Idioms 英语习语,谚语英汉解释
英语习语和谚语(English idioms and proverbs)

Kill two birds with one stone.
Strike the iron while it is hot.
Teach fish to swim.
Too mu ch kn owledge makes the head bald.
• As you sow,so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
• Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。
• No pains,no gains. 不劳无获。
• Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 • No sweet without sweat. 一分耕耘,一分收获。 • Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 • Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。 • Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。
• Art is long, life is short. 人生短暂,学艺无穷。
• Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
• Better late than never. 再晚也不算迟。
• All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
• All that glitters is not gold. 并非闪光的都是金子。
Birds of a feather flock t o g e t h e r.
The early bird catches the worm.
Like father, like son.

英语习语一、成语(idioms)A blue stocking 女才子,女学究An apple of discord 祸根(不和之因)The Tro y Horse 木马计Ins and outs 事情的底细;露出马脚To lay heads together 大家一起商议(问题)An arm’s length =at a safe distance away一臂之遥Fish in the air 缘木求鱼An old hand is a good guide 老马识途Like a drowned cat 落汤鸡Let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚Like knows like 英雄所见略同二、俗语(colloquialisms)First-handed 第一手的To show one’s cards 摊牌Round-table conference 圆桌会议To bury one’s head ostrich-like in the sand 采取鸵鸟政策,顾头不顾尾With the tail between the legs 夹着尾巴(逃跑)Past repair 无法修补Off color 精神不好Beyond debate 无可争议Beyond control 无法控制For all I care! 我才不在乎It’s anyone’s guess. 这事谁也不清楚。
三、谚语(proverbs)A dog in the manger 狗展马槽,占着茅坑不拉屎Sour grapes 算葡萄Mind one’s P’s and Q’s 注意礼节A merry heart makes a long life 笑一笑,十年少A word to the wise is sufficient. 名人不可重说;响鼓不可重敲Bitter pills may have blessed effects. 良药苦口利于病;忠言逆耳利于行Cowards die many times ,but a brave man only dies once. 懦者易死,勇者易活。
English idioms英语习语

English IdiomsIdioms about animalsCatA cat has nine lives 猫有九条命(吉人天相)Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心A gloved cat catches no mice 不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream 掩耳盗铃A cat may look at a king. 小人物也应有些权利It rains cats and dogs. 下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱Let the cat out of the bag 说走了嘴see how the cat jumps 看风使舵, 随机应变The scalded cat fears cold water. 一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳When the cat's away, the mice will play. 大王外出, 小鬼跳粱DogA staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无词Every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时Let sleeping dogs lie 勿惹事生非All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 不要以貌取人Give a dog an ill name 人言可畏Fight dog, fight bear. 一决雌雄An old dog will learn no new tricks 老年人很难适应新事物To help a lame dog over a stile. 雪中送炭Better a living dog than a dead lion. 好死不如歹活FishNever offer to teach fish to swim. 切勿班门弄斧。
Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 智者不上第二次当If water is noisy, there are no fish in it .夸夸其谈者无真才实学There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼多的是.(强中更有强中手.) Fish begins to stink at the head.上梁不正下梁歪BirdIt’s an ill bird that fouls its own nest.家丑不可外扬Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装,马要鞍Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 听音识鸟,闻言识人Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。

Slangs,Proverbs Phrases&Idioms
文英0912 Joel
英 汉 翻 译 基 础 教 程
3.5 特殊词汇翻译 1 习语的翻译
课 堂 互 动 课堂互动2
2 俚语的翻译
3 谚语的翻译 4 成语的翻译
课 堂 互 动
19 返回章重点退出
俚语的翻译(Translation of Slangs) 俚语,是俗语的一种。是通俗的、
粗俗的或通行面窄的方言词,不属于 标准英语的范围。俚语不但出现在口 语中,而且也出现在戏剧、电视、电 影以及小说的对白中。俚语一般可分 委婉语、咒语和粗俗语。
4 返回章重点退出
短语 、熟语 、成语、俗语、
谚语、警句 、格言、俚语、粗语。
5 返回章重点退出
● 从狭义上讲,英语习语指那种字
面意义不同于实际意义的词组或句子。 因文化差异与表达方式的不同,一个词 组、一个句子照字面解释逻辑不通,意 义与上下文格格不入,那可能是狭义上 的习语。对这种表面上与汉语非常相似, 其意义并不相同的习语,则无法想当然 或顾名思义。
10)dead president
25 返回章重点退出
11)dime store
12)end paper
13)goo goo eyes

