2015年1月11日河北滦县ML 3.3震群震兆分析
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2015年1月11日河北滦县ML 3.3震群震兆分析
【摘要】2015年1月11日河北滦县发生ML 3.3震群,可定位地震200余次。
精定位和震源机制解显示,此次ML 3.3震群发生在卢龙断裂中段4级地震空段内,3月22日发生的ML 3.2地震及其余震活动已非1月11日ML 3.3震群的持续发展。
%There is aML 3.3 earthquake swarm occurred in Luanxian,Hebei Province on January 11, 2015, which can locate earthquakes more than 200 times. We discuss the earthquake swarm and prediction of subsequent strong aftershocks using a variety of traditional and digital methods, such as the sequence parameters, the accurate location, the focal mechanism, the analogy with historical earthquake activity, the seismogenic structure and so on. The result shows that the earthquake swarm is still aftershocks of old earthquake, does not have the characters of foreshock sequence and typical precursory earthquake swarm. Tangshan as the aftershock window has not reached the window index. The accurate location results and focal mechanism solutions shows that theML 3.3 earthquake swarm occurred within earthquake empty
section ofM 4, earthquakes after theML 3.2 earthquake on March 22th has not sustained development of this earthquake swarm.
1.2016年1月9日怀来震群序列震兆意义综合分析 [J], 张素欣;王晓山;王想;王亚茹;宫猛;陈婷
3.3震群发震原因初步研究 [J], 李丽;刘剑;吴昊昱;宋美琴;吕芳
3.前震序列与前兆震群及非前兆震群的计算机识别 [J], 李大鹏;林邦慧
4.2015年河北滦县震群发震机理分析 [J], 谭毅培;邓莉;曹井泉;单连君
5.临河断陷盆地震群活动的震兆特征及预报效能分析 [J], 曹井泉;章瑞;李惠萍;闫海滨