形式;C、D 选项is 和are 是现在时态。

19. A. was B. were C. is D. are

主语是some tourists,是复数,且时态是过去时,所以用were。

A 选项was 是单数形式;C、D 选项is 和are 是现在时态。