英语习语English Idioms英语习语1.Achilles'heel(the heel of Achilles) 致命弱点,致命隐患2.ant in one's pants 坐立不安,神不守舍 of Sodom(the dead Sea Apple) 金玉其外,败絮其中 of discord 争端之源,不和之因,祸根 of one's eye 掌上明珠,心肝宝贝6.apples and oranges(apples to oranges) 互不相干的物或人,风马牛不相及 polisher 阿谀逢迎者,马屁精8.attiec salt 优雅的俏皮话9.a backer's dozen 十三10.beat your swords into plowshares 化干戈为玉帛11.a bed of roses 诚心如意的境遇,安乐窝12.bell the cat 自告奋勇去冒险,老虎头上拍苍蝇13.below the belt 暗中伤人,不择手段,作不公平的攻击14.birds of a feather 同类人,物以类聚,人以群分15.birthday suit 光着身子,一丝不挂16.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,顶住困难 sheep 败家子,害群之马 blood 贵族出身,名门望族19.once in a blue moon 千载难逢 bold as brass 厚颜无耻,大摇大摆21.a bolt from/out of the blue 晴天霹雳,始料未及22.break a leg 祝好运,祝演出成功 break the ice 破冰,打破僵局24.bring home the bacon 养家糊口,谋生,成功25.a bull in a china shop 莽撞闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人26.burn one's boats/bridges 破釜沉舟58、fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼,趁火打劫59、neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类,非驴非马60、get out of bed on the wrong side 清早一起来就发脾气,急躁不愉快,心情不好61、get the short end of the stick 吃亏62、gild/paint the lily 画蛇添足,不必要地修饰本来就很美的东西63、golden handcuffs 金手铐64、good wine needs no bush 就像不拍巷子深65、go bananas 情绪失控,发疯,神经错乱66、go west 归西,上西天67、Gordian Knot 难解的题,难题,难点68、Greek gift(s) 阴谋害人的礼物,黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不安好心69、hang by a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危70、hair-splitter 钻牛角尖的人71、a hard/tough nut 冥顽不化的人,棘手的问题,难以理解的人或事72、to have butterflies in one's stomach 七上八下,忐忑不安73、have an ace up one's sleeves 锦囊妙计,手中握有的王牌74、have an axe to grind 别有用心,另有企图,怀有私心75、have/get cold feet 胆怯,打退堂鼓76、a hen-pecked husband 妻管严,怕老婆的男人77、Helen of Troy 特洛伊的海伦,亡国女色;祸根78、higa horse 摆架子,趾高气扬,目空一切,盛气凌人79、hit the nail on the head 一针见血,击中要害80、hold water 站得住脚,滴水不漏81、in hot water 陷入困境82、icing on the cake 锦上添花83、jack of all trades,and master of none 博而不精的人84、John Bull 约翰牛,英国佬27.burn the candle at both ends 浪费精力,过分耗费28.bury one's head in the sand/hide one`s head in the sand 逃避现实 a spade a apade 直言不讳,实话实说30.carry coals to Neweastle 多此一举,徒劳无功31.cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴,白费好意32.castles in the air 空中楼阁,幻想's paw 被他人利用的人,受人愚弄着34.cook one's goose 回调前程,自毁前程35.crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲36.cross one's fingers(keep one's fingers crossed) 祝福好运37.cock and bull story 弥天大谎,鬼话连篇38.cry wolf 危言耸听,谎报险情39.dark horse 黑马,比赛或竞选中爆出冷门的优胜者40.between the devil and the deep(blue) sea 进退维谷,进退两难41.the die is cast 木已成舟,心意已决42.diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手,强中自有强中手43.a dog in the manager 占着茅疼不拉屎的人44.down and out 穷困潦倒,落魄45.down and drain 付诸东流,浪费掉 the drop of a hat 立刻,马上,随即 humble pie 忍辱含垢,忍气吞声 one'swords 收回前言,承认说错 the eleventh hour 最后时刻,危急关头50.escape by the skin of one's teeth 幸免于难,死里逃生 eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙52.a fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友 skeleton 家丑54.fat chance 没戏,机会渺茫55.on the fence 抱观望态度,迟疑不决56.flea market 跳蚤市场,二手货市场57.a feather in one's cap/hat 荣誉,荣耀58、fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼,趁火打劫59、neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类,非驴非马60、get out of bed on the wrong side 清早一起来就发脾气,急躁不愉快,心情不好61、get the short end of the stick 吃亏62、gild/paint the lily 画蛇添足,不必要地修饰本来就很美的东西63、golden handcuffs 金手铐64、good wine needs no bush 就像不拍巷子深65、go bananas 情绪失控,发疯,神经错乱66、go west 归西,上西天67、Gordian Knot 难解的题,难题,难点68、Greek gift(s) 阴谋害人的礼物,黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不安好心69、hang by a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危70、hair-splitter 钻牛角尖的人71、a hard/tough nut 冥顽不化的人,棘手的问题,难以理解的人或事72、to have butterflies in one's stomach 七上八下,忐忑不安73、have an ace up one's sleeves 锦囊妙计,手中握有的王牌74、have an axe to grind 别有用心,另有企图,怀有私心75、have/get cold feet 胆怯,打退堂鼓76、a hen-pecked husband 妻管严,怕老婆的男人77、Helen of Troy 特洛伊的海伦,亡国女色;祸根78、higa horse 摆架子,趾高气扬,目空一切,盛气凌人79、hit the nail on the head 一针见血,击中要害80、hold water 站得住脚,滴水不漏81、in hot water 陷入困境82、icing on the cake 锦上添花83、jack of all trades,and master of none 博而不精的人84、John Bull 约翰牛,英国佬85、Judas Kiss 死亡之吻,阴险的背叛,口蜜腹剑86、keep your shirt on 冷静,别发火87、keep up with the Joneses 攀比,和邻居比阔88、kick dowm the ladder 过河拆桥89、kick the bucket 死翘翘,翘辫子,死90、kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵,涸泽而渔91、kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得,事半功倍92、land your feet 侥幸,转运,逢凶化吉93、the last straw 最后一击,致命一击,忍无可忍94、leave no stone unturned 千方百计,费尽心机95、let the eat out of the bag 露出马脚,泄露秘密96、the lion's share 最大的一份,最好的一份97、lip service 口惠而实不至,空口答应98、lipstick effect 口红效应99、milk the bull 干徒劳的事,缘木求鱼,水中捞月100、needle in a haystack 大海捞针101、nothing like leather 自夸自赞102、out of sight,out of mind 眼不见,心不想103、olive branch 橄榄枝,和平的象征,化干戈为玉帛104、Pandora's box 潘多拉的盒子,灾难之源105、pain in the neck 令人讨厌的人/事106、plain sailing 一帆风顺107、a Penelope's Web/the Web of Penelope 故意拖延的策略,永远做不完的工作108、pennywise,pound foolish 小处节约,大处浪费;小事精明,大事糊涂109、from pillar to post 四处奔波,四处碰壁110、one's pound of flesh 残酷榨取,割肉还债111、on pins and needles 浑身发麻,如坐针毡112、the pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步113、pour/throw cold water on 浇冷水,泼冷水114、pour oil on the flame/add fuel to the flame 火上加油115、put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷,铤而走险116、put oneself in someone else's shoes 设身处地,推己及人117、put on the dog 耍派头,摆阔气118、Pyrrhic victory 惨胜,得不偿失119、seapegoat 替罪羊,垫背的,背黑锅120、at sixes and sevens 七上八下,乱七八糟,七零八落,意见不合121、no smoke without fire 无风不起浪,事出皆有因122、a red letter day 节日,值得纪念的日子,特殊的日子123、red tape 繁琐手续,官僚作风124、no respecter of persons 一视同仁,不偏待人125、rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙,剜肉补疮126、nuder the rose 私密地,私下里,暗中127、roses all the day 一帆风顺,一路蔷薇128、salt of the erath 社会中坚,民族精华,优秀分子129、in the same boat 同舟共济,休戚相关130、sell one's birthright for a mess of Pottages 因小失大,见利弃义131、separate the sheep from the goat 区别好坏,分清良莠132、shotgun marriage 奉子成婚133、on the side of angels 坚持正义,坚持传统观点134、six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两135、a skeleton(a death's head) at the feast 扫兴的人/事136、sour grapes 酸葡萄138、a square peg in a round hole 方凿圆讷,格格不入139、start from scratch 从零开始,从头做起,白手起家140、steal one's thunder 抢某人风头141、a storm in a teacup 杯水风波,小题大做,大惊小怪142、the sword of Damocles 潜在的巨大危险143、take French leave 不辞而别144、talk turkey 严肃地谈某事145.a/the third wheel 碍手碍脚的人,局外人,多余的人146.throw up/in the sponge 承认失败,放弃比赛,认输投降147.under the thumb 受人控制148.the Trojan horse 木马计,暗藏的危险,木马病毒149.uncle Sam 山姆大叔150.walk on eggs 小心谨慎,小心翼翼,如履薄冰 my six 注意我身后152.white elephant 累赘,昂贵而无用之物153.a widow's cruse 寡妇的坛子,取之不竭的资源154.a wile goose chase 徒劳,无益的追求,枉费心机 lanrels 获得荣誉,赢得声望156.the writing on the wall 不祥之兆,大祸临头157.a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼,伪君子,口蜜腹剑的人 hand in glove 密切合作,互相勾结。

