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文章通过中间业务全面业绩评价模型,针对总行、分行或营业部等经营中心的考核需要,借鉴和运用BSC、 EVA和AHP的理念,通过以中间业务为特色的业绩评价信息系统设计、构建,并经L银行问卷调查、财报数据、内部数据实证检验和评价后发现,其能够适应商业银行对中间业务的考核要求,能够为L银行提供多维度、可操作的中间业务业绩评价方

%The rapid growth of intermediary business of commercial banks led to the hysteresis of their performance evaluation methods. Thus, it has practical value to propose a comprehensive performance evaluation model of intermediary business of commercial banks. In view of the assessment requirements of branches or business department centers, the paper applies the concepts of BSC, EVA and AHP and conducts the survey, financial report data and internal data
of the L bank by empirical testing and evaluation through the design, build, test and evaluation of information system of the model mentioned above. The results show that the comprehensive performance evaluation model of intermediary business is able to adapt to the assessment requirements of
intermediary business of commercial banks. Meantime, the comprehensive performance evaluation model is able to provide multi-dimensional and actionable intermediate business performance evaluation methods for the L bank and to provide the specific suggestions for improving the comprehensive performance.
【作者单位】大连理工大学博士后流动站,辽宁大连 116024; 大连银行博士后工作站,辽宁大连 116001;海能达通信公司财务部,广东深圳 518057; 东北财经大学会计学院,辽宁大连 116025;东北财经大学会计学院,辽宁大连 116025
1.基于竞争驱动视角的商业银行非利息收入与净利差——来自我国商业银行的经验证据 [J], 万伦来;王文一
2.企业三维业绩评价体系的构建与检验——来自我国A股上市公司的经验证据 [J], 谢志华;吴良海;王峰娟
3.我国商业银行高层薪酬业绩敏感性研究——来自银行业上市公司的经验证据 [J], 宋涛;陈晓慧
4.CEO薪酬激励、行政经历对商业银行风险承担的实证研究——来自A股上市商业银行的经验证据 [J], 刘坤;孙英隽
5.基于竞争驱动视角的商业银行非利息收入与净利差——来自我国商业银行的经验证据 [J], 万伦来;王文一
