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1-3今日发展 Today's development
海洋资源得天独厚,近海海域占渤海和黄 海总面积的37%,滩涂 面积占全国的15%。近海栖息和洄游的鱼 虾类达260多种,主要经济鱼类有40多种, 浅海贝类百种以上。其中,对虾、扇贝、 鲍鱼、刺参、海胆等海珍品的产量均居全 国首位。此外,山东已建成多处大中型盐 场,是全国四大海盐产地之一,山东还有 可供养殖的内陆水域面积400多万亩,淡 水植物40多种,淡水鱼类70多种

市中—济州古城· 运河之都 任城—风姓古国· 运河之滨· 有仁之城 兖州—九州古城· 齐鲁咽喉 曲阜—东方圣城· 孔子故里 邹城—邹鲁之邦· 孔孟诞地 嘉祥—中国孝城 · 曾子故里· 中国石雕之乡 微山—中国荷都· 微子故里 梁山—中华武术之乡· 水浒英雄故地 鱼台—鱼米之乡· 孝贤故里 金乡—中国诚信之乡· 中国大蒜之乡 泗水—中国泉乡· 圣源泗水 汶上—千年佛都· 古之中都
Hereinafter referred to as \"lu\", in shandong province according to shandong for is in the east of taihang mountain. Located in China's east coast, is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, east is near yellow sea, the north shore of bohai sea, the province consists of a peninsula and the inland. Belongs to warm temperate zone monsoon climate, in shandong province warm, humid heat and water conditions, compared with latitude inland areas is better. Climate characteristics: dry and windy spring, hot and rainy summer, autumn day high air, dry and cold in winter. ShengJing sufficient sunlight, uneven distribution of rainfall season, the summer rain heat over the same period, good for agricultural production. River in shandong province is more, the Yellow River is the largest river in shandong province, across the Yellow River, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal is the second longest river in shandong province
2.功能分析 Functional analysis:
2-1功能分析 Analysis 2-2全方位研究Comprehensive research
3.设计说明 Design specification:
3-1设计思想 Design ideas 3-2创作思路 Creative thinking 3-3 效果图 Rendering
姓名:侯东洋 学号:201010040315 班级:环艺一班 指导老师:李学
目录 Directory
功能配置研究 Function configuration 魅力家乡之
1.背景 Background:
1-1地理位置 Geographical location 1-2历史文化 History and culture 1-3今日发展 Today's development 1-4基地特征 Base features
Base features
新一轮的文化旅游项目突出地域特色,代表着山 东旅游产业未来的竞争力。青岛的邮轮高端项目 开发已经破题。烟台、威海的海岛旅游开发吸引 众多投资。日照的海上运动项目及渔家乐、赶海 园等海上民俗项目红红火火。东营、潍坊、滨州 等市正以实施黄河三角洲高效生态经济区国家战 略为契机,高水平规划建设一批国家级生态旅游 示范项目。临沂市着力发挥红色旅游资源富集优 势,以孟良崮等一批红色经典旅游项目为重点, 打造红色旅游基地
A new round of cultural tourism projects highlight the local characteristics and represents the future competitiveness of shandong tourism industry. Qingdao cruise high-end projects development has presentation. Amplification Yantai, weihai attracts a lot of investment in island tourism development. Rizhao sea sports and fishermen's music, beach combing garden thriving maritime customs project. Dongying, weifang, binzhou city is to implement the strategy of the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone countries as an opportunity, a high level plan to construct a batch of national-level eco-tourism demonstration project. Linyi city focus on giving full play to the advantages of red tourism resources enrichment, a batch of red classics such as Meng Lianggu tourism projects as the key point, red tourism base
migratory fish and shrimp and a class of 260 kinds of main economic fish species are more than 40, more than one hundred kinds of shallow Marine shellfish. Among them, prawns, scallops, abalone, trepang, sea urchins and other Marine products production are the first in the nation. Moreover, shandong has completed several large and mediumsized saltworks, is one of the four sea salt producing area, shandong and inland waters available for breeding area of more than 400, ten thousand acres, water plants, more than 40, more than 70 kinds of freshwater fish
山东省简称“鲁”,因处于太行山之东而 称山东。位于中国东部沿海,地处黄河下 游,东临黄海,北滨渤海,全省包括半岛 和内陆两部分。 山东属暖温带季风气候,全省温暖湿润, 水热条件较同纬度内陆地区更佳。气候特 点是:春季干旱多风,夏季炎热多雨,秋 季天高气爽,冬季干燥寒冷。省境光照充 足,降水季节分配不均,夏季雨热同期, 对农业生产有利。 山东省河流较多,黄河是山东省内最大的 河流,京杭大运河横过黄河,是山东省的 第二大河
1-2历史文化 History and culture
• 说道山东历史文化的简介,不得不提到的就是山东省有许 多美丽的自然风光和享誉中外的名胜古迹。中国的第二大 河——黄河,也在山东省境内。山东省的人民对黄河的感 情十分深厚,我想,这也许是跟黄河被称为母亲河的缘故 吧分不开的吧。山东省曲阜市还是“儒家”代表人物孔子 孟子的故乡,曲阜有着独特的儒家思想文化的氛围。曲阜 特地建造了孔府、孔庙、孔林,“三孔”也被世人称作 “曲阜三孔”。使得风光秀丽、似如仙境的淄博被中外大 众所熟知。山东还有一个好地方,那就是“滨海明珠”青 岛。也为它积累了深厚的文化。也因为距海近,交通方便, 气候适宜,所以外国游客十分喜爱青岛。在山东游玩,人 们会深深的感觉到自己仿佛行走在历史的长河中,引人入 胜,使得游客流连忘返。 山东省不仅仅是人们眼中的“齐鲁大地”,同是也是一 个有名的旅游胜地 Said shandong history and culture, have to mention is the shandong province has many beautiful natural scenery and world-famous scenic spots and historical sites. The Yellow River, China's second longest river, is also in shandong province. Shandong province people's feelings for the Yellow River is very deep, I think, perhaps this is because with the Yellow River is known as the mother river of the inseparable. Shandong QuFuShi or "Confucian" the home of Confucius, mencius, the representative of qufu Confucian school has a unique cultural atmosphere. Qufu specially built of Confucius, Confucius temple, konglin was suggested, "three holes" is also called "QuFuSan hole". Makes the beautiful scenery, like a wonderland of zibo was known by Chinese and foreign public. There is also a good place in shandong, that is "binhai pearl" of Qingdao. Also accumulated the profound culture for it. Also because of the sea, the transportation is convenient, the climate is suitable, so foreign tourists like Qingdao very much. In shandong, people can deeply feel like walking in the long river of history, fascinating, make tourists linger. Shandong province is not only people's eyes ", "the land of qilu, is also a famous tourist resort
1.背景 Background:

• • • 1-1地理位置 1-2历史文化 1-3今日发展 1-4基地特征 Geographical location History and culture Today's development Base features
1-1地理位置 Geographical location