Jack of all trades and master of
/ 三脚猫。
Still water runs deep.
/ 大智若愚。
/ 深藏不露
/ 大智若愚。
/ 深藏不露
More haste, less speed.
New brooms sweep clean.
Diamond cut diamond.
/ 针锋相对。
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Beauty is but skin-deep.
Do not quarrel with your bread and butter.
A good beginning is half
You reap what you sow 种瓜的瓜,种豆得豆。
Never judge a person by his or her appearance.
Fine feathers make fine
Let's put all the cards on the

以下是一些英语习语的例子:1. "It's raining cats and dogs." - 意思是“下着倾盆大雨”,而不是字面意义上的“下着猫和狗”。
2. "Bringing coals to Newcastle" - 意思是“做多余的事情”,因为纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)是英国的一个煤炭重镇。
3. "The early bird catches the worm." - 意思是“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”,即提早行动的人能够得到更好的机会或好处。
4. "That's a long shot." - 意思是“那是一个不太可能的事情”,而不是字面意义上的“那是一次长射”。
5. "You're a big help." - 意思是“你很有帮助”,而不是字面意义上的“你是一个大帮助”。
6. "It's a piece of cake." - 意思是“那很容易”,而不是字面意义上的“那是一块蛋糕”。
7. "He's a dead ringer for his brother." - 意思是“他和他兄弟长得一模一样”,而不是字面意义上的“他已经死了,还像个钟摆一样摆动”。
8. "She's always the first to arrive and the last to leave." - 意思是“她总是第一个到达,最后一个离开”,而不是字面意义上的“她总是第一个到达和最后一个离开”。
9. "He's a fast talker." - 意思是“他说话很快”,而不是字面意义上的“他说话很流利”。
中考初中英语复习英语习语汇总(English idioms)(共228句)(书面表达满分技巧)

