Unit 4 sharing (reading)

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2. Were the boys friendly to Jo? How do you know? There are a lot of “good mornings” for Jo from the boys. 3. How long does it take the students to go to school? Sometimes up to 2 hours

Reading-II----detailed reading (5m)

Read Paragraph 4-7 and finish the chart
Type of houses Family relationships Diet Possessions

Cooking methods Sleeping arrangement

Part 1(Paragraph 1) : An introduction What Jo is going to write about. Part 2(Paragraph 2-3): The condition of the school
Para. 2: What Jo’s school is like Para. 3: Poor teaching conditions

What do you know about Papua New Guinea?

Location: situated to the north of Australia Population: about 5.7 million Language: English as the official language Pidgin English as the language for communication Economy: a poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a living. Education: About 85% of children start school but only about 60% of these reach Year 5

Part 4 (Paragraph 8):

The ending

Why Jo has to stop writing

1. Why does Jo call the high school a “bush school” Because the classrooms are made from bamboo and the roofs from grass.
Everyone seemed to be a Family relative ________of Tombe’s . (large relationships

extended family)

Cooking methods

Hot ________ stones are placed in an oil drum then vegetables _______, _________ are placed in the drum, covered with banana leaves and _________. steamed ____________ Kiak usually slept in her own hut A newly made ________. platform ______ for Jenny and me to sleep on.

Sharing is enjoying
What did Jo share with her students? classroom electricity water science lab textbooks experiment equipment

challenging Teaching is quite ________________. imaginative Jo should be quite _______________.


Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.

What does the word “ volunteer” mean? In groups, discuss whether someone who helps the groups on the survey form can be called a “volunteer.” People who help others in their community or

beauties. There are more trees and

5. What can you say about life in the
village? People in the village lived a simple life.

Read the new words

Reading-I----skimming (2m)

Answer the questions

4. Why was science the most challenging subject for Jo? There was no equipment.

5. Why did the boys start jumping out of the windows? The boys never came across anything like the bubbling mixture. 6. Why does Jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids? Because most of the boys will go back to their villages after year 8 and she thinks chemistry may make little difference to the kids’ life.

What can you say about the village? What can you say about life in the village?

4. What can you say about the village?
The village was a place full of natural

1. What was Jo’s job in PNG? 2. What kind of students were in her class? 3. Describe the classrooms.

1. What was Jo’s job in PNG? Jo was a teacher in PNG. 2. What kind of students were in her class? Boys who were as young as we are. 3. What were the classrooms like? The classrooms are very poor, made from bamboo and grass.


outside their community would be called
volunteers. However, they would not be calቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱed

volunteers if they help their parents, other
relatives or friends.

Skim the text for 2 minutes and answer the following questions.

What was Jo’s job in PNG? Jo was a volunteer teacher in PNG
What is the letter mainly about? It’a about Jo’s experience as a volunteer teacher and her first visit to a village in PNG.

6. _________ The boys started jumping out the windows during a chemistry experiment. 7. _____________ Jenny and Jo visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. Kiak started crying “ieee ieee” to 8. _______ welcome them. 9. _________ Mucap led us to a low bamboo hut. 10. _________ was going to share the Kiak platform with Jenny and Jo. 11.Tombe’s ____________ family softly talked to each other in their language Jo didn’t understand.

Fill in the following blanks with the proper names

1. _______ Jo is a young Australian women. 2. Rosemary _________ was dying to hear all about Jo’s life in Papua New Guinea. 3. _________ The boys walked a long way to get to the school. The boys and Jo 4. _________________ didn’t have any textbooks. Jo became a lot more imaginative 5. _____ when teaching.

PNG’s national flag and national emblem(国徽)

PNG’s paper currency

houses made of bamboo and grass

the tribe (部落)

the villagers

Pre-reading (2m)

Jo was a volunteer worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. The following photos were taken by Jo in PNG. Look at the photos and answer the questions.

Part 3 (Paragraph 4-7): A visit to a local family
Para 4. Jo’s first visit to a village Para 5. What the hut was like outside and inside Para 6. How the villagers cooked their meals Para 7. Jo said goodbye to the villagers

Agriculture Beliefs

Types of houses

Men’s hut is a _____________ low bamboo hut sticking out of the roof withgrass ____________________. windows doorway Floor No _____, small _______. fresh grass was covered with ___________.
Unit 4 sharing

What’s your understanding of sharing?

Sharing is …

Sharing is smiling.

Sharing is helping. Sharing is enjoying. Sharing is understanding. Sharing is perfecting.