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【摘要】在山东诸城库沟、龙骨涧、西见屯集群恐龙化石埋藏层——上白垩统王氏群辛格庄组与红土崖组中,发现存在脆性、塑性及液化等多种类型的软沉积物变形构造,主要包括负载构造、球一枕构造、挤入构造(火焰构造)、液化卷曲变形、液化脉状构造、混插沉积构造及地震断裂等典型的粗碎屑沉积物形成的古地震记录.多层的软沉积物变形构造及未变形沉积层间互出现,反映晚白垩世诸城地区地震活动频繁,地震活动具有多期性、间歇性及活动能量强-弱转换的脉动性.泥石流、洪泛平原沉积层中埋藏了大规模、顺层分布的恐龙(鸭嘴龙)骨骼化石,其中砂砾岩物源主要来自盆地南缘下白垩统的莱阳组和青山组.多层的古地震软沉积物变形构造层之间夹持着恐龙化石埋藏层,可能与盆地南缘诱发泥石流、埋藏大规模恐龙骨骼的突发性、强能量地震事件有关.%Various and complex styles of soft-sediment deformation structures were recognized in the Upper Cretaceous of the Kugou-Longgujian-Xijiantun district at southwestern area of Zhucheng in Jiaolai Basin, which was located in Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China. Many types of brittle, plastic and lique fied soft-sediment deformation structures were found including load structure, ball-pillow structure, injec tion structure (flame structure), liquefied deformation, liquefied vein, mixed plunge structure, minor earthquake fault. These deformation structures were typically formed by coarse sediments during palaeo
earthquake event. Multi-bed soft-sediment deformation interclated with non-deformed beds, which indicate the earthquakes of the Late Cretaceous in Zhucheng were frequent, multi-stage, periodic and of strong-weak changing. Large scale dinosaur ( hadrosaurs) fossils were found in coarse sediments from flood plain and debris flows were mainly from the Lower Cretaceous Laiyang and Qingshan Formations in the southern margin of the basin. Dinosaur fossils buried layer among the structural deformation layers of multi-layer palaeoearthquake soft-sediment deformation may be related with the sudden, strong energetic seismic events which lead to the mud-rock flow burying large scale dinosaur skeletons.
1.山东诸城地区晚白垩世恐龙化石特征及恐龙集群死亡分析 [J], 王博文;陈彬
2.山东诸城晚白垩世恐龙化石埋藏学研究 [J], 旷红伟;张艳霞;柳永清;董超;彭楠;许
3.山东诸城早白垩世莱阳期古地震事件与恐龙迁移 [J], 何碧竹;乔秀夫;田洪水;张艳霞
4.山东诸城晚白垩世王氏群恐龙化石层碎屑锆石定年和物源示踪 [J], 安伟;旷红伟;柳永清;彭楠;许克民;许欢;章朋;王克柏;陈树清
5.胶东诸城晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石地球化学及埋藏学研究 [J], 旷红伟;许克民;柳永清;董超;彭楠;王克柏;陈树清;张艳霞