中考英语书面表达满分技巧英语习语(English idioms)DAY 001 a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush[翻译]一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林DAY 002 a black sheep[翻译]败家子害群之马DAY 003 a bolt from the blue[翻译]晴天霹雳出人意表DAY 004 a hot potato[翻译]烫手山芋,指处理困难或危险或棘手的事情DAY 005 a left-handed compliment[翻译]假意恭维DAY 006 a penny for your thoughts[翻译]询问他人在琢磨什么DAY 007 a piece of cake[翻译]小菜一碟,那就很容易做到DAY 008 a slap on the wrist[翻译]轻微的惩罚DAY 009 a snowball effect[翻译]滚雪球效应DAY 010 ace up one’s sleeve[翻译]手中握有王牌、解救危机的好办法DAY 011 actions speak louder than words[翻译]行动胜于雄辩DAY 012 add insult to injury[翻译]雪上加霜DAY 013 against the clock[翻译]争分夺秒DAY 014 an arm and a leg[翻译]形容很富有DAY 015 at sea[翻译]不知所措或混乱的状态DAY 016 at the drop of a hat[翻译]立即地毫不犹豫DAY 017 back against the wall [翻译]陷入困境无处可逃DAY 018 back to square one[翻译]重起炉灶DAY 019 back to the drawing board[翻译](失败后)重新开始,从头再来DAY 020 ball is in your court[翻译]掌握发言权,由你决定DAY 021 barking up the wrong tree[翻译]捕风捉影,主要是指把精力花在了不该花的地方,搞错了目标DAY 022 be glad to see the back of[翻译]庆幸终于摆脱(某人或某物)DAY 023 be in a tight corner.[翻译]处于困难的境地DAY 024 bear a grudge[翻译]含怨DAY 025 beat around the bush[翻译]拐弯抹角DAY 026 behind one’s back[翻译]背着某人DAY 027 beside yourself with joy[翻译]特别开心DAY 028 best of both the worlds[翻译]两全其美DAY 029 best thing since sliced bread [翻译]有史以来最好的事情DAY 030 better late than never[翻译]迟做总比不做好DAY 031 bide one's time[翻译]等待时机DAY 032 big cheese[翻译]大人物,要人DAY 033 bite off more than you can chew [翻译]贪多嚼不烂DAY 034 bite the bullet[翻译]硬着头皮做咬紧牙关应付DAY 035 black and blue[翻译]青一块紫一块DAY 036 black out[翻译]晕厥暂时昏迷DAY 037 blessing in disguise[翻译]塞翁失马,焉知非福DAY 038 blow hot and cold[翻译]反复无常DAY 039 blow off steam[翻译]发泄情绪,宣泄不满DAY 040 boil the ocean[翻译]尝试艰难或不可能的任务DAY 041 bounce something off someone [翻译]征求某人的意见DAY 042 break a leg[翻译]祝你好运DAY 043 break fresh/ new ground[翻译]开辟新天地DAY 044 break the bank[翻译]斥巨资倾家荡产DAY 045 burn the midnight oil[翻译]熬夜DAY 046 burn your boats/bridges[翻译]不留后路,下定决心干到底”,破釜沉舟DAY 047 bury the hatchet[翻译]化干戈为玉帛DAY 048 by the skin of your teeth[翻译]侥幸,勉强DAY 049 call a de a de[翻译]直接了当,直言不讳DAY 050 call it aDAY[翻译]到此为止结束DAY 051 caught between two stools[翻译]两边不讨好DAY 052 chip off the old block[翻译](相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人DAY 053 cross that bridge when you come to it[翻译]船到桥头自然直DAY 054 cry for the moon[翻译]异想天开海底捞月DAY 055 cry over spilled milk[翻译]覆水难收DAY 056 crying wolf[翻译]假意求救DAY 057 curiosity killed the cat[翻译]好奇心往往很危险DAY 058 cut corners[翻译]偷工减料DAY 059 cut no ice[翻译](对某人)没有影响、不起作用,说服不了(某人)DAY 060 cut the mustard[翻译]符合要求(或条件) 达到标准,正常运转IDAY 061 cut to the chase[翻译]抓住核心抓住要害DAY 062 devil’s advocate[翻译]故意唱反调的人DAY 063 do unto others as you would have them do unto you[翻译]己所不欲,勿施于人DAY 064 don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched[翻译]不要过早乐观,过早地打如意算盘DAY 065 don’t give up theDAY job[翻译]做好眼下的工作(让某人不要追求不可能成功的事情)DAY 066 don’t judge a book by its cover [翻译]勿以貌取人DAY 067 don’t put all your eggs in one basket[翻译]不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里DAY 068 down for the count[翻译]彻底失败DAY 069 drastic times call for drastic measures[翻译]非常时期采用非常手段DAY 070 draw first blood[翻译]先下手为强DAY 071 easier said than done[翻译]说起来容易做起来难DAY 072 eat like a horse[翻译]狼吞虎咽DAY 073 egg on your face[翻译]困窘不堪DAY 074 eleventh hour[翻译]最后时刻,刚好来得及DAY 075 elvis has left the building[翻译]不用再等了”或者“已经毫无悬念了”DAY 076 every cloud has a silver lining [翻译]天无绝人之路DAY 077 face the music[翻译]承担自己行为的后果接受批评(或惩罚)DAY 078 fair and square[翻译]光明正大地诚实地DAY 079 far cry from[翻译]............大相径庭DAY 080 feel a bit under the weather [翻译]感觉有点不舒服DAY 081 fish out of water[翻译]走出你的舒适区DAY 082 flesh and blood[翻译]血肉之躯DAY 083 forty winks[翻译]打盹,小睡,午睡DAY 084 get in shape[翻译]强健身体DAY 085 get your act together[翻译]有条理地行事合理安排DAY 086 give it a whirl[翻译]试一试DAY 087 give the benefit of doubt[翻译]姑且信(某人说的话)DAY 088 go back to the drawing board [翻译]从头做起DAY 089 go cold turkey[翻译]突然停止DAY 090 go the extra mile [翻译]加倍努力加把劲DAY 091 good things come to those who wait[翻译]苍天不负苦心人DAY 092 has bigger fish to fry[翻译]有更重要的事情要做DAY 093 have the blues[翻译]郁郁不乐DAY 094 have your heart in your mouth [翻译]心都提到嗓子眼了,形容非常紧张DAY 095 hear through the grapevine[翻译]道听途说DAY 096 heart misses (skips) a beat[翻译]脸红心跳,形容非常兴奋或紧张DAY 097 hit the books[翻译]好好读书DAY 098 hit the nail on the head[翻译]一针见血DAY 099 hit the sack/sheets/hay[翻译]去睡觉DAY 100 hook, line and sinker[翻译]以彻底和热情做某事或试图实现某事DAY 101 ignorance is bliss[翻译]难得糊涂DAY 102 in for a penny, in for a pound [翻译]一不做,二不休DAY 103 in the fast lane[翻译]紧张而刺激的生活DAY 104 in the heat of the moment[翻译]盛怒之下,一时激动DAY 105 in the same boat[翻译]同病相怜DAY 106 it is always darkest before the dawn[翻译]黎明前总是最黑的,事情会变得更好DAY 107 it takes two to tango[翻译]一个巴掌拍不响DAY 108 jam on the brakes[翻译]猛地刹车DAY 109 jump on the bandwagon[翻译]站在某人一边一窝蜂做某事DAY 110 