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CV: curriculum vitae a short written document that lists your education and
previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job
leungwong 制作
z Both candidates have excellent CVs, so they’re promising on paper; what
we have to do is judge their potential performance at interview.
on the whole generally speaking; considering the most important or the
z So, in principle, then, we are agreed on the new proposals. We now have to study them in depth before reading a final decision.
leungwong 制作
e 书编辑部

Hale Waihona Puke everyone goes home at 18:00.
z In practice, equity exists only as a mathematical phenomenon.
nine times out of ten almost always
z Nine times out of ten our customers are completely satisfied.
z It seems a good idea, but I think on the whole I’d prefer not to make an
immediate decision. It’s an important matter and I’d like to reflect on it, in

Business Idioms-Part I
Speaking Generally
as a rule usually(but not always) z I don’t as a rule interview clients after five, although I do make an exception for urgent cases. z As a rule, we deliver within seven days of receipt of order. z We prefer payment in $US or DM(德国马克) as a rule.
loans on time; put differently, the relatively few fraudsters and bad
b payers are the exceptions that prove the rule. u z Tests have shown that this product lasts at least three times longer than l other similar products, so it is quite an exception to the rule. c for the most part mainly; generally; largely; in the majority of cases or t instances; on the whole u z That’s an interesting idea. For the most part I agree with you, but I have p my doubts about a couple of points.
z Our clients are not rich, for the most part. z For the most part, staffs remain with the company for at least five years. to hold good to continue to be consistently or constantly correct, true, valid or applicable [Also to hold true] z Does the offer you made the last week still hold good? z The conditions which gave rise to easy profits over the last three years no
majority of factors
[Same as for the most part]
z On the whole, last year was successful, with profits up by eight percent in
spite of difficulties in the market.
l on paper in theory; if judged from the written evidence c z The new printed circuit board design looks good on paper, however, it t remains to seen whether it will work in reality. u z According to its brochure, the company has offices in 15 countries, so on p paper it’s a well-established multinational.
e 书编辑部

Business Idioms-Part I
The nature of things
as such in or by its nature; considered alone; (in) itself [Also means in that capacity or function]
m part of some expected or normal type, pattern or rule z The last few years have been difficult ones for the company. As we have o seen from the last annul report and accounts, last year proved no .c exception. z The notice says, ‘Helmets must be worn on the construction site.’ I take it b that you can read, but you’re not wearing a helmet-so what makes you u think you’re any exception?
m what is usual etc.
[Also an exception to the rule someone or something which differs from the
o usual, the normal or some principle, rule or theory] .c z Bankers will confirm that most customers are honest and repay their
z The bank will be pleased to offer your company a loan or overdraft facility. As usual, the directors will be asked to sign the necessary documents.
the exception proves the rule something which differs from the usual, the normal, or some principle, rule or theory and yet, by the same token, reinforces
case I have second thoughts.
overdraft: the amount of money you owe to a bank when you have spent more
money than you had in your account
fraudster: someone who has committed a fraud
longer hold good. z Some scientific and other principles established over 2000 years ago still
hold true today. in principle as a general idea or principle, but without considering details or practical possibilities [Note: In principle is occasionally used as an adjective as in an in-principle decision]
as usual as always; in the normal or accustomed way; following a normal pattern
z An annual bonus will be paid as to employees who have performed well this year.
z If you want to reach me between 19:00 and 20:00, nine times out of ten
you’ll find me at the Café Espejo in Recoletos. no exception or (not) any exception thing or person following or forming

Business Idioms-Part I
z I can say, ‘yes’, in principle, now, as long as you understand that this is
subject to checking that importing your product is not against our import
z In theory, this machine could be converted to run on a different fuel,
although in practice this would be expensive.
z Yes, we work hard-the office is open until 17:00 although in practice
in theory/in practice what should be correct according to some rule or
principle, in contrast with the actual situation
[Note: in theory and in practical may be used separately]