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1.The tree is very ________.
2.My ________ (玩具名称) can do flips and tricks.
3.My grandfather tells __________ (有趣的) jokes.
4.The __________ (人际关系) are important for happiness.
5.What sound does a cow make?
A. Meow
B. Moo
C. Bark
D. Quack答案: B
6. A __________ can provide insights into natural disasters.
7.The car is ___. (parked)
8.ts can grow in ______ (极限) conditions. Some pla
9. A cute ___ (小狗) is barking in the park.
10.The snapping turtle can bite very _________ (痛).
11.What do we call the practice of growing plants in water?
A. Hydroponics
B. Aeroponics
C. Aquaculture
D. Soil cultivation
12.The raccoon is known for its _______ (灵活).
13.My dad loves to be called ______ during family gatherings. (我爸爸喜欢在家庭聚会上被称为。

14.I believe that everyone has the potential to make a difference in the _______ (社会).
15.The Amazon River is located in _______.
16. A rainbow is formed by light bending in ______.
17.The weather is ________ today.
18.My friend is a _____ (艺术家) who paints landscapes.
19.The __________ (历史的回想) brings clarity.
20.I bought a new ________ (背包).
21.The park is very ________.
22.What is the name of the famous tower in Pisa, Italy?
A. Leaning Tower of Pisa
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Burj Khalifa
D. Big Ben 答案: A
23.What do you call the place where you can watch live performances?
A. Theater
B. Gallery
C. Museum
D. Arena答案: A
24.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
A. Big Ben
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Leaning Tower
D. Colosseum答案:A
25.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me with my math skills.
26.rain shadow) is an area receiving less rain. The ____
27.Changes in the Earth's atmosphere can affect ______ patterns.
28.The __________ (历史的文化传递) enriches society.
29.The ______ (温度) can affect plant development.
30.My dad loves to teach me about __________ (历史).
31.The dolphin communicates using _________. (声音)
32.She _____ (cooks/cleans) dinner every night.
33.geothermal) energy comes from the Earth's heat. The ____
34.The giraffe has a long ________.
35.What do bees make?
A. Milk
B. Honey
C. Butter
D. Sugar答案:B
36.The _______ is important for pollination and growth.
37.The smallest particle of an element is an ______.
38.The main component of RNA is _____.
39.In _____ (摩洛哥), you can visit the Atlas Mountains.
40.The _____ (环境友好) practices benefit both plants and animals.
41.The country that has a maple syrup tradition is ________ (加拿大).
42.Bees play an important role in ______ (授粉).
43. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by filtration.
44.The __________ (历史的见解分享) fosters collaboration.
45. A sinkhole is a depression formed when the ground ______.
46.The sparrow builds its _______ (巢) in trees.
47.I love to ________ books at night.
48.The chemical symbol for indium is ______.
49.The country famous for its chocolates is ________ (瑞士).
50.She has a beautiful __________.
51.What do we call the part of a tree that grows underground?
A. Trunk
B. Branch
C. Leaf
D. Root答案: D. Root
52.The movie was very ________ (有趣).
53.My pet dog loves to go for a _________ (散步).
54. A reaction that produces gas can create ________.
55.The chemical symbol for germanium is __________.
56.The bat comes out at _______ (黄昏).
57.Which gas do we breathe in?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Helium答案:A
58.I think it’s fun to go ________ (赶集) on weekends.
59.The grass is ___. (green)
60. A ______ is a geographical area characterized by specific features.
61.The __________ is known for its historic buildings.
62.The bee buzzes around _____.
63.The _____ (海豹) often basks in the sun on the rocks.
64.The boy plays the ________.
65.What do you wear on your feet?
A. Hat
B. Gloves
C. Shoes
D. Scarf答案:C
66.The _______ can provide food for people and animals.
67.She is _____ (跳舞) happily.
68.I love to watch ________ (综艺节目) on weekends.
69.I want to _______ (学习) how to bake.
70.The Milky Way is shaped like a ______.
71.I love to paint my toy ____ in bright colors. (玩具名称)
72.The __________ is a famous area known for its historic battles.
73.The process of filtration is used to separate ______ mixtures.
74.My __________ (玩具名) is my favorite __________ (名词) when I travel.
75.We are going to _______ a new place this summer.
76.I have a _____ (trophy) for my team.
77.I think music brings people together. My favorite song is __________.
78.What do we call a plant that grows in water?
A. Terrestrial
B. Aquatic
C. Marine
D. Hydroponic答案: B
79.I enjoy making _________ (手工艺品) using my old _________ (玩具).
80.The __________ was a major event in the history of the United States. (独立战争)
81._____ (tropical) plants thrive in warm climates.
82.The fish swims in the ______ (water).
83.What is the opposite of "happy"?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Excited
D. Tired答案:A
84.What do we call the main character in a movie?
A. Lead
B. Supporting actor
C. Extra
D. Director答案: A. Lead
85.What is the capital of South Korea?
A. Busan
B. Seoul
C. Incheon
D. Daegu答案:B
86.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her powerful ballads?
A. Celine Dion
B. Adele
C. Mariah Carey
D. Whitney Houston答案:D
87.The cheetah is the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 miles per ________________ (小时).
88.My brother always makes me ____.
89.The chemical formula for glucose is _______.
90.She has a blue ___. (dress)
91.How many legs does a dog have?
A. Two
B. Four
C. Six
D. Eight答案: B
92.The ancient civilization of ________ is revered for its cultural heritage.
93. A kitten plays with a ______ (线).
94.The parrot can learn to _______ (说话) easily.
95.I want to travel to ________ (日本) one day.
96.The book is on the ___. (shelf)
97. A _____ is a small body that orbits a planet.
98.The chemical symbol for iodine is ______.
99. A ______ is a type of mixture that contains tiny particles that do not settle.
100.What do you call a person who is trained to help others with mental health issues?
A. Psychologist
B. Counselor
C. Therapist
D. All of the above答案: D。