jump the gun[翻译]抢先行动过早地行动DAY 111 keep an ear to the ground[翻译]密切注意舆论动向注意人们想的和说的DAY 112 keep something at bay[翻译]控制住,牵制DAY 113 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs[翻译]杀鸡取卵DAY 114 kill two birds with one stone [翻译]一石二鸟DAY 115 last straw[翻译]最后一根稻草DAY 116 left out in the cold[翻译]遭受冷落DAY 117 let sleeping dogs lie[翻译]别惹麻烦别多事DAY 118 let the cat out of the bag[翻译](无意中)泄露秘密说漏嘴DAY 119 light at the end of tunnel[翻译]苦尽甘来、柳暗花明的迹象DAY 120 like a cakewalk[翻译]如此轻松的任务DAY 121 like a cat on hot tin roof[翻译]热锅上的蚂蚁DAY 122 look before you leap[翻译]三思而后行DAY 123 looking to your laurels[翻译]小心翼翼地保持已得的荣誉DAY 124 lose your marbles[翻译]发疯DAY 125 make a long story short[翻译]长话短说DAY 126 make one’s blood boil[翻译]使某人非常生气DAY 127 method in the madness[翻译]装疯卖傻不合常理的方法DAY 128 miss the boat[翻译]错失良机DAY 129 not a rk of decency [翻译]不体面DAY 130 not playing with the full deck [翻译]精神上、心理上或智力上有缺陷的人DAY 131 not the only fish in the sea[翻译]天涯何处无芳草DAY 132 not your cup of tea[翻译]不关你的事DAY 133 notch up[翻译]赢得达到DAY 134 off the cuff[翻译]即兴表演DAY 135 off the record[翻译]不公开DAY 136 old as the hills[翻译]古老的DAY 137 old habits die hard[翻译]旧习难改DAY 138 oldest trick in the book[翻译]最常用来欺骗别人的把戏或方法DAY 139 on cloud nine[翻译]异常兴奋乐不可支DAY 140 on the ball[翻译]敏锐的,机警的DAY 141 once bitten, twice shy[翻译]一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳DAY 142 once in a blue moon[翻译]千载难逢百年不遇DAY 143 open the floodgates[翻译]一发不可收拾DAY 144 out of the blue[翻译]出乎意料DAY 145 out on a limb[翻译]孤立无助陷入绝境DAY 146 over my dead body[翻译]除非我死了,否则休想”(表示强烈反对) DAY 147 over the top[翻译]夸张的言过其实的DAY 148 palm off[翻译]骗卖DAY 149 pen is mightier than the sword [翻译]笔墨胜过刀剑DAY 150 penny wise and pound foolish [翻译]小事聪明,大事糊涂DAY 151 play by the ear[翻译]即兴发挥DAY 152 play devil’s advocate[翻译]唱反调DAY 153 play your cards right[翻译]办事高明,处理得当DAY 154 pour out one’s heart[翻译]倾诉衷肠DAY 155 push one’s luck[翻译]得寸进尺DAY 156 put something on ice[翻译]推迟,搁置某件事情DAY 157 rain on someone’s parade[翻译]破坏原定的计划DAY 158 raining cats and dogs[翻译]下大雨DAY 159 read between the lines[翻译]字里行间了解事物背后的真实信息DAY 160 reap the harvest[翻译]收获硕果DAY 161 right off the bat[翻译]马上立刻DAY 162 ring a bell[翻译]听起来很熟悉DAY 163 roll up one’s sleeves[翻译]撸起袖子加油干DAY 164 round the bend[翻译]做蠢事DAY 165 run around in circles[翻译]白费功夫DAY 166 scrape the barrel[翻译](因别无选择)将就,凑合”DAY 167 see eye to eye[翻译]意见一致DAY 168 sell like hot cakes[翻译]热销DAY 169 shoot from the hip[翻译]鲁莽行事DAY 170 shoot oneself in the foot [翻译]咎由自取,搬起石头砸自己的脚DAY 171 shot in the dark[翻译]无根据的瞎猜DAY 172 sink your teeth into[翻译]全神贯注,决心解决DAY 173 skating on thin ice[翻译]如履薄冰DAY 174 snug as a bug in a rug[翻译]非常舒适DAY 175 stab someone in the back[翻译]暗箭伤人DAY 176 stand in a good stead[翻译]对某人很有用DAY 177 step up your game[翻译]开始表现更好DAY 178 straight from the horse’s mouth[翻译]绝对可靠DAY 179 strike while the iron is hot [翻译]趁热打铁DAY 180 swan song[翻译]绝唱DAY 181 take a back seat[翻译]退居次要位置DAY 182 take a nosedive[翻译]急转直下DAY 183 take a rain check[翻译]推迟计划DAY 184 take it with a grain of salt [翻译]半信半疑DAY 185 take the plunge[翻译]决心行动DAY 186 taste of one’s own medicine [翻译]自食其果DAY 187 the best thing since sliced bread[翻译]最好的东西DAY 188 the pot calling the kettle black [翻译]五十步笑百步DAY 189 the whole nine yards[翻译]一切全部DAY 190 think the world of[翻译]非常喜欢DAY 191 through thick and thin[翻译]风雨同舟DAY 192 throw caution to the wind[翻译]不顾一切地做某事DAY 193 tight spot[翻译]千钧一发DAY 194 to be in the doldrums[翻译]了无生气,无精打采DAY 195 to bell the cat[翻译]老虎头上捉虱子DAY 196 to have sticky fingers[翻译]贼DAY 197 to not see the wood for the trees[翻译]只见树木不见森林DAY 198 tongue in cheek[翻译]口是心非DAY 199 turn a blind eye[翻译]视而不见DAY 200 turn a deaf ear[翻译]充耳不闻DAY 201 twist someone’s arm[翻译]指给某人施加压力,迫使他做你要他做的事DAY 202 up a creek without a paddle[翻译]处于困境DAY 203 up for grabs[翻译]可能得到的DAY 204 up in arms[翻译]愤怒竭力反对DAY 205 walk on eggshells[翻译]小心翼翼DAY 206 want someone’s head on a platter[翻译]想严惩某人DAY 207 watch (someone) like a hawk[翻译]密切监视某人盯着某人DAY 208 water under the bridge[翻译]不可改变的既成事实DAY 209 wave a dead chicken[翻译]做一些无用、无用的事情,希望它能解决问题DAY 210 weak in the knees[翻译]因情绪、恐惧或疾病而几乎无法站立DAY 211 wear many hats[翻译]身兼数职DAY 212 wear your heart on your sleeve [翻译]感情外露DAY 213 weather the storm[翻译]成功度过一段艰难的时期DAY 214 wet behind the ears[翻译]乳臭未干的DAY 215 whale of a time[翻译]享受很多DAY 216 whistle in the dark[翻译]假装沉着给自已壮胆DAY 217 why keep a dog and bark for yourself[翻译]既然花钱雇人,为何还亲自动手DAY 218 wide off the mark[翻译]远离目标DAY 219 wild goose chase[翻译](根据错误信息进行的)徒劳寻找,徒劳之举DAY 220 wipe the slate clean[翻译]一笔勾销既往不咎DAY 221 wolf in sheep’s clothing[翻译]披着羊皮的狼DAY 222 work your fingers to the bone [翻译]拼命工作DAY 223 worm’s eye view[翻译]最下层的看法DAY 224 worth one’s salt[翻译]称职DAY 225 wrap one’s brain around[翻译]绞尽脑汁DAY 226 you can say that again[翻译]这是绝对正确的DAY 227 your guess is as good as mine [翻译]我跟你一样也不知道DAY 228 zero in on something[翻译]专注于某事。

英语Idioms汇总英语Idioms汇总unit11. Breath of life生命的气息Poetry and art are the breath of life to her.诗歌和艺术是她的生命之源。
2. Garden of Eden伊甸园Life is no Garden of Eden at the moment.现今的生活没有乐土。
3. Adam and Eve亚当和夏娃I don’t remember when all this took place. Perhaps it was when Adam andEve lived.我不记得这所有的事是何时发生的,也许是在很久很久以前。
There is a tendency of longevity长寿on his mother’s side. Both his grandpa and grandma lived to be over ninety—lived to be Adam and Eve, as they say.在他母亲那系有长寿的趋向。
4. Adam’s profession亚当的职业He has always been thinking of engaging in Adam’s profession when he retires.他总是想要在退休后从事园艺工作。
5. Bone of one’s bones and flesh of one’s flesh骨中骨,肉中肉I hold myself supremely blest—blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine. No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more absolutely bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.融为一体--Jane EyreThe trade union was bone of the bones and flesh of the flesh of the workers.工会和工人们休戚相关。

1. "to beat around the bush" - 绕弯子,不直接说重点。
2. "to cross one's fingers" - 祈求好运,希望事情顺利。
3. "to give someone the cold shoulder" - 对某人冷淡,不热情。
4. "to make a long story short" - 长话短说,简明扼要。
5. "to rain cats and dogs" - 下倾盆大雨。
6. "to see eye to eye" - 意见一致,看法相同。
7. "to speak of the devil" - 说曹操曹操到,正好说到某人的时候某人出现了。
8. "to think outside the box" - 打破常规,创新思考。
9. "to tighten one's belt" - 节约开支,过紧日子。
10. "to turn the tables" - 扭转局面,反败为胜。

Potluck Party:一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。
Pull over 把车子开到旁边。
Drop me a line!写封信给我。
Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧!For here or to go?堂食或外卖。
Cool:That's cool!等於台湾年轻人常用的囗语“酷!”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。
What's up? = What's happening? = What's new?见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!”Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it!少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。
Don't give me a hard time!别跟我过不去好不好!Get yourself together!振作点行不行!Do you have "the" time?现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。
Hang in there. = Don't give up. = Keep trying.再撑一下。
Give me a break!你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话)Hang on.请稍候。
Blow it. = Screw up.搞砸了。
What a big hassle.真是个麻烦事。
What a crummy day.多倒霉的一天。
Go for it.加油You bet. = Of course.当然;看我的!Wishful thinking.一厢情愿的想法。
Don't be so fussy!别那么挑剔好不好。
It's a long story.唉!说来话长。
How have you been? = How are you doing?你过得如何?近来可好?Take things for granted.自以为理所当然。
英语俚语 (American Idioms)

英语俚语(American Idioms)1、the apple of one's eye:掌上明珠,珍爱的人(或物)这里的apple是指瞳孔,是眼睛里最敏感最珍贵的部分。
这条成语来自《圣经. 诗篇》第十七篇第八节:"求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳孔。
"(Keep me as the apple of the eye.)[例]The little girl is the apple of her parents' eye. 这个小女孩是她父母的掌上明珠。
2、bad egg: 坏蛋;流氓,骗子,二流子;没出息的人此语大约于上世纪中叶在美国出现,十年后传到英国。
[例] Trust him nothing; he is a bad egg. 别相信他,他是个坏蛋。
3、burn one's boats (bridges): 破釜沉舟,自断退路,有进无退这句成语源自某些军事家的行动。
[例] "That's done it" said Manby, tearing up the agreement. "Now we've burned our boats behind us and we've no option but to go forward with the project.""事已如此,"曼贝一边说,一边撕掉协议书,"现在我们已破釜沉舟,除按计划前进外,别无选择。
"4、castle in Spain (the air)空中楼阁,白日做梦来自法语chateauxen Espangne.为什么提到西班牙?可能因为西班牙一度被认为是个富于浪漫色彩的国家。

117.分文不值not worth a dump
118.分身乏术One can’t be in two places at one time.
119.分秒必争Every minute counts.
120.分道扬镳go separate ways
65.三番两次time after time
66.三缄其口hold one’s peace
67.于事无补be of little avail(效用)
68.大刀阔斧go to the whole hog(肥(公)猪)
69.大功告成come off with honors
70.大同小异be much of muchness (多量,大量)
71.大言不惭blow one’s own trumpet
72.大快朵颐eat one’s fill
73.大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack
74.大智若愚Still waters run deep.
75.寸步不离keep…at one’s elbow
76.口若悬河talk nine words at once
97.不识抬举Bring a cow to the hall(礼堂)and she will run to byre(牛栏).
98.不择手段by hook(吊钩) or by crook(钩状物)
99.不知死活heedless(不注意的)of consequences
100.不知好歹don’t know chalk(白垩) from cheese
41.七窍生烟in a great fury
42.七零八落go to reck(顾虑)and rain
经典名言谚语英文翻译quotes and idioms(打印版)

化干戈为玉帛 beat swords into ploughs欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
We widen our views 3 hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
When reaching the great peak (of Mount Tai), we hold all mountains in a single glance.结交一言重,相期千里至。
Friends are as good as their words, they travel a thousand li to keep a rendezvous. 桃李不言,下自成蹊。
Peaches and plums do not have to talk, the world beats a path to them.君子敏于行而讷于言。
The gentlemen are speedy as a worker and cautious as a speaker.实事求是。
Seek truth from the facts.不到黄河心不死。
Until all is over ambition never dies. / Never say die.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit路曼曼其修远兮,吾将上下而求索My way ahead is long; I see no ending; yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.安不忘危,治不忘乱In security, we should never forget the dangers and in times of peace, we should always beware of the potential for chaos.海不辞水,故能成其大The ocean never turns away streams, so it becomes wide and deep山不辞土石,故能成其高The mountain never turns away stones, so it becomes towering and strong.同舟共济Help one another, for we are all in the same boat.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福Like Weather, one's fortune may change by the evening.治大国如烹小鲜Running a large country is like cooking a small fish.先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.春愁难遣强看山,往事惊心泪欲潸。

以下是一些常见的英语习语和俚语示例:1. beat around the bush(绕弯子):这个习语表示不直接表达自己的意见或想法,而是迂回地表达。
2. bite the bullet(咬紧牙关):这个习语表示面对困难或不愉快的情况,勇敢地承受它们。
3. break a leg(祝你好运):这个习语通常用于祝福演员或表演者在演出中好运。
4. butter someone up(谄媚):这个习语表示通过过度恭维或讨好某人来获取好处或利益。
5. hit the sack(睡觉):这个俚语表示去睡觉。
6. keep your chin up(挺住):这个习语表示鼓励某人保持乐观,不放弃希望。
7. let the cat out of the bag(泄漏秘密):这个习语表示不小心泄露了秘密或机密。
8. pull someone's leg(开玩笑):这个习语表示开玩笑或戏弄某人。
9. see eye to eye(意见一致):这个习语表示两人意见相同或达成共识。
10. take the bull by the horns(果断解决问题):这个习语表示果断地解决问题或面对挑战。
11. on the same page(想法一致):这个俚语表示两人或多人的想法一致或在同一个层面上。
12. piece of cake(易如反掌):这个俚语表示某事非常容易完成或做到。
13. spill the beans(泄露秘密):这个习语表示不小心泄露了秘密或机密。
14. under the weather(身体不适):这个俚语表示身体不舒服或生病。
15. up in the air(未确定):这个习语表示某事情未确定或未决定。
Translation of English idioms 英译汉看这个就够了

Translation of English idiomsIdioms includes colloquialisms,slangs and proverbs习语包括俗语,谚语和俚语IdiomA group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word.SlangVery informal , sometimes offensive , language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group.ProverbA shot well-known statement that gives advice or expresses something that is generally true.The ways for translationLiteral translation 直译法Corresponding translation 套译法Explanation translation 释义法Free translation 意译法在具体操作过程中,这几种方法是相互兼顾,相互补充的。
1. Translation of English Idioms习语的翻译1.1直译法不违背译文语言规范,不引起错误联想,能保持英语习语的比喻、形象、民族特色、地方习惯的译法。
a die-hard死硬派think tank思想库time frame时间框架the hot line热线paper tiger纸老虎armed to the teeth武装到牙齿comfort woman慰安妇to burn one’s boats破釜沉舟to fan the flame(s)煽风点火to turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻to have a well-oiled tongue油腔滑调a gentleman’s agreement君子协定an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧Long absent, soon forgotten. 久别情疏Add fuel to the fire. 火上加油Run with the tail between the legs.夹着尾巴逃跑walls have ears 隔墙有耳Under one’s nose 在某人鼻子底下Packed like sardines 挤得像沙丁鱼罐头Sour grapes 酸葡萄The Trojan horse 特洛伊木马The heel of Achilles 阿基里斯的脚跟The sword of Damocles 悬在达摩克利斯头顶上的剑The cold / hot war 冷战/ 热战An olive branch 橄榄树枝The open-door policy 门户开放政策The most-favored-nation policy 最惠国条款Shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交A cat has nine lives 猫有九命Blood is thicker that water 血浓于水Barking dogs do not bite 吠狗不咬人A rolling stone gathers no moss 滚石不生苔1.2. Corresponding Translation 套译法用译文语言里的同义习语去套译原文中的习语的一种翻译方法套译法实际上也属于归化译法(domestication),但这种套译的机会不是很多。

Translation of Idioms
• 在语言的发展过程中,人们经过长期的社会实践 提炼出一些固定的短语或短句,这就是习语,也 是语言的精华,是人们智慧的结晶。 • 英语习语从广义上讲,包括俗语 (colloquialism)、谚语(proverb)、俚语 (slang expression)等。
• 习语大多短小精悍、言简意赅、生动形象、通俗 意懂,是广大人民所喜闻乐见的一种形象化的语 言,不仅具有浓郁的民族和地方色彩,还集中体 现了语言中的各种修辞手法。因此在翻译习语时, 除了要忠实地表达出原文的含义外,还应该尽可 能地保留原文的丰富联想、形象比喻以及地方色 彩等。 • 英语的习语翻译通常采用四种方法:直译法、直 译加注法、套译法和意译法。
• 五、英语习语翻译中值得注意的问题
• 英语习语的译文并不是唯一的。 英语习语的译文并不是唯一的。 • 英汉两种语言的习语中有许多带有浓厚的民族色 或者包含某些人名和地名, 彩,或者包含某些人名和地名,这些习语在英汉 两种语言中通常是不能互相替换的。 两种语言中通常是不能互相替换的。 • 英语习语的翻译不可望文生义。 英语习语的翻译不可望文生义。 • 准确理解英语习语,弄清褒贬之分。 准确理解英语习语,弄清褒贬之分。
• 一、直译法
• • • • • 采用直译的习语多半是英语和汉语在比喻和形 象方面基本相同的 to add fuel to the flames 火上加油 to be on thin ice 如履薄冰 walls have ears 隔墙有耳 a stony heart 铁石心肠
• 二、直译加注法 • 有些习语还含有比喻意义、象征意义或历史典故 等,在翻译的时候一般要在其后加注进行解释。 • Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪(假慈 悲) • The tower of ivory 象牙塔(脱离现实 的小天地) • Waterloo 滑铁卢(惨败的事件) • Wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼 (伪善的敌人)
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Unit 11) Burn the midnight oil熬夜读书,开夜车To study or work until late at night.2) Hit the books用功读书,与熬夜无关To study, especially with particular intensity3) Do back-breaking work劳累至极腰酸背痛的工作To do some physically difficult work and makes you very tired.4) Work like a dog拼命工作To work very hard.5) Fall down on the job敷衍了事,没做好工作Be incapable for a work.6) Work one’s fingers to the bone非常努力的工作To work very hard.Unit 21) Be a breeze像一缕清风一样很容易做 A thing that is easy to do.2) Have a green thumb擅长园艺To be good at gardening.3) Be easy as pie小菜一碟,小事一桩To be very easy.4) Have a golden touch点石成金,无所不能It means that you can do anything that you want to do.5) Have two left feet笨手笨脚To be very awkward in your movements, especially when you are dancing or playing a sport.6) Have a nose for something善于发现某物,有洞察力To be perspective and good at discovering.Unit 31) Down to earth脚踏实地,实事求是To do something with no illusions or pretensions, sensible and practical. 2) Think one is god’s gift to mankind自以为了不起,自负To think oneself is really something in some areas; conceited.3) Show off炫耀To show one’s ability with pride to anyone.4) Put someone in someone’s place安分守己To make someone do his own duty and abide by the law.5) Put on airs摆架子,摆谱It means someone is conceited in order to show his identity.6) Blow one’s own horn自吹自擂,自我吹嘘To brag about oneself.Unit 4言归于好,和解,摒弃前嫌To stop being unfriendly and become friends again.2) Button one’s lips一言不发,守口如瓶To refuse to talk and be silenced.3) Flow with the tide跟风,紧随潮流To keep following someone or the trend.4) Hold one’s tongue保持沉默,不开口To say nothing about something and stay silent.5) Let sleeping dogs lie别无事生非,招惹麻烦To avoid mentioning a subject or something that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments.6) Mind one’s own business少管闲事,管好自己To concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others.7) Rock the boat捣乱To do something that upsets a situation and causes problems.8) See eye to eye看法完全一致,完全同意To share the same views as somebody about something.Unit 51) Face up to something勇敢的面对To accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant.2) Point one’s finger at someone指责某人To accuse somebody .3) Leave someone high and dry使某人很无助To leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless.4) Shoulder the responsibility能够承担责任To take responsibility.5) Pass the buck推卸责任To shirk the responsibility.6) Worm out of something推卸摆脱某事To get rid of somethingUnit 61) All or nothing孤注一掷的,没有商量余地 A situation which will end either in complete success or complete failureHaving no middle position or compromise available2) Meet someone halfway向某人妥协To compromise to somebody3) Give-and-take妥协,互让,互相迁就To have an exchange of views on some topic in order to make mutual concessions 4) Middle-of-the-road折中的办法,折中之计 A compromising solution that can be accepted by most people5) Stick to one’s guns固执己见To maintain one’s position or viewpoint when faced with opposition6) Find middle ground寻求找到一个中间立场 A set of opinions and decisions that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on1) Go through with经历困难而完成,把事情坚持到底To do something even though it may be very unpleasant or difficult for you2) Hang in there坚持,不气馁,不畏困难To maintain a course of action despite negative outlook; to persist; to subsist while keeping high spirits 3) Give up放弃To stop trying to do something4) Stick with坚持做某事To continue or persist; to stick to5) Sweat out努力的忍耐以达到某个目的To work very hard to achieve somethingUnit 81) Be a copycat模仿别人To imitate or copy others2) Cut the apron strings摆脱依赖,独立生活To be or become impossible to manage or to control3) Be a yes-man唯唯诺诺的人To be a person who always agrees with people in authority in order to gain their approval.4) Have a mind of one’s own自有主见,能够独立思考To have one’s own idea and think independently5) Be on one’s own独立自主,不依靠他人To be independent6) Lead someone by the nose牵着别人的鼻子走,完全控制别人To have a full control of somebody7) Stand on one’s own two feet独立自主,自力更生To be independentUnit 91) Be as cool as a cucumber表示非常冷静,毫不紧张。
To be very calm and controlled, especially in a difficult situation2) Go to pieces崩溃,心碎 A person who is so upset or afraid that you cannot manage to live or work normally 3) Be as tough as nails1、冷酷无情2、坚定不移Very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situationsNot feeling or showing any emotion4) Hold one’s head up高傲,昂头,扬眉吐气. To be proud of or not feel ashamed about something that you have done5) Keep one’s chin up不灰心,不气馁,不屈服To tell somebody to try to stay cheerful even though they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation 6) Fall apart崩溃瓦解破碎To be in very bad condition so that parts are breaking off.7) Pull oneself together振作起来To become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused1) Be hot-headed急躁,容易发怒的To be a person who often acts too quickly, without thinking of what might happen.2) Blow up爆炸,大怒,大发脾气To get angry with somebody3) Count to ten控制情绪使自己冷静To keep one’s emotions under control4) Grit one’s teeth咬牙切齿To clench one's teeth together tightly because of pain or anger or frustration 5) Reach the boiling point受够了,达到忍耐的极限后大怒The point at which anger or excitement breaks out into violent expression.6) Hold one’s temper捺住性子To control one’s temptUnit 111) Be cool toward someone对某人漠视无情To leave somebody in the cold2) Icy stare冰冷的眼神3) Give someone the cold shoulder对人冷漠,冷待某人To treat somebody in an unfriendly way4) Turn one’s back on someone不愿意帮助某人,不提供帮助给某人Be unwilling to help somebody5) Turn one’s nose up at someone拒绝某人To refuse somebody or someone’s suggestions6) Welcome someone with open arms非常欢迎某人To welcome someone warmly and happilyUnit 121) Be a loner字面意识为成为孤家寡人,寓意为不合作To prefer to be alone rather than with a group of people2) Brainstorm集体研讨,集思广益 A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems 3) Join forces联合力量To work together in order to achieve a shared aim4) Pool one’s resources集资,集合资源To collect5) Go it alone独立的,单边的,不听别人意见To do something without help from anyone6) Put heads together一起讨论问题To think about or discuss something as a group7) Lend a hand帮忙,助一臂之力To help somebody8) Two heads are better than one。